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Hi everyone  :af:


Was just wondering if anyone could save me a bit of time trawling through all the forum pages. Is there any mod or such like available that adds the ability to save in-game (i.e. during a mission rather than just at the end of each mission)? This is the only thing that majorly pisses me off about the game, as I don't always have time to complete the later levels and it's stopping me completing the game  :




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Unfortunately, this is something hard-coded into the game. There's no way to mod it as far as I know. Maybe some ridiculous tool could be developed to make save states or something silly, but that's being absurdly optimistic.

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Aww that's a shame. I was looking at some of the mods being made and figured this might be possible. Oh well  : Thanks for answering!

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Nope, you can't save during the levels. But you can accelerate the RRs by changing the options and by activating the Debug Keys.

To do so, download the WAD Tool and extract both WADs. Then open the folder LegoRR1 and open LEGO.cfg. Go to about line 100.

There you can see a couple of lines with the word 'Debug'. Set all these values to TRUE instead of FALSE.

Then recompile LegoRR1.WAD and start the game and the level you need more time in.

Just press NUMPAD 7 to fully increase the speed of the game to 300% (instead of possible 200% in undebugged mode).

Now the RRs are faster and the level doesn't take so much time.


There are also some other methods to make the RRs faster...

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Nope, you can't save during the levels. But you can accelerate the RRs by changing the options and by activating the Debug Keys.

To do so, download the WAD Tool and extract both WADs. Then open the folder LegoRR1 and open LEGO.cfg. Go to about line 100.

There you can see a couple of lines with the word 'Debug'. Set all these values to TRUE instead of FALSE.

Then recompile LegoRR1.WAD and start the game and the level you need more time in.

Just press NUMPAD 7 to fully increase the speed of the game to 300% (instead of possible 200% in undebugged mode).

Now the RRs are faster and the level doesn't take so much time.


There are also some other methods to make the RRs faster...


Or just download Patchman, which comes with a patch to automatically enable the debug keys. You still have to extract and recompile your WADs, though. ;)

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Not everyone wants to use debug keys due to potential cheating, and speeding the game up to 300% often makes it glitchy. The best solution is to just pause it.

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Why would you do all that decompiling and compiling?! If you're going to use the debug keys surely you can just add "-debug" to the shortcut target so that the exe loads into debug mode :)


 The best solution is to just pause it.


Unfortunately if I pause it on my laptop and then the screensaver activates, the game screen refuses to reappear and I have to kill it through cmd. Damned crappy Intel integrated graphics  :rf:

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Then just deactivate the screensaver. Go to desktop, right-click --> Properties (XP) or Configurate (Vista/7) and so on. I guess you know how to go on?

If not, please ask someone else because I don't know the exact english expressions of Windows XP, Vista and 7 in the configuration. 

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Haha yh thanks. Im doing computer science at university so i should be able to work it out :D My original problem was relating to long gaps in play, as in playing on different days to which there seems to be no solution. I can sort outrworkarounds for short intervals no problem.

Thanks for all the replies though!

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Why would you do all that decompiling and compiling?! If you're going to use the debug keys surely you can just add "-debug" to the shortcut target so that the exe loads into debug mode

For some reason, this has never worked for me and I'm not sure why. 
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