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Fred_Cop_unfinished.png (1)


I've been playing a couple of games and have noticed that, even at high quality, they look rather simple to make and their straight vertices are visible, I decided to make my own.

Since I've got a script in the works I decided to create a human version of Fred Cop in Blender v2.66.1. I've only gotten as far as the torso and arms today and its been rather slow as I am starting to get back into the habit of using Blender again, its quite refreshing to come back and do some more with that application.

I might upload a comparison picture, to show what the drawn version looks like.

For the final thing, I'll add textures created in the iPad app Paint (I'll probably have to do a lot where its just coloured paint for things like the skin. This is based on the games I said I've been playing, where the characters are textured to look like they aren't just blocks and/or flesh, but, as an example from the game I've said I've been playing, the characters might be textured to look like they are made out of plastercine, probably).

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Pictures made using Blender

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