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RRU Minecraft Server


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Um yes. As a semi-active player (school has kept me off) and supporter of the server, I have some remarks and questions that I believe all players should know the answers to.


  1. Why? Your exact words to justify this plan is to "renovate the town", but why are you renovating? Is it to remove clutter? Beautify the town? Reduce lag? Are you starting a neighborhood association and we must pay due and conform to crazy rules? What is the exact reasoning, purpose, and goal behind this plan?
  2. Why removal? Do you not value that player's work that it must be totally and completed destroyed with fire and brimstone leaving no evidence it ever existed? Is it an eye-sore?
  3. You said you and Arth came up with the building list. While I trust your judgement (primarily Arth's, as I am not very antiquated with you yet RR Rocks (nothing personal, we just haven't met up any ;))), I do think more perspective is needed on what should be (re)moved and kept. While everyone and the moderators have built on the server, I do think the mods and other community members can come up with two or three more players (one may be a mod) who can be (not too terribly) bias and more objective in determining what should change and go.
  4. What was the criteria for determining the building list? Size, location, user activity, future nefarious personal plans?
  5. Plan implementation note: You stated you want to use MCEdit. With the demise of Bukkit, the server is a vanilla server, and as a replacement mod sever software has not been found (see the last few topic pages), MCEdit is not available.
  6. Personal question: what were the exact reasons you two decided Box Jr. should be removed? As a concerned player, I believe I and everyone else who has their creation marked for (re)moving should know why. :)
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I agree with these plans for the most part. I would like to say that as one of the oldest active RRU Minecraft players (as in I was a member of the legendary RRU MC maps of the Alpha era of Minecraft) I would like to say that we find a way to rejuvenate the server activity and make it more MCedit compatible. Those were things that made the original servers good, that and the lag was more consistent back then, it seems worse now.


Also I would like some more input in things and if we're making suggestions on things to change I advise you take pics in what you're talking about in case people don't know what you mean.

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I agree with these plans for the most part. I would like to say that as one of the oldest active RRU Minecraft players (as in I was a member of the legendary RRU MC maps of the Alpha era of Minecraft) I would like to say that we find a way to rejuvenate the server activity and make it more MCedit compatible. Those were things that made the original servers good, that and the lag was more consistent back then, it seems worse now.





You did read my points, right? We cannot use MCedit period because vanilla server. Also, this is not the same server that you used to play on. You do know that, right?  8S  This server hosted by JimbobJeffers has only been around 1, maybe 2 years, and everything was completely lost some time last year (I may be mixing up my timeline a bit), and we are now on v2 of the server. In fact, this is the first MC server I am aware of since becoming very active on RRU, and that's been, what 2.5 years now? Things you knew then on the really old servers do not apply now. This is different hardware, different server, different management, and a different culture. ;)

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I agree with these plans for the most part. I would like to say that as one of the oldest active RRU Minecraft players (as in I was a member of the legendary RRU MC maps of the Alpha era of Minecraft) I would like to say that we find a way to rejuvenate the server activity and make it more MCedit compatible. Those were things that made the original servers good, that and the lag was more consistent back then, it seems worse now.





You did read my points, right? We cannot use MCedit period because vanilla server. Also, this is not the same server that you used to play on. You do know that, right?  8S  This server hosted by JimbobJeffers has only been around 1, maybe 2 years, and everything was completely lost some time last year (I may be mixing up my timeline a bit), and we are now on v2 of the server. In fact, this is the first MC server I am aware of since becoming very active on RRU, and that's been, what 2.5 years now? Things you knew then on the really old servers do not apply now. This is different hardware, different server, different management, and a different culture. ;)


Yes I read it, I'm saying we need to find a way to make the server MCedit compatible, I'm sure there is a way to do it. And I know this isn't the same server, I was there when the official and unofficial RRU servers ended like 3 years ago.



So I found a way better and working way to make a wired street that works, I'll see if I can upload some pics of my system. Also I've given up on trying to redo the streets in the main town (it's just so convoluted and broken already), I'm just gonna build my new town with the better system.

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Um yes. As a semi-active player (school has kept me off) and supporter of the server, I have some remarks and questions that I believe all players should know the answers to.


