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Quisoves Potoo



Makuta Confirmed, the shadow master is back.


Albeit more as a Karzahni/Artahka figure. I like the callback to the Mata Nui years.

This should put to rest any thoughts of a continuation.


So much information!

The BIONICLE product page has been updated with bios and pictures.


And speaking of pictures, here's a photo of Tahu in the plastic.



And here's the entire team:


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Quisoves Potoo

Kopaka has skis!



Oh, and the higher resolution photos of Pohatu confirm that what Brigs spotted are indeed planentoids.




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Kopaka has skis!


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Oh, and the higher resolution photos of Pohatu confirm that what Brigs spotted are indeed planentoids.




I love the jet-shoes variation of his boomerang thingys! 

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lol username


I like how colorful and stylized the animation is. Somewhat MNOG-ish.

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The Ace Railgun

I like how colorful and stylized the animation is. Somewhat MNOG-ish.

I thought it was MNOGish too, and I really like Gali's set, she's probably my favorite so far, along with Onua and Pohatu.

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Quisoves Potoo

I like how colorful and stylized the animation is. Somewhat MNOG-ish.

Definitely. Speaking of which, some fans were worried about the potentially comedic elements introduced in the online bios, such as Onua's snoring. And while I could see the story devolving into Chima-esque inanity, by the same token, if it works out well, we could have a main story with the epic and mysterious, yet lighthearted and whimsical, nature of MNOG.


Speaking of which, BZP's Twitter, via the Comic Con panel, feed gives us the following information:


Greg will not be writing the books. There will be an all-new team.



No TV show. Sad face. Just online.



And some more animations. 90 secondish movies online is the plan.
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I like how colorful and stylized the animation is. Somewhat MNOG-ish.

I thought it was MNOGish too, and I really like Gali's set, she's probably my favorite so far, along with Onua and Pohatu.


The resemblance to MNOG is no accident.


"We want to make an iconic look that is different."

— BZPower (@BZP_Tweets)


Speaking as someone who is rather familiar with the animation style Templar used, there are definitely parallels. Lots of little tics and fine details in the preview that evoke the MNOLG style. My favorite is New!Mata-Nui's head-bobbing upon forceful impacts (the striking of the hammer).

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Quisoves Potoo

For those of you who want a translucent "Omega Hau," simply retweet this official tweet for a chance to win one!



And courtesy of Just2Good, we now have all of the final Protector pictures!














Earth (Redundant, yes, but for completeness' sake.)












Oh, and here's a story placard from NYCC:


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For those of you who want a translucent "Omega Hau," simply retweet this official tweet for a chance to win one!



And courtesy of Just2Good, we now have all of the final Protector pictures!



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Earth (Redundant, yes, but for completeness' sake.)












Oh, and here's a story placard from NYCC:


lol Fire and Ice are posed almost exactly the same way :P

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So I'm excited now. A few notes:


- Getting a real Pizza planet vibe from Okoto. I wonder why they went for such sharply divided regions.


- I felt this ephemeral sense of satisfaction when the narrator of the video said "and sent both brothers into an endless sleep." This is just along the lines of the sort of thinking and ideas I was hoping to come out of this. It's BIONICLE, intrinsically so, but its so fresh and new and exciting and ohmygosh


- There's a rumor floating around that the Vahi will be the single tie between this new continuity and the old. Half of it (the Vahi we know) ended up in the original universe, and the other half will crop up in this new one. I really dig the idea, so long as it isn't used to excuse a crossover back to the old world. The Vahi was the first BIONICLE mask designed, too, so it's a really neat tie to make.


- The Narrator to the video. He is awesome. Like, on the level of the narrator to the CD packaged with the original Toa. He's setting a high bar for the voice acting in these episodes, as do the wonderfully human-sounding utterances of the Makuta and Ekimu. Godly, "I'm pure evil" and "I'm pure good" voices are just so passé, you know?


- Ekimu and the Makuta and TEAL and PURPLE, the greatest of all color combinations. Cyber Slam lives on through them.

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- There's a rumor floating around that the Vahi will be the single tie between this new continuity and the old. Half of it (the Vahi we know) ended up in the original universe, and the other half will crop up in this new one. I really dig the idea, so long as it isn't used to excuse a crossover back to the old world. The Vahi was the first BIONICLE mask designed, too, so it's a really neat tie to make.


There is cloud that looks like the Vahi in the animation at the point where the two brothers are shaking hands. I thought it was just a coincidence of easteregg, but if what your saying is correct, things look to be interesting.



As more initial reactions, I'll just list a couple of things for now


-Masks are good. Not so sure about clip on, but I like the masks.


-While part of me wants a continuation of the old story, a reboot is probably the best idea.


-The story looks promising. Seems more focused on the mythological feel of Bionicle, which is good.


-The sets look pretty good. Better than Hero Factory. However, not as good as some of the other Bionicle years. Still, it's a huge step in the right direction, so who am I to complain?


