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What You Don't Like About Rock Raiders


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How there is only one level where the Tunnel Transport is ever seen. A custom level possibly where you HAVE to use the Tunnel Transport. Like a continuation of Frozen Frenzy, where you take the Tunnel Transport with a small transport to find SOMETHING at least.


Not being able to heal the Rock Raiders, WHY CANT SANDWICHES HEAL THEM??


Being able to walk through a crack in the wall in 1st person, but Rock Raiders choose to walk all the way around the wall.


No way to specify which Rock monster they kill.


A better way to prevent Slimy Slugs.


More challenging levels like Cyrem's Bolt Molt.


Lasers should be more effective.

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Rock Raiders are stupid


I hate Lava because it erodes the squares you build. You've got to have a lot of raiders maintaining and it might take forever for them to reach the spot. I like to go from an unstable gamestate to a stable one, but I can't achieve stability there. It takes too long to get there, too long to fix, too long to build. And there's no warning.


Slimy Slugs spawn all the time in that one level but do nothing. In the other level with Slimy Slugs they didn't do anything either.


Repeated animations - I love LEGO FMVs in games, and it'd have been way cooler if they used a different one for each.


Repetition - sure, the levels increased and difficulty and they did something clever every once in a while but we didn't really find much other than monsters, slugs, and crystals.

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