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Does anyone play Atmosphir here? (even though it closed down)


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Atmophir was a utinity game which enabled members to create their own worlds and maps for others to play. It unexpectedly closed down and now the only way to play it is in Offline Mode. I was just wondering, does anyone still play this?

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I had never heard of this before, but I just googled it and it looks pretty interesting. I'll probably try it out.

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lol username

Never heard of it before. Looking at some gameplay on YouTube, it almost looks like some Minecraft-Roblox-Action game hybrid thing...


... Though it actually came before Minecraft. Looks fairly interesting, I'd give it a try if it were still running.

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You cannot download it. The website was taken down with the game.  :(

Really? Cause I seem to have found it on some file-sharing site. It was actually the first thing that came up when I googled it.

Still have yet to install it, I'll see how that goes.

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Okay, now I see what you mean.

While I was able to obtain the installer, the installer could not install it properly without connecting to the website (which is no longer there.)

Seems the game really is lost forever to anyone who hadn't installed it prior to the site being shut down.

That sucks.

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I just played it again and something is going on within the game.


The character skins are turning transparent, I am falling through solid walls, my cursor is the loading cursor (ruling out certain actions). I wish I could find out what was going on, since no one can have a look then I have a serious problem.

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This looks like LittleBigPlanet with visuals akin to a combination of Minecraft and Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. If I'd known about this when it was out, I too would have downloaded it. Ah well.

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It is said it is like a combination of Lego and Mario. I am surprised you are all comparing it to Minecraft and Roblox!

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From what you've given us, it looks like an ugly, broken and otherwise unfun game to me. I think it's a good thing it's no longer available.

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