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This is a discussion of weather or not the world will end in 2012, please don't spam and only add to the conversation.

The Mayan Calender ends on 12/12/12, or the last time three numbers will be the same for 10,000 years. Do you think this gives proof that the world will end on this date?

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My short answer: No.

Long answer: What influence should a human calendar have on an entire planet? It's only a way of keeping track of when things happen, and in the grand scheme of things, the Earth is just a billionth of a billionth of the universe... And we're a billionth of that, so I don't see why our numbers should affect our planet.

Also, have you perchance read any books by Dan Brown? Sounds like it was inspired by him ;P

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The calendar was created by humans, not by the universe. Therefore, it has no effect on the world. Yes, it was based on actual events, but actual events in nature don't make up coincidental number sequences. And really, the Mayans accurately predicted astronomical events how many centuries ahead of their time? I think they stopped the calendar where they did because they were just tired of doing it.

"Oh, the same things seem to happen in each calendar loop. Let's just stop it here since we don't want to be too redundant. We have a reputation, you know. *conquistador'd*"

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@ Anonymouse,

Okay, I know you're right. But what about how a solar flair is going to occur and how the planets are going to line up.

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You know that this also includes the Nostru Domis guy, and a computer program, I think its called web bot or something.

Oh and its not just the world ending, the real thing is the something very surprising will happen.

I am really 50-50 on the 2012 thing, I know I'll be very scared when the time comes, but right now there's still a better change a nuke will hit Washington D.C.

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Given this proof here:

The Mayan Calendar ends on 12/12/12, or the last time three numbers will be the same for 10,000 years.

I say no.

Why do you say it would be the last time three numbers will be the same for 10,000 years? What about 12-12-1912? Or 12-12-1812?

Isn't that only 100 years apart?

That aside, I don't know if it will really end on that date. If it does, why the hell should we think about our futures? Live for the moment! This is less than three years away, after all.

If it doesn't, why all the hype about it? I seem to recall something similar happening on Y2K.

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I think a bunch of end of the world mass suicides will happen.

I concur. This could have been avoided in the first place if no one mentioned the "end of the world". Now people have it stuck in their heads and the less reasonable ones will end up doing something drastic. Hopefully, if they decide to do something like that, they won't kill themselves and instead just spend all their savings or something similar. I can imagine some people would do things that would land them in jail thinking that "if we're all going to die anyways then who cares?"

Really, whoever started this end of the world nonsense is just causing mass pandemonium. It won't be apparent for another two years at least. Despite this, I will do what Sarge will do: go to bed, wake up the next morning, and drink a Coke. If I end up dying in my sleep then I'll owe all those end-of-the-world theorists a beer in the afterlife.

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I bet you all my money that the world won't end.

I agree, this is all just pandemonium created because we all like scaring ourselves to death. I just wanted to see what you guys think.

I will stay up to midnight on 2012, say "well this sucked" and fall asleep only to wake up realizing I forgot to do my homework.

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I will stay up till 12:00, and if the whole earth lights up like an atom bomb, then I will shove my head under my pillow.

If everything goes smooth then I will just go to bed and and relax, and then I will post in this topic the next day.

So no one close this topic until that day, please

Edited by Anonymouse
Spelling. And say 'please', please.
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I will stay up to midnight on 2012, say "well this sucked" and fall asleep only to wake up realizing I forgot to do my homework.

At first I was going to say "wait a minute, why would you have homework due on the 22nd?" then I realized that it's December 12th, not 21st. Duh. But this led to another point... Christmas.

Technically, the "last" Christmas will be in 2011, and the "last" major holiday will be Thanksgiving in 2012. If people are going to start freaking out, buying tons of stuff, or otherwise acting out-of-the-ordinary, I think it's going to start around Christmas 2011 and there will definitely be related events on the news by Thanksgiving. I expect an increase in attendance at churches during said time interval as more and more people turn to faith to deal with the tension. I also expect some banks to shut down as people start doing bank runs, and some of this money might turn into donations for the aforementioned churches. Of course the stock market will plummet again if there's a nationwide bank run, but I think there are failsafes against that now. If anything, I think 123 will be very beneficial to churches. What do you guys think?

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I think people will start buying gold, canned food and seeds, because they will always be valuable. No matter what is going on in the economy.

