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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2014 in all areas

  1. Alcom Isst

    My new friend.

    His name is Medium.
    4 points
  2. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Dun Dun Dun Duuuuuuuun!!!!!!! The Running Family has returned! Recently, there has been an uproar in crimes around the city: People stealing cars, cars stealing people, armed robbers robbing arms, cats littering, doors slamming, toilets flushing, cell phones buzzing, and many more acts of violence. The Running Family has had enough. They devised a plan to protect the city from further crime. Introducing... The Super Running Morph Bot! The Super Running Morph Bot is equipped with a Quad Raildogun and Running Man Jr's Laser Eyes! Hired by the government, The SRMB Protects the city from all danger, but is sure to be home for dinner.
    4 points
  3. Zephyria

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [1:41:12 AM] McJobless: OH [1:41:13 AM] McJobless: OHHHH [1:41:15 AM] McJobless: OH OH OH [1:41:18 AM] McJobless: IT'S COMING
    3 points
  4. lol username

    LEGO Is Doing Well, Mattel Bought Mega Brands

    Hey, remember when LEGO passed Mattel and became the world's most valuable toy manufacturer? Looks like Mattel's a bit worried about that, as they bought Mega Brands - the producers of Mega Bloks, LEGO's main rival. Oh, and LEGO just released their 2013 annual results, and guess what? They're still doing really well. Edit - Another article with more info, thanks Vector: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-02-28/mattel-bids-460-million-to-buy-blockmaker-mega-brands.html Another edit - Brickset linked to an article with a video on the deal: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/28/us-megabrands-offer-mattel-idUSBREA1R0QB20140228 Sources: Forbes
    2 points
  5. le717

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Why on earth did you go and resurrect the not-so-slightly-disturbing Running Man? And to think, I wanted a peaceful afternoon.
    2 points
  6. lol username

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    2 points
  7. RobExplorien

    LR: Minifigure Space textures

    My aim is to recreate as many (old) minifigures in LEGO Racers. Right now I'm focusing on LEGO Space minifigures. This is what I already textured. Textures may look stretched at some times, due to the poses the minifigs take. Note that these textures may not be the final result. You can click on the images to enlarge them. Classic Space racers Blacktron racer Futuron racers M-Tron racer Space Police racer Blacktron Future Generation racer Space Police II racers Ice Planet 2002 racers (extra) Spyrius racers Unitron racers Exploriens racers Roboforce racers UFO racers Insectoids racers Texture Packs
    1 point
  8. RobExplorien

    LR: Minifigure Space textures

    Preview of UFO textures. This texture pack takes long to finish, not really because of the many aliens, but more that I'm not working as much on it as I used to. Don't know when all Insectoids minifigures will be finished for completion of the Alien Pack, just enjoy the sight of these minifigures for now. I can't get the grey mask fully grey because of certain sides having a black colour by default, not sure if this can be modified.
    1 point
  9. I Am Not Here

    Rock Raiders Discovered Huge Sandwiches

    From the album: Random

    1 point
  10. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    And I thought, that the topic of this thread was complete and utter madness, which keeps exponentially growing. about the lastest madman creation: Wow, Run-Formers. A new level of madness has occured
    1 point
  11. Shadowblaze

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Ultra Hardcore Challenge!" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "This is a difficult task." Makes enough sense to me. Original text: "The (slightly disturbing) Running Man" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Little Bill (production)" LITTLE BILL PRESENTS: THE DISTURBING RUNNING MAN! Now in Family Edition.
    1 point
  12. Shadowblaze

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Er, yes, uhm, well, ahh, this looks kinda, hm, you know what I mean.
    1 point
  13. The Ace Railgun

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Oh gods, what have you done DM...
    1 point
  14. Fush

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    1 point
  15. Fluffy Cupcake


    No. I just did random (I actually used a random word generator for an object and that came up). I almost thought about not using that, but I was like 'meh I'll just go with it'.
    1 point
  16. Wognif

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Lego ore." ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "The Location Of Oregon" Original text: "RRU Tower" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Travel fans"
    1 point
  17. emily

