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I Can't Take It Anymore. To Hell With This.

Aki Dazrold



Objective two doesn't even seem worth my time anymore. I therefore have no further reason to be here.

In other words, I'm leaving this forum. The explanation is as follows:

Over the years, RRU has been, to cite a common metaphor, going downhill. There were a number of things along the way that I had nothing but distaste for, but what happened on the third anniversary site release (Which I will refer to as RRU3 from now on) was the final straw. The only reason I've stuck around for this long was to tie up two loose ends, but as I have already mentioned, the other loose end is no longer worth my time to tie up.

The following are greivances I have against the actions taken on RRU3:

1) Despite what you ignorant fools who think they know everything will believe, this is in fact greivance number one, and the place I drew the first line: The VIP forum being changed to "Cool Kids". This is implied elitism. The VIP members deserved their title because they provided financial aid to the website and/or legitamately won an RRU official competition. Some people, like Matt and Baz, deserved it also because they were nothing but helpful to the site as a whole. But the fact that it was renamed to "Cool Kids" IN ADDITION to being set visible to the public- granted the public was unable to access it, but the fact that they could see it at all is my point- was nothing less than an error.

2) Removal of status updates. Your excuses for doing this- and "excuses" is exactly what they were- were laughable and hilariously sarcastic. The only legitamate case you brought up was the part about people posting for attention and to rant about minecraft griefers. Removing the medium will not make this stop. Besides, everyone is sick of people who just want attention. That's life. You need to deal with it- but in a logical way. This action was nowhere close.

3) Removal of Forum Games. Your excuses for doing this- and again, "excuses" is exactly what they were- were equally as laughable but rudely sarcastic. Your excuses for it's removal were that it was the most looked at, most posted in, and most irrelevant topic on the forum. For starters, that third excuse is an outright falsification. But seeing as the first thing you will say is "But that isn't what I/Cyrem said at all!", allow me to clarify: When the sarcasm is reversed, the excuse says something along the lines of 'was not helpful to modding LRR at all'. While this is true, it's the most terrible excuse for its removal of the three. By this logic, you should remove off-topic and LEGO Discussion in addition to the Project: Loco/Racers/Island subforums for the same reason. But that didn't happen. Why? Let's look at the other two excuses. How, pray tell, do you justify removing a subforum because it had the most posts/views? Because it subtracted posts from the other forums? That's the REAL reason you removed it, and that's of similarly poor quality to the three excuses you gave. Face it: Forum games was popular. You have essentially outlawed games on a site that was founded on games. You seem to be happy when your site gets hits, but you get picky because the posts go to a forum you didn't want them going to? Nice job, Mister Garrison*.

4) Masking the rediculous changes with a day of TF2. I like TF2, but this was so obviously a distraction that I intentionally didn't participate in the event for that precise reason, even though I had every chance to play.

5) Displaying every other member's IP address to the forum mods except your own. This violates logic that YOU YOURSELF HAVE PRESENTED, and it also doesn't make sense. I will address this in a tad more detail later.

As I said before, though, these are only the greivances I have against RRU3. My distaste extends much further back.

Most of this is actually the result of this site's impeccable knack to conveniently ignore anything important I have to say. It's as if the entire site has an unwritten code that whenever I open my mouth to say something important, the site responds with 'OMFG HE HAS SOMETHING IMPORTANT TO SAY! QUICK!!!!111 EVERYONE IGNORE HIM'.


After Katatonic joined (inb4alreadyknowwherethisisgoing) and the flood of pony began, Cyrem was quick to make a topic outlawing any further posting of pony pictures. However, Katatonic had already begun to limit how much pony he provided, knowing that Cyrem was growing angry with the borderline spam. I truly believe that had no administrative action been taken, the issue would have corrected itself and there would have been minimal conflict. But no. Cyrem jumped the gun and made said announcement in such a manner that it came across as nothing short of pure discrimination. I was somehow the only one who flipped s*** about it, and even likened it to the holocaust using a quotation for the sole purpose of getting the point across. But what happened instead?


