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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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The Ace Railgun
[4/21/14 6:43:11 PM] Ciprian: Santa is NASA
[4/21/14 6:43:14 PM] Cirevam: But Solid Snake killed Santa in Merry Gear Solid
[4/21/14 6:43:32 PM] Ciprian: So that's why the US is now using the half-baked Russian space program
[4/21/14 6:43:32 PM] Bug Catcher: Santa respawned
[4/21/14 6:43:44 PM] Bug Catcher: and used loads of cheats
[4/21/14 6:43:48 PM] Cirevam: No, Solid Snake became Cold Snake
[4/21/14 6:43:59 PM] Ciprian: My mouse is on fire.
[4/21/14 6:44:00 PM] Cirevam: In Merry Gear Solid 2: The Ghosts of Christmas Past
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McJobless Plays Putt-Putt:


[18:53:19] McJobless: The most fun Putt-Putt had all day was getting coated in Red led-based paint, followed by melting under some industrial-quality heating equipment.
[18:54:27] McJobless: Hold the f**** one.
[18:54:34] McJobless: Requirements for Entering Parade:
[18:54:42] McJobless: i) Have Balloon
[18:54:45] McJobless: ii) Have Pet
[18:54:51] McJobless: iii) Have Carwash/Paint
[18:54:57] McJobless: THIS BLUE CAR IS MISSING A PET
[18:55:29] McJobless: s***, MULTIPLE OFFENDERS
[18:56:06] McJobless: AND THE RED CAR AT THE BACK
[18:56:13] McJobless: SMOKEY YOU f****, YOU TOLD ME
[18:56:18] Cirevam: Can you just make an LP of this playthrough already?
[18:56:34] Cirevam: I want to hear your aussie voice complaining about civil rights for living cars
[18:56:46] McJobless: :D
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[5:47:21 PM] McJobless: Do you think there's a certain type of lamp you have to rub to make Kir(k)by or Addict appear?

[5:48:48 PM] Alcom1: Kirkby's is a flourecent desk lamp with a USB cable. Addict's is actually a torch.

[5:49:13 PM] McJobless: I may have just dump()'d.

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[12:51:04 PM] JAL: Guess what guise! Two star crossed lovers decided to hop off their bikes and are now smooching it out in our front lawn!
[12:51:21 PM] Bug Catcher: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
[12:51:52 PM] Triangle717: "Wow, what a bunch of creeps"
[12:51:58 PM] Stan McStudz: uh
[12:52:11 PM] Triangle717: Leave It to Beaver is amazing. :P
[12:52:21 PM] Bug Catcher: open your window ans yell "GET A ROOM"
[12:52:27 PM] Bug Catcher: while shaking your cane at them
[12:53:04 PM] JAL: I was gonna pull out my slingshot actually
[12:53:27 PM] jamesster: eggs
[12:53:30 PM] jamesster: silly string
[12:53:36 PM] jamesster: lawn sprinklers :3
[12:53:42 PM] Bug Catcher: Bricks
[12:53:54 PM] Triangle717: Are you home alone, JAL?
[12:54:02 PM] jamesster: he will be after this
[12:54:05 PM] JAL: No my mom's here
[12:54:16 PM] Jim Brickkeeper: Parachute
[12:54:17 PM] Bug Catcher: She's the one making out in the front lawn
[12:54:27 PM] Stan McStudz: PLOT TWIST
[12:54:39 PM] Bug Catcher: Directed by... no, i can't.
[12:54:44 PM] Jim Brickkeeper: PILOT TWIST
[12:54:57 PM] Bug Catcher: PIVOT TWIST
[12:55:00 PM | Edited 12:57:07 PM] JAL: They are hugging and rocking back and forth
[12:55:17 PM] jamesster: please tell me you have a sprinkler system and you can turn it on
[12:55:52 PM] Bug Catcher: Or... bricks.
[12:56:08 PM] JAL: I don't but a high pressure hose is in the backyard can clearly make it over there
[12:58:34 PM] JAL: Oh Wad I see hearts fluttering around them
[12:58:55 PM] Bug Catcher: Today on "JAL takes LSD..."
[1:00:01 PM] jamesster: JALSD
[1:00:17 PM] JAL: Now the dog is barking
[1:00:34 PM] Bug Catcher: Is your life a sticom
[1:00:41 PM] Bug Catcher: cause this sounds like a sitcom



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[5:20:20 PM] Stan McStudz: O_O

[5:45:22 PM] Cirevam: O_O

[5:46:51 PM] Stan McStudz: ._____________________.

