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RRU Minecraft Server


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Satellite internet... NEVER AGAIN... POS connection problems I practically wasn't even there. I think I got 1 hit on it though...

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Yes, the Ender Dragon battle was pretty darn fun.


I've got a recording of the battle, but I need to render the footage before i can edit. So it'll be a long while before anyone sees any of my footage from the battle, but I will deliver.

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Here is the battle from my perspective;




Do excuse the large "Demo Mode" watermark throughout. Its there because I am using a trial version of Mac Game recording software 'ScreenFlow'. Apologies.


Also, I guess some of you will realise I accidentally left some people out of the "Participants" section at the end. I'm sorry, but not all the names were mentioned in JJ's list of participants.


And lastly, I feel that many of you will agree with this, the music was a bit off at the end. This was mainly because I couldn't find good victory music on my computer that at least sounded victorious or didn't cause any ear bleed.


Enjoy (or maybe not)

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Here is the battle from my perspective;




Enjoy (or maybe not)

Hang on a minute, I recognise that music!




Thanks for sharing. :)

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Hang on a minute, I recognise that music!




Thanks for sharing. :)

Your ears do not deceive you, Detective JJ.

Glad to see you are happy with it. ;)

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The Ace Railgun

Also i'd like to remind players to put a sign with your name next to or on your build, it help the Mods/Admins determine what is grief and what isn't grief.

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I have to disagree, Ace. While a sign is useful in determining who owns a structure, it shouldn't be necessary. Anything that doesn't infringe upon anyone else's territory can not and should not be considered grief. You can't just go around removing structures that had a lot of effort put into them just because no one claimed it.

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The Ace Railgun

I have to disagree, Ace. While a sign is useful in determining who owns a structure, it shouldn't be necessary. Anything that doesn't infringe upon anyone else's territory can not and should not be considered grief. You can't just go around removing structures that had a lot of effort put into them just because no one claimed it.


Just because you know it's your build doesn't mean that other Admins or Mods know that it's your build.

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I don't think it's necessary for players to claim builds with signs, but if they wish to it certainly would help moderators (and other players in knowing where they can build). In future we can ask players if a certain build is owned before taking any action should we have a problem with it. Remember though that if a player hasn't claimed a build with a sign, that doesn't give anyone the right to grief it - be respectful in your building. Leave space between your construction and someone else's, for example.


In other news, The Ace Railgun will be stepping down from moderator position. I would like to take this moment to say a HUGE thank you to Ace, as you have done a truly excellent job of moderating on this server since its creation. I would give you a cake but it would probably melt in transit, so a hearty 'three cheers for Ace!' shall have to suffice.


Thank you, Ace, and goodbye!

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The Ace Railgun

I would give you a cake but it would probably melt in transit, so a hearty 'three cheers for Ace!' shall have to suffice.


And thanks for that JJ, there's just too much life stuff going on, also thanks for being such a great level headed Admin. I may return when things once life settles down, but right now there's a lot of flux.

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I may return when things once life settles down, but right now there's a lot of flux.

...and hopefully until then, the server will still be there.

Farewell for now, Moderator.

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Currently I am building a bigger project on the server in survival mode and I have almost used all my cobblestone. If someone has unused building blocks (preferably cobblestone), I would gladly take them.


Next question: Could someone activate the day night cycle again, please (if that's okay for the other players)? It would be nice, to have that again (I could finally use the bed again and not run all the way from the ender portal after a death, because it was set as a spawn point during the during the dragon battle). Small warning though: Apparently mob griefing is active again (luckily the main village is lit like a christmas tree).


Last question: When will the next round of UHC take place? : )

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Next question: Could someone activate the day night cycle again, please (if that's okay for the other players)?


Last question: When will the next round of UHC take place? : )

Daylight cycle should now be reactivated.


As for the next round of UHC, I'm unfortunately busy until January. Another moderator could host (there is a guide on the RRUCraft forum) it but I doubt anyone has the time, so I guess you'll have to wait. :/

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I've seen a very good schematic to set up a uhc, pre generate the world etc. It works a lot better than doing it manually. I'll see if I can find it.

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I've seen a very good schematic to set up a uhc, pre generate the world etc. It works a lot better than doing it manually. I'll see if I can find it.

Would it work with a vanilla server? If so, that'd be incredibly handy. Although given that some of setting up UHC requires FTP editing, I imagine that it won't be a perfect solution. But hey, if you can find it I'd love to take a look.

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It works completely vanilla. It uses loads of fancy 1.8 and scoreboard mechanics, let's let xisumavoid explain:


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Mind if you whitelist 'MrKiloDude' and 'thefryingpanman'?

It's my brother and I. We don't grief. :P

You can, but your brother needs to be a member of RRU.


He needs to be a member for 4 months and needs to make 10 legit posts on RRU.

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