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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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Alcom Isst

[8:47:38 PM] Jamesster: https://community.lego.com/t5/MLN-Trades/Bioncle-Trades/m-p/1518177/highlight/true#M23945
[8:47:48 PM] Jamesster: i cry evrytme
[8:47:59 PM] Will Kirkby: WHAT
[8:48:11 PM] Will Kirkby: how in the jolly f**** did that get allowed

[8:48:21 PM] Jamesster: they slip up sometimes
[8:48:24 PM] Jamesster: and things get through
[8:48:30 PM] Jamesster: which are easy to find through the search
[8:48:35 PM] Will Kirkby: and they couldn't also have an automated checker?
[8:48:40 PM] Jamesster: apparently not

[8:49:06 PM] Will Kirkby: if (message.toLower().contains("f****"))

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[5:06:03 PM] McJobless: I should never be allowed to discuss these issues.
[5:06:04 PM] McJobless: Ever.
[5:06:06 PM] McJobless: Do not let it happen.
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lol username

[10:30:16 PM] jamesster: sometimes I wonder of the quotes topic is nothing but a circlejerk of witty statements

[10:30:21 PM] McJobless: I know what we need to rename the topic as

[10:32:20 PM] Alcom Isst: Way ahead of you.

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Could we switch this thread name to Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo, once this is all over?


Because reasons.



Now, now don't be intolerant. Electric Boogaloo is an important dance expression of cultural heritage that must be exercised.  Are job is to celebrate it, because otherwise poor children would never know the difference between a fresno, crazy legs, or nek-o-flex : . That aspect of their culture would be lost forever.


Think of the culture Jobless. :zzz: Think of the children :(

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Alcom Isst

[6:41:29 PM] McJobless: Science is accidental
[7:37:29 PM] Alcom Isst: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/134552-IBM-Accidentally-Creates-New-Self-Healing-Polymer
[7:39:45 PM] Ramius Antillies: How is it self-healing?
[7:39:58 PM] Will Kirkby: '>
[7:41:15 PM | Edited 7:41:58 PM] Ramius Antillies: Oh wait, so it goes from a liquid to a solid?
[7:41:50 PM] McJobless: "soldi" This is perfect.
[7:42:03 PM] Alcom Isst: If separated it sticks back to itself perfectly.
[7:42:48 PM] Ramius Antillies: Could you make armor from it?
[7:43:15 PM] McJobless: Do you want sticky s*** all over you?

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[6:41:29 PM] McJobless: Science is accidental

[8:41:32 AM] McJobless: Science is accidental, Religion is spontaneous and Philosophy is essential.

[8:41:38 AM] McJobless: Thar be my viewpoint.

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[17:14:28] Triangle717: Reverse Engineering: Programming in reverse.
[17:14:44] Will Kirkby: Sidepork: Pork, on its side
[17:16:47] McJobless: Tacocat is Tacocat spelt backwads.
[17:17:04] Will Kirkby: false
[17:17:08] Will Kirkby: it would be tacocaT
[17:17:16] McJobless: Hey
[17:17:20] McJobless: Hey
[17:17:22] McJobless: Hey
[17:17:26] McJobless: SHUDDUP
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[06:54 AM] Jamesster: You wot mate...?

[06:55 AM] Jamesbrick: crap boy

[06:55 AM] Jamesbrick: I'm deletting my account for good. Bye.

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[9:57:37 PM | Edited 9:57:41 PM] jamesster: so does anybody have a windows 98 machine handy


[9:57:54 PM] jamesster: could you maybe prod some files with sticks


[9:58:17 PM] jamesster: and by prodding with sticks I mean running them from some programs for windows 98 that run through the command line and do magical things

[9:58:46 PM] Alcom Isst: I lost all need for a Windows 98 machine when I found an... I think it's an emulator... for Mechwarrior 2.
[9:59:00 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: What about that old dusty PC you and your brothe--OH WAIT
[9:59:07 PM] jamesster: that was xp
[9:59:13 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: oh
[9:59:29 PM] jamesster: it also overheated from watching videos on youtube
[9:59:41 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: dusting is always a good idea.
[9:59:44 PM] Philip: sounds good.
[10:00:13 PM] jamesster: opening the case was akin to unearthing an ancient tomb
[10:00:34 PM] Alcom Isst: Did you find any treasure?
[10:00:38 PM] jamesster: and if we continue that analogy, I robbed a grave and mutilated the body
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[10:25:26] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: I haz a "special someone" ^_^
[10:25:56] Triangle717: So I heard.
[10:26:36] Triangle717: I'm not jealous, even though I don't have one. :P
[10:26:46] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: that's fine
[10:26:55] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: Only one problem...
[10:27:06] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: She's literally a thousand miles away.
[10:27:31] Brigs: that always works out well
[10:27:48] jamesster: my special someone is locked in a closet on the other side of the planet, safely put to sleep
[10:27:52] jamesster: I miss my laptop :c

[17:07:20] Will Kirkby: [01:56:57] The Machine: I am under the impression that the LMB moderators think that I am an adult as well. :P
<<< f**** you, you f****ing c***.
[17:07:26] Will Kirkby: Sorry, I just wanted to rage against the machine
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[11:19:03 PM] Alcom Isst: [2:04:06 AM] Fush: oh my god a colliiiiiiiiiiiiiie

those are the best dogs <3

<<< No.