[5:46:56 PM] Will Kirkby: O___________________________o

[5:46:57 PM] Stan McStudz: *Whale noises*

[6:01:49 PM] Jim Brickkeeper: .-.

[6:04:16 PM] JAL: °~•

[6:05:19 PM] Will Kirkby: ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

[6:10:59 PM] Bug Catcher: ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

[6:14:20 PM] Cirevam: á••( á› )á•—

We always have such deep, intelegant conversations.

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[12:25:53 PM] Alcom Isst: Because of the deep link between space, time, and pants, by wearing a pair on my head I can see through time. :D




Professor Brickkeeper: The moral of Legends of Chima Online is apparently, "We need to explore caves more often!"

le717: *Shows customary TT Games end of level stats screen*I unlocked Laval and Eris.... Got 3 gold bricks.... 200,000 coins.... WHAT? I DIDN'T GET TRUE FURRY?!??!?!

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Now for a bunch of messages with the word 'stop' in them.

[2/20/2014 2:13:50 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: ...and now it stopped working?

[2/20/2014 2:16:59 AM] Poe: jamie stop jizzing about Grilled Cheese

[2/20/2014 2:35:46 AM] McJobless: You should probably stop touching it then.

[2/20/2014 4:06:48 AM] Poe: Why is it so hard to stop thinking sometimes

[2/22/2014 5:40:46 PM] jamesster: and I kinda wish some certain people would stop talking about LIS every half hour

[2/23/2014 2:14:08 AM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Guys, I'm trying to do homework, stop having such an enticing conversation.
[2/23/2014 3:38:56 AM] McJobless: I'll post up what I've got later tonight, if the cockroaches don't stop me.

[2/23/2014 3:51:20 PM] Poe: the people in charge need to stop doing drugs and actually get s*** done

[2/23/2014 6:20:52 PM] McJobless: Hey Alcom. Stop being better than me.

[2/23/2014 7:58:55 PM] McJobless: I stopped half-way.

[2/23/2014 9:18:45 PM] Ramius Antillies: Glad your parents haven't made you stop.  I suppose you've got that going for you lol

[2/23/2014 10:27:16 PM] Ciprian: STOP. THE. DOCTOR. WHO. REFERENCES.
[2/23/2014 11:48:38 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: Cause ever since I saw someone say "Sonic 06 is a good game", I've stopped regarding any unaccompanied statement that something is good.

[2/25/2014 12:29:23 AM] Stan McStudz: STOP DROPPING LETTERS, DAMN IT

[2/25/2014 2:24:40 AM] Stan McStudz: started on the 22nd, stopped an hour ago.

[2/25/2014 12:32:48 PM] Triangle717: My plan is in motion, and it can never be stopped! (devil)

[2/26/2014 3:28:27 PM] McJobless: KING stopped being evil for one second.

[2/26/2014 3:38:21 PM] Ramius Antillies: They didn't stop being evil.  They're doing this out of their best interest :P
[2/27/2014 2:59:26 PM] Poe: I played it on PC but then got bored and stopped playing and never touched it again then I got it for Xbox360 but the game and the Xbox is half a country away so I cant finish it yet.

[2/27/2014 3:33:17 PM] Philip: please stop putting my interests down c:

[2/27/2014 4:14:19 PM] Poe: was it a stop sign

[2/27/2014 6:20:21 PM] Poe: I like how the game has been going on for so long the ingame clock has stopped moving long ago



[2/27/2014 7:34:08 PM] [sGT] Alcom Isst: I need to stop staring at my POV render and take a shower.

[2/28/2014 1:32:56 AM] Jamesster: as in, you're a generally good guy trying to stop generally bad guys from stealing stuff from throughout time

[2/28/2014 2:37:17 AM] McJobless: OH OHHHH OH OH OH IT'S COMING TO ME I CAN'T STOP IT

[2/28/2014 8:56:13 PM] Ramius Antillies: Aren't you making both a game and a stop-motion?  Do you have time to make a mod? :P

[2/28/2014 8:56:48 PM] McJobless: The stop-motion doesn't begin production until Week 5.

