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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2014 in all areas

  1. Fush

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    You... you okay there buddy? ಠ_à²
    5 points
  2. lol username

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    Did you know that mummies had their brains removed through the nose? Minifigures don't usually have noses.
    5 points
  3. lol username

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    JrMasterModelBuilder: I just hope that some day I will create something Fox News says is terrible. It would be life-affirming.
    3 points
  4. Jimbob

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    2 points
  5. Creator

    Creator's big custom AI racers collection

    OP updated with Dash Justice as replacement for Gypsy Moth. Should have taken the screenshots in front of a different background...
    2 points
  6. Cyrem

    WAD Recycler 2

    WAD Recycler v2.00 So I was getting sick of using the WAD Tool, having to File>Compile New WAD and then locating the folder every single time I make an edit. So I made this so that compiling and extracting no longer needs you to browse for files and folders. All you do is start the program and when you need to extract or build your folders, you just drag them into the window.. Extract: drag your WAD files onto the window and it will create the LegoRR* folder(s) in the same directory. Build: drag the LegoRR* folder(s) into the window and it will create wads in the same folder as the folder path. There is a status text which will tell you when it is processing or is complete. Changelog v2 Rewritten. Backup feature was removed, it was fairly pointless. Dragging LegoRR0 & LegoRR1 files only into the window will prompt to ask if you want to extract them straight into the Data folder. No longer uses Ogun's extractor. Download
    1 point
  7. JrMasterModelBuilder


    origamiguy has created a GUI tool to make your game MOD-ready (requires .NET 4.0 framework). UNGTC UNGTC - ATD archive tool. Download Link Description: This tool will extract and rearchive LEGO Racers 2 and Drome Racers archives (the Attention To Detail or ATD LEGO video games). A while back, I started reverse engineering the LEGO Racers 2 and Drome Racers archive file formats (hence forth refered to as GTC). I figured out what almost everything was, but got stuck on the compression used in the GTC. In my extended absence from the site, and have been tinkering with the files, tagging up bytes in a hex editor, determining which bytes were litterals, which were backreferences, and which ones said what did what thorugh experimental byte injection. This would likely have never happened if not for this amazing find by Cyrem. Fast forward to September 1st, I finished writing code that would successfully decompress GAMEDATA.GTC. It didn't extract the files, and couldn't write its own COMPRESS.INF file, but the game would load and play, with some minor speed improvements. Fast forward again to today, and I have finished writing UNGTC, a tool that can both unpack the archives and create new ones! UNGTC is writtin in pure C++, and is very fast. How fast it runs depends on the IO speeds of your drive. With a RAM disk, it can be as fast as a few seconds (5400 RPM drives are much slower). Full source code is included, as are binaries for Windows and Mac. If you are running Linux, compile the source yourself, there are too many processor architectures for me to provide binaries for all of them. Usage: UNGTC is a command-line application, simple give it the folder containing GAMEDATA.GTC, FILELIST.INF, and COMPRESS.INF to extract, or the extracted folder to archive, as the first argument. On Windows, this is easily done by draggin-and-dropping the folder onto ungtc.exe. Some technical notes: UNGTC does create slightly differently than the GTC's that come with the game, but they are 100% compatible, and more efficient. UNGTC does not compress the archives it creates in any way. Since you would not save mush space on modern drives and it would be a slow waste of processor power, I do not plan on adding this ability. UNGTC automatically detects the 2 different formats and uses a meta data file called .GTC to store what version for the file forwat was extracted, for use in rearchiving. It is a plain text file. The Windows executable it 32-bit. As it uses 32-bit opperations, it would not really benefit from being 64-bit. The Mac executable is 64-bit. Compiled using MinGW g++ (Win) and Xcode g++ (Mac). Other Notes Unfortunately, I have tried everything I could think of to make it load the files from the drive instead of from the archive, monitoring the game with Process Monitor for any changes, but it seems to only work with archives. To run the game without having to keep rebuilding the archive, check out this topic. Or this tool by origamiguy (which will also extract the GAMEDATA files). Many of the files are normal files and I expect that many other files have existing tools. Good luck in deciphering the files!
    1 point
  8. Creator

