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Lando's Lady Luck

The Soleutator

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The Soleutator

Star Wars fans may find this interesting. I wanted to try to build a ship that hadn't yet been built/released by LEGO, and the Lady Luck was the first one to hit my mind. About a week later here's what I came up with. It's got over 1400 pieces, is about 3 ft long, 10.5" wide, and 9.25" tall, but surprisingly isn't close to being to scale with the minifigs.

I had mostly finished the ship before I thought about adding a front/back door, so no "offical" way in exists. The interior is also not going to happen with this version. If I manage to build it out of real LEGOs I might try doing something. The base model was the Star Wars Galaxies version of the Lady Luck, as the ship never actually appeared in the movies to my knowledge, and the SWG was the best/most readily available version I could find.










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The Soleutator

I recall the Lady Luck in another Star Wars Jedi Knight game I have. It's not really a big ship.

Not huge compared to Star Wars standards, but this video is what I based it off of: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=0IaC_x5n5DE

Imagine an interior based on that scale. It looks like you could fig at least 20-30 people side-by-side width-wise on the main deck. The LEGO version would likely have to be 2-3x larger in all dimensions to be to scale. 6-9 ft long, I'd say that's pretty big! I think that's why LEGO doesn't do its ships to scale. Imagine a to-scale Super Star Destroyer...

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, that is a good Yacht there sir! I found you while looking up lego Lady Lucks on google heh. I like the detail you put into the engines and the curves on the nose. That is a hard part. Plus the angles of the aft section... I like it.

I defintily agree, what I remember, comparing the yacht alongside the YT-1300, the YT was only as big as the nose of the yacht. The thing was fairly big. Even the one I had made is not big enough. The funny thing I found was that your glass almost looks similiar what I used, along with the round corner pieces above the cockpit. Great minds think alike :D

From what I could think of is the best place for the boarding ramp is in the back like from SW Dark Forces: Jedi Outcast. Though with the elevators in the way it might be offset to the side. I ended up cheating and installing a elevator though lol.

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