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RRU Minecraft Server


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I confirm my participation in this UHC round.


by the way: a shrinking world border at the end of the round? I wonder, who will win? At least one team or the border? Tune in this saturday to find it out!

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Congratulations to all who took part in UHC: Round 2 (not Round 3, as I made the mistake of calling it). Firstly, I apologise for the atrociously late start - I had everything set up to begin as soon as everyone arrived, but for some reason the server kept teleporting players into walls and suffocating them, hence a whole 30 minutes of delay was endured before we finally begun. Thank you all for your patience, next time I should have it all set it up in just a couple of minutes!


Onto the match. I was the first to die, lasting just 30 minutes when a Witch weakened me right before a Creeper blew me up, so was not able to comment on the match. However KevinVG207 has begun uploading his view of the match to YouTube, and once it has finished processing I will edit it in here. The winners, as mentioned above, were RobExplorien, Shadowblaze and The Ace Railgun, so congratulations to you three for surviving the entire match! This was also the first match to end before the time was up (including old UHC matches), so well done, although I'm sure it was helped by my sneaky reducing of the world border size. And of course, well done to all who took part, too. :thumbsup:


EDIT: Thanks to KevinVG207 for uploading his POV video here! Skip to 8 minutes in for the game start (and that's excluding his video of the 20 minute failed start :P).

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I will edit the recording to make a highlight reel. (with bloopers?)

Sorry, I just noticed the video was still private. Now it's unlisted. It's posted in the pm

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It has been suggested that we all club together to take down the Ender Dragon on the Survival server. After all, as far as I'm aware, he's just sat around doing nothing while everyone builds on Creative. :P Is anyone up for such a challenge? If you're interested in meeting up for this, let me know here/PM/RRUCraft forums.

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Anyone else interested? Once everyone's down I'll arrange a time.


"Sign me up, I'll do it!" - Pepper Roni, Twenty four-what-the-fudge.

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Six people down, great!



On a separate note, would anyone be interested in designing a new logo for the server? It appears on the server list in your client, but could also be used on the RRUCraft forum and as the header too. If you do, the only restrictions are that it has to be square, legible at 64x64 pixels (as that's the server icon resolution), and you can also make it at a higher resolution if you wish for web use. So, yeah, if you'd like to design a new logo then please do and send it to me! :)


EDIT: I just checked out the server backup size. 1GB. Clearly you guys have been building a lot!

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...if you'd like to design a new logo then please let me know! :)


I'd be happy to design a new logo (that is, I will do it next time i get access to my iPad :P).

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...if you'd like to design a new logo then please let me know! :)

I'd be happy to design a new logo (that is, I will do it next time i get access to my iPad :P).

Great! I'd love to see what you come up with. And if anyone else designs one too, I could rotate between them.

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I'm willing to provide basic iron armor and a weapon for anyone who doesn't have decent survival gear yet but still wants to fight the dragon. Just let me know.    :)

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Creative mode has been disabled due to a griefing situation on the server.

Again!? *putting face in hands* Okay, how long till the disable is removed?

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The Ace Railgun


Creative mode has been disabled due to a griefing situation on the server.

Again!? *putting face in hands* Okay, how long till the disable is removed?



Until we figure out who the culprit is, BUT, don't go taking this into your own hands to try and figure out who they are.

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Creative mode has been disabled due to a griefing situation on the server.

Probably a good thing anyway, considering the Ender dragon fight coming up it'd be good to ensure everyone's playing with Survival-collected gear.


With Kevin signed up, we now have seven people ready to take down the boss of Minecraft:

I'm thinking of doing this either Saturday or Sunday at 6pm UTC. Is that alright for you all or would you prefer a different time? Also it's worth noting that the Ender dragon can be reset on the server should players wish to fight him again, however this would also wipe all structures created in The End.

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Creative mode has been disabled due to a griefing situation on the server.

Again!? *putting face in hands* Okay, how long till the disable is removed?



Until we figure out who the culprit is blahblahblahstuffIdon'twanttoquotebecauseitspoilsitmehmehmeh





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With Kevin signed up, we now have seven people ready to take down the boss of Minecraft: Arthuriel Ben24x7 JimbobJeffers KevinVG207 RobExplorien RR Rocks Sparks8805

What timezone are all you people in? From most in the list I know that they are either UTC or UTC+1 (I think), but how about you Sparks8805? If also lying in the aforementioned timezones, maybe we could shift it a little to the afternoon?

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I believe I'm UTC-5 (Also known as EST here in the states). I'm doing stuff all day Saturday, so that wouldn't work for me. Sunday should work out for me if the time is what I think it is (Time zones are a pain). If I'm correct then, it would be 1:00 P.M. EST and that should work out.

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What timezone are all you people in? From most in the list I know that they are either UTC or UTC+1 (I think), but how about you Sparks8805? If also lying in the aforementioned timezones, maybe we could shift it a little to the afternoon?

If this is the case, pushing it back into the earlier afternoon is a good idea.

I believe I'm UTC-5 (Also known as EST here in the states). I'm doing stuff all day Saturday, so that wouldn't work for me. Sunday should work out for me if the time is what I think it is (Time zones are a pain). If I'm correct then, it would be 1:00 P.M. EST and that should work out.

That's alright, we can do it this Sunday then. Are you able to join earlier, in the morning, so that we can shift the time back for those closer to UTC? If not that's understandable as it's hosted at 6pm during UHC games.


Right, its a simple parody of the RRU logo with Minecraft twists, but still it counts as a logo;

MC Logo;





Fourm Logo;



Awesome, I like it! I'll change it now, thank you very much. :D


EDIT: Server icon updated, I'll add it to the forum later.

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