    Creator's big custom AI racers collection

    Ok, here's how this is gonna work: Whenever I finish a new AI racer reskin, I'm gonna add a new entry to this topic. This way, you'll be able to download characters you want seperately and I don't have to make a new thread every time I finish a character. I'm making these based on the theme list from JimbobJeffer's Theme Overhaul mod, but I may still be taking requests for custom AI racers. Just send me a PM or post a reply, telling me who you would like to see made into an AI opponent. OGEL DEWEY CHEATUM BRAINS DASH JUSTICE M-TRON ASTRONAUT MINERVA McGONAGALL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: Just put all the files from the zip into your GAMEDATA/common folder. Also, since this mod replaces existing files, please make sure to create a backup in advance! Oh, and if you encounter any problems or bugs, please let me know, so I may fix them. CREDITS Creator - car colour schemes and Minifig texture for Dewey Cheatum Fushigisaur - Decals and Minifig textures for Ogel and McGonagall, Minifig texture for Dash Rendar JimbobJeffers - Minifig textures for Brains RobExplorien - Minifig textures for the M-Tron Astronaut. Willa_to_McGoonagall.zip
    1 point
  9. Creator

    New Skyboxes

    I'm not sure if this belongs here, since Skyboxes are gradients, rather than textures, but they change in-game visuals, so it's sort of fitting, I suppose. Anyway, I created some personal in-game backgrounds (skyboxes), based on the backgrounds from box deisgns and catalogues. Since LR1 skyboxes are defined by a mere three colours, the possibilities are sort of limited, but I chose to share this anyway... NEW DOWNLOAD-LINK: https://ore.rockraidersunited.org/legacy/Skybox_291626.zip SCREENSHOTS:
    1 point
  10. Fush

    Mini Ore Refinery?

    Oh wouldja look at dat, it's my first IRL build. I got my first order of parts for the Snow Shredder today, and while waiting for the rest decided to make something out of them. Yeah. Once I get the rest of the parts I'll update it a bit. It's like a BoB for the snow shredder I might make more with the snow shedder's pieces, idk. Depends on how creative I'm feeling.
    1 point
  11. Creator

    New Power-Up Layout: Ice Planet Pathway

    Hey, there, Creator here. It's been some time since we actually had ourselves some new Powerup Layouts, so I decided to take a break from learning for my end of term exams and instead do something creative with my time. So, here we go, a new PWB layout for Ice Planet Pathway. https://ore.rockraidersunited.org/legacy/POWERUP_429019.pwb Also, if you're interested in seeing what you're getting before you download it, below is a video of me racing against Ogel, Dewey Cheatum, Minerva McGonagall and Brains on Ice Planet with the new PWB layout. Now, I don't know what's going on with that frame rate, it all looked completely smooth ingame. Notice, however, how dxtory causes a weird glitch in the beginning, with my car kind of shivering in it's starting position. Also, there isn't a boss racer, because Dash is still very much WIP
    1 point
  12. Brigs

