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Electric Fence Glitch


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Sorry if this has been discussed before but, I was hoping to see if anyone could figure out the actual cause of this glitch and if it were possible to fix it.


Basically the glitch is that when a Rock Raider drops a fencepost for any reason (possibly only when dropped on the square in which it was supposed to be installed) the next time the post is picked up it gets returned to the toolstore and the space will no longer allow an electric fence to be installed there.

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I don't know the cause of the glitch but I've found it can happen by overloading your Rock Raiders with instructions, to put it one way, much the same as how vehicles can be left unoccupied if you incorrectly instruct Rock Raiders to enter them.


To resolve I just make sure I place the fences while everything else high priority is taken care of - i.e. the Rock Raider is fed, not currently undertaking any other commands, nor is he suffering >Idleness Syndrome, and there aren't Rock Monsters nearby to initiate Action Stations. Furthermore I think clicking on a Rock Raider who is carrying an Electric Fence can cause it to glitch on occasion.

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Basically the glitch is that when a Rock Raider drops a fencepost for any reason (possibly only when dropped on the square in which it was supposed to be installed) the next time the post is picked up it gets returned to the toolstore and the space will no longer allow an electric fence to be installed there.


What I do that works 90% of the time: Set game speed to 0% (it helps for this). Get another fence to be placed somewhere. Click on the raider who is carrying the electric fence.

Set game speed to 100% again.

What should happen is that the new fence should go to where the old one was supposed to go, and the old one will go to the new one's spot.

If you leave the game speed at 300% (Debug Keys) by the time you click on the raider someone will have picked up the fence and it usually doesn't work.

STT's are super effective at doing stuff with fences since they don't get scared and are never hit by monsters. Oh, monsters will aim at them and the STT will zoom past and the monster misses horribly. :P

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