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Another Tangentrant (Because The Last One Wasn't Satisfying Enough)




Well it seems like RRU has become more active since the last update due to people having RRU withdraw. RRU is like a drug, a good drug. You get hooked to it and when it goes away, you turn into a zombie and start gnawing people's heads off. Oh wait, that seems to be the norm today. Carry on!

Now with the status updates gone, I will be forced to put my random junk in the blogs (oh yes!). If you disagree, I will poke you with a stick and hang you over a fire. Because I'm hungry. That instant soup is not satisfying.

Soooo it seems that nobody s online, and my class begins in 10 minutes. What else was I going to rant about...

Oh yes! I have found a puzzle. Why are there so many furries/bronies on RRU if RRU is a site about the rock raiders LEGO franchise? Could it be that legos are furries are somehow linked? Maybe our ancestors linked bricks with fuzzy animals because. Another theory, is that everyone here is abnormal, and it's just luck that alot of furries decided to move here.

Still, I joined because I was looking for cheat codes for the game, and I despise furry animals (I always have). I also despise my little pony, but every time I make a strong point about it, the bronies gang up on me and I feel very uncomfortable (I went on /b/ to troll and the amount of pony lovers on there was unbelievable! I about died after my first trolling attempt). My conclusion: hit them when they're weak

Expect more rants!



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I'm going with the "most RRU members are abnormal", cause that's what I noticed, too.

LEGO Rock Raiders has the weirdest fanbase out of any game.

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I completely agree with the whole "RRU fans are a weird bunch, indeed" thing.

Or maybe it's just RRU.

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