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  1. Minifig9292

    Lil' Tiny Space Ship

    I made this a long while back. It's probably my favorite moc. It's all one big image, click it to enlarge and all that jazz.
    3 points
  2. McJobless

    QW: Why Legend of Zelda is already one of my favourite games.

    This is a entry in my "Quick-Write" series. Basically, just some minor thoughts quickly thrown into a blog entry as a kind of progress update on how I'm doing. Anyone familiar to Creative Theory on RRU or the Skype chats would know that Jamesster's been doing a lot of LoZ stuff recently. He found that brilliant essay, and recently he's been playing the first game for numerous reasons. As I'm sure anybody from RRU knows, once one popular member does something, it quickly becomes infectious and everyone does the same thing, and I got swept into finally playing LoZ for the first time. Originally I was saving it for some kind of video series called "McJobless does X for the first time", but I doubt that'll ever come into fruition, so I decided that, with my newly founded game observation tools, I'd crack open LoZ and see what kind of good old school gaming is. Why wasn't I born in the 70s? I grew up as a Playstation fanatic, in an era where 3D was finally mass-market, and it looked like 2D games would fade out. Thankfully due to indie developers and mobile gaming, that hasn't occurred, but a much younger, s***tier me would of wished it had. The reason, you ask? A much younger me didn't know about mechanics. Didn't understand what made the game a game. Didn't get that, behind the façade of polygons and music, there's a beating heart which many, MANY 3D games simply lack in their desperate attempt to try cash-in on gamers looking for "next-gen graphics" and what else lies in the "concept" of a game. The Legend of Zelda came from a simpler time. Maybe not literally, considering how difficult it still was at the time to make individual bits move on the screen, but overall lacking the high complexities of today's insane market. It was a time when games weren't produced to be interactive movie, but instead to actually bring you into that adventure, and make you feel like the hero. Gamers of that day and era could look past the relatively simple graphics, and see a whole world for them to conquer and save. I'm going to stop with the sugar-coating at this point, and get to the real meat of this discussion. My experience in the first 30 minutes of gameplay. And, because this is a quick-write, and not a full entry, I'm going to do it dot-point style, which makes it a little easier on all of us. The game's opening midi sequence was epic, despite its subtle midi soundtrack. The story and objective were clear from the start, and you even got a great look at all the tools and items to find on your quest. Beginning the game, there was no cutscenes to faff about with, no boundaries, no forced tutorials. You were given a world to explore. If you didn't pay attention to the opening, that's your fault. That made the world immediately feel free. Loading each new area (which I shall now call "Rooms", based on how LucasArts used to name their sections of point-and-click adventure games) was a very simple, beautiful scroll from the previous room to the next. There was no giant loading screen, and no need for complex dynamic loading systems. It was all very simplistic and yet fancy. The game was clever enough to record which enemies you killed, and which you didn't, meaning when you exit and return to a room, it doesn't respawn enemies you've already dealt with. This made the world feel real. I wasn't fighting against an infinite amount of AI controlled by game designer scripts; each enemy was planned, and while their spawn location was randomised, I felt like I was having an effect on the world. When you start the game, you had to retrieve the sword from a cave. This was clever, because, without railroading the player, it gave them a subtle lesson that caves contain secrets and important quest-related-items/knowledge. Furthermore, although things may change in the road ahead (according to Jamesster), I never found myself confuse on any of the items in my possession. It sometimes took a little time to finally realise a concept, but then I felt clever for working it out. I wasn't having a billion information popups shoved in my face, telling me about an obvious concept. The sword has a special ability; you throw it when you have full health. This was very clever, and really made me have to think carefully about positioning, since I never wanted to lose that special ability. When I did lose health, I had to think even more carefully about how I would retrieve the health to gain that special ability; either go into melee combat to get a heart/fairy and risk enemies charging me down, or try and find one of the hidden fairy ponds. On that, after gaining another heart (increasing maximum health), when you die and spawn again or use a fairy on low health, you only start with 3 hearts. This didn't feel like punishment, but rather extra challenge; now, if I wanted to use my special sword ability, I would have to work harder to obtain it. This meant that the game was giving me a trade-off; by gaining "experience", it would be harder for me to obtain and use my abilities. When you die, the game doesn't reset you to a checkpoint like you're some baby having a tantrum. It allows you to keep everything you earned, but places you back at the start of the overworld/dungeon. This is okay, because I never felt frustrated or angry. I always felt as though, if I did slightly better, I would completely own this entire level. This death punishes you by removing your progress (as far as enemies are concerned), but that punishment really isn't too harsh in the long run. After you acquire them, arrows are infinite in supply. However, you must pay one rupee for every arrow you use. Suddenly, there was a new challenge; arrows are extremely powerful and kill those b****** water things instantly, but they cost the money I need to upgrade Link. This trade-off made me very careful about how I used my extra tools. Dungeons really changed up gameplay, with their slightly different layout, and the fact that, unlike the overworld (which required you to make your own map if you want to memorise where everything is), looking carefully through each dungeon will find you the map, compass and/or hint. Suddenly, I felt more compelled to explore these areas and find everything I could, especially after the first dungeon gave me the bow, heart upgrade, boomerang, more bombs AND a piece of the Triforce. Bombs were interesting, because the game made me compelled to use them. You could find secret entrances blowing walls up with them, and they were pretty devastating against groups of enemies, which is most of the areas in LoZ. Of course, they were limited, so effectively using them was a careful decision process I had to make. The music never got tiring or boring. It's a theme I could carry to my grave. It made me feel like a hero. I'm sure there's a lot more I'm missing that I haven't written about. For now, I don't want to cover experience loops, skill trees or any of that until I've finished the entire game. Anyways, thank you based Jamesster for getting me into this. At the same time, curse you, because I doubt I'll be able to put it down.
    3 points
  3. Yajmo