-Was there some myth about two godlike brothers, one good and one evil, on an island? They did the two brothers thing in Lost, but maybe that's just coincidence.

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Quisoves Potoo
Was there some myth about two godlike brothers, one good and one evil, on an island? They did the two brothers thing in Lost, but maybe that's just coincidence.

It's a timeless trope. Lost certainly used it. And of course Makuta was originally described as Mata Nui's brother. The application of it in the new BIONICLE, two mask-making brothers, one of whom turns evil or mad, is also reminiscent of Artahka and Karzahni in the original story (though they were never adversaries, as such.)

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Sorry guys. I simply wasn't able to make it to the NYCC Bionicle Panel or the ultra-limited VIP party at the Flatiron LEGO store due to family reasons (grandfather in hospital). Anyways, the new story sounds interesting. Honestly, I was hoping for a continuation to the original line in the form of a prequel following the original great beings before the creation of the great spirit robots but with enough ambiguity to make for one of those satisfying/frustrating moments when everything comes together and makes sense akin to the Mata Nui reveal. (*phew*) Anyways, I imagine I will follow this quote closely, and once again, sorry I couldn't report from the event. (I would have given my tickets away, but they were only valid for the original recipient.)

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My goodness, prof, there's no need to apologise for prioritising family matters over a hobby! :thumbsup:


Anyway, as previously stated I'm very excited for this. I have two questions though, does anyone know if we have answers for them yet? I'm guessing "no" so I'll keep them in mind for future.


1) The golden masks. I wondered if they'd be distributed in small packs like the old mask bags, or some other method perhaps? If we're getting them at all, that is.


2) What are the Protectors in relation to the Toa? Are they the current inhabitants of the island before the Toa arrive? Because the Toa certainly look a lot more awesome.

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My goodness, prof, there's no need to apologise for prioritising family matters over a hobby! :thumbsup:


Anyway, as previously stated I'm very excited for this. I have two questions though, does anyone know if we have answers for them yet? I'm guessing "no" so I'll keep them in mind for future.


1) The golden masks. I wondered if they'd be distributed in small packs like the old mask bags, or some other method perhaps? If we're getting them at all, that is.


2) What are the Protectors in relation to the Toa? Are they the current inhabitants of the island before the Toa arrive? Because the Toa certainly look a lot more awesome.

Each Toa comes packaged with their respective golden mask. Then there are the solid gold ones that will presumably be given away in contests. It is a very safe bet to say the masks of Creaton, Control, and maybe Ultimate Power will be appearing in the summer wave of sets, with Ekimu and Makuta models.


You're correct, the Protectors are the equivalent of Matoran, the island's villagers whom the Toa arrive to save. The specific sets, however, apparently represent the villagers who lead the individual tribes. The only visual difference between them and normal villagers seems to be 'has a giant machine gun.'

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Thank you Pereki, that's explained it perfectly!

The only visual difference between them and normal villagers seems to be 'has a giant machine gun.'

Yes, I do like those big guns, except the fact that they use tiny 1x1 studs could mean they are lost easily. Especially on carpets.

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Oh good! Actual pictures of the final sets and display models--


Oh, goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood... Exclusive posters and a mask.




Well, there are contests for them peppered all over the place (LEGO is doing a few themselves via Twitter). OR... you could just take your chances on eBay and bid for the mask, if you're into that kind of thing.


I'm actually considering buying the mask. And hoping that more exclusive masks pop up as collectibles and mask packs.




Also, anyone else know the concept behind THESE?



Please, for the love of GOD be a giveaway like the solid gold Haus back in the day. Or be something available to consumers. Seriously, I want context behind this stuff. TOO MANY PICTURES, NOT ENOUGH EXPLANATION.



EDIT: Oh, and the LMBs actually have something no one else seems to have right now: Exclusive backgrounds for all the Toa masks (In gooooooooolllld). If you're up for that, just click here for all of that.


EDIT THE SECOND: Pictures of the new models, with promotional art that looks like the animation in Samurai Jack and the old(er) Clone Wars segments. http://imgur.com/a/Coy18#22 
I dunno about you guys, but I'm looking forward to these animated segments. 

Edited by McStudz
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you seem excited



"we did s***loads of sketches..." - a bonkles designer dude

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I spoke with a respresentive from LEGO at the con, and the Bionicle line is a hard reboot. There will be 13 figures released at the start of next year, with 8 more figures in August. (And "significant villians" will be included in the line.)



I'm pretty sure this is the first time we've gotten an official confirmation of the size of the summer wave. Earlier I think I had been hearing 6, so 8 comes as a surprise. "Significant villains" reinforces the distinct possibility we will be getting a Makuta set, though I guess that that is sort of a given in any case.

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Alright, so it was a little more expensive than I'd anticipated, but still doable/awesome. Although I don't understand why they chose to make three of the Toa more expensive than the other three. Yes, they're bulkier, but I don't see why they should be made bulkier than the other three?

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