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  1. le717

    Oh, spam messages...

    Spam (sometimes known as junk) email, comments, tweets, posts, messages, phone calls, text messages, SMS messages, mail, they are a universal annoyance. From the janitor at your school to a high-seated official, everybody gets and hates spammy junk messages. Further more, with ever-increasing computer power and the rise of programming being taught practically every where you turn, more spam bots thus more spam messages will continue to be sent in all forms of media. Spam also comes in many varities, from bait-and-switch, phishing, pharming, and money scams, to name a few. The messages, if you dare view them, range from absolutely obvious to just real enough to fool automated spam catchers to almost (and for victims of the scams, completely) believable messages. Then there are another type: funny. These would appear to be messages generated by bots (that is, they create and connect words to make sentences). However, bots can never accurately imitate the English language and human typing. The end result? Some laughable, cringe-worthy, sometimes incomprehensible messages you have no choice but to read and laugh at. Wednesday night (March 12), around 9 PM, I got an email from WordPress asking me to approve a pending comment. Upon inspecting the message, I found it to be one of these funny spam messages. Because I found it so funny (I laughed more than I should, probably from how tired I was ), I have reposted the message below for you to read and laugh it. Have fun laughing! -le717
    5 points
  2. Fush

    Why I freaking love the Mixels

    You may have notice that lately I have become COMPLETELY OBSESSED with LEGO's new Mixels line. Here's why. 1. Cost These sets are VERY cheap. Most decent sets LEGO makes cost upwards of $60, and the cheaper ones are generally pretty boring. But these sets are only $5 each- and for the price, each one is a pretty decent model. I hear about the 'golden ration' a lot in the LEGO community, that when you divide the price by the part count of a set anything under $0.10 per piece is a good deal. Every Mixel contains 50 pieces or more, making them all at or below the golden ratio. 2. The pieces For how cheap they are, these sets contain a surprising amount of really useful parts. The ball-and-socket joints are great, and the sets contain all sorts of plates, clips, rods, etc. that have many many uses, especially if one is into micro builds. Oftentimes small sets like this contain very few parts with very limited uses, but that is not the case here. The only parts that are not generally useful are the eye pieces, and even those are good if you like making larger scale animal builds. If you don't like the cartoonish characters, don't think of them as model kits, think of them as expansion packs for your LEGO bin, cause that's what they are: A bag of tiny functional elements. 3. Collectibility OH MY GOD I am addicted to anything collectible, just ask the boxes of Pokemon cards laying around my room. This line, rather than having a few large sets, consists of a crapton of small sets, released in waves of 9 each. Only the first wave is out so far, but two more waves have been confirmed, and I suspect more will soon follow. I just feel so compelled to buy them all, and I suspect I will eventually. Yeah, not everyone likes that, but I do. 4. Personality These models have a lot of character. They are bight, colorful, expressive and every one of them is unique. I like that. I think they have a certain charm to them. 5. Combinability The main draw of the Mixel line. I used to love LEGO's old Technic figures- Bionicle and the like. One of my favorite things about these old sets was that, if you had the right ones, you could combine them into one big epic super-model. Sure, you can do that with any LEGO set, but they encouraged it with instructions for official combiner models that actually had a role in the story, that were unique canonical characters. I haven't seen that recently, but Mixels are bringing it back. For any two Mixels you buy, there is an official combination you can find on the website. You don't need specific ones- every combination is valid. The entire line is built around combining the guys in different ways. That is awesome. Yeah, I've heard a lot of woe directed towards this line. Most of it towards the show that goes along with it. There is a simple solution to that- Don't watch the show. I agree it's not quality TV, but I'm willing to put up with it if it means that LEGO keeps making sets like this. GO BUY SOME MIXELS.
    4 points
  3. JrMasterModelBuilder

    LEGO Racers - Different Released Versions - The Definitive List (?)

