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First, I had to re-install RR so I lost All my progress and I need the .sav .dat and .osf for a completed game. It's kind of a pain replaying the game a ton of times.

Second, I don't know what all the debug keys do, and what they are.
I know L = Lose, and a few other ones.

Third, I might not be able to go on RRU for a while.


EDIT: I have no clue why I said "I might not be able to go on RRU for a while."

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For problem one, you can use a shortcut parameter thing to instantly create completed saves, so you can pickup where you left off. Go through downloads and see if you can find CLGen.

For problem two, we had a topic about this, but I can't find it, so allow me to steal Cirevam's table for a second:

[table=Debug Key List]

Shortcut KeysKey Affect[td=50%][A] [/td][td=50%]Creates landslide at mouse pointer.[/td][td=50%][D] [/td][td=50%]Instantly loose level.[/td][td=50%][E] [/td][td=50%]Makes a monster emerge from the wall at mouse pointer except solid rock.[/td][td=50%][F] [/td][td=50%]Take 40 points off health of any equipment selected.[/td][td=50%][H] [/td][td=50%]Creates a spiderweb at mouse pointer in a tunnel 1 tile wide.[/td][td=50%][J] [/td][td=50%]Creates Electric Fence at mouse pointer.[/td][td=50%][L] [/td][td=50%]Instantly exit level.[/td][td=50%][M] [/td][td=50%]Turns music on/off.[/td][td=50%][O] [/td][td=50%]Lower oxygen level.[/td][td=50%][R] [/td][td=50%]Makes cursor light "dance" with movement. [/td][td=50%] [/td][td=50%]Turns sound on/off.[/td][td=50%][X] [/td][td=50%]Move right in 1st person.[/td][td=50%][Y] [/td][td=50%]Create Energy crystal in far left corner of map.[/td][td=50%][Z] [/td][td=50%]Makes Rock Raider eat sandwich and move left in first person, shakes screen in 3rd person.[/td][td=50%][5] [/td][td=50%]Makes cursor light grow/shrink.[/td][td=50%][6] [/td][td=50%]Effects the cursor light in some way.[/td][td=50%][Numpad 3] [/td][td=50%]Destroys any rock at mouse pointer except border rock.[/td][td=50%][Numpad 7] [/td][td=50%]Instantly set game speed at max.[/td][td=50%][Numpad 8] [/td][td=50%]Set game speed lower.[/td][td=50%][Numpad 9] [/td][td=50%]Set game speed higher.[/td][td=50%][End] [/td][td=50%]Will turn the power on/off of any building selected.[/td][td=50%][Del] [/td][td=50%]Destroys any rock at mouse pointer except border rock.[/td][td=50%][F6] [/td][td=50%]Turns fallin mode on/off. [/td][td=50%][F11] [/td][td=50%]Disable all building and vehicle pre-requests. [/td][td=50%][F12] [/td][td=50%]Disable Mission Objective[/td][td=50%][shift] + [/td][td=50%]Pushes any Rock Raider at mouse pointer left[/td][td=50%][shift] + [/td][td=50%]Chief suddenly hangs down from the radar with his mouth moving.[/td][td=50%][Ctrl] + [F] [/td][td=50%]Turns frame rate monitor on/off. [/td][td=50%][Ctrl] + [G] [/td][td=50%]Turns memory monitor on/off. [/td][td=50%][Ctrl] + [/td][td=50%]Instantly win level.[/td][/table]

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The Brigadier

Disabling the mission objective can be very fun in the tutorial levels (it allows free roaming), especially with the suprise in Drilling With Vehicles.

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