[2/28/2014 9:08:12 PM | Edited 9:08:17 PM] Ramius Antillies: "Ok, apparently "no" wasn't strong enough. Stop."

[2/28/2014 9:12:45 PM] Triangle717: And when you are on the serving side (feed the family and all that)... I'll stop talking now.


Why is there a 2-month gap in my skype logs?


[4/28/2014 4:14:35 PM] Alcom Isst: I made the typo stop existing.
[4/28/2014 6:11:57 PM] Alcom Isst: Stop.
[4/28/2014 6:12:09 PM] Alcom Isst: I SAID STOP!

[4/28/2014 10:13:08 PM] Stan McStudz: I CAN'T STOP
[7:02:54 AM] McJobless: As soon as people stop making a big deal about something, the problem seems to just vanish.

[7:05:25 AM] McJobless: Stop being social-cunts and focus on the issues that are actually destroying the last bits of credability this industry has

[9:16:54 AM] Jim Brickkeeper: Just ate breakfast in Enfield, CT. Tragically, I cannot stop by the LEGO US HQ

[9:42:52 AM] Alcom Isst: but it stopped for some reaso- oh.

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Sadie Meowsalot
[4:38:19 PM] Sadie: Is the CoS still in circulation and who're its current constituents?
[4:38:58 PM] McJobless: It's no longer a circle, it's more like a pentagon risen from Hell.
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You know, sometimes you have to record the worst moments as an example piece.

MFW Seaborgium can't tell when I'm talking about the title of something, and this tries to appear smart, but just f****ing fails. I absolutely "love" our new members.

Well, I can certainly "not" understand th... ...Wait, what... ...Oh, darn it.

MFW Ben posts a comment but he doesn't know what to write so he just types senseless stuff.

Quisoves Pugnat
Beg pardon?

@Zephyria: What does "MFW" stand for?

"My Face When". I searched on Google. :P

No wait. It isn't even about the Latin, is it?
It's about that whole "Prepare to Die" thing, isn't it?
So you have publicly declared me a disgusting human being because I failed to get your little reference and made a little joke about it.
I am a horrible person who must be publicly derided, because of that?

Yes seriously. This is a serious issue. There are conflicts between the crowd of newer members and the old Veterans-of-forum-Life that should be fixed. Otherwise we are going to have more outbursts like this.

Also, you appear to have been labeled a 'nuisance' and not a 'disgusting human being'. Zephyria's comment is of no threat to you. Just tank it and post with finesse.

Quisoves Pugnat
@Alcom While I agree that he's probably best to ignore the insult, I don't think that it can be written off as a conflict between a newer member and a forum-veteran. It's a matter of charity, or a lack thereof. If you don't respect someone when he's new, you're not going to truly respect him simply because he's spent more time here.

My drama.

Quisoves Pugnat
Don't get me wrong, I understand that in any community, there will always be a certain tension between newcomers and old-timers. But there are some things that time alone cannot not change and that tension cannot be blamed for. If you prick a newbie, will he not bleed?

I harbor great contempt for a large numbers of active members, but I simply do not involve myself. I have no interest in their matters and have a much nicer time only replying to that which hold any appreciable interest in.

@Alcom: I see that there is a rift. However this conflict between "veterans" and newbies is simply immature and pointless. If what you say, Alcom, is correct(which it probably is) this isn't a response to an offense, it's simply a pretense to vent out general anger against newcomers.
It's certainly not mature and does not lead to healthy forums or making friends.

I have dealt with people whose sense of humor befuddles me. When I saw some of your posts on the LU Gallery, I was under the impression that you were a pretentious person. At some point I realized that this was your sense of humor and that you meant no wrong, and are in fact a decent person. If I had decided to make angry comments at the time, and I am glad I didn't, because you and I would likely be enemies. This kind of behavior is bad for the whole community and doesn't just seem e...

xcusable as 'vets vs. newbies'.

Sadie Meowsalot
@Zeph: MFW you're being a d*** to people
@Ben24x7: you aren't funny
@TheDoctor: and that's why you always feel bitter
@Seaborgium: you. You live up to your name in instability. stop it.
@Alcom: "alcom... I like you" - Lair

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Sadie Meowsalot

@Alcom: "alcom... I like you" - Lair

I'm sorry Alcom, but the best line in that was this.


Yes, largely because it's almost Lair being here.


