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~The Brony Herd~


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MAD did something with ponies.

It involves war, contains Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, flying unicorns, the word bronies, and Tintin as a bonus for anyone that knows him. Tara Strong is a special guest in the one, voicing Twilight. Hopefully a better quality comes up later.

OK, that was an excellent parody. Much better than the CRAP South Park could do...

BTW, South Park MIGHT do a parody of MLP. Brace yourselves.

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BTW, South Park MIGHT do a parody of MLP. Brace yourselves.


If that is true, as long as they depict us with dignity and don't piss all over us I'm going to be okay.

They can make fun of us, but I don't want us to be shown as entirely gay (no offense to anyone) or as a bunch of freaks.

Sure we're a bit odd, but we aint freaks.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Aaand another fanimation.

What's with all the non-show animations lately? Is it bad if I know the song at 0:24 is from the Discover The Differences FIM game over on The Hub site?

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Alright, there were RUMORS going 'round (Much like there were rumors of Half-Life 3... The community was indeed trolling the community). I obviously got my facts wrong, and thankfully so. If I know ANYTHING about South Park, it's that they will do anything to make fun of whatever thing they're featuring in said episode (I envision Cartman or someone calling Kyle a "Jewbrony" or something... And all hell breaks loose, along with Saddam Houssein. For those who got that reference, I don't know whether to applaud or be deeply disturbed).

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Alright, there were RUMORS going 'round (Much like there were rumors of Half-Life 3... The community was indeed trolling the community). I obviously got my facts wrong, and thankfully so. If I know ANYTHING about South Park, it's that they will do anything to make fun of whatever thing they're featuring in said episode (I envision Cartman or someone calling Kyle a "Jewbrony" or something... And all hell breaks loose, along with Saddam Houssein. For those who got that reference, I don't know whether to applaud or be deeply disturbed).

Just stop talking completely. The conversation is ended now.
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Fluffy Cupcake

Sonic, it would be ever so nice if you were to actually try to think about if some of your posts are necessary. Really? Telling people to quit talking when you sometimes should actually be doing that yourself?

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After Kata posted that "Celestia is Scary" (which I agree with), you REKINDLED the South Park discussion. So how can you say that the conversation is over when you REVIVED it?

It's fake. All the sites I Google agree that it is fake.

I doubt McStudz read more then a few sentences before telling us this.

You said this RIGHT AFTER Kata's post. So you basically screwed yourself over.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you don't like me. I mean, this isn't the first time you tried to get me to shut up. Why? What did I ever do to you?

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Fluffy Cupcake

antillies is right guys, at this off topic rate were going to have this topic closed. I'm actually getting just as annoyed as antillies. (and don't respond to this part, because then we would still be off topic)

Loved today's episode. One of my favs of S2.


(will switch to better quality once it is up)

I didn't know know donkeys lived in Ponville..

For those that didn't catch Derpy, she was

in the snowglobe

And Doc, stop hating.

Edit: Starting March 3rd new episodes will be playing 3 hours later.

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Sadie Meowsalot

Yes, please. No further argumentation, lest this topic be closed. And I don't think anyone here who's a genuine brony would desire for that to occur.

Loved today's episode. One of my favs of S2.


(will switch to better quality once it is up)

As did I. This was an exceptionally cute, well made episode! ^^

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I grow tired of asking you to go back on topic...

Forgive me, ant. I tend to want to have the last word; ESPECIALLY when I'm bring wronged.

As for the new episode...

Pinkie used her "Smile" song. no. NO!


DARN IT! I was going to use it in the last chapter I posted in my fanfic, but it didn't really fit. I was going to use it in the next chapter (Progress: 0% :P ), but the show has beaten me to the punch. THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR PROCRASTINATING.

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Brikman McBlubber

So, I figured I'd post here.

I've been a brony since October 2011. I've known about its existence long before that through sites such as Know Your Meme. I thought it was interesting, to say the least, but refrained from watching the show. Regardless, I'd often visit the MLP: FIM page on Know Your Meme throughout the summer of 2011. One time I did somewhat watch Episode 3 when I did have the Hub, but I hardly paid any attention to it.

Fast forward to school. I'm in a business class as the bell rings, dismissing the class. I'm generally last out, and I noticed someone didn't log out of their computer. So I went on it and quickly changed the person's wallpaper to a MLP: FIM background. I did this every few days to whoever didn't log out of their computer for fun. This caught the attention of a friend of mine, who reccommended using a Gen 3 wallpaper. I would soon learn this friend is a brony. We'd spend some days in business looking up pony images and watching pony related videos, but not the actual show. Finally, on a Friday I believe, he convinced me to watch the show.

I'm rather open-minded, so I went into the show expecting anything. The first two episodes were more action-packed then I had anticipated. I decided to continue. I found myself liking the show more and more. I like animation, it was clever, it gave out some good references that no kid would probably get. I was hooked.

I go back to school with my discovers. I learn that another friend of mine is a brony, so we could have enlightening discussions at lunch about it. I drew templates of the male, female, unicorn, and pegasii ponies in my agenda for future reference. I never quite expected to like show.

My brother isn't quite as accepting. He finds it annoying and thinks I'm weird (which isn't really anything new) My sister (a teenager) watched a new episode with her friends, but was put off by Rarity. She questions my liking of it regardless. My parents don't know or really care, as far as I'm concerned.

Meanwhile at school, more of my friends were becoming bronies thanks to my business class-friend. I now have six brony friends, but only three of them are more serious fans.

More recently, I've been getting into the art that is produced. I enjoy seeing the drawings and ponies. I also enjoy listening to the tracks brony artists create, particularly the Fighting is Magic music.


So there you go. My condensed tale of how I became a brony.

