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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2014 in all areas

  1. PeabodySam

    Morbius fanclub

    While we're on this subject, here's a list of characters that I've compiled myself. It's a little lacking - formatting looks gaudy in Notepad (copypasta'd from Word, that's why), sources aren't cited, there's no images, Chima is missing entirely, and other themes (e.g. Ninjago) may not be up-to-date - but it might be helpful to this discussion.
    5 points
  2. lol username

    LEGO Awesomeness

    5 points
  3. lol username

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    Original character, do not steal.
    5 points
  4. RobExplorien

    LEGO Awesomeness

    Classic Space all over the place. Neat how they make the square baseplates as round platforms.
    5 points
  5. Fluffy Cupcake


    Based on certain events happening near the end of the 5 hour endurance. Ace and I are the only non-stick figures because I got lazy after that and then realized I had no idea what anyone looked like.
    4 points
  6. Jimbob

    RRU Minecraft Server

    IT'S PARTY TIME! It's been a while, but the RRU server is finally back. And it's better than ever! Before I mention anything else, I must give a huge thanks the following members: Drill Master, Fushigisaur, The Ace Railgun and Xiron. You guys were awesome. So, what's new? The biggest change is a brand new Creative world. The portal to this world is located right at the top of the RRU Tower, it's quite a climb. An emerald portal on the portal floor, built by Fushigisaur, filled with flowing water - which denotes an active portal - resides there, simply walk into it to teleport between worlds. The portal hub in the Creative world, created by Xiron, contains a large portal back to the Survival world again. Take the stairs in one corner down below, and you'll find many more portals, the majority of which have yet to be claimed. Head outside and you can find a brand new Build Wars stadium, built by Drill Master too. Unfortunately, Dynmap's latest update seems to have broken it. Or something. Whatever the reason, it's reporting 404 errors, so I just need to fix that up before it's ready. EDIT: Fixed. Welcome back, Dynmap. Below is a more detailed list of everything that's changed: Survival Has a separate inventory to the Creative world. Is accessed through the main portal in the Creative world's portal hub (coordinates X=0, Y=64, Z=0). iSail, GrassPlanter, Parachute and SalvageSmelter plugins have been removed (to keep the total count below 20, and also due to lack of use/need). Mods have more restrictions applied on their available commands. This is to make Survival more Survival-y for them, too. ...But they still get some amazing punishment abilities. Do NOT disobey any server rules, or a mod will be given free reign to torture and abuse you in many imaginative ways. Creative Has a separate inventory to the Survival world. Is accessed through the portal near the top of the RRU Tower. Members have access to the /give and /teleport commands in this world. Do not abuse this right or they will be removed! Downstairs in the portal hub, there are a large number of empty portals. You may build your Creative area and create a portal, then request a portal to be set up to it in the portal hub for ease of access (only the Admin has access to this, mods cannot). There are also three portals already set up. One to the Build Wars Arena, another to the LEGO Island map created by Xiron, and the third to the void area (for building places from scratch) set up by Xiron. Mods have a range of commands available to them, including WorldEdit and VoxelSniper. You may request a mod to use any of these tools for you. And they also get some amazing punishment abilities. Do NOT disobey any server rules, or a mod will be given free reign to torture and abuse you in many imaginative ways. Build Wars Arena Is located nearby the portal hub in the Creative world. Will host Build Wars, where members can compete to build in Creative in two teams, and the mods can vote on the winners. Has build plots around it for members to freebuild. Enjoy! EDIT: I feel I haven't given justice to the amount of hard work DM and Xiron put into their respective contributions. Build Wars, which Drill Master built, is this seriously awesome huge area of land containing plots of land and a centerpiece stadium. The huge stadium contains a judges panel, audience seating areas, a Hall of Fame and some command blocks to run the rounds with. Rounds of Build Wars consist of a Red team facing off against a Blue team to construct the most epic object, with the winners decided by the four judges (the moderating team). Winners have a screenshot taken and placed in the Hall of Fame. It is totally awesome, you should check it out! LEGO Island and The Void are two areas Xiron built and set up. LEGO Island is a huge recreation of LEGO Island from the first game, and is astonishing to look at - and that's before you get close and check out its level of detail. Best viewed with the LIMC texture pack, you should definitely go and check it out when you next get the chance. The Void is a vast expanse of nothingness. Here members can build their own lands from scratch, so you get to define your landscape. You can build anything you can imagine here, from sky villages to islands to space stations! If you'd like a specific biome, ask a mod to change the biome via WorldEdit. Finally, the portal hub is the center (literally) of the Creative world. It contains portals to the Survival world and lands that other members have created. Look down and you will see a huge and very familiar logo!
    3 points
  7. Fluffy Cupcake

    What are you listening to right now?

