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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/07/2014 in all areas

  1. le717

    LEGO Universe News! Minifig Wizard

    I originally was not going to make a topic about this (just a blog post), but jamesster asked me to for certain nefarious reasons, so I am. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqp61m1WTdI The LEGO Universe News! Minifig Wizard! is a LEGO sigfig creator rioforce and I have been writing on and off since August 2013 and finally released on March 5th (yesterday). Written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (which I call "pure web technologies"), it is designed is influenced from the LEGO Universe backpack. The minifigure model, textures, and images were all done by rioforce (he has a library of LEGO textures available for use by anyone he pulled from), although the accessories are slightly cleaned up LDraw mesh. While more details can be found on LEGO Universe News!, (and even more on my blog), I will note that while the coding and rendering has been 6 months in the making, the original idea for us to make this originated between late February to early March 2012, creating the longest idea-to-release development I have yet undertaken. Normally ideas are discarded or acted upon before this time. Further more, as many here know I have only been programming period for a year, making the fact we even released this thing even more amazing to me. The source and site itself is hosted on GitHub if you want to see how it all works. Warning: it is not the prettiest code around. A lot of this was written in my earliest days of JavaScript (the Minifig Wizard is actually why I started using jQuery for the $.animate() function), so there can be improvements made. We already have plans for the future updates (and personally, I plan on replacing the animations with CSS transitions) so some of it will improve. If you cannot make your personal sigfig from from lack of the proper head, torso, leg, hat, and/or items or find a bug, please either file an issue on GitHub, leave a comment on the WordPress post, or just post here. We’ll see what we can do (that's why we already have future plans ). Visit the LUN Minifig Wizard at bit.ly/MinifigWizard
    9 points
  2. Shadowblaze


    Uhm, yeah. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlUglQT4H5M&feature=youtu.be
    6 points
  3. lol username

    LEGO Universe News! Minifig Wizard

    His name is Cutesy. Hail Cutesy. Hail Cutesy. lol but srsly I like character creators in general quite a lot. It's fun. Part selection feels a tad random or scattered at points, I'd like to see more "generic" pieces that aren't as tied to specific characters, so it's easier to put parts together in new more random ways that still look good. But it works well.
    5 points
  4. McJobless

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [8:27:16 PM] McJobless: So. [8:27:21 PM] McJobless: My college had a fire today. [8:27:41 PM] McJobless: I think one of the fashion students ran into an animator and things got heated quickly. [8:36:51 PM] origamiguy: nice pun. [8:38:36 PM] McJobless: [9:09:57 PM] origamiguy: the past, present and future walk into a bar. [9:09:59 PM] origamiguy: it was tense.
    4 points
  5. STUDZ


    Let it be. I think you mean
    4 points
  6. Cyrem


    You have forfilled my dreams sir. Many waffles for you :wffl: :wffl: This will be the RRU Radio theme song.
    4 points
  7. aidenpons


    I said I would. Once only, in the shoutbox. Xiron foolishly disregarded me. Now it's Friday and I have time in my hands. Over five hours, to be exact. Now my final score. Five hours, sixteen minutes, thirty seconds, and five milliseconds. *relaxedly places hands back on the desk, with a smug smile on my face*
    3 points
  8. le717


    I don't understand this "new music" . What happened to the greats like Annie Walls, or Kathleen Enright? — Chief (@ChiefRaider)
    2 points
  9. Jimbob

    LEGO Universe News! Minifig Wizard

    This is epic, le! Great work, I felt the nostalgia straight away. Meet Bob Hardly. He's an ordinary working guy and what's to get 'in' with the kids, so he's trying out a new hair do.
    2 points
  10. lol username

    List for amount of pieces per lego set?

