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Erode And Conquer Reloaded


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Alright, after watching Cirevam's vid, I've taken into consideration the things he pointed out and made a massive overhaul of the map, I shrunk it from 100x75 squares all the way down to 40x40. I fixed the map edge and made it 3 solid rock cells at its thinnest spots, made major changes to the erosion, added monsters, and in general, made the level a whole lot harder xD. So have fun.

briefing: Welcome back Rock Raider, while mining in a large cavern rich in massive quantities of energy crystals (and recharge seams), our geological center broke down without our knowing, and the area around our base was severely eroded away before we noticed what was happening (Lol, fail on chief’s part). (This is a Lava Level)

We need you to get your team down there, teleport up the buildings, then move them to a safer cavern and reconstruct them, then explore the rest of the caves and locate a recharge seam and finish the mission by collecting 150 energy crystals.

1. Warp down Rock Raiders, then Teleport up the buildings (ALL of them)

2. Rebuild the original buildings (A Toolstore, Teleport pad, Power Station, Support Station, and Upgrade Station) in a room atleast fifty squares away.

3. Locate atleast one Recharge Seam (A reachable one, the ones surrounded by lava don’t count)

4. Collect 150 Energy Crystals (Or more if you so choose)

Big thanks to Lair who did a playthrough of this map!

Link to original map: http://www.rockraide...de-and-conquer/

Link to download (1.5 FINAL): http://www.mediafire.com/?ukqwqaz838a0em0

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