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    Last week in my writing class I was given an assignment to write a satire to "criticize people's stupidity or vices." As a rational LEGO fan, I decided the logical place to start is the intellectual cesspool known as LEGO Message Board, or LMB. Naturally it was most effective to project the LMB as a primitive human society, called the "Elimbie." (See what I did there?) Oh, and I should probably mention that the LMB Moderators would NEVER approve the entirety of this post, rejecting the latter half because "Your post might be considered offensive to others. Please help us keep the MBs a fun place for everyone to be! Despite being a satire, users can still feel offended my some parts of it." Boo-hoo. Just this afternoon, they rejected the first half of this post after approving it, because, "Your post might be considered offensive to others. Please help us keep the MBs a fun place for everyone to be! Users might feel offended by this satire as they think it is real. It is mentiones the LEGO MB in it and therefore is too real." Thus I refrain, Boo-hoo. By the way, did you notice the eloquent spelling and grammar these mods have? The Culture of the Elimbie By Professor Brigs Bastille These past few years I have observed a nearby community isolated from all sanity, logic, and reality, which residents call the “Elimbie;†the people of this society refer to themselves as “Elimbiers.†The people of this society are remarkably infatuated with their established mythology, the center of their culture. The Refugee Department of Sanity has recently declared the Elimbie community a Mental Disaster Site. The society exists in a state called “LEGO,†within a hostile region of the World Wide Web called the Commercial Domain. It is located three tabs east of the Home; from there one takes the redirect to the LEGO Message Board (LMB). Recreational activities in this society may cover a range of subjects, such as storytelling, theater, and prolonged discussions on a variety of issues. The most frequent topics for discussion are clichés in the mythos, the relationships between mythical figures, and the opining on superstitious rumors. In storytelling, the narrator will typically set their anecdote’s foundation upon conventional mythological lore, but with a distinctive (and characteristically absurd) plot. It is not unusual for the speaker to insert new characters into the story, including himself, complete with extremely unrealistic abilities. According to tradition, the inserted character will subsequently meet mythic heroes, and preform some implausible feat. Elimbie discussions can be quite incomprehensible to the unaccustomed listener, as they speak an extremely devolved form of English; many in the community possess immaturely poor grammar and pronunciation, not to mention their neglect of critical accents. Frequent users of onomatopoeia, the Elimbiers enjoy denoting sounds, particularly explosions. The people are known to yell extensively and make bizarre facial expressions to convey a point. As an example of the latter, in accompaniment of a humorous, sarcastic, or absolutely ridiculous statement, the speaker will stick his tongue out at his listeners. For some reason, this expression generally does not offend onlookers. At the end of a conversation, the speaker will typically say his name, recite a quote of personal significance, and frequently express his religious affiliation. The elite of this society are the moderators, who are tasked by the government to inspect the community for individuals critical of the orthodox mythology or anything in general. They compose the most highly esteemed class in the Elimbie community, as they make all official announcements. Public polls query the population on superficial topics, however there has yet to be democratic voting for government office. Acclaimed commentators and storytellers are highly admired in the culture for their insights and legends, and they have been known to consult with the moderators. Clearly the non-civil Elimbie civilization is mentally hazardous, and obviously unfit for children. The Refugee Department of Sanity has released a public statement discouraging travel to this “Intellectual Wasteland,†as their research proves exposure to the Elimbie can greatly decrease an individual’s IQ, and frequenters to the community will likely suffer irreversible brain damage. Parents are urged to avoid exposing their offspring to the Elimbie at any cost; Children exposed to the community at a young age may eventually never leave, trapped by mind-numbing conversations in an eternal state of stupidity.
    1 point
  13. McJobless

    Life is an interesting beast.

    "And remember, the universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke." ~ Orvus, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Life is one of those insane things that happens. It's like, there for years, and then it's taken away. It's pretty crazy. And the older I get, the more I look on it and think about what life really, truly is. See, I think people have been asking the wrong questions for years. There's no one singular purpose to life, because everybody is individual. We can't all achieve the same end goal. We all have different directions to take, and different things to achieve. I kind of despise people who live an existence of knowing and not caring. I live in a society where effort is disregarded, and everybody lives in their own little sheltered world filled with routine and sport. For these people, to be "normal" is considered optimal, and to be normal one must live in the work, sleep, eat routine and never break from the conventions that are strangling society. It sucks, because we have such a rich collection of cultures, and yet everything is being smothered under the "Please be like the Leader" attitude. For those who don't know, I attend a college in Sydney, where I do Games Design. This is an art college, and as such, the variety of people and mindsets is quite high, but more important, people are "themselves". Being "weird" is embraced, and nobody is shunned or humiliated for doing what they please. It's a great little environment hidden within the otherwise depressing natures of the rest of Sydney. I'm quite a weird person. This is a known quality about me. The reason is that, in my own words, "I don't give a s***." I do what I please, where I please. I'm okay with walking around in public with my Lombax hat and fingerless gloves. I'm okay with being loud and having fun. I'm okay with all of the weird things I do and say, because for me, life is too short, and structure is such a foreign concept to me. See, what I don't understand about life? Why is the economy structured as it is? Why do we have Governments? Why do the laws work? How come we have these work and school routines? It just seems to me like a very fragile timeline that could collapse at any minute. How did these start? Why are they still in effect, when clearly they're not working as well as they should? I've decided on my purpose in life. I want to make people happy, and help where I can. To that effect, I've already started. When I walk around the shopping mall, and I see people smiling and laughing and asking me for autographs, I know my job is done. I don't care if people are laughing at me or with me, because I know I look, sound, act and am an garish rapscallion. I just want people to break from the monotony of life. Even if it's only for a few seconds. It's just nice to know that, for some people, this is going to be some that changes them. If I'm so lucky. So, knowing all that, here's my mission to you guys, dare you accept it. Stop caring what people think. Just do as you please, and think about what you do, and why you do it. Go out of your way to help people. Go try make people laugh. Play loud music and get people to dance alongside you. I don't care. Just don't become one of those people who are so inherently focused on their routine, that they never see the proverbial walls and try to climb over them. There's a whole world out there to explore. Go for it.
    1 point
  14. Rokreder

