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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 12:30 AM) i'm laughing all the way to the bank-ah.

I think the banker's laugh is terrifying.

its like he stares into your eyes

and steals your soul

and makes you turn into nothingness

and makes you lose purpose in life

by laughing all the way to the bank-ah

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:07 AM) @MaelstromIslander You mean Buck Pounds. :)

Also, everyone stares at you even when their bodies are facing the other way. D8

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:10 AM) @Mumbo its probably because they're minifigures :P

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:11 AM) Well, actually... They only stare when they're talking to you in their "random" actions.

Wait... sometimes they don't even talk when staring...

*Imagines Ed Mail picking up letters while he's staring at me*


@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:23 AM) I also saw the mysterious strange girl who flies the flag behind you when racing walking on the road under the info-centre bridge

I took a screenshot, but it got overwritten when i took a screenshot of something else.

You see, i have to overwrite stuff because i can't do alt-tab or the game will crash.

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:26 AM) Ah.

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:26 AM) Is there any way to alt-tab without that happening?

Because it would make things a lot easier.

And i'd have MUCH more screenshots.

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:27 AM) I can't think of a fix for that.

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:28 AM) How does everyone take so many screenshots?

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:29 AM) It's a shame it's not like some of the other LEGO games where they have a screenshot function...

I guess they don't have the problem with alt-tab.

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:32 AM) this is all click's fault

he says that you can just open up paint and place it in easy and go back in-game

screw you click

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:32 AM) Heheh... Ah that Captain Click...

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:33 AM) if i tell ye a secret will ye leave me be

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:33 AM) Of course not.

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:34 AM) I can't remember the tip he gave me.

@ mumboking : (26 March 2015 - 01:34 AM) *Keeps clicking*

The easy to drive mode?

@ MaelstromIslander : (26 March 2015 - 01:34 AM) YES! That was it.

Couldn't hear what he was saying though.

Just heard him talking about easy to drive mode

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Jim Brickkeeper: Yeah, I guess there is that. Way to boost Kirkby's spirits.

Jim Brickkeeper: Spirit, not spirits.

Jim Brickkeeper: Though that too may be accurate at times, I suppose.

Will Kirkby: brb getting rum

noghiri: now Kirkby is boosting spirits.

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[3:48:10 PM] Second Fish (?): why is RRU full of budding alcoholics


[3:49:01 PM] Nog: because all new game devs are budding alcoholics

[3:50:03 PM] Kirk?by: new


[3:50:59 PM] Alcom: Because we played TLMVG. That game will drive anyone towards a drinking problem.


[3:55:53 PM] Krysto: I had my first taste of alcohol only a few days ago


I cut out all the unfunny ones.

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Drill Master

On 04/03/2015, at 7:14 AM, JAL wrote: > Anyone here currently have ORAS? I can't seem to connect to the PSS

On 04/03/2015, at 7:17 AM, JAL wrote: > Ok nevermind

On 04/03/2015, at 7:18 AM, JAL wrote: > There was an update that my 3DS neglected to tell me about

On 04/03/2015, at 7:18 AM, Alcom Isst wrote: > Dammit, Drill.

On 04/03/2015, at 7:18 AM, JAL wrote: > What?

On 04/03/2015, at 7:19 AM, Alcom Isst wrote: > You made me save my Resume as a .3ds file instead of a .pdf file!

On 04/03/2015, at 7:19 AM, JAL wrote: > lol

On 04/03/2015, at 7:22 AM, Ciprian wrote: > good job

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[6:11:16 PM] Ciprian: I need potato
[6:11:19 PM] Ciprian grows a melon patch
[6:11:22 PM] Ciprian: Oops, wrong button
[7:00:00 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Well, to be fair.
[7:00:03 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: He was kinda right.
[7:00:07 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: LMO came out.
[7:00:13 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: But it was and is awful.
[7:00:40 PM] Alcom Isst: I forgot why LMO was awful.
[7:00:47 PM] Alcom Isst: I just remember missing my knight.
[7:00:52 PM] Cyrem: oranges could play it
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@ Ben24x7 : (07 April 2015 - 04:32 PM) Now I am remembering when I first say members disscussing Galidor and I made the assumption (from the way I pronounce it and the fact I thought it said "Gladiator") that it was a Lego theme (true) about Gay Gladiatiors (false).


