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~The Brony Herd~


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I finally watched a new episode last night. And I must say... Storm was right when he said it reminded him of becoming a brony. I was in MY BEDROOM with the DOOR CLOSED and I was still checking behind me to see if anyone was watching me.

Talk about insecure.

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Stay away from my shed, alright?

Please come down to my basement.

I assure you it's the same as that dumb ol' shed of yours.

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Yes I have seen it.

I never knew Fluttershy killed things too.

Though she's sloppy, she doesn't even clean up afterwards.

And what is that? A Toaster cozy? Pffft, that's nothing, you should see what I make.

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I could only watch half of that before I said, "The f*** am I watching this s***?"

New rule. No posting anything related to ponies that contains murder, death, not funny spoofs, or things created by people who are not in the right state of mind. Images like Katatonic717's avatar are fine but that's it.

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Sonic, since when did you make the rules?

or things created by people who are not in the right state of mind.

Well f***.

Guess I can't post anything I've made.

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Sonic, since when did you make the rules?

or things created by people who are not in the right state of mind.

Well f***.

Guess I can't post anything I've made.

Seems like it.
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Fluffy Cupcake

Images like Katatonic717's avatar are fine but that's it.
My reaction to his avatar was "Um.. that kinda disturbs me as that is not how Pinkie Pie normally is, it ruins the character, and is in no way funny."

As for watching it that vid.. I don't know why or how, but I did somehow manage to watch the whole thing even though I disliked it.

Sonic, since when did you make the rules?

I approve of them.
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I could only watch half of that before I said, "The f*** am I watching this s***?"

New rule. No posting anything related to ponies that contains murder, death, not funny spoofs, or things created by people who are not in the right state of mind. Images like Katatonic717's avatar are fine but that's it.

I disagree with this rule. I feel that if you bronies want us other anti-brony RRU members to allow you the freedom to keep this topic on the site, then you have to allow the brony members to post what they want.

I found that video amazing, and I found this picture exquisite:


Grow up, or get out.

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Fluffy Cupcake

I found that video amazing, and I found this picture exquisite:

-troublemaking pic snip-

Grow up, or get out.

Get out, your not a brony, you don't belong here. And neither does that pic.

If you guys want to bring gory stuff into this, go and make a thread for gory pony stuff, don't turn a friendly topic into something bad. Be mature about this (goryfiying stuff is not mature).

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I don't like visiting this topic, but it is needed in this instance.

If you guys want to bring gory stuff into this

I feel sorry for Katatonic, who now feels that he can't post content he wants due to a few readers who don't like it. I may not like MLP and would love to delete this topic, but I still allow such discussion here... likewise, you may not like the links/pictures/videos he posts, but you can atleast still tolerate it unless a rule has been broken. Why not ask him to spoiler the content? and maybe he might respect your wishes and do so.

Katatonic, you may post what you want in this topic as long as it is within the forum rules.

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Get out, your not a brony, you don't belong here. And neither does that pic.

If you guys want to bring gory stuff into this, go and make a thread for gory pony stuff, don't turn a friendly topic into something bad. Be mature about this (goryfiying stuff is not mature).

I'm not intimidated by you. You aren't a moderator. Many of the people I talk to on this site are against bronyism. I'll post what I like, where I like, when I like. If you don't like it, ignore it and I might just go find somewhere else to piss.

I also disagree on your "mature" account. Since when were ponies "mature"? You can't make a child's product line "mature" unless deals with adult issues, such as violence.


Now, to use a term that another, nameless member, coined, can you Fairy Police stop trying to make everything all nice and sweet and dandy? Life isn't nice. It isn't sweet. It's a big s*** stain, and some of us enjoy those grimey subjects.

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Fluffy Cupcake

I may not like MLP and would love to delete this topic,

likewise, you may not like the links/pictures/videos he posts, but you can atleast still tolerate it unless a rule has been broken. Why not ask him to spoiler the content? and maybe he might respect your wishes and do so.

I thank you for not doing so and letting us keep it. Many thanks.

Now there's some good advice. Katatonic, for the sakes of some members here can you spoil the content and put warnings next time please? So that those that wish to see it sill can and those who don't won't have to?

I'm not intimidated by you. You aren't a moderator. Many of the people I talk to on this site are against bronyism. I'll post what I like, where I like, when I like. If you don't like it, ignore it and I might just go find somewhere else to piss.

I also disagree on your "mature" account. Since when were ponies "mature"? You can't make a child's product line "mature" unless deals with adult issues, such as violence

And many of the people I talk to are for it.

I don't like that "I do what I want" attitude.

You know what? I did ignore it, until others starting talking about it.

I never said they were mature! :P

Oh wad Sonic, look what you started up and who you attracted.

I hatehatehatehatehatehatehate getting into a mess like this. Especially when I didn't start it.

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And many of the people I talk to are for it.

I don't like that "I do what I want" attitude.

You know what? I did ignore it, until others starting talking about it.

I never said they were mature! :P

All the young bronies, maybe...I've grown up in a tough crowd. I don't get by life talking about butterflies and rainbows.