    This. Ace and I did for 5 hours.
    3 points
  8. emily

    Morbius fanclub

    Haha, it probably is the same Tim. He says he goes to a Christian school in the thread, and that LinkedIn page says he graduated from Gordon, a Christian college. Neat that he was a fan before becoming Community Manager. Ed is from the Adventures of the LEGO Maniac. See here. EDIT: Then again, maybe it isn't the same Tim. His description of his "minifig's day at school" sounds more like that of a middle or high school than a college, so there isn't as direct of a correlation.
    2 points
  9. Tracker


    4 min in a lunchline has occured 4:30 100-300 chiefs speak in unision. 11:00: now there are about 25 more. 15:00 A dance has occured 17:30 +25 chiefs 28:00 Killed all of then to save my hard ware (lots of popping and cracking). During that run, cpu usage wnet from 24 to 152 percent (400 is full use of all four cores).
    2 points
  10. Fush

    Micro Raiders

    I had the idea a while back to rebuild all the Rock Raiders models in micro scale. Now that I've discovered MFZ (and subsequently become obsessed with it), which conveniently uses a scale very close to micro scale, I decided to go ahead and do it. These models should be compatible with MFZ objects and scenery. GRANITE GRINDER CHROME CRUSHER old version:
    1 point
  11. Drill Master

    Minecraft Screenshots

    The Build Wars have begun! The first round to start it off was between Fush of the Red Team, and Ace of the Blue Team. It was a heated race to build the round's object: A Cell Phone. Both competitors were quick to build and finished several seconds before time was up. In the end, Fush took the trophy with a 3 to 1 victory, but Ace showed great sportsmanship against his loss. Both builds were great. Be sure to attend the next round of the Build Wars! Fush's Build: Ace's Build:
    1 point
  12. Fush

    Morbius fanclub

    Well we could maybe post a topic for the time being. JJ alerted me that BBcode has a table option. Something like [table] US NameEUR NameOther Names__________________________________________ Gypsy MothNavigator SharpInsector 2__________________________________________ WillaIzraldaN/A__________________________________________[/table] IDK. Just used the first couple that popped into my head... Of course there would have to be some way of indicating what minifig the names belong to.........
    1 point
  13. Guurahk204

    The Great Kanohi Project

    It looks awesome! The shading is near perfect, and nothing at all looks out of place. Great Cowcow Nuva.
    1 point
  14. emily

    Morbius fanclub

    That's what we're missing as far as Time Cruisers, plus anything that may have been on Klick TV (still kind of on that, though). There's also the rest of the LEGO World Club issues that Dark_Turtle hasn't been able to upload, which I assume would have several photo comics in them along with all of the rest of the content. As far as the Prinzenrolle comic and the board game, I think that Dark_Turtle is virtually our only chance of ever seeing them. World Club is an obscure magazine as it is, and I don't imagine there are too many people out there that would hold on to promotional items tied to it, even compared to the magazines themselves, after all these years. But if World Club stuff is obscure, then the old Austrian Klick issues seem to be virtually nonexistent. I'm keeping my eye on eBay, but even if something were to come up there isn't a ton I could to unless the seller decides to ship internationally. Unless I missed something, nothing notable has appeared since alan and I failed at our attempt to get some magazines a while ago. While we're on the topic of minifig names, check out this neat early attempt to compile a list of them. The really interesting part is JohnKelly's post: The implication here is that LEGO named all of the characters for the US region, and then just never used the names in advertizing ever. This would explain where the Black Knight and Commander Cold come from in LEGO Racers; HVS was sent all of LEGO's info on the minifigures, including, apparently, stuff that was never publicized. Also, I'm willing to bet that he is misremembering, and that it is really Major Ursa. Because, you know, Ursa Major.
    1 point
  15. Fluffy Cupcake


    I must be then, because I did it for 5 hours straight (with Ace). Though I think I was starting to lose my mind at the end when I ran out of things to do in MC.
    1 point
  16. Fluffy Cupcake


    From the album: Misc

    Based on the endurance story Ace and I went through today.

    © Me

    1 point
  17. Fluffy Cupcake


    Yeah, well called it a draw. We could of gone on forever. XP gg Ace.
    1 point
  18. The Ace Railgun


    And I got to 5 hours, along with Xi. (I cut off the Millisecond ticker ) gg Xi
    1 point
  19. Fluffy Cupcake

    A Landslide Time Has Occurred

    From the album: Misc

    A LANDSLIDE HAS OCCURRED. Record as of 03/03/2014.
    1 point
  20. RobExplorien

    Solution to discoloration (1/4)

    From the album: RobExplorien's images


    © RobExplorien

    1 point
  21. Drill Master

    What are you listening to right now?

    1 point
  22. STUDZ

    The LEGO Movie Sequel

    I'll tell you how: LEGO ISLAND.
    1 point
  23. Cirevam

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    I propose a ground rule: Don't ever quote yourself, unless you are quoting an entire conversation that you had taken part in, and you are not the one providing that 'punchline'. If what you said was funny enough, someone else will quote you. Sound good? Can we also please also establish the rule of including a quote when you reply to someone, so that every post in the quotes thread has a quote? [12:46:11 AM] Joe: yAH I'll make it official. You should not quote yourself unless it is part of a conversation with another RRU member. It should be noted that having a conversation in here and quoting random people to get around these ground rules is probably not the best way to use this topic. There are other avenues of communication you can use to discuss quotes.
    1 point
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