    From the album: Doodles

    I was trying to draw everyone form the most recent census. This is still a WIP. The final will have a different layout and resolution. Sorry if you are offended by any of my depictions of you.
    3 points
  4. The Ace Railgun

    What are you listening to right now?

    Speaking of the Lego island OST http://youtu.be/JtPp0ovsINw
    2 points
  5. Alcom Isst

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [3:34:52 PM] Jamesster: Oh wait you can't do the thing in the graveyard without the power bracelet [3:35:07 PM] McJobless: fak. [3:35:30 PM] McJobless: You guys have all the cool stuff already and all I got is a ticket to buy more medicine and a boomerang. [3:35:41 PM] McJobless: You have no idea how Australian that. [3:35:52 PM] Jamesster: haha
    2 points
  6. Minifig9292

    The LEGO Movie Sequel

    This can only lead to bad things. They hired Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan to write the sequel. What have they done? Jared has written ADDITIONAL content for Wreck-It Ralph, and he wrote the monstrosity that is Mr. Popper's Penguins 2011 and The Watch. And Michelle Morgan has done two movies no one's ever heard of. And both were meh. EVERYTHING IS AWFUL EVERYTHING IS CRAAAP WHEN YOU MAKE A HALFASSED SEQUEL Unikitty better be just as good tho. Best character. Benny is runner up best character.
    2 points
  7. Mantra

    Lego Ad from 1981

    Couldn't resist sharing this cute advert from the 80's Hope you like (if it's not been posted before etc)
    2 points
  8. Mantra

    Lego Ad from 1981

    Haha, hadn't seen that, I think the Lego creation in the first looks more fun though still Like when they revisited the Nevermind cover kid, don't see why...but hey.
    2 points
  9. Quisoves Potoo

    If You See the Whites of His Eyes...

    From the album: Quisoves Pugnat's Miscellany

    If you see the whites of his eyes, he's not the Thunder. Please report all Johnny Thunder imposters to your local Center for the Maintenance of Identities.
    2 points
  10. le717

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 06:55 PM): SO MANY TONGUES, put them ALL back in your mouths! (09 March 2014 - 07:01 PM): All right. - - Quisoves Pugnat (09 March 2014 - 07:01 PM): I put my tongue back in. JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 07:21 PM): le717 (09 March 2014 - 07:19 PM): JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 07:02 PM): Fushigisaur (09 March 2014 - 07:21 PM):
    2 points
  11. Alcom Isst