EDIT: What a way to use my 200th post :P

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[10:34:18 PM] Jamesster: art is weird

[10:34:25 PM] Jamesster: specifically:

[10:34:30 PM] Jamesster: artist's views on their own art

[10:34:35 PM] Jamesster: (including my own)

[10:35:34 PM] Jamesster: you have this thing in your head

[10:35:36 PM] Jamesster: you try to make it

[10:35:44 PM] Jamesster: but the thing you make doesn't match what you were aiming for

[10:35:57 PM] Jamesster: and you're too annoyed at that to realize the final result still landed somewhere fun

[10:36:12 PM] Jamesster: then other people come along and say "oh hey this is fun"

Most of the quotes here are jokes or things people found amusing. This is just something I felt was very relatable and was worth preserving.

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Ben24x7: (15 April 2015 - 04:41 PM) CHAPTER ONE: WHAT IT MEANS. Ayliffe was studying at his was-studying desk. Fellow Moderator and Rock Raider Jamey said "Ayliffe, what are you looking at?". "Oh I discovered a stock recoloured Pony model but it is so unalike official ones that its not just safe, but will cause an vaporisation so we must observe with hasty." JUTS THEN, a Headcrab landed on Jamey's head. "OH NO WHERE DID HEADCRAP COME FROME!?". Ayliffe went to get his Brony Sword but it was missing so he had to borrow a bar made out of crows. Ayliffe swung the crow-bar and Jamey was okay but his head was split. "Watch where you swings at me, jk, thanks!". 'HA HA', they laughed. "Whats this? Oh no! Where did OC Pony?". "WHICH HAS BEEN STOLE!". CHAPTER TWO: THEY REVOKER THE OC PONY BUT THEY DON'T. Ayliffe and Jamey arrived at the Anti-Brony scene where evil master of Anti-Brony internet said "I have take the OC Pony and it will cause vaporizastion!". "NO! NOT ALL OF RRU!". Which was targeted at where they were and it was insane place and I live there. "If you do not agree to my demands-- TOO LATE". And the Evil Anti-Brony Boss put his finger on the back of the OC Pony and RRU slowly began to become vaporised. "'ew must escape out of here fastly!". But the Mods and Admins were already blown to smitheroons. CHAPTER THREE: DISTRACTION IS IMMENINENT. "This is Ayliffe, how do we contain the evaporation? *gasp* I KNOWW!". And he used insanity to vaporise the vaporisation so that RRU wouldn't be vaporised and the Evil Anti-Brony place would go safely into Atlantic Ocean. "HOORAY! I SUCEEDED AT WINNING THE MISSION!". "Not so fast, Mr Phoenix!". What happens next? You decide! Thanks for reading! (please buy my book, I'm poor)

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  • 2 weeks later...

[11:09:39 AM] Noghiri: last ight i spet four hours researhig a type of radio serie i the usa
[11:09:47 AM] Noghiri: also y keyoard is ot workig right
[11:10:06 AM] Noghiri: asially the otto row wo't work
[11:10:34 AM] Noghiri: fuuuuuk

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a game where everyone says a word and try to make a sentence. I'm sure you've heard of it.

Compilation 1:


Ok then, just get the guns out of mah Australia m8 and fly down under the rainbow where the sky eats purple pingas. All the people in the plane house will totally be awesome. Indigestion of buffalo meat making hides fun for you to and cook breads for ants and beavers and tiger's beavers, kerfuffle.

Compilation 2:

No happy endings will ever be after crap.

Compilation 3:

That's not very kosher dude sir pork of and carne capsaicin. Captain kirk was a slow learner to bounce between particle worlds apart from the planet rebel pixie splat.

Compilation 4:


Rabbits seem like they could be planning an attack on on Titan Megatron with sprinkles and land earns in the spacwe Asia with AK-47s underneath Jar Jar of clay constantinople but it will always never be istanbul because or old women f**** in snow in Asia Asia Minor also when I die I I stammer sometimes sometime alot. actually dickbutt is never so cool. Obviosly it's a potato salad with sanwich bacon of spread dickbutt incorporated Asian Asia dickbutt will Jammestter please stop not way wil we ever let you you continuur post down this lonely spinning road road. I think we you need grammar lessons. Thanks. You're drunk so who doctor ate cool cheese why fish are we Yoday really alright now please die of hammertime.

Edited by le717
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  • 2 weeks later...
lol username

[10:37:21 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: As the son of a long line of funeral directors.
[10:37:28 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: The smell of s*** is strong and putrid.

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The Ace Railgun

[5/29/15, 10:46:43 PM] tazakk: poor shockwave. left on cybertron while literally every other transformer packed up and moved to earth
[5/29/15, 10:47:00 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: 4,000,000 years of missed calls.

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Quoting @AlcomIsst on Twitter:

I built a racetrack. I wonder what features #LEGOWorlds will have to let me improve it.

