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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Brigs

    Discovering a Relic

    On a Saturday morning errand to Target, I found myself doing a strange activity: SINGING "Mama Papa Brickolini!" I am an extremely private and non-expressive individual, and such a display of singing is unheard of from me, even in the privacy of the vehicle. Soon after this bizarre performance, somewhat embarrassed, I began to question my own sanity. As I pulled into a parking lot, I noticed a seasonal kid's consignment sale at the adjacent commercial space. I am one of those ultra-frugal types who scours everywhere from the yard sale, to the thrift mart, to the clearance aisle in search of a cheap brick. At this time I ignored it, as the sale was in the final three days of it's one month sale and fifty percent off everything, which was a pretty good indication that everything of value was snatched weeks ago by a thrifty and feisty mother; thus I continued on my mission to accumulate consumables. Upon purchasing the goods and securing them to the car, I quite impulsively abandoned them to check out the consignment sale. There was nothing appealing in the toys section, so I turned to leave. Spotting the electronics section, I pondered whether a classic LEGO game might be hidden in the collection of ancient videogames. I carefully searched the various titles, beginning to lose hope, yet my flipping through the various titles would soon reveal its merit. In the final box of PC games, I uncovered a copy of LEGO Island! This relic of LEGO gaming is nearly as old as I am, with about five months' difference. Attached to the cover was the price: fifty cents. I quickly ran to the check-out counter, and purchased the game, with a fifty percent discount, plus tax, for a grand total of $0.27 cents! I was ready to leave LEGO Island? the consignment store at this point, anxious to hear the Infomaniac's "WELCOME TO LEGO ISLAND!"
    9 points
  2. McJobless

    RRU Plays...

    So, recently quite a few members of RRU jumped on the bandwagon for the first Zelda game, and since then we've been discussing progress, tips and hints, as well as the game itself. It's not like Twitch Plays, as instead of all directly influencing the player character, it's more about discussion over a game. Anyways, I was thinking about potentially offer a page that could allow users to provide detailed progress reports as well as include discussions about the game, so that we could each see how different users react to various games, especially over the course of full length game. I know I'm getting a lot out of playing Zelda, and to have an "official" interface instead of just using Skype chat would be swell. Pretty much, I'm thinking of a dedicated section of the site using its own statuses, and forums (with a special layout, so you need to put in how many hours you've played, game you're playing, bit you're upto, things you've collected/killed etc and maybe even screenshot upload). It'd be a very weird setup and require a huge amount of custom code, but I think it would overall be very cool. Discuss.
    7 points
  3. Cyrem

    RRU Plays...

    I don't know if my mind is being weird or what I'm thinking of has been done before but this has given me a very big idea. Give me a moment to gather my thoughts and I might contact you about it and something else McJob.
    5 points
  4. Wognif

    Minecraft Screenshots

    I finished building the library. The drill on top could use some improvements, but I'm not going to worry about that right now. I also decided to add in to the sign conversation a little.
    4 points
  5. Jimbob

    Minecraft Screenshots

    That's quite a sight EXRicky! Did you get any WorldEdit help for that or was it entirely built from scratch? Nice sloping on the roof, too. Here's some typical chat randomness (JALTheComposer = Drill Master, izakiam96 = me):
    3 points
  6. Minifig9292

    Skyrim mod: Legend of the Toa

    Not sure if you all have heard of this gem. http://www.moddb.com/mods/legend-of-the-toa It speaks for itself really. It is incredibly buggy currently, clicking most of the options during character creation WILL make it crash. To get the weapons/masks/whathaveyou you will need to enter the command "coc bioroom" in the console. You'll be teleported to a room containing all the cool stuff. Also check out the dev's blog, it's in Russian (I think?): http://tesbionicleproject.blogspot.ru/
    2 points
  7. Wognif

    2014 03 11 04.55.56

    From the album: Wognif's creations

    The library is finished. The giant drill on top could use some improvements, but meh.
    2 points
  8. Cyrem

    Discovering a Relic

    I'm sure you ran to the counter like a maniac muppet and slapped it down on the counter.
    2 points
  9. Yajmo


    From the album: Doodles

    I was trying to draw everyone form the most recent census. This is still a WIP. The final will have a different layout and resolution. Sorry if you are offended by any of my depictions of you.
    2 points
  10. Minifig9292

    Lil' Tiny Space Ship

    I made this a long while back. It's probably my favorite moc. It's all one big image, click it to enlarge and all that jazz.
    1 point
  11. emily

    LEGO Universe Playthrough

    how do you play lego univrese i thought it was canceled Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this project, jamesster! It’s going to be an invaluable repository of reference information as we move further and further from the days LEGO Universe was playable.
    1 point
  12. Brigs

    Discovering a Relic

    I wish. However, I already have a classic Infomaniac (thanks, Bricklink), an extra red "police" hat, and the newer Extreme Stunts Infoderpiac torso.
    1 point
  13. RobExplorien

    Minecraft Screenshots

    It is a solar system of copycats, all gathering around my dirt patch. Then you have this show-off Wognif...
    1 point
  14. Commander Cold

    12372164584 2f56ea9d37 B

    From the album: Monorail II

    1 point
  15. Commander Cold

    12371889303 0eaa0ba6ae B

    From the album: Monorail II

    1 point
  16. Commander Cold

    12371843733 cb562ed198 B

    From the album: Monorail II

    1 point
  17. Commander Cold

    12371822443 befbd0645f B

    From the album: Monorail II

    1 point
  18. Commander Cold

    12371730883 730f7ba555 B

    From the album: Monorail II

    1 point
  19. Brigs

    Discovering a Relic

    Pretty much. The cashier was probably wondering why a young man was so desperate to buy a 16-year-old game "suited" for children ages 6-12.
    1 point
  20. Shadowblaze


    There you go dudes, have fun. https://soundcloud.com/c24dubstep/a-landslide-has-occurred-ft © 2014, Shadowblaze inc. All Rights Reserved.
    1 point
  21. lol username

    RRU Plays...