I kept quiet, as nobody flipped their s*** except me. The rest of RRU allowed the s*** to stay unflipped and burn on one side.

When Forum Games first came under fire with the "Posting there doesn't count towards your total" BS, a poll was opened asking the members what they thought needed to be done. If memory serves, the most voted option was "Require stricter moderation", which would also have kept the posts in the total. This would have solved the problem (which was a laughable "problem" to begin with), had it been done. But what happened?


Forum Games lost its right to add to post count. Plenty of s*** was flipped, but by the wrong people. And any time I brought the stupitidy decision up after the fact, I was met with nothing less than harrassment (inb4 I get more just by bringing it up here). I kept quiet about it, growing tired of the retarded comments.

When Zjean opened In The Depths, Tracker implied he was going to essentially steal the idea to further that retarded mess he calls a fanfiction. He constatly ignored demands to stop, and the situation was improperly handled by those with the power to do so, as all they did was tell him to stop. He, of course, didn't listen to anyone. In essense, neither did the mods. In other words,


Right after Anonymouse stepped down as global moderator, I was suggested to take his place. I regretted turning it down almost immediately. Call me arrogant, call me whatever you like; I truly believe that if I had been where Cirevam is now, many ignorant situations and decisions could have been avoided. (If I want it done right, I have to to it myself.)

But instead I am just getting constantly ignored. And if that is going to be the norm, THEN WHY THE f*** AM I HERE?

The following things need to be done:

1) Rename "Cool Kids" back to VIP

2) Make Cool Kids invisible to the public, and/or allow members access to it when the forum members have "thanked" them a certain number of times.

3) Reinstate status updates (This has sort of already been done, but it just ain't as good as it once was.)

4) Reinstate Forum Games, but require stricter moderation. The only topics from RRU2 that deserve to stay are Unknown Horror, In The Depths, and the Pic wars games. If it's an official rule that stupid games like rate the blarg above you are not allowed, it would give me a valid legitimate reason to kill them. That clearly wasn't the case. Stricter Moderation rules would have fixed it then, they would have fixed it now.

5) Either reveal your IP address, or hide Cirevam and addictgamer's adresses as well. In it's current state, it's at best a half-assed security measure that doesn't make much sense to begin with.

I'm going to leave, and I will not come back unless these are done.

But of course, I know full well it won't happen. What matters is that it was said.

Bye. It was fun while it lasted, but I want no part of this anymore.

*This is a reference to Southpark. I'd normally leave the reference here for someone to figure out, but history has shown that that probably will never happen. The reference refers to Mr. Garrison writing a book that became a bestseller. He was pleased at it's success at first, until he realized that it was selling as a homoerotic novel, something he didn't intend for it to be. What he did afterwards is also relevant to this, but that part is your homework for tonight.



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And the sad thing is that both lair is right and that Cyrem will read this, maybe reply, and nothing will change, thus proving LZ's point.

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Point #5 is nullified by the fact that a mod can view Cyrem's IP by trying to look up the IP of another mod. Addict and I tested it. Learn your backdoors before you start calling people out.

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Point #5 is nullified by the fact that a mod can view Cyrem's IP by trying to look up the IP of another mod. Addict and I tested it. Learn your backdoors before you start calling people out.

While I'm am writing my reply, I will expand on what Cirevam said.

- My IP is dynamic, that is, it changes all the time.

- This is an automatic security measure of the forum, I did not deliberately make it hidden.

- I don't really care if my IP is visible anyway.

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By the way, you wanted stricter moderation of Forum Games, but you were a mod of Forum Games... why didn't you do the stricter moderation?

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By the way, you wanted stricted moderation of Forum Games, but you were a mod of Forum Games... why didn't you do the stricter moderation?

In his defense, forum games is/was the size of the rest of the forum. Maybe he would have appreciated some help?

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In the defense of all other moderators, LZ never asked for help. He never expressed his displeasure towards anything until it was already too late, and LZ spent most of his time in Forums Games anyways. Maybe Cyrem can say it better.