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Ah my friend, that is a fine tale of bronydom, but I have a more heartfelt one.

It comes from way back in April during the time of the Portal 2 ARG

I had this uncle, he used to be a great guy, but heavy drinking destroyed him.

He'd call our house 5 times a day, and stress out my mom and my grandparents to no end.

We were going to my grandparent's river cottage, the whole time I was dreading him showing up there.

When we got there there was a note from my other uncle for my mom to see him.

I went inside and got on my laptop and vented to a friend on steam about my uncle.

Safe to say, what I said was no nice at all.

My parents got back and they told me that my uncle had died.

It hit me like a f***ing train, I had just said some terrible s*** about him not some 30 seconds ago.

So we drove to my grandparents house to deal with clearing out his house and stuff.

I opted to stay in the guest room on my laptop to try and forget about what had happened.

Since the Potato-Indie-Pack was going on, I decided to play Amnesia, a fitting title for what I wanted.

That game didn't help at all.

So I moved from game to game from the pack, none made me feel any better.

So I went on you-tube, trying to clear my head, again to no avail.

Then I went on know your meme, clearly I needed some pure idiocy and laughter to quell my thoughts.

I stumbled a cross the pony article and I instantly decided to watch the show for two reasons:

1: Lauren Faust made it.

2: It looked happy and fun.

I watched 7 entire episodes in a row until my mom opened the door and asked me if I was okay.

I realized I had gone a few hours not even thinking of my uncle or what I had done.

Ponies is the best escapism I've ever seen in my life.

If I'm ever having a bad day, I just watch an episode and before I know it I feel pinkie-keen.

Phew that was alot of reading.

Have a gif I found to cool down.:


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I have not been on in a few days but I have a few things to say.


MAD did something with ponies.

It involves war, contains Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, flying unicorns, the word bronies, and Tintin as a bonus for anyone that knows him. Tara Strong is a special guest in the one, voicing Twilight. Hopefully a better quality comes up later.

OK, that was an excellent parody. Much better than the CRAP South Park could do...

BTW, South Park MIGHT do a parody of MLP. Brace yourselves.

Why did you change the video he originally posted? If you replaced it to meet his request of a better quality version then the one you posts is far from better quality compared to the original he posted.


After Kata posted that "Celestia is Scary" (which I agree with), you REKINDLED the South Park discussion. So how can you say that the conversation is over when you REVIVED it?

You said this RIGHT AFTER Kata's post. So you basically screwed yourself over.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you don't like me. I mean, this isn't the first time you tried to get me to shut up. Why? What did I ever do to you?

You want to lawl? Here's a lawl for you. The conversation was not over. Just because some people posted videos that they thought were funny and wanted to share does not mean the conversation is over. A conversation is properly over when all parties express their opinion on the subject. I did not rekindle the discussion because it was not over just because it was divided by videos.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't dislike you as a member of RRU or as a Brony but I dislike how you are so obsessed with only a little portion or the show and couldn't care less about the rest. I mean you have basically said before that the only reason you watched the show was because of Discord. That's like the people who only watched the show because a one shot like Trixie or Gilda got them interested. The only difference is that Discord was a two shot character. I know you have been watching more of the show recently and I do respect you for getting into more of the show. But for the longest time you tried to get us to leave the known community of RRU and venture forth to a new forum and after that you wanted everyone to read your Discord fan-fic. It's noting personal but I just find you annoying sometimes. I don't know where I get the right to say that as most of the time I am known as the annoying person of this topic but whatever.

Please shut the f*** up.

Where did you come from? I can tell that Doc's post was deleted because I am guessing it wasn't tasteful like most of his reply are but where did you come from? How did you find out about this conversation? Do you just check every new topic just to see what you can post in? That's exactly what I use to do when I was trying to get the most posts on RRU. That's just sad Lair.

I grow tired of asking you to go back on topic...

Same thing I said to Lair. Who keeps reporting my posts and bringing you here? I know you don't just check this topic on your off time. Unless you are a secret closet Brony or something like that.

Also just try to delete this off-topic post and feel morally right as all of this is safely covered by the use of the off-topic tag which I am allowed to use in cases like this that are in fact off-topic.


Now that is out of the way.

Loved today's episode. One of my favs of S2.

I didn't know know donkeys lived in Ponville..

I know right. It was so fun seeing the video that matched the smile song audio.

Well the world is called equestria so it is safe to assume that there would exist all the animals that are members are the equidae family.

I tend to want to have the last word; ESPECIALLY when I'm bring wronged.

As for the new episode...

Pinkie used her "Smile" song. no. NO!

DARN IT! I was going to use it in the last chapter I posted in my fanfic, but it didn't really fit. I was going to use it in the next chapter, but the show has beaten me to the punch. THIS IS WHAT I GET FOR PROCRASTINATING.

I tend to want to get the last word too. We seem to be more alike than I originaly thought.

Well the show was going to use the song eventually. But how exactly were you going to write Pinkie singing a song? A song just seems out of place to me in a fan-fic.

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Fluffy Cupcake


Why did you change the video he originally posted? If you replaced it to meet his request of a better quality version then the one you posts is far from better quality compared to the original he posted.
I edited the video in my post after Studz quoted. ;)

New volume of My Little Bloopers: Mistakes are FOREVER! is out. If your not subbed to them already you should, there are quiet some funny mistakes, like at 1:29 for example, bunny feet. xD. Also, it's fun to see some silly little mistakes that can be done as well.


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Why did you change the video he originally posted? If you replaced it to meet his request of a better quality version then the one you posts is far from better quality compared to the original he posted.
I edited the video in my post after Studz quoted. ;)

You should have edited your post to say that too.
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