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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2014 in all areas

  1. Jimbob

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    Some chat DM and I had on the Minecraft server. 11:21:53 JimbobJeffers: Can you see any jungles anywhere on Dynmap? I don't see any within 1000 blocks 11:22:07 Drill Master: nopw 11:22:25 JimbobJeffers: Oh I've found one at -2800 11:22:26 Drill Master: I'm just gonna walk til I find one 11:22:30 JimbobJeffers: Maybe I'll just tp there 11:22:37 Drill Master: cheating 11:22:58 JimbobJeffers: I'm just cutting out 20 minutes of travel 11:23:05 Drill Master: cheating 11:23:24 JimbobJeffers: Hey, I'm the mod here, and since this server started we've allowed tping anywhere 11:23:38 JimbobJeffers: It's just a way of cutting out time when you've already been somewhere 11:23:42 Drill Master: CHEATING!!!!!!!!!! 11:24:01 JimbobJeffers: *Psst, guys, I think he's a broken record* 11:24:14 Teleported JimbobJeffers to -2799.50, 70.50, 200.50 11:24:19 JimbobJeffers: DUM DUM DUUUUM 11:24:23 Drill Master: CH E EE TTT IING G G!! !! ! 11:24:32 JimbobJeffers: YOU MISSED OUT THE A 11:25:04 Drill Master: I skipped it 11:25:18 JimbobJeffers: That's cheating 11:25:42 Teleported JimbobJeffers to 0.50, 70.50, 470.50 11:25:48 JimbobJeffers: Ta da 11:26:32 Drill Master: what you cheated? 11:26:47 JimbobJeffers: Lol, no, I just grabbed some cocoa beans and I'm back 11:27:55 Drill Master: I'll show you I'm gonna walk to a jungle! you kids and your fancy tps and your moddy powers 11:28:07 JimbobJeffers: Haha, MAKE MY DAY! 11:29:13 Drill Master: Back in MY day, Survival meant digging a hole in the ground and hiding in it all through the night 11:29:25 JimbobJeffers: Hehe 11:29:35 JimbobJeffers: Back in MY day, Survival meant you had just one life 11:29:43 JimbobJeffers: But this is RRU, sonny, and things have changed. 11:31:37 Drill Master: Back in MY day, I could hold more crap than this 11:31:57 JimbobJeffers: Back in MY day, we didn't have horses, we had to WALK! 11:32:40 Drill Master: Back in MY day, we had to kill sheep for wool! 11:33:08 JimbobJeffers: Back in MMMYYY day, we didn't have BUCKETS to transfer WATER! 11:33:30 Drill Master: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and HA! I found a brown sheep! 11:33:42 JimbobJeffers: HAAAA I ALREADY HAVE TWO!!! 11:34:29 Drill Master: Back in MY day, we didn't have admins that cheated to get what they want! 11:34:54 JimbobJeffers: BAACK IN MYYY DAY, WE DIDN'T HAVE PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT ADMINS!!! 11:35:29 Drill Master: BACK IN MY DAY, 11:35:31 Drill Master died
    5 points
  2. Nitegeist

    HD Minifig Skins (WIP: CC, RR)

    so i'm back from the void and i updated the OP with VV and BB.
    3 points
  3. Zephyria

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [1:13:25 AM] Stan McStudz: I blame my new dong [1:15:31 AM] *** Stan McStudz sent Picture0008.JPG *** [1:15:32 AM] McJobless: Before your time. [1:15:37 AM] Stan McStudz: My dong [1:15:40 AM] Philip: I know that but [1:15:42 AM] McJobless: Before Ant had his powers. [1:15:50 AM] McJobless: I think it was Rockmodder. [1:15:54 AM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: uhm [1:16:02 AM] (Alexis) Anisoptera: Mcstudz just sent us a picture of his dong [1:19:21 AM] McJobless: I remember the first time I used my playboy. An average night in the RRU Skype chat. (For reference, Studz meant to say Dog, not Dong)
    3 points
  4. McJobless

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [3:56:59 PM] Stan McStudz: All it needs is WINE, and I'm set. [3:57:41 PM] Customer Sir Mounted: the wild mcstudz is attempting to get his craptop drunk [3:57:43 PM] Customer Sir Mounted: god help us [3:57:44 PM] Stan McStudz: Easier said than done though.
    3 points
  5. Nitegeist

    HD Minifig Skins (WIP: CC, RR)

    Completed: --> Veronica Voltage <-- --> Basil the Batlord <-- ------------------------------------- In progress: -Rocket Racer- Finished: 2 faces WIP: 4 faces / chest / helmet / legs -Commander Cold- Finished: helmet / chest WIP: 6 heads
    2 points
  6. Jimbob

    RRU Minecraft Server

    UHC Round 1 Today at 6pm UTC, seven bold adventurers entered the world of UltraHardcore. Only one made it out alive. The winner of this round is... The Ace Railgun! Congratulations to you! In second place was Antillies, and in third was Shadowblaze, so commiserations to the both of you. Within less than half an hour, I think, three competitors had already died. Skeletons were the most prominent killers, next to death from falling. Ace continued to play on the server long after his win, clearly showing that he is a fearless warrior! Well done to everyone who took part, it was an excellent game. I plan on having another round, but not just yet, as there is something else due to come first.
    2 points
  7. STUDZ

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    here. have some more stuff. Stan McStudz: My dog is attacking my mouse now [10:40:40 PM] jamesster: r.i.p mouse [10:40:58 PM] Stan McStudz: and my hair! [10:41:00 PM | Edited 10:41:12 PM] McJobless: Poor Anonymouse... [10:41:16 PM] jamesster: McStudz's Dong Pest Control
    2 points
  8. McJobless

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    Alcom: Stop making McJobless grumpy, we need to keep his wrath charged incase someone bumps another 15 topics.
    2 points
  9. Cyrem

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [3:09:13 PM] jamesster: my gf is a superhero [3:09:15 PM] jamesster: she's invisible
    2 points
  10. emily

    Adventurers Cartoon?!?

    I went through rec.toys.lego hoping to find something, but unfortunately they only ever mentioned the bit from the magazine we already have - nobody even observed the really strange fact that the magazine doesn't specify a time of day for the cartoon to air. I did find this, but it seems more likely to be an echo of that thing that turned into LEGO Island 2 than to be related to this at all.
    1 point
  11. McJobless

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    [9:53:31 AM] McJobless: "PS: I'm much better behaved when I have something productive to do. Go figure." [9:53:37 AM] McJobless: This comes from the mouth of Tracker. [11:13:35 AM] Sideburns: I'll give him something productive to do: learn how to stop making everyone deplore you. [11:13:58 AM] McJobless: [11:24:14 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: If you do that there shall be an RRU holiday in your name.
    1 point
  12. Alcom Isst

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    1 point
  13. Wognif

    Minecraft Screenshots

    Some pics from a world I made long ago.
    1 point
  14. Quisoves Potoo

    LEGO The Hobbit Trailer

    Ah, so things aren't too bad. I don't have either, but that sounds good. Let's hope that The Hobbit comes out more like that. If they can make a level editor for Indiana Jones then they can make one for The Hobbit. The levels in Lego Indiana Jones 2 are really rather pointless and inane. The level builder though is fun if you manipulate it. If you hack it, it's even better.
    1 point
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