    Bricklink is known for buying and selling but it also provides inventories, which are of course tied right in with the stores, so you can easily find sets/parts/minifigures/whatever and buy them with a few clicks: http://www.bricklink.com/
    2 points
  11. lol username

    Vehicular Tree Hugging

    An amusing quirk I noticed today while screwing around on the Dig-A-Brick track. Damaged AI cars often collide with and get stuck behind trees while driving to the pit stop, and when the game resets them, they end up on top of said trees, often getting stuck there indefinitely (or at least until another car teleports up there too and knocks them down, or you hit them with a weapon).
    2 points
  12. McJobless

    Apparently I Need to Fire Myself

    Ohboy. It's Spam Message of the Day time. I removed the link at the end, since I sure as hell don't trust it. MESSAGE TITLE: Why you should fire your boss Hey there, Ezekiel here again. I want to PROVE to you why my Forex 3-day webinar on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014 is going to be life-changing. My goal? You quit your job, if you have one… and work for yourself. I don’t know why people even put up with having their future and their family’s future determined by someone ELSE. There are FAR too many hard-working folks who spend years working for bosses who don’t appreciate them. And or what… just to earn low pay that barely covers their bills? Believe me, there’s a way to live life on YOUR terms. It’s a way to have all the money you need, where you can work when you want, where you want, and enjoy all the free time you want. You can spend more time with your kids, play golf every day, and really enjoy your life. No more alarm clock, no more bosses, no more stress about being fired. Does this sound like something you’d like to do? Well, if so, you need to make sure you keep an eye out for my next email because the webinar page will be live, so you can sign up. Remember, on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014, I’m putting all the secrets I’ve learned over the years into a 3-day live webinar. This information-packed LIVE webinar reveals the secrets to tapping into the Forex market for consistent cash. If you’re looking to earn a lot of money from the comfort of home… my webinar gives you everything you need. This is the ONE and only time I’ll reveal my ultimate secret, my ultimate money maker. I’ve never revealed this to the 10 people who attended my last webinar. It’s the “Holy Grail†because it’s the only system you’ll ever find where it’s impossible to lose money. Follow my lead as I walk you through the process so you can retire from your job as soon as possible. You can sit back and relax while I walk you through exactly what I do to make 1% to 5% a day by taking cash out of the ‘hidden’ money-source. You too can make between 1% to 5% a day or MORE... simply by following my own secret “money maker†which I’ve never revealed to anyone before. Make sure you keep an eye out for my next email… because we’ll be live and you can sign up for this life-changing event on 9th, 10th & 11th April 2014… Best Wishes, Ezekiel Chew Renowned Forex Fund Manager & Coach [link removed] P.S. I want to empower YOU to follow in my footsteps to fast retirement and better life… so get access to the “Holy Grail†of making money in the Forex market! The next email you get from me will let you take that next step to financial security… so keep an eye out for it! I've always wanted to go golfing with the kids. Preferably using them as the balls. Thanks Mr Chew!
    1 point
  13. Jimbob

    Minecraft Screenshots

    Had a lot of fun today, playing on Creative with a few of the awesome people of RRU There's still some more runway space if anyone wants to build their own spaceship, it's in the Void area accessible through the portal hub.
    1 point
  14. Shadowblaze


    Yep, this idea came to my mind as soon as I clicked the sandwich button. I thought it would have been funny to make something like this. Now that I think about it, I can make a 5 hours loop of this thing...
    1 point
  15. STUDZ

    Apparently I Need to Fire Myself

    I read that message in Dr. Phil's voice.
    1 point
  16. Ayliffe

    LEGO Universe News! Minifig Wizard

    Just had a go at this, and this is what I ended up with: Any chance of adding this hairpiece in brown?
    1 point
  17. le717

    Apparently I Need to Fire Myself

    1) No, I've never told this to anyone before, not even then 10 people (count then, 10!) people who attended the webinar on the exact same topic last year!! 2) 1% - 5% more a day, huh, perhaps even MORE? Well then, if I make $0, then 0 x 0.05 = 0, meaning I now make 5% more of $0 than I previously did! And if the percentage is even more, then I would make even more money! 3) You can tell I'm lying not only from the outrageous claims I am making, I also contradict my self-contradicting statement from earlier in the message! Honestly, while this may be spam, I think it is less harmful and more
    1 point
  18. Shadowblaze

