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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2014 in all areas

  1. While we're here, a list of differences I know of between the PC version and the Playstation version: - Different music upon losing a race - Removed Dark Forest Dash shortcut is better covered up, with the waterfall no longer having a break where the path would be - Knightmare-Athon shortcut above the second structure is better covered up, with the LURP from Witch's Magic Manor and the surrounding scenery removed. Oddly, the red brick is still up there and plainly visible from the track. The pillar you would knock over to reach the top had been moved to the side and the shield removed. - The big U-turn on Ice Planet Pathway is no longer housed in a larger chamber with a pillar supporting it. A wall is extended in to the pillar so that the track remains completely enclosed on both sides. As a result, Veronica no longer cuts between the pillar and the wall, simply taking the road. - Veronica Voltage takes a completely different path on Pirate Skull Pass, totaling only two warps instead of 3. - Other stuff I'm not remembering? Is this relevant? I have no idea!
    2 points
  2. Brigs

    Legos in Space: The Movie: The Fanfic

    hi guyz this is bigs and i wanted to sho u mai new creation LEGOS IN SPACE THE MOVIE THE FANFIC THE ANIMATED FAN MOVIE THE LEGO SET th set includs thre minifigers: STEVNSON, ROBO, and THE GUY AT THE SPESSPORT the spessship is insperd by th design in the anmated movey entereor view of teh spessship
    2 points
  3. JrMasterModelBuilder

    LEGO Racers - Different Released Versions - The Definitive List (?)