[4:41:21 AM] Ciprian: A computer gremlin did it

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Sadie Meowsalot
[4:03:49 AM] Zephyria: He’s a tryhard.
[4:03:51 AM] Zephyria: Much like Sadie.
[4:27:02 AM] Sadie: [saturday, November 23, 2013 4:41 PM] Ramius Antillies: 
<<< Zeph, you just love sitting on your pedestal, don't you? :P
[4:29:58 AM] Zephyria: Well It’s true
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[12:33:18 PM] jamesster: kinda
[12:33:23 PM] jamesster: we're sharing a room with ants
[12:33:30 PM] jamesster: a lot of them
[12:33:37 PM] jamesster: I think there's rice in the walls

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[11:48:43 AM] professorbrickkeeper: (In other news, I just bought several hundred light trans. blue and trans. blue 1x1 round plates and trans. 1x1 plates.)

[12:25:43 PM] Cirevam: whyyyy

[12:25:59 PM] Cirevam: Do you plan on building the ocean?

[12:26:48 PM] Alcom Isst: Well the volume of the Pacific Ocean is 714 million cubic kilometers.

[12:27:14 PM] Alcom Isst: So what's the volume of a 1x1 round plate? How many would it take to fill an ocean?

[12:53:29 PM] Will Kirkby: you'd have to take into account the fact that they don't tesselate perfectly

[12:54:54 PM] Will Kirkby: there's "how many 1x1 round plates would match the volume of the pacific"

[12:55:18 PM] Will Kirkby: and "if we drained the pacific, how many 1x1 plates would it take to fill it back up from a practical standpoint"

[12:55:23 PM] Will Kirkby: which would be different values

[1:00:08 PM] Alcom Isst: What would be the effect of all that pressure? Would the bricks on the bottom collapse?

[1:00:56 PM] Will Kirkby: most likely

[3:08:52 PM | Edited 3:16:15 PM] professorbrickkeeper: It becomes LEGO.JAM

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[8:11:34 PM] George Barnick: Jamesster, you could write an epic like the Odyssey or the Lord of the Rings about your voyages everywhere in life with s***ty wifi everywhere you voyage

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Alcom Isst

[9:53:55 PM] Alcom Isst: I wonder if LEGO Digital Designer was outsourced to aliens that have rather odd teloscopic vision.
[9:54:14 PM] Alcom Isst: I am running out of LDD-FOV jokes.
[9:54:44 PM] Alcom Isst: Which is another reason it needs to be fixed.
[9:55:03 PM] Bartolomäus Klauser: Only you could have thought up that many jokes about something like this in the first place
[9:55:33 PM] Jamesster: there isn't a very big window for jokes
[9:55:41 PM] Jamesster: the opportunities are quite narrow

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lol username

[3:26:05 AM] Will Kirkby: if I had a nickel for every time people used floating-point for currecy, I'd have $1567.0000001

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[18:55:47] jamesster: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> I'm in this topic again

[18:56:46] Alcom Isst: What if someone bumped the topic?
[18:57:12] McJobless: I'd send f****ing hornets to their grave.
[18:57:39] Alcom Isst: Why would they be in a grave?
[18:57:46] jamesster: because of the hornets
[18:58:23] Alcom Isst: I was hoping for a more "because I killed them with hornets".
[18:59:14] McJobless: Because they'll have a heart-attack because of how funny the topic will become, and then when my hornets grow up to be too old to take care of, I'll send them to that grave.
[19:00:00] Alcom Isst: Thinking of things I could type.
"In 2014 this topic is still not funny."
"I miss Lair"
[19:02:45] Alcom Isst: I WANT TO DO IT!
But no... I have too much self control. :(
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[6:33:12 AM] Ciprian: Why don't I have 100,000 followers tirelessly scribing all of my quotes?

[6:33:35 AM] Ciprian: I'm the embodiment of the pit of despair wrapped in a cosmic burrito.

[8:11:55 AM] jamesster: can you imagine being a playtester for The LEGO Movie Videogame

[8:13:58 AM] McJobless: I imagine it would start with me having a very cold shower, followed by walking into an office filled with man-children who spend more time playing with LEGO than making a game, passing by the office of the Creative Director who is doing some crazy ritual sacrifice in the name of Stewart Green, and then arriving in the test office where several bus loads of children are dumped and then subseqently sent to hospital after trying to get through the submarine level for the fourty-fifth time in a row.

