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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Brigs

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    Last week in my writing class I was given an assignment to write a satire to "criticize people's stupidity or vices." As a rational LEGO fan, I decided the logical place to start is the intellectual cesspool known as LEGO Message Board, or LMB. Naturally it was most effective to project the LMB as a primitive human society, called the "Elimbie." (See what I did there?) Oh, and I should probably mention that the LMB Moderators would NEVER approve the entirety of this post, rejecting the latter half because "Your post might be considered offensive to others. Please help us keep the MBs a fun place for everyone to be! Despite being a satire, users can still feel offended my some parts of it." Boo-hoo. Just this afternoon, they rejected the first half of this post after approving it, because, "Your post might be considered offensive to others. Please help us keep the MBs a fun place for everyone to be! Users might feel offended by this satire as they think it is real. It is mentiones the LEGO MB in it and therefore is too real." Thus I refrain, Boo-hoo. By the way, did you notice the eloquent spelling and grammar these mods have? The Culture of the Elimbie By Professor Brigs Bastille These past few years I have observed a nearby community isolated from all sanity, logic, and reality, which residents call the “Elimbie;†the people of this society refer to themselves as “Elimbiers.†The people of this society are remarkably infatuated with their established mythology, the center of their culture. The Refugee Department of Sanity has recently declared the Elimbie community a Mental Disaster Site. The society exists in a state called “LEGO,†within a hostile region of the World Wide Web called the Commercial Domain. It is located three tabs east of the Home; from there one takes the redirect to the LEGO Message Board (LMB). Recreational activities in this society may cover a range of subjects, such as storytelling, theater, and prolonged discussions on a variety of issues. The most frequent topics for discussion are clichés in the mythos, the relationships between mythical figures, and the opining on superstitious rumors. In storytelling, the narrator will typically set their anecdote’s foundation upon conventional mythological lore, but with a distinctive (and characteristically absurd) plot. It is not unusual for the speaker to insert new characters into the story, including himself, complete with extremely unrealistic abilities. According to tradition, the inserted character will subsequently meet mythic heroes, and preform some implausible feat. Elimbie discussions can be quite incomprehensible to the unaccustomed listener, as they speak an extremely devolved form of English; many in the community possess immaturely poor grammar and pronunciation, not to mention their neglect of critical accents. Frequent users of onomatopoeia, the Elimbiers enjoy denoting sounds, particularly explosions. The people are known to yell extensively and make bizarre facial expressions to convey a point. As an example of the latter, in accompaniment of a humorous, sarcastic, or absolutely ridiculous statement, the speaker will stick his tongue out at his listeners. For some reason, this expression generally does not offend onlookers. At the end of a conversation, the speaker will typically say his name, recite a quote of personal significance, and frequently express his religious affiliation. The elite of this society are the moderators, who are tasked by the government to inspect the community for individuals critical of the orthodox mythology or anything in general. They compose the most highly esteemed class in the Elimbie community, as they make all official announcements. Public polls query the population on superficial topics, however there has yet to be democratic voting for government office. Acclaimed commentators and storytellers are highly admired in the culture for their insights and legends, and they have been known to consult with the moderators. Clearly the non-civil Elimbie civilization is mentally hazardous, and obviously unfit for children. The Refugee Department of Sanity has released a public statement discouraging travel to this “Intellectual Wasteland,†as their research proves exposure to the Elimbie can greatly decrease an individual’s IQ, and frequenters to the community will likely suffer irreversible brain damage. Parents are urged to avoid exposing their offspring to the Elimbie at any cost; Children exposed to the community at a young age may eventually never leave, trapped by mind-numbing conversations in an eternal state of stupidity.
    12 points
  2. McJobless