  1. Why? Your exact words to justify this plan is to "renovate the town", but why are you renovating? Is it to remove clutter? Beautify the town? Reduce lag? Are you starting a neighbor association and we must pay due and conform to crazy rules? What is the exact reasoning, purpose, and goal behind this plan?
  2. Why removal? Do you not value that player's work that it must be totally and completed destroyed with fire and brimstone leaving no evidence it ever existed? Is it an eye-sore?
  3. You said you and Arth came up with the building list. While I trust your judgement (primarily Arth's, as I am not very antiquated with you yet RR Rocks (nothing personal, we just haven't met up any ;))), I do think more perspective is needed on what should be (re)moved and kept. While everyone and the moderators have built on the server, I do think the mods and other community members can come up with two or three more players (one may be a mod) who can be (not too terribly) bias and more objective in determining what should change and go.
  4. What was the criteria for determining the building list? Size, location, user activity, future nefarious personal plans?
  5. Plan implementation note: You stated you want to use MCEdit. With the demise of Bukkit, the server is a vanilla server, and as a replacement mod sever software has not been found (see the last few topic pages), MCEdit is not available.
  6. Personal question: what were the exact reasons you two decided Box Jr. should be removed? As a concerned player, I believe I and everyone else who has their creation marked for (re)moving should know why. :)



Alright I think I might not have been clear enough with my initial post. I want to clarify once more that it is entirely optional to move / remove anything. If you want to keep your build where it is, then we have no power to move, simple as that.

Anyway, to answering your questions.


1. By renovating we mean that we want to remove clutter (like houses or other builds made by people who have logged in only once and haven't shown any activity since. We also hope to reduce the lag a bit, but we are not sure if it will work. We also plan on redesigning many parts of the town, so you could say we want to beautify the town.

2. I said that if the creator is not comfortable with their build being removed, they can opt for it being moved to a different location, or as stated above, can just say no to the whole thing.

3. We really tried our best to flag as few places as possible, so that we don't literally remove the whole town. We mainly chose buildings by proximity and how irritating the build is. Again, if you disagree, there is nothing we can do. If other people have more builds that should be removed / moved, they can just opt in on this thread.

4. See above.

5. You're making a common mistake there. MCedit =/= WorldEdit. It's true, WorldEdit is out of the question (unfortunately. I could really use it, even though I probably wouldn't have access to it) However, MCedit is an external map editor for Minecraft, which is also capable of moving structures. As far as I know, it is up to date, but that doesn't even really matter, since any version is compatible with even higher versions of MC.


6. After I found out that it was more than just a giant smoothstone block, it became harder for me to flag it, since I know that you are semi active on the server. I flagged it mainly because, well, it looks like a giant smoothstone block, sitting in the middle of the desert. The dirt hovel that is attached at the other end was Arth's initiative to remove, I opted for it to be kept, as it's not in the way, nor really annoying.


Alright, if you have anymore questions, just ask away. :)




Alright, Arth and I found one of the major sources of lag near the town. It was a teleporter hidden in the forest, running on an oscillating redstone signal, causing my fps to drop from 300 to 10. I have disabled it for now, because it made the area completely unusable for anyone. I'm also trying to find any hopper or redstone comparitor based clocks, as they are also known to cause major lag on MP servers. If you built one, please, do the whole community a favor and disable it until Mojang fixes their game.


On a side note, the spawn protection is making building in parts of the town impossible. Would it be possible to reduce its size at all?

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So I'm thinking we should remove that giant glass box near the stronghold end of the town? That thing is just stupid HUGE and it's not needed at all if we can't figure out who made it and what it was for.


Also is it ok if I build my new street lights in the main town? If you're really trying to beatify the place then I'm taking up the challenge again to fix the wiring.

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We also plan on redesigning many parts of the town, so you could say we want to beautify the town.

If you plan on doing so, you'll need permission from a certain member to remove a certain build that blocks out the sun in the central area of the town (if you don't know which build, look up).

I'm not saying the aforementioned build is horrible, but it's just that not only would natural light be nice (rather than torches placed Hither Dither all over the place) but also the sun blocked areas are causing mobs to spawn.

EDIT: As for the listed buildings you wish to move that have been created by me (the Teleporter and "Elevator Shaft") I hear by grant you permission to remove them.