[8:15:04 AM | Edited 8:15:22 AM] Alcom Isst: I love McJobles's hypothetical stories.

[8:15:39 AM] McJobless: By lunch you're starved but then you realised all you've got to eat are the frozen tears from the art department, so you instead throw them at the programmers who fling s*** back at you, since the actual programmers were laid off and then replaced with code-copying monkeys. You then run back to the test office to try the big new Super Chase level when you discover...

[8:15:42 AM] McJobless: THE HORROR

[8:15:45 AM] McJobless: SCRIPTED SEQUENCES

[8:15:47 AM] McJobless: NO DRIVING

[8:16:06 AM] McJobless: FORCED JOKES

[8:16:24 AM] McJobless: You immediately clock out and then continue to cry yourself to sleep gently in a corner.

[8:16:34 AM | Edited 8:16:42 AM] McJobless: I imagine that's the general cycle for all TT Games test managers.

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[7:56:59 AM] McJobless: Is it just me or does nobody except for Pepper care about the Brickster bots?
[7:57:18 AM] McJobless: I didn't even know they were bad until one of the dickhead bots decked me.
[7:57:30 AM] jamesster: they're... weird things
[7:57:34 AM] McJobless: Which meant I had to give suitable, tasty pizza retribution.
[7:57:40 AM] jamesster: they're like little kids
[7:57:44 AM] jamesster: ... certain little kids
[7:57:48 AM] McJobless: ...
[7:57:50 AM] McJobless: wot
[7:58:11 AM] jamesster: they're all helpful and stuff, sweeping floors and whatnot when asked
[7:58:18 AM] jamesster: but when you're not looking
[7:58:24 AM] jamesster: they'll blow your hat into a tree
[7:58:26 AM] jamesster: or steal a wheel
[7:58:34 AM] jamesster: and then go play angry birds
[7:58:44 AM] McJobless: :/
[7:58:44 AM] jamesster: I haven't thrown any pizza yet
[7:58:55 AM] McJobless: It's remarkably useless.
[7:58:57 AM] jamesster: they probably have though
[7:59:17 AM] McJobless: The aiming is terrible and I can't melt jail bars.
[7:59:29 AM] McJobless: Those kids...
[7:59:32 AM] McJobless: Wot.
[7:59:39 AM] McJobless: Do they just not have parents?
[7:59:44 AM] McJobless: Bless their hearts.
[7:59:47 AM] jamesster: they do
[7:59:52 AM] McJobless: :|
[8:00:02 AM] jamesster: also pizzas lock to whatever is in front of you that they can hit
[8:00:12 AM] jamesster: otherwise they go whooooosh in a random direction that's generally forward

[8:02:13 AM] jamesster: mailboxes and newspaper despensers go WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH
[8:02:37 AM] McJobless: Your eyeballs will be on the other side of the world faster than you can say "western power grid".
[8:02:37 AM] jamesster: mushrooms go PFFFPGPHGHFGKJ
[8:03:03 AM] McJobless: I totally did not mix up three jokes/threats.
[8:06:06 AM] jamesster: I need to talk more IRL to avoid this urge to yell "AND YOU CAN KNOCK ROBOTS OUT OF THIN AIR WITH PIZZAAAAAAAAAAAAS" in this room
[8:07:51 AM] jamesster: or I could yell that IRL
[8:08:00 AM] jamesster: but the people here would probably be confused and offer me some rice
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[10:56:11 PM] Philip: I would love an Alcom shaped body pillow but I fear I would cut myself on your razor sharp wit.

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He went from ice ice baby to it's so hot in here in a matter of 2 seconds.

BTW, why isn't this topic stickied?

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[8:11:45 AM] McJobless: It's the exact same with LEGO.
[8:12:34 AM] McJobless: My guess is that they're one day going to come out with the "Housef****er 3000" that costs $1000 and will literally cause a supanova in your house the moment you play anything with the tinniest bass drop.

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[09:32:21] Alcom Isst: Dear children, this isn't real life where everyone thinks you're cute, and this isn't the LMBs where everyone thinks your tree house shenanignas are fun.
[09:32:31] Alcom Isst: Though I still think a treehouse would be fun.
[09:33:20] Alcom Isst: My cousin had a comparably massive one in a strategically shaped oak tree.
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