    International RRU Improvement Week

    So, Part One for this is a bunch of random things that I'd like to see, but I HIGHLY doubt would or should happen. That said, we're all kind of brain-storming here, so I might as well through in. Next part will be actual fixes and important stuff which can happen (probably). Improbable List of Extreme('s) Stupidity: Stats Page: A while back, when we had Laser Sharks protecting the waters, we had some good stats at the bottom of the page that were pretty interesting. We still have some interesting stuff, like post count etc, but there's nothing really...exciting. What would be awesome to see is a dedicated "Stats" page, where the server updates a whole bunch of statistics as numbers and graphs, such as Spammers Blocked, Post Counts, Members by Region (based on IP) etc. A whole stack of information that would make for a good read. New Backgrounds: On the main-page, you can set a little theme for the forum. That's cool and all, but I think atm the options are a tad bit limited. I get that they are probably a real b**** to make, so I've put this with the unrealistic stuff, but nonetheless, it'd be cool to see some new variety (as that f****ing Inspector in LEGOLAND always says). I'm guessing custom ones are out of the question, especially considering users already have the great ability to change their profile page backgrounds (which I am thankful for). Mod Rating System: I know we have the Like system, but I think it'd be pretty awesome if there could be a separate category for Mods to go to, where they could each get their own download page and a review section, and people could give reviews out of 5 bricks. That way people can determine if the mod is good quality, such as if they want to try some new LegoRR levels. I'm also half-half on the old Tutorial section, because that was kind of cool when we had it, even though the comments were way more suited to the forum style. Old Topics Viewable by Contributors: I know a fair bit of the Orange, Blue and Red users here are old-school members, and I think more than a few of us are nostalgic for some of the classic RRU moments which might have got culled for content and locked off in the deep, dark corners of the Mod forum. I think it'd be swell if somehow those locked topics were viewable (not to post in, just view) from the Contributor Forum in kind of like a "Time Machine" sub-category which is actually just a link to that one Mod Forum. There's probably a lot of boring spammy stuff, but I think a few conversations I'd like to read again (especially for my fan-fic) are locked away in there. More Mod Joke Days: I really loved the Star Wars theme RRU had for a couple days a few years ago (or last year, cannot remember), and I'd like to see the Mods doing a bit more of that kind of stuff regularly. I like that we do things for Christmas, so I'd also like to see April Fool's Day and maybe a few other holidays get some recognition eventually. If there's anything else, I throw it in with the more feasible fixes and improvements.
    7 points
  3. lol username

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Can we get a bigger dungeon?
    7 points
  4. le717

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    I think this sums up the LMB's policies quite nicely:
    5 points
  5. Cyrem

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Well it's a bit late since this was supposed to be back in November, but, better late than never hey? IRRUIW is a week long community event to put extra effort in thinking of ways to improve RRU. It's a great way to get your ideas heard and for staff to level with the community and learn their needs and wants, that may otherwise go unmentioned. No idea is too small, unleash your creativity. But keep in mind that if you ask for Ponies you will be thrown in the dungeon. Who's first?
    4 points
  6. MisterGryphon

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    At the end of a conversation, the speaker will typically say his name, recite a quote of personal significance, and frequently express his religious affiliation. My very favorite part of The Culture of the Elimbie is this one. Signed Gryphon, a proud homeschooled, white, straight male who loves Jesus very much. "Pbbbbt"
    4 points
  7. Cyrem

    International RRU Improvement Week

    :wffl: :wffl: Well, it's awaiting your content for posting There is now a Bionicle: The Game award. Yes.... and thats alllllll you need to know. Gone!
    3 points
  8. lol username

    The LEGO Movie Discussion Topic

    fxguidetv has a more technical behind the scenes thing with the animators: http://www.fxguide.com/fxguidetv/fxguidetv-186-the-lego-movie/
    3 points
  9. Jimbob

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    3 points
  10. Fush

    Support Beam

    You know the pillar that shows up when you reinforce a wall? I built it.
    2 points
  11. Cyrem

    International RRU Improvement Week

    McJobless studies games design and some other may have that interest and there are some music composers on here, perhaps a "Games Design & Music Composing" forum?
    2 points
  12. McJobless

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Calm those sweet, juicy buttocks of yours, buddy. I'm doing stuff behind the scenes on Radio and News, and possibly a few RRU related content things (mods, LPs, fanfics etc). I just need to clear up the last bit of annoyances first. I think I've got a few ideas so I'll be suggesting those ASAP.
    2 points
  13. Cirevam

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    "I hate this place." Batman knows what's up.
    2 points
  14. Cyrem

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    Haven't read this yet, but, make me admin of the LMB and I'd be able to fix that place up tight. I lost it xD
    2 points
  15. lol username

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    Did you know that mummies had their brains removed through the nose? Minifigures don't usually have noses.
    2 points
  16. McJobless

    Life is an interesting beast.