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Ok, I'm currently out of internet and cannot get on until the 4th, but as a Moderator to the server, I say we get all the answers at to what get's moved and removed before we do anything else, and on the 4th, which is the first Wednesday in February, I'll get on and help get things sorted out. Mknecraft now has a clone command that I can use to relocate builds elsewhere, like a basic form of World Edit. But for now, let's get the approval from all the owners of the builds in question.

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Ok, I'm currently out of internet and cannot get on until the 4th, but as a Moderator to the server, I say we get all the answers at to what get's moved and removed before we do anything else, and on the 4th, which is the first Wednesday in February, I'll get on and help get things sorted out. Mknecraft now has a clone command that I can use to relocate builds elsewhere, like a basic form of World Edit. But for now, let's get the approval from all the owners of the builds in question.


Thanks for the info, I have been holding off with removing anything but Ben's flagged builds (as he has given me permission to do so). I hope that the creators of the larger / more intrusive builds agree to the proposal.

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Hey Mods, is there a way to shrink the spawn from being like 9 chunks big to be only 1 chunk big? It's at an annoying size right now.

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I reduced it to 4 instead of 16.

(Server may need a restart?)

Thanks, though you are right, it needs to be restarted as it isn't changed in the real game from what I can tell.


I would like to suggest that if it is at all possible, we make the spawn a sing 1x1 block a bedrock that goes down to the bedrock layer, so a bedrock pillar. And make it go as high as the ground level, so where the ocean level is I suppose, I haven't followed those game details in a long time.

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And the spawn is fixed. I'm going to build a small decorated box so we know where it is exactly.

I'm also adding more streets and adjusting the layers of the ground.

Can I have a mod come on and just fix a small mistake at my spawn build thingy? It's just 4 bits of floating glass, you'll know it when you see it.

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As part of the renovation project, I have constructed a small town square, which could work well as a spawn point. Maybe the mods could consider moving it there? (It's positioned near the central station) I already placed a rule board there, albeit I did paraphrase the rules a tad, as they were a bit long before.

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Anyone mind if I make the floating city platforms (I mean the platforms that actually have things on) into separate floating islands? I ask this because when they finally get moved then they can be arranged into a neat grid pattern and we can just build do paths between them afterwards.

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No, you may not remove the walk ways, because we don't even know for sure, if Ace will let us move them. Also I think Ace would want to keep the layout when it is moved.


As a side note, Shadow, don't double post if you 2 questions, just edit the second question into the first one.

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Hey guys, I'm building a futuristic floating city near the Desert Village and I was wondering if anyone could help me out in its construction? It's mainly the town square that needs work done, I'm not really sure how to finish it. If anyone comes to help, feel free to destroy the utilities system I set up.


I'm not going to bother giving X/Y coordinates, because when you're at the Village, trust me, you'll see it ;-)

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Hey, not to be huge spoilsport, but could you please move your flying city to somewhere over an ocean? We really don't need another flying city clutter the sky around spawn and it is right were my desert city is going to be

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Hey, not to be huge spoilsport, but could you please move your flying city to somewhere over an ocean? We really don't need another flying city clutter the sky around spawn and it is right were my desert city is going to be

I was thinking about doing that anyway.


edit: Wait, is your city going to be directly on top of where the water elevator started? Because I might have some extra cleanup to do if that's the case...

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Fluffy Cupcake

Alright guys. Slow it down.

With all these huge plans you guys have, and with all the moving, removing, and mountain destroying required, why not just start building in a new area? Maybe make a new town If the old area gets too bogged down and messy, and if a brand spanking new town or other area comes along that is improved, the spawn point can always be relocated, it isn't a fixed point.

Ghost towns are always nice.


I already placed a rule board there, albeit I did paraphrase the rules a tad, as they were a bit long before.

HALT! Only mods and beyond are allowed to write the rules. You are not permitted to paraphrase it at all. Should you think they could use some cleaning up, request a mod or JJ to do it; As someone once told me, re-writing what someone else once wrote "opens [the chance] for personal interpretation".

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As someone once told me, re-writing what someone else once wrote "opens [the chance] for personal interpretation".

Reminds me of the bible when the printing press became a big deal.


On a side note, I was wondering, is it possible to roll back specific chunks to what they were back when the world first generated? Not that I'm suggesting that, it's just something I've alway wondered.

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Originally I was pleased to see someone finally take charge in renovating the town, but now that I've seen how far you've gotten on the server, I feel sick as to what it will look a couple of Months later.

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