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The LEGO Movie Videogame Trailer

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Here's a 20 minute gamplay video of TLMV. From what I've seen so far seems like the cutscenes are just actual clips from the movie.


Well this certainly looks interesting.

Not a fan of the load times, that was a huge problem LCU had as well. Doesn't look like this game has it any better.

It's interesting that they now restrict the limb range of the minifigs to match the movie. It looks... very unnatural. In the game. The movie got it right from what I've seen.

That said I will probably get this game anyway. I wonder what the 3DS version will be like compared to the console versions....

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I'm on the fence about getting this game. It looks like lots of fun, but If I did get it, I would be putting the $60 I was saving up for Destiny (coming out later this year as well) into it. Idk, it looks pretty cool though.

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Oh goody. LEGO Star Wars jam-packed with an absurd amount of hand holding; constant guiding arrows, constant button prompts, and camera pans showing exactly what you need to do and where to go... Just one mindless task after the other. Oh, and some random minigames thrown in here and there. One massive, linear scripted sequence where the player must run around and mash buttons to progress. I'll pass.

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Oh goody. LEGO Star Wars jam-packed with an absurd amount of hand holding; constant guiding arrows, constant button prompts, and camera pans showing exactly what you need to do and where to go... Just one mindless task after the other. Oh, and some random minigames thrown in here and there. One massive, linear scripted sequence where the player must run around and mash buttons to progress. I'll pass.


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it's just the whole 'glass half empty' type of focusing on the negatives attitude.

Yes, everyone hates TT. Yes, they have been making the same game for years. Yes, this game looks the same.

Doesn't mean it can't still be fun.

Besides, how can you be disappointed? You can't honestly have expected TT to suddenly do something different for no reason.

But I won't try to change your mind. Pass it up if you want, I might pass it up too, depends on if I can afford it. But if I do get it I know I will enjoy it. (except for the loading times)

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it's just the whole 'glass half empty' type of focusing on the negatives attitude.

Who has this attitude...?


Yes, everyone hates TT. Yes, they have been making the same game for years. Yes, this game looks the same.

Did you read my post? It doesn't look the same; it's a degression. It's stuffed with even more hand holding and linearity than previous TT games, hence why I am disappointed.


Doesn't mean it can't still be fun.

If you don't mind never having to think about what you're doing in a game, always doing what you're told when you're told to do it, then hey, maybe it's your cup of tea. Amusingly, playing this game directly reflects the life the citizens of Bricksburg live under President Business.


Besides, how can you be disappointed? You can't honestly have expected TT to suddenly do something different for no reason.

Read my post please.


But I won't try to change your mind. Pass it up if you want, I might pass it up too, depends on if I can afford it. But if I do get it I know I will enjoy it. (except for the loading times)

Have fun following the instructions.
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Have fun following the instructions.

If you don't mind never having to think about what you're doing in a game, always doing what you're told when you're told to do it, then hey, maybe it's your cup of tea. Amusingly, playing this game directly reflects the life the citizens of Bricksburg live under President Business.

TIL I am Emmet.


I was hoping to avoid an argument, so I don't want to keep going back and forth like this, but I really don't like hate being thrown at things. At anything really. I honestly think your description of the game is overly dramatic- yes, it does do a lot of hand holding, I'll give you that, but calling it... well, all the things you called it, that is cynical to me.

But maybe I just have trouble understanding the concept of not liking something.

Maybe I'm more like Emmet than I thought. "EVERYTHING is awesome :D"

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Forums are for discussion of things and exchanging of opinions. I haven't seen any hate, cynicism, drama, or arguing here - just two chaps talking about a game.

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Okay then.

I guess I'll just go dump my opinions then.

Again, not looking forward to the load times. Loading in LCU was painful as it took a good 8-10 minutes to load the city, and you had to wait through it every time you started the game and every time you exited a level. The load at the beginning is the worst as it takes 3-5 minutes just to load the start screen, THEN another 8-10 to load the city after that.

The music is quite annoying, at times.

The graphics are decent, but when shown next to the far superior movie scenes they look very out of place.

I don't necessarily like hand-holding, but I honestly don't mind it. Sometimes I really just don't want to think too hard, I just want to break things.

On the flip side, i look forward to being able to explore the LEGO worlds at my leisure instead of just catching glimpses of them in the movie, and I'm excited about the potential of having characters from many different themes in the same game. And that is what I choose to focus on, and not the weaker aspects of the game.

That's just my $0.02

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Unless it (the arrows, indicators and general help) either:

A- Is an option you can turn off in the settings or,

B- Is part of that level only because you are not supposed to have free will and ideas yet story-wise. (Making it kinda like a tutorial level)


It is probably not an actual tutorial level. If it turns out the whole game is like that and no option to turn it off, I honestly think it becomes boring. 


I'll wait and see, and who knows, maybe it is not as bad as we are thinking/seeing here.

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Is it just me, or did Fush get his arse kicked by Jamesster?

Either way, we all know this game is going to be a toss. It hasn't even got a faint idea of what the original classic games had as far as inspiration and originality. Even the graphics barely struggle to improve over...nothing.

I'll pass and wait for a LEGO game that's actually about what LEGO stands for; creativity.

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Is it just me, or did Fush get his arse kicked by Jamesster?

I don't see anyone kicking anyone's arse over here. We may disagree over whether the game looks fun or not, but that does not make me inherently wrong. I just enjoy my games in a different way.

As Jamesster himself said,

I haven't seen any hate, cynicism, drama, or arguing here - just two chaps talking about a game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what my favourite thing about The LEGO Moviegame is?  :D




EDIT: Here's a gameplay video of Johnny if anyone wants to see it. 

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