    "And remember, the universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke." ~ Orvus, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time Life is one of those insane things that happens. It's like, there for years, and then it's taken away. It's pretty crazy. And the older I get, the more I look on it and think about what life really, truly is. See, I think people have been asking the wrong questions for years. There's no one singular purpose to life, because everybody is individual. We can't all achieve the same end goal. We all have different directions to take, and different things to achieve. I kind of despise people who live an existence of knowing and not caring. I live in a society where effort is disregarded, and everybody lives in their own little sheltered world filled with routine and sport. For these people, to be "normal" is considered optimal, and to be normal one must live in the work, sleep, eat routine and never break from the conventions that are strangling society. It sucks, because we have such a rich collection of cultures, and yet everything is being smothered under the "Please be like the Leader" attitude. For those who don't know, I attend a college in Sydney, where I do Games Design. This is an art college, and as such, the variety of people and mindsets is quite high, but more important, people are "themselves". Being "weird" is embraced, and nobody is shunned or humiliated for doing what they please. It's a great little environment hidden within the otherwise depressing natures of the rest of Sydney. I'm quite a weird person. This is a known quality about me. The reason is that, in my own words, "I don't give a s***." I do what I please, where I please. I'm okay with walking around in public with my Lombax hat and fingerless gloves. I'm okay with being loud and having fun. I'm okay with all of the weird things I do and say, because for me, life is too short, and structure is such a foreign concept to me. See, what I don't understand about life? Why is the economy structured as it is? Why do we have Governments? Why do the laws work? How come we have these work and school routines? It just seems to me like a very fragile timeline that could collapse at any minute. How did these start? Why are they still in effect, when clearly they're not working as well as they should? I've decided on my purpose in life. I want to make people happy, and help where I can. To that effect, I've already started. When I walk around the shopping mall, and I see people smiling and laughing and asking me for autographs, I know my job is done. I don't care if people are laughing at me or with me, because I know I look, sound, act and am an garish rapscallion. I just want people to break from the monotony of life. Even if it's only for a few seconds. It's just nice to know that, for some people, this is going to be some that changes them. If I'm so lucky. So, knowing all that, here's my mission to you guys, dare you accept it. Stop caring what people think. Just do as you please, and think about what you do, and why you do it. Go out of your way to help people. Go try make people laugh. Play loud music and get people to dance alongside you. I don't care. Just don't become one of those people who are so inherently focused on their routine, that they never see the proverbial walls and try to climb over them. There's a whole world out there to explore. Go for it.
    1 point
  17. McJobless

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Holy hell yes.
    1 point
  18. Drill Master

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Um... Well... Ok. If anybody has noticed here lately, I haven't been as active. Why? I've been catching up on my music projects (composing music for an indie game, as well as writing a few songs), so I've sort of been away from LEGO stuff and LRR and so on. Seeing how I can't create awesome LDD masterpieces like some of you, or code mods for the games like a lot of you (other than measily texture changes), all I can really do is create music. So I am asking for a special forum where members can collaborate and talk about music, post their music, and get feedback from other composers. I feel this will not only help me be more active, but it will also be a good opportunity for the many composers I know we have on the site to share what they can do musically.
    1 point
  19. Creator

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Hm, maybe there's already an option for that which I haven't found yet, but I would be interested in seeing the number of times files I've uploaded (like my custom LR opponents, for example) have been downloaded. [if we already have a tool for that, feel free to ignore this suggestion and put me in the dungeons for it] EDIT: Also, there should be an award for owning a set from 1990 that's older than yourself
    1 point
  20. STUDZ

    International RRU Improvement Week

    First thing: We have a dungeon? Did McJobless mention that before? Also, could we have a technology News section? Or, you know, more GAMING NEWS?
    1 point
  21. Cyrem