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Well I can't say I didn't see this coming. Your changed attitude over the last week was obvious. May I remind you that you had many ways to communicate dislikes with me and discuss this in private, however you did not in any way do it; Making this look (to me) as a public stunt.

"Over the years, RRU has been, to cite a common metaphor, going downhill. There were a number of things along the way that I had nothing but distaste for, but what happened on the third anniversary site release (Which I will refer to as RRU3 from now on) was the final straw. "

You say RRU is going downhill then proceed to state your distaste, making it just an opinion. In my opinion, the forum is back on its path to its original purpose by removing unnecessary baggage. I knew very well these changes may not go down easy.

Reply to Point #1: The name "Cool Kids" was used to make it less formal than "VIP". With the less formal approach I can invite other members who have done something 'pretty cool' to the group. However since more people than you dislike the name, I will change it to 'Forum Supporters', hiding it completely

Reply to Point #2: There is no denying that status updates were used for rants, flames, relationship problems and as you said, Minecraft problems. Granted there are some good updates now and then. However, being that status updates are viewable for guests, it does not give a good impression of our forum. With the latest update, status updates have been combined with profile comments.

Reply to Point #3: Forum Games was a leisure forum. It had no purpose other than for posting when you don't feel like doing anything else. It was clear that this forum was a forum that was gaining the most attention over all the other forums (post wise). This is not the purpose of that forum, its point was for a little fun, not to become the dominate forum. There are many forums dedicated to these 'posting games', perhaps you should join one. RRU was not founded on 'posting games', it was founded on modding a video game. If the only posts I get are in Forum Games, I'd rather not have them at all because they do not contribute to any serious discussion.

Reply to Point #4: This is your opinion. It was in no way a mask for the changes. It was something we could do to celebrate the 3rd year of RRU being open. I had nothing special planned, but wanted to do at least do something that night. This was a last minute decision, the members that were on at that time can back this up.

Reply to Point #5: This is an automatic setting to protect super admins. I did not deliberately turn it off. Additionally, this has been around since the forum started, it is nothing new. As Cirevam brought out, there are ways to find out... however my IP is dynamic and changing all the time. Other user's IPs are visible because we need them to being in order to perform bans and lookups for spammers or duplicate accounts.

"Most of this is actually the result of this site's impeccable knack to conveniently ignore anything important I have to say."

This is quite funny as you can always PM me, use the mod chat or the mod forum. Heck you could have said something when asked for your name to be changed(though I was in a hurry to get to work that morning). But no, you have done none of that till this blog.

Regarding Pony Fandom:

"I truly believe that had no administrative action been taken, the issue would have corrected itself and there would have been minimal conflict."

Judging by the additional members who are now all MLP lovers, I don't see this happening anytime soon. Sure, EVENTUALLY people would get over it... but how long should I have to wait? 6 months, a year, 2 years? No, I will not wait.

"came across as nothing short of pure discrimination"

You can call it that, I call it moderating what material is allowed to be posting on something I own. And as you should know, I admitted to taking a "site wide ban" a little too far and came to an agreement to allow pony pictures to be posted in off-topic.

Regard Posting counts in Forum Games:

It is obvious that they should not count as they do not contribute to the forum. Nothing is stopping users for making "Lets Count" topics and getting thousands of posts from it. This is really sitting next to spamming to get your post count up. Regarding stricter moderation, you were the mod put in place for that forum.

Regarding Zjean:

I'm pretty sure I told Tracker not to do it. Tracker was making up his own stuff for what ZJean was writing, as long as he kept it out of what ZJean was posting, no I don't really care.

Regarding your suggestions 1-5:

I have done 1 & 2, 3 & 4 will not happen. 5 I can do, but there is no gain for that.

And no, I can't take the likening of 'banning of ponies' to the 'holocaust' seriously.


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Before I say anything, I'm going to add the disclaimer that I'm trying to be objective about this.

Anyway, Cyrem, not all of your points are true.

May I remind you that you had many ways to communicate dislikes with me and discuss this in private, however you did not in any way do it; Making this look (to me) as a public stunt.

