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Lego harry potter 1-4 test room


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I think a found a test room in lego hp 1-4. To do this you have to execute a glich that can get you out of the bunderies in a the court yard. To execute this you hop on the broomstick and start flying torwards the clock thing. Rise and very slowly go forwards. You should eventaully fly through the top of the tower and will have exited the bounderies. You have preformed the glitch. Now fly torwards the screen untill there is nothing but a void beneath you then stop rising untill you are under the map. You will see a plain floating island with no thickness and nothing on it but a yellow flower. tomorrow I post a video. I might even do it today. I'm suprised no one has found this yet.

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You will see a plain floating island with no thickness and nothing on it but a yellow flower.

The Infomaniac shall reign supreme.

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