    Having come into possessions of all 3 known different copies of LEGO Racers, I though I should assemble a complete list of all the different copes and their differences. UPDATE: Based on some other topics there may be some other, much less common versions. I cannot personally confirm or deny their existance. The copies, in order of file date modifies, are: 1999 NoDRM 1999 DRM (SafeDisc Version 1.0) 2001 (Re-release) It should be noted that, based on the support contact information in the ReadMe, it's possible that the International copy of the 1999 version of LEGO Racers is the version that has no DRM, but the US 1999 copy is the one with SafeDisc DRM. These are the files that differ between versions: A rundown of how files differ: Keen eyed observers will note that though all the LEGO.JAM files were made in 1999, the 2001 re-release has a different JAM. This is a diff of the files within: Also, the 2001 copy will crash if you give it the 1999 JAM, and vice versa. As for what's different about actual gameplay and execution, here is what I noticed in my short testing. The 2001 game does crash when attempting to play with extracted archives as already established, though oddly enough ProcMon shows the game accessing the extraced directories, tough to say what's going on here. Trophies do work in the 2001 copy of the game, at least if you transplant a save file from the 1999 version (I think this has already been noted). I have not tried beating a circuit race Steering does seem slightly harder on the 2001 version, at least when using the keyboard. I have not tried a game controller. Wraps seem to take me exactly as far in both versions. I tested from the same place at the end of the shortcut in Desert Adventure Dragway, and both copies put me just past where the obelisk lands. All loading screens have blue borders except for Pirate Skull Pass in both 1999 versions. According to the hashes, I have the exact same copy references >here. Perhaps something else is at play, such as different screen resolutions. The track picker has different colored borders, most notably, Rocket Racer Run's border is yellow in both 1999 versions, but red in 2001. The warp sound effect does sound different in the 2001 version. There don't appear to be any different files associated with it, so perhaps it's a different effect applied by the exe? Well, that's all I know so-far. Let me know if there is anything anyone anyone wants to know more about! UPDATE 1: Added difference notes 5-7. UPDATE 2: Added different JAM crashing notes. UPDATE 3: Added note on possible other versions.
    3 points
  4. McJobless

    Oh, spam messages...

    "so you won't need to get any computer virus or maybe anything." As the IT specialist said to the office worker: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UworS8MhnyU
    3 points
  5. Sadie Meowsalot

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [1:24:16 AM] Stan McStudz: Cyrem's glow in his name pisses me off. [1:27:50 AM] Stan McStudz: But what pisses me off MORE is the fact that my new microphone got the price cut by a third TWO DAYS after I got it. [1:32:20 AM] Sadie: [1:24 AM] Stan McStudz: <<< Cyrem's glow in his name pisses me off.Why so? [1:33:00 AM] Stan McStudz: Because he nt only gets to be special with a COLOR. He gets to do so with a ROLLOVER COLOR CHANGE. [1:33:09 AM] McJobless: Hey. [1:33:16 AM] Sadie: Cirevam has that same glow. [1:33:17 AM] Stan McStudz: Like that one kid with rub-symbol stickers. [1:33:17 AM] McJobless: Red name is better than piss and puke. [1:33:59 AM] Stan McStudz: roll over Cy's name [1:34:02 AM] Sadie: And it's only a colour. [1:34:03 AM] jamesster: [1:24 AM] Stan McStudz: <<< Cyrem's glow in his name pisses me off.u srsly worried 'bout glowy names on the internet bro? [1:34:08 AM] Stan McStudz: teal to YELLO [1:34:31 AM] Stan McStudz: but mainly I'm piissed my mic's cheaper now. [1:36:14 AM | Edited 1:36:22 AM] Stan McStudz: $60 to $40 [1:36:17 AM] Stan McStudz: uh. [1:36:33 AM] Stan McStudz: IN TWO DAYS
    2 points
  6. Fush

    What are you listening to right now?

    Depends on where in reddit you go, and that's one of the great things about the site. Sure, there are some really freaking weird communities, like /r/spaceclop or /r/dragonsf****ingcars (both actual subreddits- steer clear) but you also have normalish communities like /r/Askreddit and such, and COMPLETELY FRIGGEN AWESOME ones like /r/wheredidthesodago Reddit is people- and every group of people has it's odd people. But Reddit organizes them so all the people who are odd in the same way are grouped together, seperate from those who don't approve of their oddness. My point, the site is only as strange as you want it to be. Only go to the normal subreddits, it's a normal place. Go to the strange subreddits, it's a strange place. Just stay away from most of the defaults. Anyway, i've started listening to Slagsmalsklubben again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y54ABqSOScQ I feel like a hipster listening to obscure music but I seriously do love this group.
    2 points
  7. RobExplorien

