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Basically, a technique that allows for studs that look like they have depth without using a ton of polygons. Used mainly in TT Games, though LEGO Island 2 used it a few times. Screenshot here. I think it's fairly obvious how it works - the brick/plate has a texture on the top with dark circles where the studs would normally pop out. Then, hovering a stud's hight above it is another plain with a texture with circles the same size as the studs, but in the color of the main piece and transparent except for said circles. If viewed from high angles (such as in LRR) it gives the appearance of normal studs while only using a few polygons. The illusion loses it's effect when viewed at certain angles as seen in the screenshot, but for games like LRR where the camera is usually above the models and looking down at them, it works well. Sorry if this has been posted before, but I figured I would throw it out there as it would allow for studs that pop out without doubling the polygon amount on models.

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Huh, interesting. Quite clever, especially since I never noticed that.

that is the point of it :P

.. and I didn't notice it either

Nice find! :D

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I read the email and that's what I thought of. Clever, very clever, but if you like to use first/second person in LRR, it's kind of tacky. You can make a decent looking stud with, oh, 9 polys. Even if you have 100 studs in a level, that's only 900. Thats not really a lot, given how many high poly ore/crystals create.

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