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    Maybe they all have, only most minifigures are flatnosed mouthbreathers? This might lead to their plastic skin growing over their nose and hiding it. After all, skeletons do show all signs of having had a nose. (Perhaps the reason why LEGO mummies have a nose is because the priests had to make holes to get access to their nose in order to remove the brain.) That was a disturbing though
    1 point
  15. aidenpons

    Cafeteria 1.0 BETA 7 - Launcher & Mod Loader for LRR

    You must extract the wad files. What program do you use to extract the wad files? I tried opening the wad files in notepad and replacing 640x480 with 1920x1080 and saving however that crashes the game. Tried finding a wad extractor however none have been able to extract the file. Thank you for your help Well, the Search Bar is always your friend... (that is, RRU's search bar). But if you now ask me 'Duh, it doesn't accept the term 'wad'' (which it doesn't), then I will save you a little bit of trouble by pointing you to this and this too. I personally prefer the latter. Oh, and the Wad Tool is even PINNED.
    1 point
  16. STUDZ

    The LEGO Movie Sequel

    I'll tell you how: LEGO ISLAND.
    1 point
  17. emily

    The LEGO Movie Discussion Topic

    Vladek! Man, he was about the last minifig I would have expected to get a shout-out. Would have made more sense if it had been called Ankoria, but you take what you can get. I wonder if the Forest of Obsolete Products is where they keep Galidor and Scala.
    1 point
  18. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    The LEGO Movie Discussion Topic

    There you go. So the known realms are: Bricksburg Pirate's Cove The Old West The Forest of Obsolete Products Clown Town Technic Mecha Mine? Viking's Landing OCTAN HQ Dino Island Middle Zealand Pharaoh's Quest Cape Space Vladek's Realm (On second look, that may say Vladek's Koala) Cloud Cuckoo Land (Bionicle and Fabuland also fit in there somewhere.)
    1 point
  19. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    Map of the Realms (The LEGO Movie)

    1 point
  20. Brigs

    Infoderpiac's Roflcopter

    hi evryon i just bult this awesome mock inspired by my favorite gaem in the word LEGOS IN SPESS: ATACK OF THE FLOURS is the best thing ive evur build!!!!! im not old enugh to put in cuuusssooo so could somebody plz do it for me so lego can make it set? if they dont i wheel sue them oh no is the infomooniac in has infoderpiac disguse the blacktron guy can save nimdus pleza from flours by sinking hellicopers check out the sarahting roters greenredbrick bombay you stay her is set desription from the wiki Set DescriptionEdit This is a description taken from a place. Do not modify it.(visit this item's product page) SAVE NIMDUS PLEZA FROM THE FLOURS Oh crud, the evil Infoderpiac is a tacking NUMDUS PLEZA in his evil ROFLCOPTER with FLOURS!!!!!!!!! Shoot the FLICK-FLOUR MISSLES and deploy th are you ready to le GREENREDBRICK BOMBS!!!!!!!!! Can BLACKTRON GUY sink Helicopters and save the NEKSUS FORCE, or is NUMDUS PLEZA..... DOOOOOOOOMMMMEMEEEEDDDD!!!!!!! > INCLUEDS ALL THESE AWE SOME STUFF: To minifigs: INFOMOONIAC in his INFODERPIAC disguise, and BLACKTRON GUY ROFLCOPTER, WITH FLICK-FLOUR MISSLE AND GREENREDBRICK BOMB funtions!!!! Roters Red Power Brick Compupers Flour Riffle Flour Scope A ton of flours u can sea the hole article here isnt it awsome/ leve a coment but i cant change it this is the final modal
    1 point
  21. lol username

    New Skyboxes

    It's amazing how simply changing the sky can alter the entire feel of a track. Cool stuff.
    1 point
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