    LEGO Racers map revamp

    LEGO Racers map revamping This topic actually turned into a whole map retexturing project. I'm going to retexture all track maps (which are shown in the lower right corner in-race). For now, some has been done already on this personal project, but most still has to be retextured. As soon as I have all tracks revamped, I will upload the small texture mod and make it PatchIt compatible (which makes it better than having to add each .bmp to its designated track map manually). Old releases: Current release: Fixing cut-off track (v1.0): It has annoyed me since I first noticed it, and never thought of fixing this, until now. The maps of three tracks appear cut-off at a certain spot. Now you might think: "Why are you making such a big deal out of this!?". I'm kind of a perfectionist. It may not contribute at all, but it is just something that I thought had to be fixed. Thanks to the ripped textures, that made me able to adjust the maps. The adjustments may not be very noticeable, but it looks better compared to the old map in my opinion. To spare you the editing of the maps, I've added the edited files in a .zip and can be downloaded here: Map revamp v1.0 When extracting the .zip, you'll find three maps, each containing one adjusted map. Copy (or cut) each IGD_MAP.bmp to the corresponding RACEC*R* file in the .JAM archive, then recompile and add the .JAM to wherever it has to go in order to play LEGO Racers with the adjusted maps. Images of the adjusted maps; left is old, right is new. New features on maps (v2.0): It's here, all new in colour! This map revamp mod includes retextured maps for all tracks. This mainly includes colouring the map to match with the track colour, but shortcuts are added as well. Don't forget the bonus feature, and I think that some already know what it is. It was fun to make, but it is more important to me that you enjoy the new maps. Feedback is appreciated, as it may help me improve the maps even more. Even I still doubt if some tracks look finished or good, but for the time being, enjoy this release. I've added an image to give you a preview of the map revamp mod, picturing Rocket Racer Run and Dark Forest Dash. This version is outdated, and is merged with v2.0.1, so download link to the map revamp mod can be found under that section. Issue fix (v2.0.1): Not much difference compared to v2.0. le717 informed me about an issue where the fast install with PatchIt! of the map revamp mod wasn't working correctly, and he had to install all separate .BMP files manually. I fixed that, and it should work now on the easy installing way. Also, I did minor pixel edits on a few tracks. Barely noticeable, but merely serving for the detail. In order to play with the map revamp mod, you have to download the file below and install it into your LEGO.JAM. It is PatchIt! v.1.0.3 compatible as well, but manually installing it or using PatchIt! is up to you. Link to the file for the map revamp mod: Map revamp v2.0.1 Extra map:
    1 point
  8. Minifig9292

    A Super Angry Nerdy Rant About Guardians of the Galaxy

    This post contains dirty language and a whole lot of cursing because I'm super pissed right now. So yeah. Beware of that. I love the Guardians of the Galaxy, they've been my favorite team for a few years now and I am super hyped for the movie. But this needs to be said. Micheal Bendis f****ing ruined the Guardians of the Galaxy comics. The original v2 series written by Andy Lanning and Dan Abnett is what I consider to be some of the greatest comics ever written. All the characters were written damn well. All have appealing designs and great, yet seemingly conflicting, personalities but Lanning and Adnett made all the characters work together and it was beautiful. Then f****ing Micheal Bendis shows up. Star-Lord got hit the hardest. He went through a ton of character growth that lasted through the 80s and into 2010. He started out as a naive guy with an ego, he developed into a bit of a joker, but primarily a headstrong leader who gets s*** done. Wellp Bendis said f**** that and made Star-Lord some whiny little b**** with daddy issues. He also has a Justin Beiber haircut. "HEY DAD" "YO WHAT THE f****S WITH THE HOTTIES? THEY'RE PROBABLY DIRTY AS FUC" "WELL IM GETTIN MY d*** WET AND YU AINT, LOL FAG" Also the retconn they did to Star-Lord is f****ing terrible. In the original series, Star-Lord and Nova sacrificed themselves to kill Thanos. It was a great ass scene and a good farewell to the characters. Brings a tear to my eye almost. They sent themselves along with Thanos to the "cancerverse". A dimension that is inescapable and full of all sorts of evil crazy s***. When you go to the cancerverse, you don't get out, not without some sort of crazy explanation. So, knowing this, it would take a lot for it to make sense Star-Lord could come back from killing himself and then having his body thrown into the cancerverse. WELLP NOT FOR BENDIS Oh no, because explaining a massive f****ing plot hole would make sense. Oh and Thanos and Nova haven't come back from being dead yet. Only Star-Lord because f**** logic amirite? The other guardians got screwed up as well. Rocket Raccoon has massive chunks of back-story cut and was then written as a joke character. I know I know, he's a f****ing raccoon, wasn't he always a joke character? Well actually no. In the good GotG comics, Rocket was the backbone of the team. He believed in Star-Lord's vision and ideals more than Star-Lord himself. When s*** got heavy and the team started o fall apart, he was there to keep everyone together. Sure there was that moment of "what the f**** is that a raccoon?" but that would quickly pass as Rocket proved himself to be more than just some talking raccoon with a gun. Now Gamora and Drax just aren't themselves here either. Drax is just like a mini-hulk, and Gamora went from being the deadliest woman in the galaxy to a sub-damsel. Groot is also almost nonexistent and hardly does s***. Another issue is that, In the good GotG comics, the team has a purpose. They were formed by Star-Lord after some bigass war happened. They were there to prevent such a war/threat/otherbads*** from happening again. There's more to that, but I don't want to make this longer than it has to be. In the Bendis run, the GotG are just together because lol Idontf****ingknow. The issue here is that the threat the GotG were made to stop was, well, stopped. Star-Lord died stopping it and the team disbanded. All the characters went their separate ways and had their own stories. Of course all that was retconned by Bendis because f**** you. So all in all, Bendis f****ed up the only thing I get a raging nerd boner over. Thank f**** they are ignoring his bulls*** for the movie. If you want to read Guardians of the Galaxy to understand what is going on for the up coming movie, do NOT read the Bendis run. Read Guardians of the Galaxy: Legacy. It is one of the best comics I have ever read and it needs some serious attention. It looks like this It's getting a re-release on August 5th I think. So time travel into the future and get it. Also tell me how the movie is when you get back.
    1 point
  9. Arthuriel