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [9:12:01 PM] Jamesster: YESH [9:12:08 PM] Jamesster: got the six dungeon's item [9:12:33 PM] Jamesster: it took a trip to a fairy pond thing and some medicine to survive but I did it [9:13:20 PM] Will Kirkby: misread six the first time round [9:13:22 PM] Will Kirkby: was very confused [9:13:29 PM] Jamesster: *sixth [9:13:45 PM] Jamesster: ... ooooh. [9:13:50 PM] Will Kirkby: ...there it is. [9:13:50 PM] Jamesster: oh. [9:13:53 PM] Will Kirkby: took you a second. [9:15:10 PM] Jamesster: well [9:15:19 PM] Jamesster: the sixth dungeon's item is a "magical rod" [9:15:21 PM] Will Kirkby: I just have a dirty mind. [9:15:25 PM] Will Kirkby: YOU'RE KIDDING ME. [9:15:30 PM] Jamesster: not kidding [9:15:36 PM] Will Kirkby: jesus [9:15:41 PM] Will Kirkby: what does the rod do, exactly? [9:16:34 PM] Jamesster: it shoots a powerful beam at enemies [9:16:43 PM] Will Kirkby: you have got to be pulling my leg. [9:16:49 PM] Jamesster: I'm not [9:16:57 PM] Will Kirkby: go on [9:17:01 PM] Will Kirkby: satisfy my curiosity [9:17:04 PM] Will Kirkby: what color's the beam? [9:17:31 PM] Jamesster: sort of blue and white [9:17:35 PM] Drill Master: [9:17:38 PM] Will Kirkby: hmm [9:17:40 PM] Alcom Isst: "white" THERE IT IS [9:17:44 PM] Will Kirkby: oh japan, you so silly.
    2 points
  12. Jimbob

    LEGO Awesomeness

    I'm going to have to build myself one of these: http://youtu.be/SEEzQKJfNE0
    2 points
  13. Minifig9292

    A Super Angry Nerdy Rant About Guardians of the Galaxy

    This post contains dirty language and a whole lot of cursing because I'm super pissed right now. So yeah. Beware of that. I love the Guardians of the Galaxy, they've been my favorite team for a few years now and I am super hyped for the movie. But this needs to be said. Micheal Bendis f****ing ruined the Guardians of the Galaxy comics. The original v2 series written by Andy Lanning and Dan Abnett is what I consider to be some of the greatest comics ever written. All the characters were written damn well. All have appealing designs and great, yet seemingly conflicting, personalities but Lanning and Adnett made all the characters work together and it was beautiful. Then f****ing Micheal Bendis shows up. Star-Lord got hit the hardest. He went through a ton of character growth that lasted through the 80s and into 2010. He started out as a naive guy with an ego, he developed into a bit of a joker, but primarily a headstrong leader who gets s*** done. Wellp Bendis said f**** that and made Star-Lord some whiny little b**** with daddy issues. He also has a Justin Beiber haircut. "HEY DAD" "YO WHAT THE f****S WITH THE HOTTIES? THEY'RE PROBABLY DIRTY AS FUC" "WELL IM GETTIN MY d*** WET AND YU AINT, LOL FAG" Also the retconn they did to Star-Lord is f****ing terrible. In the original series, Star-Lord and Nova sacrificed themselves to kill Thanos. It was a great ass scene and a good farewell to the characters. Brings a tear to my eye almost. They sent themselves along with Thanos to the "cancerverse". A dimension that is inescapable and full of all sorts of evil crazy s***. When you go to the cancerverse, you don't get out, not without some sort of crazy explanation. So, knowing this, it would take a lot for it to make sense Star-Lord could come back from killing himself and then having his body thrown into the cancerverse. WELLP NOT FOR BENDIS Oh no, because explaining a massive f****ing plot hole would make sense. Oh and Thanos and Nova haven't come back from being dead yet. Only Star-Lord because f**** logic amirite? The other guardians got screwed up as well. Rocket Raccoon has massive chunks of back-story cut and was then written as a joke character. I know I know, he's a f****ing raccoon, wasn't he always a joke character? Well actually no. In the good GotG comics, Rocket was the backbone of the team. He believed in Star-Lord's vision and ideals more than Star-Lord himself. When s*** got heavy and the team started o fall apart, he was there to keep everyone together. Sure there was that moment of "what the f**** is that a raccoon?" but that would quickly pass as Rocket proved himself to be more than just some talking raccoon with a gun. Now Gamora and Drax just aren't themselves here either. Drax is just like a mini-hulk, and Gamora went from being the deadliest woman in the galaxy to a sub-damsel. Groot is also almost nonexistent and hardly does s***. Another issue is that, In the good GotG comics, the team has a purpose. They were formed by Star-Lord after some bigass war happened. They were there to prevent such a war/threat/otherbads*** from happening again. There's more to that, but I don't want to make this longer than it has to be. In the Bendis run, the GotG are just together because lol Idontf****ingknow. The issue here is that the threat the GotG were made to stop was, well, stopped. Star-Lord died stopping it and the team disbanded. All the characters went their separate ways and had their own stories. Of course all that was retconned by Bendis because f**** you. So all in all, Bendis f****ed up the only thing I get a raging nerd boner over. Thank f**** they are ignoring his bulls*** for the movie. If you want to read Guardians of the Galaxy to understand what is going on for the up coming movie, do NOT read the Bendis run. Read Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy. It is one of the best comics I have ever read and it needs some serious attention. It looks like this It's getting a re-release on August 5th I think. So time travel into the future and get it. Also tell me how the movie is when you get back.
    1 point
  14. emily