    Having come into possessions of all 3 known different copies of LEGO Racers, I though I should assemble a complete list of all the different copes and their differences. UPDATE: Based on some other topics there may be some other, much less common versions. I cannot personally confirm or deny their existance. The copies, in order of file date modifies, are: 1999 NoDRM 1999 DRM (SafeDisc Version 1.0) 2001 (Re-release) It should be noted that, based on the support contact information in the ReadMe, it's possible that the International copy of the 1999 version of LEGO Racers is the version that has no DRM, but the US 1999 copy is the one with SafeDisc DRM. These are the files that differ between versions: A rundown of how files differ: Keen eyed observers will note that though all the LEGO.JAM files were made in 1999, the 2001 re-release has a different JAM. This is a diff of the files within: Also, the 2001 copy will crash if you give it the 1999 JAM, and vice versa. As for what's different about actual gameplay and execution, here is what I noticed in my short testing. The 2001 game does crash when attempting to play with extracted archives as already established, though oddly enough ProcMon shows the game accessing the extraced directories, tough to say what's going on here. Trophies do work in the 2001 copy of the game, at least if you transplant a save file from the 1999 version (I think this has already been noted). I have not tried beating a circuit race Steering does seem slightly harder on the 2001 version, at least when using the keyboard. I have not tried a game controller. Wraps seem to take me exactly as far in both versions. I tested from the same place at the end of the shortcut in Desert Adventure Dragway, and both copies put me just past where the obelisk lands. All loading screens have blue borders except for Pirate Skull Pass in both 1999 versions. According to the hashes, I have the exact same copy references >here. Perhaps something else is at play, such as different screen resolutions. The track picker has different colored borders, most notably, Rocket Racer Run's border is yellow in both 1999 versions, but red in 2001. The warp sound effect does sound different in the 2001 version. There don't appear to be any different files associated with it, so perhaps it's a different effect applied by the exe? Well, that's all I know so-far. Let me know if there is anything anyone anyone wants to know more about! UPDATE 1: Added difference notes 5-7. UPDATE 2: Added different JAM crashing notes. UPDATE 3: Added note on possible other versions.
    1 point
  4. Note: As mentioned above this isn't intended as a serious review, but more as a random rant about a set I have at home, which isn't made by TLC. Note 2: I put this post into the "General" section, because it isn't a real review, but on the other in some way related to TLC or bricks in general (well, it's made out of bricks^^) Note 3 (2014-Mar-15): Due to the help of JimbobJeffers and jamesster I can confirm with a probability of 99,9%, that this set is based on the 6115-1 Shark Scout from TLC (http://brickset.com/sets/6115-1/Shark-Scout) and that it was made by the company Enlighten as part of the so called "Shifty" series (please click here: (http://www.reasonablyclever.com/bootlegtoys/index.html) on the right pane on: Other --> Legos --> Shifty). (And this set is very shifty indeed ). Welcome to the "Arthuriel reviews something, what he found at home" Show with a diving themed set from a Lego clone brand! 1. Intro: You know those toys, which makes you happy, while playing with them? Well, then don't read any further, because today I will show you a set from the other side of the happiness-scale. How did I even managed to get this set? Well, there was no escape, no warning sign, nothing... it was a... ...uhm... PRESENT. SURPRISE! HAHAHA, now I'm stuck with this abomination from the deep trenches of the sea forever. Ahaha, Ahaha, haha... ...bahhh *begins to cry* after some hours of calming down: Okay, I'm fine now, but the question is: how long? *looking at the set in fear* I got this set in poland in the early 2000s. I don't have the instructions or the box and the bricks are free from any logos, which could give a hint. My only memory bit, which could help to indentify the company: Afaik the company logo was a red 2*3 brick and the set on the box cover wasn't the same as the real set in the box. Here is also an overview of every piece in this set (taking this set apart isn't recommended by me, because some parts will break down very easily): 2. The "epic" background story (which is based on true events and totally not made up by me. I swear!): Bob was the last descendant (sort of...) of diving themed sets like Aquanauts, Atlantis or Diving. One day everyone in aqua land died of a horrible plague and Bob became the last Aquanaut. Some of you may think, that this was horrible and I will agree with you, but all those events became a small inconvinience in comparision to the following fact: He wasn't really an Aquanaut. He wasn't even from TLC. No, he was a Derp-o-naut... ...known for their unknown origin and their low attraction to quality, they annoy sailors, environmentalists and everyone else on the world with their behaviour and cheap vehicles, which break up easily and contribute to the pollution of the oceans. Even their style of living and their health status is worrying, but I will get to that rather quickly... 3. Bob and his submarine-boat-thingy (replacing the main part of the review with a dialogue, where I talk to myself a fictional figure) 3.1 Introducing Bob: This is Bob and his "vehicle" (moving pile of garbage). From the long days of hanging around at the water surface (and below) he got a bit bleached out, although this doesn't quite explain all the colour variations (protip: don't look at the pants, if you want to keep your sanity) ... The working conditions at his job aren't that good either. I mean look at his hands. They are bloody. Did he fight TEH Kraken with his bare hands and won (or is he secretly a member of the crab people)? Wow, that's really scary, but I don't know, for how long he can do this, because he has already big cracks in his forearms: Hmm, maybe he isn't that brave after all, because he doesn't look very stable and his pants, oh his pants... Bob: What's up with my pants? Me (Oh snap, he noticed me!): Well, they are yellow-more-greenish... Bob: Nah, that's normal. Although they weren't always that way. Me: (unsurprised) Wow, really? Bob: Yeah, orinally they were white, but then they got for some reason yellow and later even green. Me (rolling my eyes): Okay... (too much information)... ...lets move on... ...TO THE HELMET 3.2 The helmet: Oh, the helmet. Yes, the helmet... ...a chapter full of fun and frustration... Me: Hey, Bob. The helmet is hiding half of your face. Could you take it off, please? Bob: Of course, but it's a bit complicated, because the helmet fits extremely well. Step 1: Move arms Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit World Domination Do something really stupid. Good, mission accomplished. Me: *bashing head against a wall* Oh boy... Bob: My head got stuck in the machine helmet. Could you help me? Me: (Why? Just why?) Okay, time to use the screw driver. Before: After: Bob (after I put his head on his torso again): Thanks, Pal. Me: I'm not your pal, buddy. Now show me your vehicle in more detail, please. Bob: Okay, but first I will have to put my helmet on again. Me: Ah, the stupidity. It burns! Bob: What? Me: No, nothing. Just show me your underwater-boat-submarine-thing. 3.3 The "Vehicle" (even an origami boat is more reliable than this): The old Derp-Boat-Submarine, now with the efficient one bladed rotor design! Buy one and buy three more cuz they gonna break down. Hard and fast. Our Motto: In space everything is possible, underwater not so much Bob: Well, I must go. My local garbage pile needs me. Into spess! Me: . Wait. Wait. Wait. I thought, you were a man of diving and now you suddenly want to go into space! Bob: Yes, into spess! Me: That makes no sense! Bob: Neither do make the colours of my pants. Me: Aaargh, don't mention your stupid pants again and please go away forever! Wait... ...your view is hindered by your stupid helmet. Bob: Trust me, I am a man of advanced madness and stupidity. I can find my way home. 3.4 Accident, the End and a guest appearance 5 seconds later (at least it's a step up for the vehicle): Bob: What happened and where is my head? Bob's head: I'm right over here. Bob: I'm coming. In the name of quality and everything else, that I lack of! Bob: Arrrgh... Me: Noooooo, I can't stand this anymore! Back with this set to the hottest place, I know of: The oven! Bob: Ahhhhh, have mercy on me... Me (watching him and his vehicle melting in the oven): Yes, YES. Burn Derp-o-naut! Hmm, though I wonder, where you originally came from... Infomaniac's reaction shot after finding out, that Bob originally lived in the Phanta Sea... 4. Summary: I heard, that most reviewers here make different categories with a 0-10 scale and an overall score. So I did the same and also added a commentary to each random number: Frustration: 7/10 The bricks don't fit well together (though it varies) and some parts are very fragile (like the arms or the levers) and broke down as times passed by (like the rotor). At least you can throw it against a wall or use it in self defense (the helmet and some parts have sharp edges). Price: ?/10 Uhm, I don't know. It was a present, but I would guess, that it only costed a few Zloty (the polish currency). Uglyness: 6/10 I can remember, that the set on the box looked much better. The best example in this regard are the printed parts. On the cover they were multi-coloured, but in reality they are only made in one colour and even that was appearantly too complicated for the company: the amount of colour is unevenly distributed Instability: 7/10 It's less stable than some unstable chemicals like, uhm... ...ah, I'm too lazy to look some examples up. I already mentioned, that some bricks are very fragile or are already broken (the one bladed rotor or the arms). Overall Hate Score: 7/10 I hate this set, but it's still not enough to lose all sanity and laying around in corner and thinking, that the walls are speaking to you (* insert scene, where I'm sitting in the corner, turning my head slowly 180 degrees around and saying in a high pitched maniac voice while grinning like a madman: "Arthuriel wannah plaa-yaaah!" *) That's all for today. Next time (which will probably never happen. MUHAHAHA) I will review another useless thing on the "Arth Show". Maybe even something TLC related. Bonus feature: Update (2019-09-13): I fixed all the images since they were broken and made a note a bit clearer and yes: Bob and his low budget underwater vehicle still exist (against all odds or rather cheapness).
    1 point
  5. Fluffy Cupcake