    review picture (0)

    From the album: Other projects

    1 point
  10. Quisoves Potoo

    Oh, spam messages...

    @Fushigisaur While this is certainly the case on regular posts, it does not seem to be so on blog posts. EDIT: Actually, it seems that if you don't imediatley remove the like, it becomes permanent. Which is what happened in my situation.
    1 point
  11. Quisoves Potoo

    My computerfast begins

    The fact that you are doing this of your own volition is admirable. I hope you do better in school. I wish you luck. Cheers!
    1 point
  12. Mantra

    Bad Translations

    I wonder if this translator is how China ends up with it's list of 'Engrish' signs. http://www.engrish.com
    1 point
  13. RobExplorien

    New Blog

    How dare you not listing Exploriens! Prepare for an army of droids on their way to your icy base.
    1 point
  14. Minifig9292

    A Super Angry Nerdy Rant About Guardians of the Galaxy

    That trailer only showed the comedic side of the film, the one next month or two will actually give us an idea of what it really will be like.
    1 point
  15. Mantra

    Lego Ad from 1981

    Couldn't resist sharing this cute advert from the 80's Hope you like (if it's not been posted before etc)
    1 point
  16. le717

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 06:55 PM): SO MANY TONGUES, put them ALL back in your mouths! (09 March 2014 - 07:01 PM): All right. - - Quisoves Pugnat (09 March 2014 - 07:01 PM): I put my tongue back in. JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 07:21 PM): le717 (09 March 2014 - 07:19 PM): JimbobJeffers (09 March 2014 - 07:02 PM): Fushigisaur (09 March 2014 - 07:21 PM):
    1 point
  17. Wognif

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "Lego ore." ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "The Location Of Oregon" Original text: "RRU Tower" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "Travel fans"
    1 point
  18. aidenpons

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "How the heck did this piece of machinery get all these ridiculous translations of 'A landslide has occurred?' *goes to a corner and sobs*" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "As in the world. Cars. The tradition of great power 2. Intervention to reduce the risk of" What the.... It also got "How on Earth, go to the car, the two traditions. What is the power consumption of the Nile? Interference." Also, A LANDSLIDE HAS OCCURRED has been updated with cynical comments.
    1 point
  19. Rokreder

    Bad Translations

    Original text: "LEGO® Rock Raiders Troubleshooting" ...35 translations later, Bing gives us: "LEGO pirates rock you all Yo" Wow, that was unexpected. One try is not enough though. Here is a collection of other translations of the same sentence, all with bing 35 translations (but random languages): "Stone flooring solutions" After all, this is what RR is all about. "Search for Barbie" NOPE "Presidential candidates hanging." Wait what? "LEGO rock Raiders plate washing" When the mission is over, someone has to do the dishes. "Save only the Raiders." "When you contribute to a refinement of the offense?" Original text: "LEGO® Rock Raiders Troubleshooting" ...9 translations later, TransPerfect gives us: " . " and if you have problems with your "Game Installer not running" Bing told me "It's not a game. ..."
    1 point
  20. aidenpons