    International RRU Improvement Week

    I am inclined to put the other LEGO related gaming discussion into it's own forum within the LEGO Discussion category. Thats the easiest solution without going overboard with a new selection of forums for newer games. I would consider everything in Offtopic to not be related to LEGO.
    1 point
  22. lol username

    International RRU Improvement Week

    [insert EA/Dungeon Keeper joke here] But seriously, one thing I've kind of found odd is that discussion of LEGO video games that don't have their own subforums are kind of split between Gaming Discussion and LEGO General Discussion, as they're both games and LEGO. Which should it be? Should they go in some sort of new section? We have "Other Classic Games", but it just contains subforums for specific classic games. So topics about (a) classic games that don't get their own subforums and (b) newer games like TT stuff are kind of thrown around awkwardly.
    1 point
  23. Fluffy Cupcake

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Okay well I got a laugh out of that one. I think I will take this opportunity to NOT be first, because nothing came to mind in just a snap while writting this. Edit: Something came to mind. We need more waffles, tons more of it.
    1 point
  24. Cyrem

    International RRU Improvement Week

    Certainly, I'll knock out some walls.
    1 point
  25. Cyrem

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    I hear the ban-hammer swinging already. I think I would actually enjoy fixing that place hahahaha.
    1 point
  26. McJobless

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    I hear the ban-hammer swinging already.
    1 point
  27. JrMasterModelBuilder

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    This is awesome! So much truth in this satire topic. The LEGO Message Boards, The (Short) Movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EST12p1fWPk
    1 point
  28. Cyrem

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    wow... thats, thats it right there.
    1 point
  29. Brigs

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    Quisoves Pugnat, as a satirical work, this assignment was to greatly exaggerate the insensibilities of a particular community, and I was most familiar with the LMB; it is certainly true there are other communities with the vices I mentioned. And of course this article stereotypes the greater community, I am aware many visitors of the LMB are sane. On the last comment, I'm not criticizing those who mention their religious beliefs, but it seems a bit void of context in a LEGO forum where nobody is even allowed to have a deep religious and spiritual conversation. I am a Christian myself, but I usually don't mention it unless it's relevant. In fact, I personally quite enjoy civilized religious debates.
    1 point
  30. Fush

    Pharaoh's Jumpy Face

    You... you okay there buddy? ಠ_à²
    1 point
  31. lol username

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    JrMasterModelBuilder: I just hope that some day I will create something Fox News says is terrible. It would be life-affirming.
    1 point
  32. emily

    The LEGO Movie Discussion Topic

    Vladek! Man, he was about the last minifig I would have expected to get a shout-out. Would have made more sense if it had been called Ankoria, but you take what you can get. I wonder if the Forest of Obsolete Products is where they keep Galidor and Scala.
    1 point
  33. lol username

    Life is an interesting beast.

    https://xkcd.com/308/ I have this xkcd on speed dial. Which reminds me... While I likely won't be seeing The LEGO Movie until it's on Blu-Ray, from everything I've heard, that there is its primary message/moral.
    1 point
  34. Cirevam

    Life is an interesting beast.

    1 point
  35. lol username

    2014 LEGO Sets

    http://www.youtube.com/user/Atamaiidotcom/videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHzhDtaq9bw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sY2r20qhyaI A good look at Johnny Thunder about two minutes in.
    1 point
  36. Jimbob

    2014 LEGO Sets

    The arctic sets do look pretty good, but other than the lack of a greater range of colours (as previously mentioned), I think they need more buildings. I remember getting the big base set when the 2000 theme was out - I tended to save up for one big set rather than getting all the smaller ones, for some reason - and loved all the buildings. But just one here (plus the mobile one)? I think that's a shame. They do however have a nice selection of vehicles, so perhaps I'll get one or two. Maybe even make a diorama like theirs using a foam base or something. The agents seem okay, but I did instantly recall the set that Alcom pointed out. I won't really comment until more sets are revealed.
    1 point
  37. eagleeyedan

    2014 LEGO Sets

    A reboots of agents, nice! Now if they'd just reboot Alpha Team, which actually had a storyline, I'd by much happier though from what you said it looks like they're adding a story this time.
    1 point
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