    Apparently I Need to Fire Myself

    I read "Why you should set on fire your boss". Anyway, this dude basically said "leave your job and come work to me". Duh?
    1 point
  19. Fluffy Cupcake

    RRU Minecraft Server

    Ah, must of been the auto-restart. As long as no one ever goes near the border of the normal world and the void again. It won't.
    1 point
  20. Quisoves Potoo

    LEGO Universe News! Minifig Wizard

    Bravo! This should be fun. Hmmmm.... I imagine the potential for avatars and other random silliness will not be ignored. Cutsey is likely a sign of things to come. Also, le717, I would like to thank you and Rioforce for that library of minifig textures. How exactly did you scan them? Cheers!
    1 point
  21. aidenpons

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Once again Mad Translator manages to be rather insane and yet insanely apt. " ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "After the release because it was a stupid idea. Kudos to the editor and it works." And 'Mad Pain Points' got: A pain in the oven Predator It is a question that is crazy This vulnerability Is the touchstone ., Mark. <- I did not add this punctuation... Crazy flaw EDIT: Original text: "Do you find it odd that I have liked nearly every single post in this totally hilarious and enjoyable topic? Most certainly I do - after all, I'm the one that did it! But the question 'why' still exists and is not yet answered..." ...6 translations later, SDL gives us: "Completed you that encuentra that strange that I hardly only each effort in this adored happy and comfortable question it to me? I make more certain - last end that I am one, that made! But the question because in spite of exists, and was not answered yet... " This is... insane.
    1 point
  22. Quisoves Potoo

    The Ultimate Moment-aidenpons Throws Grammar to the Winds

    From the album: Quisoves Pugnat's Miscellany

    Preserved for posterity. :p
    1 point
  23. aidenpons


    So we are twins... You stole the words out of my mouth... You need an award. EDIT: *clicks 'replay'* EDIT 2: Did you purposefully release this on the day that ALANDSLIDEHASOCCURED has an anniversary? EDIT 3: The landslide sandwich goes really well with this...
    1 point
  24. Brigs


    What is this madness... Make more of it.
    1 point
  25. lol username

    The (slightly disturbing) Running Man

    I should probably post it on DeviantArt. Just think of the views and favorites!
    1 point
  26. le717

    Commander Cold's Introduction

    Welcome to RRU, Commander Cold! Is there a nickname we can call you? I don't see people taking a liking to "Cold told me" Nice to meet another Racers fan. That's why I joined RRU as well. I'm glad you have already found this place helpful to you. Once you play the game so more, might I suggest exploring the available mods. Our diverse group of modders have already made lots of mods. If you have any issues, feel free to ask, but be sure to try the search function in the top right before making a new topic. Chances are someone has already had your issue. Don't worry about the member base here. Most are harmless, and there are a lot of jokes that go on. If you are ever concerned about something or think something that may be against the >rules (hopefully you have read those already ), you can always contact one of the forum staff members (their names are in blue, green, or yellow). Oh, and watch out for >landslides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlUglQT4H5M
    1 point
  27. Fush


    Shadow I love you. This is literally the greatest thing ever.
    1 point
  28. Fluffy Cupcake


    Based on certain events happening near the end of the 5 hour endurance. Ace and I are the only non-stick figures because I got lazy after that and then realized I had no idea what anyone looked like.
    1 point
  29. Fluffy Cupcake


    From the album: Misc

    Based on the endurance story Ace and I went through today.

    © Me

    1 point
  30. Shadowblaze

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Ultra Hardcore Challenge!" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "This is a difficult task." Makes enough sense to me. Original text: "The (slightly disturbing) Running Man" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Little Bill (production)" LITTLE BILL PRESENTS: THE DISTURBING RUNNING MAN! Now in Family Edition.
    1 point
  31. Brigs

