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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2014 in all areas

  1. Alcom Isst

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [12:49:03 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: I was planning on getting it sometime. [12:49:34 AM] Philip: once we were playing Dota and he was being a s***ty support and I told him to stop sucking so bad and he throw goldfish at me [12:49:48 AM] Jamesster: as in an actual goldfish? [12:49:52 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: HE WASTED GOLDFISH? [12:49:55 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: No, as in the snack, James [12:49:57 AM] (Alooxis) Anisoptera: Go to bed. [12:49:58 AM] Jamesster: awwwww [12:50:03 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: What color was the goldfish? [12:52:59 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: I never found out what color the goldfish was. [12:53:32 AM] Stan McStudz: GOLD [12:53:42 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Oh. [6:27:34 PM] Jamesster: ok, a plan is forming [6:27:55 PM] Jamesster: 1 - get a 3.5 inch floppy disk drive for my Apple IIe [6:28:01 PM] Jamesster: 2 - copy that floppy [6:28:21 PM] Jamesster: 3 - put the new 3.5 inch disk into a USB 3.5 inch drive [6:28:26 PM] Jamesster: 4 - copy that floppy again [6:29:36 PM] Jamesster: I have no idea what sort of data I'll even be reading from these things [6:29:45 PM] Jamesster: but it sounds fun
    4 points
  2. Cloudstrife987

    Some island screenshots

    A GIANT IS TRYING TO GET IN!!! Get under the umbrella! Its going to rain! OH NO! THE BRICKSTER HAS TAKEN OVER THE INFORMATION CENTER! Driving off the racetrack with no gas. A race car is smashing pepper and the infomaniac does not care.
    3 points
  3. Maxunit

    Another Hello from Germany

    Hello Rock Raiders (and Racers..and Agents and Island Survivors and...) I found my way here today after digging up my really old copy from Lego Rock Raiders and installing it again. I thought: Oh god, this game is so old, will it even install under Windows 7 64-Bit? To my surprise, it did. I never imagined, that people tore LRR and other Lego Games apart and wrote tools to mod them. This is awesome! Oh, where are my manners... I'm Benjamin, usually go by the nickname "Maxunit". I'm 25 years old. I'm from Germany. I started playing PC, Handheld and Console Games when I was around 5 - 6 years old. I still have a huge Collection of Lego and Rock Raiders is still my favourite set so far. I cannot imagine, why it was canceled a year after it was released. I think I need to dig up my Lego boxes and try to build all the Rock Raider sets again, including the huge base. I played both the PC and PS1 Version from Rock Raiders. I loved 'em both. Sadly I do not have a PlayStation anymore, but the Game...*mumbles*Emulator*mumbles* I bet, that I will stick around, lurk and post, request and maybe get into the Map Editor and try to work on one or another Rock Raiders Map Greetings, Maxunit
    3 points
  4. Drill Master

    Minecraft Screenshots

    I got bored so I decided to read up on the latest for TPP (TwitchPlaysPokemon) Had some laughs, read up on the religion, removed all Flareon from every Pokémon game I own, and made these in Minecraft. All Hail.
    3 points
  5. RobExplorien

    LEGO Awesomeness

    Classic Space all over the place. Neat how they make the square baseplates as round platforms.
    2 points
  6. Jimbob

    Minecraft Screenshots

    Please guys, please can we build a nether town. So much potential awesomeness.
    2 points
  7. Cyrem

    Installer Not Working? You Can Salvage Your Game.

    A common problem with this game is that the game's installer will not run on newer systems. You may be able to get it to run by trying compatibility modes, ending programs or disabling UAC. However if all these efforts fail there is something you can do to save your game and be able to play it. Step 1 Download a program called 'Universal Extractor'. It has been uploaded here for your convenience. Then extract the contents of the zip file you've downloaded. Step 2 Insert your LEGO Rock Raiders disc and open the contents of the disc. Specifically you are looking for a file named 'data.cab' Step 3 Start up Universal extractor, browse and select the 'data.cab' file on your disc as the archive to extract. Set the destination directory to wherever you want the game. Step 4 Click 'ok' and wait until it has finished extracting. Step 5 In the disc you will see a folder named 'EXE'. Inside is an exe and icd file, copy these. Step 6 In the location you extracted the 'data.cab' paste those copied files and click 'yes' to overwriting. The reason for this is because the exe within the 'data.cab' file is for 16bit systems whereas the one in the 'EXE' folder is compatible with 32bit and 64bit systems. And that is all. You've manually installed the game and saved it. You can run the game by executing LegoRR.exe from the directory you've extracted everything. Note that this method can be used with many other games with which you are having the same issue. Additionally, if you feel inclined, you can make a new installer with programs such as InnoSetup.
    1 point
  8. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Umm... Yeah...
    1 point
  9. TheDoctor

