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Explosion causes crash


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Hey guys, 

I just installed LRR again, I loved that game back when I was young, and I could see I still enjoy it. 
Unfortunately I have a problem: Everytime I want to use an explosive near a building (e.g. in Level 2 or 3), the game crashes. 

However, I could get the vehicle when I needed to use an explosive, somehow that worked. I did not however look at the explosion nor did I hear the little guy run away from it, only the "BOOM!" itself. 
Can somebody help me with this, because explosive are important! 

Thanks in advance, 

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Hmm... It somehow fixed itself when I installed it with the InstallerTool and copied my save files over... But it's still odd. 

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Oh, I am going to install it! Fairly annoying, the game still crashes. It happens less often, but it just crashed after 1 hour into a level... 
Hopefully this will stabilize it, thank you! 

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