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    Last week in my writing class I was given an assignment to write a satire to "criticize people's stupidity or vices." As a rational LEGO fan, I decided the logical place to start is the intellectual cesspool known as LEGO Message Board, or LMB. Naturally it was most effective to project the LMB as a primitive human society, called the "Elimbie." (See what I did there?) Oh, and I should probably mention that the LMB Moderators would NEVER approve the entirety of this post, rejecting the latter half because "Your post might be considered offensive to others. Please help us keep the MBs a fun place for everyone to be! Despite being a satire, users can still feel offended my some parts of it." Boo-hoo. Just this afternoon, they rejected the first half of this post after approving it, because, "Your post might be considered offensive to others. Please help us keep the MBs a fun place for everyone to be! Users might feel offended by this satire as they think it is real. It is mentiones the LEGO MB in it and therefore is too real." Thus I refrain, Boo-hoo. By the way, did you notice the eloquent spelling and grammar these mods have? The Culture of the Elimbie By Professor Brigs Bastille These past few years I have observed a nearby community isolated from all sanity, logic, and reality, which residents call the “Elimbie;†the people of this society refer to themselves as “Elimbiers.†The people of this society are remarkably infatuated with their established mythology, the center of their culture. The Refugee Department of Sanity has recently declared the Elimbie community a Mental Disaster Site. The society exists in a state called “LEGO,†within a hostile region of the World Wide Web called the Commercial Domain. It is located three tabs east of the Home; from there one takes the redirect to the LEGO Message Board (LMB). Recreational activities in this society may cover a range of subjects, such as storytelling, theater, and prolonged discussions on a variety of issues. The most frequent topics for discussion are clichés in the mythos, the relationships between mythical figures, and the opining on superstitious rumors. In storytelling, the narrator will typically set their anecdote’s foundation upon conventional mythological lore, but with a distinctive (and characteristically absurd) plot. It is not unusual for the speaker to insert new characters into the story, including himself, complete with extremely unrealistic abilities. According to tradition, the inserted character will subsequently meet mythic heroes, and preform some implausible feat. Elimbie discussions can be quite incomprehensible to the unaccustomed listener, as they speak an extremely devolved form of English; many in the community possess immaturely poor grammar and pronunciation, not to mention their neglect of critical accents. Frequent users of onomatopoeia, the Elimbiers enjoy denoting sounds, particularly explosions. The people are known to yell extensively and make bizarre facial expressions to convey a point. As an example of the latter, in accompaniment of a humorous, sarcastic, or absolutely ridiculous statement, the speaker will stick his tongue out at his listeners. For some reason, this expression generally does not offend onlookers. At the end of a conversation, the speaker will typically say his name, recite a quote of personal significance, and frequently express his religious affiliation. The elite of this society are the moderators, who are tasked by the government to inspect the community for individuals critical of the orthodox mythology or anything in general. They compose the most highly esteemed class in the Elimbie community, as they make all official announcements. Public polls query the population on superficial topics, however there has yet to be democratic voting for government office. Acclaimed commentators and storytellers are highly admired in the culture for their insights and legends, and they have been known to consult with the moderators. Clearly the non-civil Elimbie civilization is mentally hazardous, and obviously unfit for children. The Refugee Department of Sanity has released a public statement discouraging travel to this “Intellectual Wasteland,†as their research proves exposure to the Elimbie can greatly decrease an individual’s IQ, and frequenters to the community will likely suffer irreversible brain damage. Parents are urged to avoid exposing their offspring to the Elimbie at any cost; Children exposed to the community at a young age may eventually never leave, trapped by mind-numbing conversations in an eternal state of stupidity.
    1 point
  32. le717

    The Culture of the LMB (A Satire)

    Thanks you, Brigs, for providing such a riveting insight and documentary of this strange and mysterious world known as the Elimbie. You sir should recieve the Nobel Prize of Sanity for being able to provide us with such a documentary and coming out unharmed.
    1 point
  33. dead_name

    GHB Recorder

    grappigegovert, drop me a PM/email (preferably email but whatever - it's on my website which is on my profile) and I'll help you integrate my LR1 library code - this means you'll be able to save directly to GHB.
    1 point
  34. Cirevam

    Vehicular Tree Hugging

    This video gives me an idea for a track once we're able to make custom tracks. Nothing but palm trees for as far as the eye can see. The AI opponents get stuck early on, warp to the top of the forest, then they never come back down.
    1 point
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