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Making in-game settings (speed, brightness) permanent?


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is there any way to make the game remember my game speed level, brightness and turned off Automatic Game Speed option when I exit and relaunch the game?


I don't see these options in .cfg....

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I'm afraid there is no way to save the changes... I have looked thorugh all the files and folders but it seems to be hard-coded.

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I don't think there's a way for it to remember brightness. But you can remove all instances where the game would automatically change game speed, so you no longer have to turn Automatic Game Speed off.


I hope you know how to mod the game. Otherwise, take a look around the forum. In the Lego.CFG file, look for the section starting with "InfoMessages {". You will see things that look like this:

Info_GenericMonster            A_monster_has_appeared.:InterfaceButtonsinfoimonster.bmp:InfoSFX_Monster:SLOW


Change SLOW to NORM and repeat for every entry in that section. Your game will no longer slow down to 100% game speed whenever a landslide occurs or other things happen.

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