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~The Brony Herd~


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I think because of Christmas and New Years, their going to replay the whole second season before they air the last new episodes of the season.

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Alright, I've realized something...

I Like MLP because of THREE things:



How it's easy to write said fanfics

In otherwords, I am a "true" brony. I do indeed like the show (I'm just VERY afraid of anyone catching me watching the show, hence why I haven't watched it in a while), and I like the fans.

I'm just very confused, like I've said before. I want to be a "Hero of the Internet" (in other words, purge the Internet of all Ponies), but I also want to write my Discord fanfic (BTW, I've got a lot done on that!). I guess it'll only be a matter of time before I show my true colors on this situation.

And Sonic, I take back that whole "ripping you a new one" thing. I was being juvenile there.

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McStudz, I can understand your feeling. I don't really have a side on this. I mean, if somebody gets really f***ing mad at a brony, i'll defend them. If a brony gets really mad at a person, then I'll defend them. My position on the internet is sort of to just be there for people who are troubled, IMO. At least, that's what I try to be. But sometimes, people are jsut too much for me to handle and I feel like commiting suicide. But you know why I don't? Because one of my friends has taught me, if it isn't a good situation, talk about it.

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I want to be a "Hero of the Internet" (in other words, purge the Internet of all Ponies)

I had no idea that there was a defined list of goals to be a so called "Hero of the Internet".

Seriously, what are you talking about, it sounds more like a "Hero of the Internet" would more likely save the Internet from crashing or something really big like that.

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I want to be a "Hero of the Internet" (in other words, purge the Internet of all Ponies)

I had no idea that there was a defined list of goals to be a so called "Hero of the Internet".

Seriously, what are you talking about, it sounds more like a "Hero of the Internet" would more likely save the Internet from crashing or something really big like that.

McStudz, piss off. I'm the one with a Vendetta targeting the brony community at large. Get your own damn enemy. Besides, I don't even think you know how to hack. There's a lot more to it then just flooding their server with ping requests...

"Hero of the Internet" in this case means "Save the internet from the spreading disease of bronyism", if you view bronies as infected people, much like those very rational Christians and gays. Personally, after some reflection time, my target isn't wouldn't be bronies, but probably head for the main enemy; Nintendo.

But that's a rather personal feeling. You take from that what you will...honestly, I think this might be (thankfully for you guys) my last post in this topic, because I have new, bigger problem people to deal with.

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I want to be a "Hero of the Internet" (in other words, purge the Internet of all Ponies)

I had no idea that there was a defined list of goals to be a so called "Hero of the Internet".

Seriously, what are you talking about, it sounds more like a "Hero of the Internet" would more likely save the Internet from crashing or something really big like that.

McStudz, piss off. I'm the one with a Vendetta targeting the brony community at large. Get your own damn enemy. Besides, I don't even think you know how to hack. There's a lot more to it then just flooding their server with ping requests...

"Hero of the Internet" in this case means "Save the internet from the spreading disease of bronyism", if you view bronies as infected people, much like those very rational Christians and gays. Personally, after some reflection time, my target isn't wouldn't be bronies, but probably head for the main enemy; Nintendo.

But that's a rather personal feeling. You take from that what you will...honestly, I think this might be (thankfully for you guys) my last post in this topic, because I have new, bigger problem people to deal with.

You mean you're going to go and attack Nintendo? Can I join you??

Anyways, my point is that before the Brony Infestation, the internet was evenly divided into different things (Meme-wise), and now, the main Memes are about PONIES. Really? I thought the Internet would never end up like this.

On EVERY significant Forum site I have been on ( and RRU) has a Brony topic. It's getting out of hand now.

Oh, well... I'm back in school tomorrow. Perhaps I could distract myself from "saving the Internet" or whatever rot I've made myself believe. I really should focus my attention on other things...

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You mean you're going to go and attack Nintendo? Can I join you??

Depends. You got IRC, a Physical Firewall Device and a program for Hex Editing and a Debugger?

Anyways, my point is that before the Brony Infestation, the internet was evenly divided into different things (Meme-wise), and now, the main Memes are about PONIES. Really? I thought the Internet would never end up like this.


