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Fuel Station


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It occurred to me that the Rock Raiders didn't seem to have any methods of fueling their vehicles. At least, not that I'm aware of, and it's certainly not something featured in the game. So I figured I'd try and design my own.



Both pumps are connected to the central Energy Crystal store, which provides the fuel for the vehicles to run on. This could be linked to a nearby Power Station. Also, the consoles are meant to have the danger stripe decals in the Rock Raiders sets.


Well, that's about it! I understand I'm not great at LEGO building, so I'd appreciate any comments on how I can improve it as it's rather plain at the moment.  :)

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It would be a nice feature if vehicles could run out of power. Perhaps have them work like sandwiches for the Raiders, vehicles go to the fuel station for refuel, and the they slows down when fuel runs out.  

You can still use them, but just like hungry Raiders, thirsty vehicles are less effective.


Of course, depending on the size of the vehicle they must refuel more more or less often.



Considering the bad AI, this is probably not a good idea. (All raiders are eating, all vehicles are refueling, nothing gets done.)

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It would be a nice feature if vehicles could run out of power. Perhaps have them work like sandwiches for the Raiders, vehicles go to the fuel station for refuel, and the they slows down when fuel runs out.  

You can still use them, but just like hungry Raiders, thirsty vehicles are less effective.


Of course, depending on the size of the vehicle they must refuel more more or less often.



Considering the bad AI, this is probably not a good idea. (All raiders are eating, all vehicles are refueling, nothing gets done.)

Typically, when people post MOCs, they're looking for discussion and feedback on said MOCs. But I'm pretty sure such a change to the core gameplay wouldn't be possible anyway,
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Oh goodie, I get to critique someone else's model instead of the other way around this time :P

Well first note: I, like many others, have built most of the LRR buildings in LDD and in doing so made note that a power path is roughly the size of a 16x16 baseplate. Now, looking at this model, it would appear to be suing the 12x24 block as a base, which would make it too big to fit on a single power path, but if you intend it to take up two (like the power station does) then that's fine.

Second, since I'm on the topic of game integration, is that it has pumps on both sides. Not that this is a fault, just unusual. Most buildings can only be interacted with from one side. This is why most buildings have a space of empty power path next to them, since that space is the space through which you interact with the building and as such has to be left open. As it stands, you would need those empty paths on both sides of the building lest you face one of the pump towards a wall. Again, not a fault, just something to think about.

The pumps themselves look really nice. Contrary to what jamesster says i think the teal slopes are really fitting. I'm a little concerned the the nozzels are attached via clips and have no hose leading to them, but eh. It works.

The center fuel cell... thing, looks kind of odd to me. I understand why it's there, and it probably should be, but it could be cleaned up a bit. I dunno how, though. I do think it looks way to similar to the one on the Power Station, while not being exactly the same, which bothers me a bit. Since it's 3-by-3 instead of 2-by-2, as the PS cell is, I would suggest replacing the corners with something else. Maybe the round transparent pieces?

Also, odd suggestion, but try putting a roof on it. IDK, I think it might work.

One last note: This looks oddly similar to the "canteen" building that was removed from the game... Hm.

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Rokreder: Thanks for the comments, but as jamesster said this wasn't really intended for in-game use. I did however use the same dimensions for the baseplate as the Power Station, was there was still some consideration of its integration into the other buildings.

Regardless, those are some nice ideas you have there. :thumbsup:


jamesster: Perhaps the pumps are plain-looking in comparison with the main power storage? I tried too hard to make the power cells different from the Power Station's one, but I agree that it needs a lot of work. As for the blue parts, the Power Station has them too. Not sure why though. Thanks for the suggestion of the fuel pump pieces and the hoses, I might try redesigning it a little then as that sounds good.


Sushigidoge: Yup, as aforementioned the 12x24 brick is copied from the Power Station's one. And I guess if it were to be in the game, I'd either have the power paths on either side (so it's a 1x4 space, but that's pretty awkward) or put both pumps on one side so that it uses the same setup as the Super Teleport. But again, that's not really the plan.

Hmmm... I guess I'll have to try and find a balance between the simplicity of the pumps and the complexity of the power cell.

With regards to the central fuel cell, I agree that it's definitely odd. :P I think I'll redesign the base part, using the round transparent pieces as you suggested and maybe adding fences and other details too like the Power Station's one has.

A roof you say? That could look good, although I'd probably take some ideas from the Dock's roof or something so that it's not plain and flat.

"This looks oddly similar to the canteen building": Ah yes, so it does!


Thanks to all of you for your comments, I really appreciate it.

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