What I really think is, that a lot of people will be getting drunk on that day. There will be plenty of DWI. Also, there might be a few things done. ;)

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I think that if anyone buys gold, they've already done it or are already doing it.

But the canned food is most valuable - you can't eat gold, and seeds take long to grow. I guess.

But yeah, we've all come to the general consensus that the world will not end in 2012. Now we need someone to argue against it to get some spice in this topic. :)

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If it weren't for this topic I would forget the whole thing in 30 minutes or less. Until some newspaper article about the whole thing pops up again.

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Out of curiosity, what is actually supposed to happen on 2012? A massive Flood? A rain of meteors? Zombie invasion? Rick Astley making a comeback?

If the world does end on 2012, I want to know how so I can prepare. If so, I personally hope scenario number three happens. Although...... Very little can be done to survive the fourth. xD

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Zombie invasion? Rick Astley making a comeback?

I'm hoping neither of those two.

To be more on-topic, I really can't say how i feel about the 2012 thing but I do believe the world will end (at least for humans) very soon. I don't care to get into why too much for two reasons:

1.) My reasons very well could start an argument.

2.) You would probably all think I'm crazy anyway (Pfft, I think I'm crazy)

I don't know how the world will end LZ, but i do know that if I can see the end coming, I'll welcome it and sing It's The End of the World"

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Some say a dormant sun will ignite as it passes ours. Then it will continue on its path to us engulfing us in fire. If its zombies, I have 37 zombie plans. Some of them include watching zombie movies and playing zombie games. Others I cant tell you just in case some of you become zombies and come after me. Otherwise I still stand firmly behind my suicide theory. Which brings me to another point, 9/11 Part 2.

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There are 4 ways 2012 could happen.

A. All humans die

B. The earth dies

C. Universe dies

D. Economy dies

Those are my four guesses about will happen. To back up my theory look at Mayan temples. The temples line up with the sun and which sun could also be god *metaphorically* and so god sent the Mayans something to tell them they are going to die in 2012.

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To be more on-topic, I really can't say how i feel about the 2012 thing but I do believe the world will end (at least for humans) very soon. I don't care to get into why too much for two reasons:

1.) My reasons very well could start an argument.

Do it. I'm up for a good debate. I have my own theories in how the human race will eventually kill itself off too, so I'd like to hear yours.

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Well.... (This might be a jumbled mess with no connection)

First off, I'd like to state that a lot of times, I don't even know how I feel on a subject. In a way, I despise the human race with great intensity. I think we're too busy worried about what other people think of us or what we want that we never really pay attention to what we may be doing to other species on Earth. Several minor things bug me as well(Such as scientists "disproving" stuff that we don't know enough about to say if it's real or not), but for the most part I think we're just taking advantage of the fact that we have a big ol' planet to live on and we think that we're the most intelligent species ever. Really, if we're so smart and civilized, why can't we stop trying to kill other, agree on something (maybe a new language?), and try and stop the world from falling apart? I mean, we're trying (now) to fix what we did wrong (eco-friendly cars...), but are we really going to be able to save ourselves? I know this might not make sense but what I'm trying to say is that we've (over time) dug a big hole and begun to pull rock and dirt down onto ourselves.

As for theories:

1. First, I personally think that if something else doesn't happen first, we (as in the humans) will kill ourselves in a nuclear war.

2. And I'm sure if that doesn't happen, we may destroy ourselves messing with something that we shouldn't mess with (Time *cough cough*) or trying to do something we shouldn't (colonizing other planets *cough*)

3.At some point in time we'll make the stupid mistake of killing something really imortant and thus dooming ourselves

This isn't all but it's all I feel like typing for now.

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I say a solar flare will cause a power outage and a lot of people will freak out and scream like maniacs because they will be 6 days (depending on how long it lasts) with out face book or my space. For fear they will actually have to socialise.

What would humanity do if the world ended. Would we revert to our primal instincts or would we simply kill ourselves. It would depend on the apocalypse. If the world is nuked because of cold war 2, the revenge, there would be little chance of human survival.

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we may destroy ourselves messing with something that we shouldn't mess with (Time *cough cough*)

This isn't all but it's all I feel like typing for now.

ya, if you accidently make 1 mistake with time travaling you could ruin the whole time line and then which will destyroy space which will then kill all of us! And if that doesnt happen, we might step on and kill a bug that could have help....well what im trying to say here is the butterfly effect.

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