    It's like 12:40something AM so I can't put much thought into the details of this at the moment but I like the sound of it. Alternately/additionally, if we want more fast-paced talking, maybe another skype group or chat thingy?
    1 point
  22. Fluffy Cupcake

    Discovering a Relic

    A winner is you!
    1 point
  23. jedi299

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    After a lengthy discussion on the Lego Message Boards: [3:02:24 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob):Alright, that's enough Elimbee talk for one day. The doctor says if you use it too much, you could go blind. [3:02:51 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): Or worse [3:02:52 PM] The Machine: That's just a myth. [3:02:54 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): derpy [3:02:55 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): [3:03:02 PM] The Machine: In fact [3:03:06 PM] The Machine: You actually just lose your intelligence. [3:03:13 PM] The Machine: It's called the Elimbie Effect. [3:03:15 PM] Connor M. Jones (Jumpingbob): [3:03:26 PM] The Machine: You can read my paper on it later this year.
    1 point
  24. Prototyke

    The Great Kanohi Project

    I decided to remaster some of my earliest masks to better match the quality of the masks I am making now, so no new mask today. Updating masks is pretty easy and quick, so if you all think that any old masks needs updating, just tell me. I want to get all of these as high quality as possible. Edit: Original masks are in the Opening Post
    1 point
  25. Rokreder


    Can you give me a download please? I need this as a wake-up tone on my phone If no download can be provided, can I have permission to DL it from youtube?
    1 point
  26. Jimbob

    Lil' Tiny Space Ship

    That's a great model you've built, Katatonic, the colours and shape are excellent! Nice interior and thrusters, too. Really? I dunno, I think it looks good. Adds a break from the dulled tones. Then again it may well look better in a matching colour.
    1 point
  27. aidenpons

    Lil' Tiny Space Ship

    Looks good Pity about that white plate on the back... It looks really spaceship-like and frankly, I can't find anything else to critique about this! So I'll complement it. The cockpit is really well designed for the small space it has, and the places the minifig can put his arms are really good (I often have that problem and can never place the brick I need somewhere). The boosters on the back are well-placed and make me go . Those guns are are new technique to me and they are great. *kaffs* I can see why. It's awesome. Truly awesome! The way you rounded that corner there
    1 point
  28. Minifig9292

    The LEGO Movie Sequel

    This can only lead to bad things. They hired Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan to write the sequel. What have they done? Jared has written ADDITIONAL content for Wreck-It Ralph, and he wrote the monstrosity that is Mr. Popper's Penguins 2011 and The Watch. And Michelle Morgan has done two movies no one's ever heard of. And both were meh. EVERYTHING IS AWFUL EVERYTHING IS CRAAAP WHEN YOU MAKE A HALFASSED SEQUEL Unikitty better be just as good tho. Best character. Benny is runner up best character.
    1 point
  29. Mantra

    Lego Ad from 1981

    Couldn't resist sharing this cute advert from the 80's Hope you like (if it's not been posted before etc)
    1 point
  30. Fush

    Lego Ad from 1981

    1 point
  31. Quisoves Potoo

    If You See the Whites of His Eyes...

    From the album: Quisoves Pugnat's Miscellany

    If you see the whites of his eyes, he's not the Thunder. Please report all Johnny Thunder imposters to your local Center for the Maintenance of Identities.
    1 point
  32. Fush

    QW: Why Legend of Zelda is already one of my favourite games.

    You should play some of the other games in the series, but stick to the 2D ones. I have a feeling you wouldn't like the 3D ones as much. Especially not Twilight Princess or Skyward Sword. All the 3D titles give you a companion who is constantly telling you what to do, and from what I can tell you don't enjoy that. But you might enjoy A Link to the Past (SNES) or Oracle of Seasons (GBC). They play like the original but with better graphics, more interesting items, better level design, and new mechanics to keep thinks interesting. OOS is a bit more railroaded than the earlier installments, but I love the season-changing mechanic. Also, it has a sister game called Oracle of Ages, but I wouldn't recommend it as highly- the 'gimmick' for that game is time travel, which is not only incredibly overused but it doesn't even pull it off very well. EDIT: as far as the 3D titles go, actually, you might like Wind Waker. Your companion in that game is a boat, so he's not really able to follow you around everywhere. He pretty much just drops you on an island, tells you to do something and it's up to you to figure out how to do it. Also the overworld is HUGE, despite being mostly water with islands scattered about. The ocean is actually pretty clever, as it puts enough space between areas so that each island is able to load as you are approaching it. But it's a Gamecube title, so you would need a Gamecube or Wii to play it... IDK if you have either of those.
    1 point
  33. lol username

    The LEGO Movie Sequel

    1 point
  34. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    LEGOS IN SPACE TREE (Released now)

    And he can't get that from Spongebob or a fruitcake?
    1 point
  35. Fush

    wow such accomplish

    It took me FOREVER to get that chain threaded properly but I DID IT. I AM NOW THE MASTER OF ALL CHAINS
    1 point
  36. Cyrem

    New version of ROCK RAIDERS - update

    This is indeed great news! Thank-you DDI. I have promoted this topic to RRU News.
    1 point
  37. Wognif


    Hello! Hola! Konnichiwa! Aloha! And in any language, welcome to RRU! Just watch out for any floating torso minions, and you'll be fine.
    1 point
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