I never wanted your opinion on my attitude. I honestly don't care what you think about me, because I'm not bothered by remarks, videos, pictures or anything on the internet.

Change the subject. If you don't want to talk about it, force the others to talk about something else.

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Fluffy Cupcake

maybe...I've grown up in a tough crowd.

]Change the subject. If you don't want to talk about it, force the others to talk about something else.

I think that just might be it.

Yeah, I usually just disregard it.


Edit: Edited this out of a post in the stuffz up there ^

In other news, this was just uploaded.

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I don't like visiting this topic, but it is needed in this instance.

If you guys want to bring gory stuff into this

I feel sorry for Katatonic, who now feels that he can't post content he wants due to a few readers who don't like it. I may not like MLP and would love to delete this topic, but I still allow such discussion here... likewise, you may not like the links/pictures/videos he posts, but you can atleast still tolerate it unless a rule has been broken. Why not ask him to spoiler the content? and maybe he might respect your wishes and do so.

Katatonic, you may post what you want in this topic as long as it is within the forum rules.

Thank you.

But uhm...

I don't really post gore pictures or anything like that anyway.

I mean there is funny, and then there is just plain gross.

I only posted something that was related to anything like that maybe once or twice, and even then I kept it tame.

Sure, I talk about cannibalistic pastries and the fun pinkie has making them whilst keeping the upbeat, yet creepy vibe going; but I'm not about to post pictures of such things here. Because isn't gore, even if it is just a drawing, not allowed here in the first place? And frankly, I don't enjoy actually seeing much of that stuff, discussing and making jokes is okay, but I don't need to look at it.

Also I'm glad you're keeping the topic despite your feelings. It's best to keep us all in one place, lest we spread.

Oh and, I don't want to ask for admin status here or anything, but it would be nice to have some authority over the bronies without intimidating them. Someone who could handle the sight ponies. Someone who is fair regardless of opinion towards any given topic. Someone who's had experience being an admin before. Someone like me.

Just saying.

You could simply say "no" and I would be cool with that.

I disagree with this rule. I feel that if you bronies want us other anti-brony RRU members to allow you the freedom to keep this topic on the site, then you have to allow the brony members to post what they want.

I found that video amazing, and I found this picture exquisite:


Grow up, or get out.

It is the killing of the old girly and badly written mutant hippo ponies from the 80s.

This pleases Kata.

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I like how Kata just turned away from what he said at first.

Oh they're bleeding rainbows and pink goop.

I'm talking about the ones were you see internal organs all spilled out and stuff.

Those ones are terrible.

Besides, those are zombie ponies, zombies always have to have some blood, or in this case, pink stuff.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Sure, I talk about cannibalistic pastries and the fun pinkie has making them whilst keeping the upbeat, yet creepy vibe going; but I'm not about to post pictures of such things here.

And frankly, I don't enjoy actually seeing much of that stuff, discussing and making jokes is okay, but I don't need to look at it.

Someone who's had experience being an admin before. Someone like me.

*looks at your avatar* -.- Does anyone here that is a brony actually enjoy that besides you? I'm not sure if Zeph should counts either as they rarely, if ever, post in this topic.

You've been an admin on a site? Did not know.

/me is an admin on a site and mod on two others.

Segendony is an admin on a site and mod on two others.

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Sadie Meowsalot

Sure, I talk about cannibalistic pastries and the fun pinkie has making them whilst keeping the upbeat, yet creepy vibe going; but I'm not about to post pictures of such things here.

And frankly, I don't enjoy actually seeing much of that stuff, discussing and making jokes is okay, but I don't need to look at it.

Someone who's had experience being an admin before. Someone like me.

*looks at your avatar* -.- Does anyone here that is a brony actually enjoy that besides you? I'm not sure if Zeph should counts either as they rarely, if ever, post in this topic.

You've been an admin on a site? Did not know.

/me is an admin on a site and mod on two others.

Segendony is an admin on a site and mod on two others.

The Infomaniac's Classroom (Admin)

worms4tweaks.com (Mod) ?

Yoshi's Lighthouse (Mod) ?

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Fluffy Cupcake

Sure, I talk about cannibalistic pastries and the fun pinkie has making them whilst keeping the upbeat, yet creepy vibe going; but I'm not about to post pictures of such things here.

And frankly, I don't enjoy actually seeing much of that stuff, discussing and making jokes is okay, but I don't need to look at it.

Someone who's had experience being an admin before. Someone like me.

*looks at your avatar* -.- Does anyone here that is a brony actually enjoy that besides you? I'm not sure if Zeph should counts either as they rarely, if ever, post in this topic.

You've been an admin on a site? Did not know.

/me is an admin on a site and mod on two others.

Segendony is an admin on a site and mod on two others.

The Infomaniac's Classroom (Admin)

worms4tweaks.com (Mod) ?

Yoshi's Lighthouse (Mod) ?

Google actually picked up my username on that second? Ooookay.

And yes yes and yes.

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