[11:20:43 PM] * Ciprian explodes

[11:21:12 PM] Alcom Isst: Did Ciprian just explode?

[11:22:35 PM] Extreme110: I dunno.

[11:22:53 PM] Extreme110: His face is always ._. so I'm not really sure what's the difference

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lol username

[5/16/2014 9:30:28 PM] Fush: ...seems it's safe in here now

[5/16/2014 9:31:40 PM] Jim Brickkeeper: Knowing RRU, it's never as simple as that.

[5/16/2014 9:31:55 PM] Fush: right

[5/16/2014 9:34:31 PM] Philip: inb4 s***storm

[5/16/2014 9:39:36 PM] Cirevam: á••( á› )á•— I'll get the storm if you get the s***

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[08:45:19] Pranciblad: Someone messed with my system clock and now skype is f*cked.
[08:46:51] jamesster: Phil Fish borked my skype up
[08:47:11] jamesster: he made a puzzle in fez where anti-cubes appear at a clock tower, but only at certain times
[08:48:47] jamesster: there's four hands on the clock and the longest one to rotate takes... what, several days?
[08:49:22] jamesster: but you can trick it by changing the system time
[08:49:25] PWNZOR: Yup
[08:49:29] jamesster: guess who forgot to close skype first
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[8:20:20 PM] jamesster: I need sleep and I can't sleep
[8:20:39 PM] Fush: are you home yet
[8:20:42 PM] jamesster: yes
[8:20:49 PM] Fush: hm.
[8:21:46 PM] Ramius Antillies: Are you back in Texas?
[8:21:48 PM] jamesster: yes
[8:21:56 PM] jamesster: last two hours of flight were uuuugh
[8:21:57 PM] Ramius Antillies: No sleep cus time change?
[8:22:06 PM] jamesster: no sleep cus airplanes
[8:22:24 PM] jamesster: we got up at like 2:00 AM (philippines time)
[8:22:27 PM] Fush: surely you... nah i won't.
[8:22:49 PM] jamesster: and I hadn't slept well for the nights before that
[8:23:01 PM] jamesster: due to when/where we flew the sun never set completely
[8:23:57 PM] jamesster: I'm fairly tall (six feet two inches) and my back gets sore easily (ever since a rather nasty sledding wipeout when I was like 8 or something)
[8:24:17 PM] jamesster: so the airplane seats and I didn't get along very well
I don't even remember what we did
[8:27:21 PM] jamesster: I did watch The LEGO Movie and Back to the Future though
[8:27:34 PM] jamesster: and they had TED talks of all things
[8:27:40 PM] jamesster: so I watched some of those as well
[8:28:01 PM] jamesster: listened to music, got more pics through the window
[8:28:08 PM] jamesster: kinda tried to sleep
[8:28:29 PM] jamesster: ate more crappy airplane food
[8:28:52 PM] jamesster: (pretty sure they've invented bread-sponge hybrids)
[8:29:08 PM] Fush: Spongebread
[8:29:26 PM] Fush: Squareloaf
[8:29:38 PM] jamesster: but it's finally done
[8:29:47 PM] jamesster: phew
[8:30:33 PM] jamesster: those kids are watching spongebob
[8:30:45 PM] jamesster: and playing on ipads
[8:31:04 PM] jamesster: I think I've stepped between totally different planets
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Alcom Isst

[1:10:54 PM] Rob Scheer: a more appropriate term would be confused
[1:16:41 PM] Alcom Isst: Now I'm reading a My Little Pony / Battletech crossover fanfic featuring a transgendered main character.
[1:16:54 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: I cringed.
[1:17:10 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: Just add poor grammar.