Quoting @WillKirkby on Twitter:

@AlcomIsst I felt it was missing something:

Edited by mumboking
Oh, so a new line is required after a YouTube link?
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No context for this one. Just accept it for what it is.

noghiri: google doesn't give "sonic x hitler" but it does give "sonic x anne frank"

Edited by Fushigisaur
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The Ace Railgun

[6/3/15, 9:14:53 PM] Drill Master: On 06/03/2015, at 11:14 PM, Noghiri wrote:
> jeez, why are people coming to me for relationship advice
how do I marry this donkey to this moose?

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  • Ayliffe
    In all my experience, whenever a newbie says they're 'leaving' they're back in a week or two default_emote_tounge.gif
    11:36 AM
  • Ayliffe
    and whenever they say they're staying forever, they gradually disappear
    11:36 AM
  • BionicleFan
    11:37 AM
  • Ayliffe
    Yeah, life is like that default_emote_tounge.gif
    11:38 AM
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In which Jamie starts to have an existential crisis...

[20:47:03] jamesster: it's 2:46 and I haven't eaten yet
[20:47:19] jamesster: I'm gonna fix that
[20:47:30] jamesster: getting seriously annoyed at this whole mortal body thing

[20:48:09] jamesster: help I'm trapped in a randomly generated chunk of flesh

[20:48:37] jamesster: procedurally generated I guess
[20:48:47] jamesster: I AM MY OWN ROGUELIKE

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The Ace Railgun

Talking about Splatoon.

[6/8/15, 9:01:53 PM] Jamie: it's like the designers for jet set radio got drunk at an all you can eat seafood buffet after a friendly TF2 tournament

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[8:54:28 PM] Noghiri: f**** me senseless, I finally found the problem with my f****ing guitar
[8:54:54 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: I think you mean "Finger me senseless"
[8:55:37 PM] Noghiri: Jeez, what do you think people do with guitars?
[8:55:46 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Finger them senseless.

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MaelstromIslander: Hi ben, don't you just feel like exploding some times?

Ayliffe entered the room

Ben24x7: Well, depends on the subject

Is something wrong Mael?


MaelstromIslander: Yeah, mobile keyboats. That's what.

Ben24x7: Ah

MaelstromIslander: <3 luv that pic

Ayliffe: xD 

Just saw that pic :P 

MaelstromIslander: I bet they'll end up like that.

Fushigisaur: How about this one Mael? 


MaelstromIslander: wat

Ayliffe: xD 

Ben24x7: I'm wondering what the red scarlet coloured fat Angry Bird will look like

MaelstromIslander: Looks like my annoying ex-girlfriend.

Ayliffe: @Ben: An oversized apple :P

Ben24x7: He could have tiny childrens legs :P

Fushigisaur: lol, "girlfriend"

like you'd have one of those

MaelstromIslander: Its a joke. :P 



Ayliffe: YES xD 

MaelstromIslander: Should a put a smiley-


Fushigisaur: YES

MaelstromIslander: KILL IT WITH FIRE

Ben24x7: ...

Fushigisaur: UMAD?

Ben24x7: I sense a step over the line

Ayliffe: I just fell off my chair in laughter xD 





MaelstromIslander: Okay if that was a horse I rode that would be amazing but STILL NO

Ayliffe: Goddammit Fush, I wanted to stay on my chair longer than 10 seconds xD 

Ben24x7: So now its a Brony-trying-to-anger thing?


Ben24x7: I'm not one

Fushigisaur: You want to ride Le?


MaelstromIslander: No.

Ben24x7: If they do make me one... ...I don't know what I'll do

MaelstromIslander: The one you made of me but Still NO


Fushigisaur: I'll be sure to draw you one Ben :P 

Ben24x7: I am worried someone will put a "Look at my le, my le is amazing" joke here, especially if its quoted

Ayliffe: I think I already have a pony of me somewhere... :P 


eeyup, there it is :P 

Fushigisaur: I don't even like watch MLP, I literally drew that for no reason other than to piss Mael off 

Ben24x7: Someone should quote this conversation :P 

Fushigisaur: :P 

I think it worked


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Fushigisaur: I actually named my old PC HAL. The one before that was named GLaDOS, and my current one is named AM.
IDK why I name all of my computers after malevolent AIs
Ayliffe: My computer is called "computer"
Fushigisaur: lol
Ayliffe: In certain situations it has also been named "JUST OPEN THE FRICKIN' FILE YOU PIECE OF ARSE", "SPEED UP YOU SLOW b******", and simply "ARSE"
I am nice to my computer
Fushigisaur: I think your PC is the more likeely one to rise up against humanity
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