I distinctly remember seeing LZ send comments to you and other admins about certain things that he was having a problem with, though this was during the whole Tracker fiasco. I have also seen posts of his in the topics that either first started/addressed the problem that were generally ignored.

I'm pretty sure I told Tracker not to do it. Tracker was making up his own stuff for what ZJean was writing, as long as he kept it out of what ZJean was posting, no I don't really care.

The first part is probably true, but, as LZ said, Tracker didn't listen. The second part, however, is false. He wasn't trying to write for my idea, he was trying to take my idea. There is a MAJOR difference. However, as Tracker himself has already pointed out, the problem was simply one of terminology which has apparently been solved.

And in LZ's defense about Forum Games, what he meant about "stricter moderation" of the forum was a rule that actually would have allowed him to delete all of the pointless posting games(eg:Lets Count, Rate the whatever, etc) while keeping all of the games that were actually somewhat good and, by the way, were not receiving anywhere near as many posts(eg: The RPs, the picture war games, and the C/R games). As things stood, if he were to go around closing all of the pointless games, someone would have been able to b**** about it, as there wouldn't have been legitimate reason for him to close them.

But as I said before any of this, I'm not trying to do any defending (except maybe on that last part, but that was more of a clarification of a point than a defense), just pointing out some flaws in arguments. But before someone tells me that I'm just pointing out flaws in one sides' argument, I going to say that LZ's whole argument is flawed, as it is a raegquit and raegquits are never a good way to do things, because they generally just make things worse.

A better way to go about would have been:

I am leaving this site on the grounds that I disagree with some of the more recent changes on the site and that it seems whenever I protest these changes that are, in my opinion, unfair, I am completely ignored(use examples).

And then maybe list what changes he disagrees with, leave a short, reasoned statement why you disagree, suggest a better course of action, and leave. This course of action would have accomplished the same thing as this blog, but without releasing all of this vitriol that will probably keep people from reaching some kind of middle ground.

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"I distinctly remember seeing LZ send comments to you and other admins about certain things that he was having a problem with, though this was during the whole Tracker fiasco. I have also seen posts of his in the topics that either first started/addressed the problem that were generally ignored."

I am the only admin. If he wants to talk to me, he should use the message system. If he wants to discuss an issue, there is a moderator discussion area. I don't get around to all topics and replies, so posting in topics here and there will not get his point across.

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"there is a moderator discussion area"

I doubt that existed during the whole event and you just BARELY added it in with the anniversary. Good job making up another excuse you fatass.

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I doubt that existed during the whole event and you just BARELY added it in with the anniversary. Good job making up another excuse you fatass.

First post in that forum was "Posted 26 November 2009 - 06:14 AM" by Anonymouse.Originally just for global mods, however was opened up to all mods early this year. Don't bother making up garbage you know nothing of.

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"there is a moderator discussion area"I doubt that existed during the whole event and you just BARELY added it in with the anniversary. Good job making up another excuse you fatass.

I LOLed hard at the invalid assumption made here.

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Regarding Pony Fandom:"I truly believe that had no administrative action been taken, the issue would have corrected itself and there would have been minimal conflict."Judging by the additional members who are now all MLP lovers, I don't see this happening anytime soon. Sure, EVENTUALLY people would get over it... but how long should I have to wait? 6 months, a year, 2 years? No, I will not wait.
Yeah, a season 2 is coming out in December, so it will probably be a while.
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Everyone... Grow up. Cyrem gave us this amazing site and asks us to keep relevance to why it was made. Nothing he has asked or done is out of the realm of competent or realistic. If you can't handle it... Leave. We don't want anyone who is going to bring this forum down and ruin the experience for the rest of us. Aki should of handled himself better, though some of his points should be taken into consideration. Ultimately, we trust Cyrem to do what is best for the forum and the community. He has put his time, effort, money, and soul into this forum and I think it is an AMAZING forum. Thank you Cyrem, and all you haters can just take a chill pill and go punch a pillow.

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