    All bricks/chassis, all the time

    It is currently possible through modding by switching models and animations around (see this video for an example of something), but it will still be a bit glitchy. Cheat Engine is the only non-glitchy solution at this point.
    1 point
  6. Alcom Isst

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [5:10:01 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Fun fact: Jamesster still isn't sleeping. [5:10:24 AM] Jamesster: THERE ARE GRAPEFRUIT OTSUDE [5:11:20 AM] McJobless: Uh-oh. [5:11:26 AM] McJobless: What have we created. [5:12:02 AM] Jamesster: TOMROW MORNING I WILLE AT THEM [5:14:10 AM] McJobless: [5:14:11 AM] McJobless: What. [5:14:17 AM] Jamesster: but YES the citrus [5:14:37 AM] Jamesster: here aon the fence on the other side if my feet is an ORCHRAD [5:14:49 AM] Jamesster: rigt [5:15:02 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: McJobless. Help. I'm scared. [5:15:22 AM] McJobless: So am I [5:18:49 AM] Jamesster: BUT I AM PARKED NETO AN TREES OF GRPEFUIT [5:19:33 AM] Jamesster: a field of tres of grapefuit [5:19:42 AM] Jamesster: duh [5:19:57 AM] Jamesster: reversed > hud [5:20:04 AM] Jamesster: sta nds for heads up grapefruit [5:20:20 AM] Jamesster: if you sue your imagination [5:22:05 AM] Jamesster: IT IS FHOTOS EDIT RIME [5:23:45 AM] Jamesster: done [5:24:14 AM] Jamesster: aaanf [5:24:20 AM] Jamesster: here: [5:24:40 AM] Jamesster: http://www.majhost.com/gallery/jamesster/Other/LOLSUBFOLDER4/abot.png [5:25:59 AM] Jamesster: tony aball [5:26:45 AM] Jamesster: '> orignal [5:27:10 AM] Jamesster: I should mix pics more often [5:27:16 AM] Jamesster: like [5:28:08 AM] Jamesster: um [5:29:07 AM] Jamesster: what was i going with grapefuit to this [5:29:09 AM] Jamesster: godnight [6:25:37 PM | Edited 6:25:53 PM] McJobless: http://www.whatdoestheinternetthink.net/compare/hitler-vs-lego [6:25:55 PM] McJobless: [6:27:01 PM] Jamesster: [6:27:17 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: [6:27:36 PM] Ace:
    1 point
  7. Wirza

    The best thing ever

    From the album: random junk

    1 point
  8. Fluffy Cupcake

    Resemble the AI

    Yeah, I don't think distributing just a compiled JAM will work for everyone, because different versions, as I believe JMMB was just saying.
    1 point
  9. JrMasterModelBuilder

    Resemble the AI

    Most-likely it's because the 1999 version will crash given the 2001 JAM archive contents. I've added a note on this to that topic.
    1 point
  10. Wirza

    Banana Pananic v1.2.1

    My high score:
    1 point
  11. My initial reaction: Good one, Arthuriel. Did he actually die in the oven? Or did you take pity on him? But then: People actually buy this? Poor souls! This pile of garbage isn't even worth its weight in paper! How come this company has actually succeded in suviving and not failing miserably on the market? THE CURSED ARE PUT TO DEATH FOR FREE (in-joke from the Bad Translator) Yup. Paper actually doesn't fall apart in water.
    1 point
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