[1:18:16 PM] Alcom Isst: Grammar is fine.
[1:17:18 PM] Alcom Isst: Well it was in the same battletech subforum I posted my battletech mechs in.
[1:17:53 PM] Fush: http://www.reddit.com/r/falloutequestria
[1:18:26 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: Of course thare's a sub for that.
[1:18:44 PM] Fush: http://www.reddit.com/r/ofcoursethisexists

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[5/22/2014 10:16:25 PM] jamesster: http://www.deviantart.com/?order=5&q=lego+mixels
[5/22/2014 10:16:25 PM] jamesster: yep
[5/22/2014 10:16:26 PM] jamesster: knew it
[5/22/2014 10:16:27 PM] jamesster: right there
[5/22/2014 10:16:37 PM] jamesster: boom
[5/22/2014 10:17:40 PM] jamesster: oh
[5/22/2014 10:17:41 PM] jamesster: oH
[5/22/2014 10:17:46 PM] jamesster: WHY did I CONSIDenj doing ya
[5/22/2014 10:18:11 PM] jamesster: right
[5/22/2014 10:18:16 PM] jamesster: mixel shipping is a thing as in
[5/22/2014 10:18:50 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: OHDOG A FANFIC
[5/22/2014 10:18:52 PM] jamesster: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Angry-Mixels-448018856 IM DYING
[5/22/2014 10:19:10 PM] jamesster: OH MY WAD I MUST MAKE THIS A THING
[5/22/2014 10:19:19 PM] jamesster: I WILL MAKE ANGRY MIXELS PLAYABLE
[5/22/2014 10:19:36 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: NO
[5/22/2014 10:19:37 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: JAMES
[5/22/2014 10:19:38 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: DON'T
[5/22/2014 10:19:51 PM] jamesster: y
[5/22/2014 10:20:08 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: You don't want this to be your legacy
[5/22/2014 10:20:10 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: actually
[5/22/2014 10:20:20 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: legos in space is your legacy.
[5/22/2014 10:20:22 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: SCREW IT
[5/22/2014 10:25:04 PM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: Do the game.
[5/22/2014 10:25:33 PM] Triangle717: Which you just lost.




[12:11:18 AM] Philip: Hey friends, quick technical question.
[12:11:18 AM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: GUYS
[12:11:28 AM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: IS "alright" an actual word?
[12:11:32 AM | Edited 12:11:34 AM] Philip: I think so
[12:11:40 AM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: alright, good.
[12:11:47 AM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: What's your tech question?
[12:14:23 AM] jamesster: can I help?
[12:14:31 AM] jamesster: or rather can I help someone help you?
[12:14:59 AM] jamesster: I'm contractually obligated to recommend Durian Interactive's tech support services to three people
[12:15:02 AM] jamesster: "or else"
[12:15:04 AM] jamesster: whatever that means
[12:15:19 AM] Zachary "McStudz" Mead: Hail corporate.
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[10:50:55 PM] McJobless: God, does anybody remember the days when Google use to tell you about duplicate words?

[10:51:01 PM] McJobless: Those were simpler times.


[10:51:43 PM] McJobless: "The Who" contains common words "The" "Who"

[10:51:52 PM] Will Kirkby: oh man I remember those days

[10:51:53 PM] Will Kirkby: good times

[10:51:59 PM] Will Kirkby: OH MAN

[10:52:09 PM] Will Kirkby: I remember the time I needed the album art for my new metallica album

[10:52:17 PM] Will Kirkby: so I googled "S&M"

[10:52:19 PM] McJobless: :|

[10:52:27 PM] Will Kirkby: and was rather confused when McAfee stopped me

[10:52:29 PM] McJobless: I guess your childhood dried up quickly.


[10:53:08 PM] Alcom Isst: I remember a few weeks ago when I had to look up how to use the mask tool in Gimp 2.6 and looked up 'Gimp mask'.


[10:56:09 PM] Fush: "The word "f****er" has been filtered from the search because Google SafeSearch is active."

[10:56:14 PM] Fush: gggoogle


[10:56:59 PM] Alcom Isst: Alcom Isst

Did you mean: LDD Field of View


[10:57:36 PM] Will Kirkby: > recursion

> Did you mean: recursion


[12:22:06 AM] Fush: it's complicated

[12:23:11 AM] Alcom Isst: We are asking you why you don't like anime, NOT FOR YOUR FACEBOOK RELATIONSHIP STATUS.

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[07:33:50] Fush: I love you stan
[07:33:53] Fush: I love you jobless
[07:33:57] Fush: I love you alcom
[07:34:19] Alcom Isst: I don't feel loved when my name is lowercased.
[07:34:34] Fush: I love you ALCOM
[07:34:40] Alcom Isst: Much better.
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Alcom Isst

[5/30/2014 8:49:55 PM] Will Kirkby: > watch_dogs game files

[5/30/2014 8:49:58 PM] Will Kirkby: > folder named "e3"

[5/30/2014 8:50:04 PM] Will Kirkby: > folder named "e3_2013"

[5/30/2014 8:50:37 PM] Will Kirkby: tumblr_melq00P0mN1r1z1zdo2_r1_500.gif

[8:05:53 PM] The Machine: You could probably use a Regular Expression to shorten the manual replace to a few lines

[8:06:06 PM] Will Kirkby: true

[8:06:11 PM] Will Kirkby: but it's 2am and f**** regex at 2am

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