    Pteranodon Transporter

    An alternate model for set 5975 T-Rex Transport. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h1Omwlyg20 "But Tazakk!" you say. "Why would you choose to share this MOC in a low-resolution video, rather than individual photographs that give us a clearer view of the model?" Good question! It's because this is my entry for the ReBrick "Be the Special" Competition. I chose to use a video to present the model in an attempt to make the presentation more interactive and engaging for the judges. Speaking of the fact that this model is being entered in a competition, you're certainly welcome to head over to ReBrick and like my entry. The 10 entries with the most likes go on to be considered by the judges.
    1 point
  18. jedi299

    Minecraft Screenshots

    That's one heckova waffle Xiron. You should probably not use so much milk in the next one.
    1 point
  19. Fluffy Cupcake


    Yes, or else they will put you in a long sleep, veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery long, but if you have a latifundium full of briny turbans, then you are fine and can use them as pillows.
    1 point
  20. STUDZ

    3D Printed Lego

    Another thing to note is just HOW accurate the manufacturing of LEGO bricks must be. It's on par with aircraft parts. There is no way there will be consumer 3D printers in the foreseeable future which can pull off the precision of LEGO's machines. The clone brands can't even pull it off properly.
    1 point
  21. The Ace Railgun

    What are you listening to right now?

    Good, I despise Dubstep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-huO3hVMD8A
    1 point
  22. Antillies

    Can We Talk About How Terrible Java Is?

    Y'all creating a spectre out of Java when it's not. Yes, like all other things, there are negatives and Oracle's management of it hasn't been the best. But it's a tool like any other and can create many great things, Minecraft first among them and hopefully ORR-D too
    1 point
  23. PWNZOR

    Can We Talk About How Terrible Java Is?

    Because Java is free and they have to make money. The extra software pays to be part of the installer because no one will download it normally. Java is perfectly fine if your computer isn't messed up and you know what you're doing.
    1 point
  24. Drill Master

    The Running Man Adventures! Episode 1: Meet The Family (higher resolution)

    From the album: D.M. 1

    Better Resolution, of MADNESS!
    1 point
  25. Drill Master

    Running Man Family

    From the album: D.M. 1

    The Running Man has settled down and started a family! From left to right: The family dog Runner, Running Man Jr., Running Man Sr., Running Woman, and little Runina.
    1 point
  26. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    What have I done? THIS (okay, it's not that ugly or molten, but hey: wait till summer and a magnifying glass ? Update: Muhaha...
    1 point
  27. STUDZ

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    You just necroed this thread in the most bastardized way possible, and I love you for it.
    1 point
  28. Fush

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    1 point
  29. Fush

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    1 point
  30. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Oh no! The sick running man begins to self replicate (the little wheels help him to show everybody his weird illness outside of the hospital to make money): Next goal: Building a head big enough to contain several small villages with minifigures on top of it (wow, that's getting even weirder than it already is).
    1 point
  31. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    How about not at all? That works too
    1 point
  32. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Sell the rights on TheRunningMan to Explosive-TV, which specialized in explosions of all sorts. The new movie will be called "Explode Hard" and will feature TheRunningMan in his biggest (and last) role yet. Other Movie Ideas: -The last Explosion -Explosive Mutants -TNT-Meme: The Final Explosion -Death of a Meme -Explosive Runnings PS: Oh no! More and more people turn into the Running Man in the Lego-Universe. Even Chief!:
    1 point
  33. The Ace Railgun

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Kill it with Fire!!
    1 point
  34. Lair

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    I've been here longer than anyone in this topic, and yet I still underestimate what this site is capable of. #10 is the worst so far
    1 point
  35. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Yeah, I like the development of this thread: In the beginning there was a simple lego figure. After that the usual RRU insanity started. besides: The running man got a new pair of EPIC running shoes:
    1 point
  36. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Yeah, I thought about this idea, too, but I wanted to do a version with the same part count first. Maybe I will post the next insane version in a few hours. edit: Done. Oh snap! He made the ostriches and their leader mad.
    1 point
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