    LMS - Lrr Modding System

    UPDATE: Version 0.1.2 has been released. I'm an idiot and never noticed the code to add d3drm.dll was broken. I'm planing on making a unified modding system for LRR. It's going to be an all-purpose launcher, patcher/mod installer, wad manager, etc. It's going to be written in python, frozen with py2exe for usability. The source and download will be on github. Patchman scripts will be supported. CFG mods will be managed with diff and patch (if I can get it working). If people want, I will even make sure you can play custom music with it. I'll start it out as a launcher, then add modules to it as I go. Anyone who knows python is encouraged to help. Links and updates will be posted here. Current features: Game launching Automatic color depth changing Wad priming Automatic adding of d3drm.dll Telling you off for trying to mod in Program Files Source: GithubDownload: LMS V0.1.2 Currently planned: Launcher Wad management (Priming, manual de/recompiling) Mod management with conflict detection Mod patching (maps, models, animations, etc) CFG patching (if it would quit being stupid) CFG checking Overhaul mode Registry based settings (new) Alternate installer functionality (the disk is obviously required)(new) Possible future additions: Map making and npl scripting In-game custom music playing ??? Legend: Done Partially done Having issues Not started
    1 point
  10. aidenpons

    LMS - Lrr Modding System

    It would appear to be a dead project. And if you look at the legend on Page 1 you'll find that only the launcher is done. Someone needs to nudge TheDoctor about this...
    1 point
  11. Drill Master

    Praise Helix

    From the album: Minecraft RRU Server

    I was tired, I read up on TPP, this is what happens. All hail.
    1 point
  12. Cyrem

    Banana Pananic v1.2.1

    v1.2.1 Has been released! As normal, the update to the Google Play Store takes around 4+ hours to appear. It actually goes up to level 10 (But don't expect to get up to the level any time soon). If you get past level 5 you are doing really well. Also the v1.2.1 update includes a resume delay which will fix that issue.
    1 point
  13. RobExplorien

    Minecraft Screenshots

    Once made a market square with a friend on a now closed server. People could rent a building and/or stand and sell their products there to other members. My store parodied LEGO sets by selling sets like "The Red Mechanic" (redstone, switches, etc.) and "Alchemist" (brewing stand, potion ingredients, etc.). I owned the building with the glowstone square on the top front of the store. Right now I'm working on a federation of islands populated by NPCs on the RRU server. Therefore I'm building villages on the islands. I've done this before on the server I mentioned earlier. It were three islands connected with the main continent via an underwater tunnel (left). It was called Trinity Island (an RCT reference). I also had some space left on the right island, so it became home to a functioning rollercoaster (hence the name of the village). The LEGO logo in Minecraft. I'm not sure why I build this in the first place, but it worked out well and was fun to work on. Again, on the closed server earlier mentioned I was working on a theme park called Whispering Cliffs (you get that reference again?) build alongside the edge of a cliff. I don't have an overview of the park (it was half finished when the server closed) but I do have one image of the Nether dark ride. It shows the main room of the dark ride, all made by hand (a little MCEdit for creating the room). Also, the text message shows the name of the now defunct server. Lastly, two images. A big farm I made first when I joined the aforementioned server, influenced by that Explore the Farm game from Humongous Entertainment. Next to it, an abandoned mall which I build but never served its purpose. Next to it is a minecart station, behind the mall is a villa. The admin of that defunct server I mentioned, who also was the friend helping me with the Market Square, opened up a new server. He still had a back-up of the old server world so I was granted access to that world for nostalgia purposes. He placed this world in the new server temporarily so that's why you see that tokens bar on the right, which is a feature on that new server.
    1 point
  14. lol username

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [12:44:05 PM] McJobless: what do we do when mcjobless hasn't sleep [12:44:15 PM] McJobless: Watch do we do when he has college [12:44:27 PM] McJobless: Ewaaaarrtlly in the mlooprhniht
    1 point
  15. STUDZ

