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As it turns out, anything before 3:00 P.M. (EST) on Sunday won't work for me....which could be an issue. You guys can always do it without me if it comes down to it though.

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The Ace Railgun

club together to take down the Ender Dragon on the Survival server


I'm up for this, school just ended, so I have all the free time in the world (for 5 weeks :P)

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I'm confident that you would never target me (I hope...), but i cant help be a little worried over all this Dragon Slaying excitement.  :gasp:

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As it turns out, anything before 3:00 P.M. (EST) on Sunday won't work for me....which could be an issue. You guys can always do it without me if it comes down to it though.

3PM EST? So that makes for 8PM UTC as the earliest starting time? That's pretty late, but then again, slaying the dragon won't take too long right? So either that, or UTC in the afternoon?

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As it turns out, anything before 3:00 P.M. (EST) on Sunday won't work for me....which could be an issue. You guys can always do it without me if it comes down to it though.

Well it was your suggestion in the first place, it'd be uncool to do this without you. How would everyone else feel about having this at 8pm UTC? I doubt it'd take too long, considering (if everyone is able) we have 8 players now.

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Hmm, on Sunday I would only have time until ~ 1 or 2pm (or something around 11pm and later, but I can't confirm it for sure), although Saturday would be better for me in general.

I guess, you have to do it without me (or I kill him alone and then you reset after that, but this would be still a bit egoistic^^).

(I used UTC times)

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Plot Twist: sign me up! I want to help kill the dragon. My internet may not be fair, but this I can do.


I'm EST, but I have nothing to do, so any time is good for me.

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(The following is according to my position in UCT but do note I recently discovered I'm not one hour more or less, but exactly on time of UCT)

I should at least be free all Saturday unless I am attending a breakfast meeting which usually starts at 8 to 12 am.

Be aware I won't be avalible between 10am to 1pm on Sunday. Since I wake up at 6am and go to sleep at 9pm then I am avalible for 4 hours before chruch and 8 hours after (roughly, I might get kicked off the computer at some point during the day).

Just sayin'

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I'm sorry, when is this happening? Because I definitely remember not saying "I can't come".


Be aware I won't be avalible between 10am to 1pm on Sunday. Since I wake up at 6am and go to sleep at 9pm then I am avalible for 4 hours before chruch and 8 hours after (roughly, I might get kicked off the computer at some point during the day).

I just thought that, as you go to bed at 9pm, you may not be allowed on at 8pm. But if you are then that's great. :)

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If people would like, I could reset the ender dragon after it has been slain. I know how to do so, plus I can give him more health and attack power for a more challenging fight next time.

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The Ace Railgun

I could reset the ender dragon after it has been slain.


I can do this too, if you aren't on when people want it reset.

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Wait a minute i thought i told Jimbob to not do another UHC without me :/


Also, isn't ben banned too for strip-mining and caps abuse?

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Also, isn't ben banned too for strip-mining and caps abuse?

Yes, but that ban only lasted a couple of days. Plus this does not count as UHC, it's just an Ender Dragon battle.

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The Ace Railgun

Also, isn't ben banned too for strip-mining and caps abuse?

Yes, but that ban only lasted a couple of days. Plus this does not count as UHC, it's just an Ender Dragon battle.

You where both banned for that...

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Yes, but that ban only lasted a couple of days. Plus this does not count as UHC, it's just an Ender Dragon battle.


This is why i must always think before i leap. :P

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Ender Dragon battle inbound! In 6 hours, seven daring (or stupid?) warriors shall gather to defeat the Ender Dragon. They are:

As far as I am aware, none of the three strongholds on the map have been found yet. So I guess we'll have to do a little Enderman hunting first, but with this many players on the job I doubt that'll take long.


As this isn't UHC and hence does not require moderator intervention (e.g. FTP file editing and so on), you are free to join the server and get started whenever you want. So long as the actual exploring of the stronghold is left for everyone to do together. :thumbsup:

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One railway (the one with two rail tracks) at the main village leads to the center of one stronghold, that has an active portal, because Ace, JAL, me and another player (afaik we were 3 or 4 people) tried to fight the ender dragon a while ago.

We aborted the attempt, because we wanted to do it with more players or until some players had better equipment (at least that's what I remember).

The stations are connected in the following way: Desert Village, Central Station, Small Station, Ender/Stronghold portal station

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One railway (the one with two rail tracks) at the main village leads to the center of one stronghold, that has an active portal, because Ace, JAL, me and another player (afaik we were 3 or 4 people) tried to fight the ender dragon a while ago.

We aborted the attempt, because we wanted to do it with more players or until some players had better equipment (at least that's what I remember).

The stations are connected in the following way: Desert Village, Central Station, Small Station, Ender/Stronghold portal station

Ah, awesome! Well that saves some effort and time then, at least we can get straight to the action. Thanks for letting me know. :)

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