You're wrong. Pony is not a popular meme. It's more of a culture now. There are far more prominant memes, anyways.

On EVERY significant Forum site I have been on ( and RRU) has a Brony topic. It's getting out of hand now.

There isn't one on Se7ensins, as far as I worked out.

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What's with the Nintendo hate guys? Did they do something that you don't like?

Everything they do, and their fanbase. 'nuff said.

(Cyrem is probably in it because the fact they are a big publisher and they only care about the money)

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This isn't a Nintendo thread, as much as I agree on how they've become more about the money and less about the fans, could we keep the topic on ponies please?

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This isn't a Nintendo thread, as much as I agree on how they've become more about the money and less about the fans, could we keep the topic on ponies please?


But I would like to point out that there's a Mario game where him and his friends make money in business....

This is why I think Mario games suck and Sonic games rule, I just wish the rest of my fandom wasn't so stupid to be at war with itself all the time.

Now to get back on topic, when will the last episodes of season 2 air, and has there been any word on a season 3?

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Seapony Lyra is the best... uhm... fish?

Yes she is.

Seapony Lyra is the best... uhm... fish?

Yes she is.

And I just drew her in 5 minutes:

I like how my scanner made it massive.

It's only about the size of my thumb.


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This isn't a Nintendo thread, as much as I agree on how they've become more about the money and less about the fans, could we keep the topic on ponies please?


But I would like to point out that there's a Mario game where him and his friends make money in business....

This is why I think Mario games suck and Sonic games rule, I just wish the rest of my fandom wasn't so stupid to be at war with itself all the time.

Now to get back on topic, when will the last episodes of season 2 air, and has there been any word on a season 3?

LOL Fortune Street.

Also, Exttreme, I have NONE of the things you requested... :( But I agree with what you said about Nintendo as a company and a fanbase. Their games kick @$$, but the fanbase is mostly asians and little girls (Hey! it's like what MLP SHOULD be!), and the online stuff for the Wii SUCKS (hence why I prefer the PS3--and I'm not a homosexual for it).

If Miyamoto dies sometime soon, Nintendo will be royally screwed. And I'll just sit there and LAUGH! (Trust me, Apple's gonna go down the same path with Steve Jobs dead).

Anyways, back on topic (I'm sowwy, I'se a baaaad boy!):

Epic pic of a seapony, there. Could you possibly do some drawings of other characters as well? Perhaps Discord trolling Luna or something? I would, but, frankly, I SUCK at drawing. I can sing, act, play instruments, troll, write, build... Do a little bit of video game making...

BUT I CAN'T DANCE OR DRAW. Two of the main things I wish I could do.

If you could draw some Discord-y thing for me, I'd really appreciate it!

...I mean, if you really wanted to. [/Fluttershy]

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Fluffy Cupcake

I agree with what you said about Nintendo as a company and a fanbase. Their games kick @$$, but the fanbase is mostly asians and little girls (Hey! it's like what MLP SHOULD be!)
Um.. what? Uh oh, you've really done this time! You ejected today's energy crystal power supply into space!

But in all seriousness

Nice drawing btw Kata.

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I agree with what you said about Nintendo as a company and a fanbase. Their games kick @$$, but the fanbase is mostly asians and little girls (Hey! it's like what MLP SHOULD be!)
Um.. what? Uh oh, you've really done this time! You ejected today's energy crystal power supply into space!

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I agree with what you said about Nintendo as a company and a fanbase. Their games kick @$$, but the fanbase is mostly asians and little girls (Hey! it's like what MLP SHOULD be!)
Um.. what? Uh oh, you've really done this time! You ejected today's energy crystal power supply into space!


Of course, I realise the error of my ways AFTER I've posted my very blunt opinions. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Nintendo fan, I just don't like how Nintendo runs things nowadays. DAMN YOU FRIEND CODES!

So I never meant to offend any Nintendo fans present. I'll go get Wheatley to retrieve today's Energy Crystal supply from Spaaaaace.

As you were.

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Nice drawings you have there.

I was making some some sketches in school yesterday, should I post them to get get some criticism?

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Fluffy Cupcake

I was making some some sketches in school yesterday, should I post them to get get some criticism?


@Kata, yes we were just done talking about it. There was no need to shout.

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