    The LEGO Movie Discussion Topic

    I have a lot to say about the movie, most of which was already touched on. So I won't say much. BUT, We've all seen Benny's Spaceship, right? I looked up the "LL-929" seen on Benny's ship, and look what I found: Look familiar? Now, who built the white MOC? Why none other than Mark "I-Killed-Teal" Strafford. So three guesses as to who built the official set here. And the MOC was built almost five years ago. Wanna see more of the MOC? HERE YOU GO. I just thought this was very interesting. [iNB4 jamesster says something along the lines of "this was common knowledge".]
    1 point
  16. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    The LEGO Movie Discussion Topic

    Sorry, to double post about week apart but I thought some of you guys may be interested in an article which came out today. http://www.artofthetitle.com/title/the-lego-movie/ covers the process of creating the stop-motion credits sequence at the end of the move and was something that I read and watched and found to be quite interesting. It also has some media in the article including pre-production renders, storyboards, design screenshots, and the final sequence. It's quite neat, overall.
    1 point
  17. What do you do when you have only two Classic Spacemen and Photoshop? >This, apparently. The kitchen in my house has a little light that looks a bit like a flying saucer...I thought it'd be fun to take a picture of two LEGO astronauts exploring the vast kitchen counter, and seeing the lamp from below. It didn't turn out quite as well as I liked, so I tried to spruce it up by creating a magazine-style LEGO ad. I'd like to do more in the same style, probably featuring Pirates since I actually have those sets, definitely using actual magazine dimensions. Thoughts? TC
    1 point
  18. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    I like "Runs from wierdness to insanity - The Running Man!" Also doctors have released him. The Running Man if fully cured of his Explosive LegoExpand! (cured of other things? Not so much...)
    1 point
  19. The Ace Railgun

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Replicators are invading! Looks like a science experiment gone wrong...actually no it looks like my homework...yeah you don't want to know what it was...
    1 point
  20. Lair

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    this is moving away from "slightly disturbing" more and more.
    1 point
  21. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Update: The disease has migrated to the Running Man's right arm. He is now in the hospital because he can't lift his right arm anymore. The Running Man has been hooked up to an IV and is in critical condition. Here he is lying in his hospital bed custom made for his arm. He is getting worse. Doctors say he may lose sight in his right eye. Also, he may lose his arm as well. Doctors will be working round the clock to save him. Only time will tell.
    1 point
  22. lol username

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    why am I laughing so hard at that
    1 point
  23. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    I have some sad news for everyone here. The Running Man has been diagnosed with a rare but serious disease called Explosive LegoExpand or ELE. The chances of a lego person getting this disease is 1 in every 32,956,285 lego people. What it does is the lego pieces of the lego person are attacked by the Stud Virus which causes the pieces to multiply 1 stud a minute and can result in ELE, which doubles the speed to 2 studs per minute. There is NO CURE. We can only slow the process down, but we fear it may be too late. Here is what the Running Man looks like now. The virus has affected the entire right side of his face. It is sad to see him like this. Our doctors are doing everything they can, but they say if a cure can't be found soon, he may only have one month left. Please, if you are reading this, do your part. If you can please donate any lego money you can. even one little 10 coin will help to save his life. If you are unable to provide, we understand. Please donate now. We are all he has left.
    1 point
  24. Drill Master

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Hey look! The Running Man is now break danci-- Wait a minute...
    1 point
  25. Lair

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Sorry guys, Jamesster won Everyone can go home now.
    1 point
  26. Arthuriel

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    @Alcom: Aaargh, what have you done to the running man? It looks like Dr. Nick Riviera performed an operation on him. But wait, that reminds me of something: PS: I've "improved" the Running Man. Now he's an ostrich, which much more practical in a desert (note: I changed two parts (hinge bricks), because it didn't fit):
    1 point
  27. legomoe

    PAC Extractor 2.0 (now with -all option)

    Don't worry, I understant why you need a PAC builder. The reason that V1 created 'FileList.txt' was because those numbers that appear after each file name are found in ech .pac file, and I have no clue what they mean. the game will also crash when trying to load a .pac file if those numbers arn't right. Do with V1 I cheated and when you extract a .pac file, it writes all those 'magic' numbers to the list file, then when you rebuild the .pac file it puts all those numbers back in their place, and the game loads without a problem. I don't have much time right now, but I'll see if I can get around to making a PAC builder that will be compatible with the V2 extractor! EDIT: I've created a program to rebuild .pac archives. I've edited my first post with instructions on how to use it. Make sure you read them.
    1 point
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