    Bad Translations

    Yes. Original text: "Hola! Hello! Willkommen! Salut! And in any language you choose, WELCOME TO LEGO ISLAND!" ...9 translations later, TransPerfect gives us: " ! ! Pryjcia! Looks! Eli VELKOME Vicarial adas! " Following Fushigisaur's idea, 'A landslide has occurred' can mean: (My cynical comments are on the right) Bring home Hey mum, I brought a landslide back for you from scho- *rumble* Display -Is achieved ACHIEVEMENT GET: A landslide has occurred. This is a landslide victory I have no idea how it got this one... This is THIS... IS... ... ... ... *no more text* Reject (and) You just got REJECT AND! Steamboat What...? Of the period ...So I had a different landslide style in the 1800's as opposed to now? Glissement They build a cement smile This is one of my favourites. When it is rolled A landslide has been rolled out.... Yeah, uh NO. * On the platform Avalanches occur Pigs What the... I don't get this. How, what, where and why. Compensation The avalanche Avalanche The flow of water The chill Um.... Ok. *backs away* Glissement, born Prevent the That's what reinforcing is for! In addition This is only slightly better than 'Pigs' When she fell *steals jamesster's avatar* To see the victory Water supply and electricity Somehow Haiatian Creole got 'An Avalanche' to 'Electricity Water;... and it all went downhill... This is cotton Do you want to allow this to happen That's what F6 is for. Discount Two landslides for the price of one! Don't Lou Something got screwed up... You know what? I think I could make some pretty good sentences out of these... Meh, I can't be bothered doing the proof any more... Unless it's hilarious. Proof is here: (Note: Proof of 'display' has been lost) To Arabic: وقد وقع انهيار أرضي. Back to English: The landslide. To Chinese Simplified: 滑å¡ã€‚ Back to English: The landslide. To Czech: Parník. Back to English: The Steamer. To Catalan: El vaixell de vapor. Back to English: The steam ship. To Bulgarian: Парна кораба. Back to English: Steam ship. To Dutch: Stoom schip. Back to English: Steam ship. To French: Bateau à vapeur. Back to English: Steamboat. To Danish: Dampskib. Back to English: Steam Ship. To Estonian: Steam laeva. Back to English: The Steam ship. To German: Das Dampf-Schiff. Back to English: The steam ship. To Finnish: Höyrylaiva. Back to English: Steamer. To Haitian Creole: Steamer. Back to English: Steamer. To Greek: Ατμόπλοιο. Back to English: Steamer. To Korean: ê¸°ì„ ìž…ë‹ˆë‹¤. Back to English: Steamer. To Japanese: 汽船。 Back to English: Steamer. To Hebrew: דוד ×ידוי מזון. Back to English: Steamer. To Latvian: Tvaikonis. Back to English: Steamboat. From English: A landslide has occured. From English: A landslide has occured. To Dutch: Een aardverschuiving is opgetreden. Back to English: A landslide has occurred. To Chinese Traditional: 已發生山泥傾瀉。 Back to English: Landslides have occurred. To Bulgarian: Свлачища Ñа наÑтъпили. Back to English: Landslides have occurred. To Danish: Jordskred har fundet sted. Back to English: Landslides have occurred. To Czech: DoÅ¡lo k sesuvům půdy. Back to English: Landslides have occurred. To Chinese Simplified: å‘生山体滑å¡äº†ã€‚ Back to English: Landslides occur. To Arabic: تحدث انهيارات أرضية. Back to English: Landslides occur. To Estonian: Maalihked tekkida. Back to English: Landslides occur. To French: Glissements de terrain se produisent. Back to English: Landslides occur. To Finnish: Maanvyörymät esiintyä. Back to English: Landslides occur. To German: Erdrutsche auftreten. Back to English: Landslides occur. To Italian: Verificano di frane. Back to English: Landslides occur. To Indonesian: Terjadi tanah longsor. Back to English: The landslide occurred. To Haitian Creole: Glissement la ki te fèt. Back to English: Glissement, conducted. To Hebrew: Glissement, ×©× ×¢×¨×š. Back to English: Glissement held. To Greek: Glissement που Ï€Ïαγματοποιήθηκε. Back to English: Glissement held. To Hungarian: Glissement tartott. Back to English: Glissement. From English: A landslide has occured. That's all folks! I'll probably come back later and edit this post. Keep and eye on.... EVERYTHING. Especially those landslides.
    1 point
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