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My spelling and grammer


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well epic has been complaing about my spelling and grammer so i decided, i will use spell check. Im preety sure some of you are also are kinda of upset by my horrifiying spelling and grammer. A million apoligys, i thought this was a fun site not a spelling site. If you think i should always use spell check *i know epic will agree* just say so and if you want me to type as i have before then you can say that to. I also know im not alone for ive seen people whose writeing isnt the best, and that another reason why i made this topic.

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I don't see any reason to ignore those red underlines that most browsers put on misspelled words...

But perfect spelling, despite making you easier to understand, isn't completely necessary.

Just try and paragraph a bit more, it's confusing reading what you post. D: Just put different ideas on different lines :)

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well epic has been complaining about my spelling and grammar so i decided, i will use spell check. I'm pretty sure some of you are also are kinda of upset by my horrifying spelling and grammar. A million apologies, i thought this was a fun site not a spelling site. If you think i should always use spell check *i know epic will agree* just say so and if you want me to type as i have before then you can say that to. I also know I'm not alone for I've seen people whose writing isn't the best, and that another reason why i made this topic.

One thing you need to realize is that this isn't a chat room. You have the power to edit your words before (and even after) you post them, and spell check is embedded within the post form as well. And since text doesn't always carry emotional intonations or otherwise like spoken words do, how you type tells us what kind of person you are. If you make an effort in your posts, you look respectable. If you type like an AOL user, you look like an idiot. You do not type like the latter, and for that we are all thankful. Also, I fixed the spelling errors in your post. Basically, anything that had a red squiggle underneath it. I didn't bother with capitalizing all the I's, as I'm more forgiving when it comes to grammar since there are so many exceptions in English.

i thought this was a fun site not a spelling site.

I'm going to be completely honest here. That's some really stupid logic. Though fun is subjective, fun doesn't mean you should just slam your hands on the keyboard and press post whenever you feel like sharing something without looking at what you're about to post. We all make mistakes, and I do mean ALL of us, but after a while constant mistakes start to look like habits. Having to deal with bad habits is not fun. All anyone has to do to prevent a bad spelling habit is to actually read a post before they post it. It takes less than a minute depending on length, and you can catch all the red squiggles right there. Then you can actually start to recognize how words are properly spelled so you can do better in English or Literature classes. See, there's real world benefits to proper spelling!

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I, am the worst speller in my class. I once got a 12 out of a hundred on a spelling test. But when I type something, I make sure it's spell checked, and I read over my work. That is the secret to not looking like you're a idiot.

And please paragraph more, every time I look at one of your posts, I imagine you eating a huge chunk of watermelon and then start talking.

And thank you, for spell checking.

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Why, paragraphing is boreing and plus its weird. Cirevem, wow I never noticeted I made all those mistakes and I do not slam my head into the keyboard.

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Why, paragraphing is boring and plus its weird.

No it's not. I usually ignore your posts because they're so hard to read.

Cirevam, wow I never noticed I made all those mistakes and I do not slam my head into the keyboard.

He was speaking figuratively.

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