    The LEGO Movie Sequel

    Oh. I guess hastily Googling something has failed me yet again. I guess I'm a little more skeptical now. Still, I'm happy enough that we got one fantastic movie from LEGO. At least it won't be the end of the world if the sequel stinks.
    1 point
  15. Mantra

    What are you listening to right now?

    If you hadn't seen that, here's the full video - pretty gruesome though the artwork just makes me drool, then My God is the Sun kicks in... http://youtu.be/f49yRhJ0NjI
    1 point
  16. Ayliffe

    What are you listening to right now?

    You forgot *Snip* Oh great. Now I'll be listening to those TLM tracks. Gee, thanks for posting that Ayliffe. I ended up buying the whole CD in the end, so I can listen to these songs over and over and over and over and over... Oh, and I've also been listening to one of the most positive songs ever: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM
    1 point
  17. Sharkly

    What are you listening to right now?

    @Mantra I was just listening to that yesterday afternoon, I hadn't seen the video until then. I have to agree, Queens of the Stone Age are just pretty fantastic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_S9VvJM1PI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-BvOuE7wfw Apologies for my relatively mainstream selection of music.
    1 point
  18. Mantra

    What are you listening to right now?

    Fantastic song, artwork, awesome - may be unsuitable graphic spots for some though, however this forum works. http://youtu.be/7kzKfwwDFRc
    1 point
  19. Fush

    Lego Ad from 1981

    1 point
  20. Shadowblaze


    Put a like on every post I've made.
    1 point
  21. McJobless

    QW: Why Legend of Zelda is already one of my favourite games.

    I've been pretty lazy with blog upkeep and categories I'll fix everything when I do another blog clean out.
    1 point
  22. The Ace Railgun

    Minecraft Screenshots

    Well, I think you guys are going to hate us now... But we just couldn't resist
    1 point
  23. Cyrem

    QW: Why Legend of Zelda is already one of my favourite games.

    Quick Write? This is bigger then most articles on game dedicated sites. I've been meaning to ask, why do you keep everything on the same blog or category? But this is a great read even though I have not played it.
    1 point
  24. Fush

    QW: Why Legend of Zelda is already one of my favourite games.

    Majora's Mask is one of my personal favorites, in fact is probably my favorite game ever. I probably should have mentioned it, but out of all the 3D titles I figured Wind Waker was the one to recommend. Majora's Mask, while an incredible game, just doesn't go over well with a lot of people. But if it looks interesting to you, by all means try it out! I was about to recommend getting the Collector's Edition disk (Which contains Zelda 1, Zelda 2, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask), but I just looked it up on Amazon and it's like $200. Wow. Yeah you're better off buying Majora's Mask on Virtual Console or emulating it.
    1 point
  25. RobExplorien

    What are you listening to right now?

    That hospital theme, reminiscence... The one theme that stuck in my mind the most of LEGO Island. Makes me sob sometimes, when I think about it, especially when you get to 2:24. Back in those days when I innocently roamed the vast island. Oh how I miss those days...
    1 point
  26. Shadowblaze


    That's not all though, I made another very subtle change.
    1 point
  27. Shadowblaze


    Yep, this idea came to my mind as soon as I clicked the sandwich button. I thought it would have been funny to make something like this. Now that I think about it, I can make a 5 hours loop of this thing...
    1 point
  28. le717

    Commander Cold's Introduction

    Welcome to RRU, Commander Cold! Is there a nickname we can call you? I don't see people taking a liking to "Cold told me" Nice to meet another Racers fan. That's why I joined RRU as well. I'm glad you have already found this place helpful to you. Once you play the game so more, might I suggest exploring the available mods. Our diverse group of modders have already made lots of mods. If you have any issues, feel free to ask, but be sure to try the search function in the top right before making a new topic. Chances are someone has already had your issue. Don't worry about the member base here. Most are harmless, and there are a lot of jokes that go on. If you are ever concerned about something or think something that may be against the >rules (hopefully you have read those already ), you can always contact one of the forum staff members (their names are in blue, green, or yellow). Oh, and watch out for >landslides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlUglQT4H5M
    1 point
  29. RobExplorien

    LEGO Awesomeness

    Classic Space all over the place. Neat how they make the square baseplates as round platforms.
    1 point
  30. lol username

    LEGO Awesomeness

    '' target='_blank'>> Saw this on Tumblr today.
    1 point
  31. RobExplorien

    LEGO Awesomeness

    I can't believe it. My two favorite things, domino building and LEGO System, combined! Stumbled upon this again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IFv413Ro3I&t=24m22s Skip to 24:22 for what I mean. Also at beginning, classic 80's dutch TV intro. Back in 1988 when 30 students from three technical universities from Holland worked together on a massive domino project to beat the domino toppling record at that time. The theme was "Europe in Domino", and there were 1.500.000 dominoes set up, of which 1.382.101 toppled, a world record. In the video (when skipped to said time) the dominoes are in 'Denmark', with LEGO making an appearance (project Spaceland). The Futuron monorail is activated by the dominoes, going up the hill but promptly stops just before reaching the dominoes to topple next. No worries, a so called 'aorta' keeps running around the projects to ensure toppling subsequent projects if the previous fails to do so. Ironically, Blacktron elements are enclosed by the Futuron base. Fun thing is that one of the students who worked on this formed Weijers Domino Productions in 1989, the company which would later be known for creating the event Domino Day, first held in 1998. EDIT: Just noticed that other objects like boats (see 39:33 for example), the Eiffel tower (see 45:25) and a motorized arm (see 46:17) are also made out of LEGO bricks.
    1 point
  32. UTF

    LEGO Awesomeness

    All that detail... It's so beautiful... Then I think about how much money was spent on all those Lego bricks and then I start to feel woozy. Someone cosplayed as the Infomaniac. I can't seem to find the actual source though, so I linked to a Tumblr reblog.
    1 point
  33. Shadowblaze

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "what happen if i put not grammarly corrected text inside of this white box?" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "The situation may change as the text for the purpose of Yahoo Messenger." Well that actually made kinda sense except for the last part obviously. ____________________________________ Original text: "Not bad, this site can translate phrases in an astonishing way!" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "... If you are not sure whether the code has been tampered with? You can throw from abroad." ____________________________________ Original text: "BE SHORT BE SHORT BE SHORT BE SHORT" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Help, Help" lol I laughed so hard at this one
    1 point
  34. LimeKiller

    Bad Translations

    "Whoops! You forgot to put the CD in your computer!" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Less to forget." "Pepper here, the fastest pizza deliverer in the West!" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Thai Chili pizza" Not literally, although a Thai Chili Pizza sounds good.
    1 point
  35. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Rock Raiders United is Down Again!" ...27 translations later, Bing gives us: "Naked pirate rock with us!" Oh no. My mind has now formed a terrible image... Original text: "Naked pirate rock with us!" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Stones and boats." Wut.
    1 point
  36. Biorune

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "I’d take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day." ...9 translations later, TransPerfect gives us: " Identificao accouns kady. " wat.
    1 point
  37. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Rock Raiders II: Block Raiders" ...8 translations later, Bing gives us: "Rock Raiders (II): stop the kidnapper" But can it get worse?! Original text: "Rock Raiders II: Block Raiders" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "(The Board): the kidnappers to stop kicking."
    1 point
  38. Wognif

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Are you ready to leave Lego Island?" ...8 translations later, Bing gives us: "Takashimaya will continue?" Oh my..... Edit: Original text: "Best pizza on the island. Even if it wasn't the only pizza on the island." ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "The best pizza on the island are islands." That's even more weird.
    1 point
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