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The Toa now have British accents. And Tahu seems like something of an idiot. I don't think a clumsy Kopaka will ever sit well with me, either. And it's a bit weird that Gali turned into a baritone.

The animation is nice, though. It's all well-done, even if it's not faithful to the original stuff.

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The Toa now have British accents.

Yes. And it is beautiful.


EDIT: From the first video: "United, the elements hold the power to defeat evil. United, but not one."


Calling this as an important plot point.

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The Ace Railgun
Everything is awesome.


Everything is cool when you're part of a team.



I agree on the narrator, but the protector sounds pretty good too, and i'm not too sure about Tahu yet. Also something to note are the other planets that where shown in the hieroglyphs, I wonder if we're going to get to see anymore of those worlds. 




The Toa now have British accents.

Yes. And it is beautiful.


British accents for the win.

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Pohatu is now the BIONICLE Johnny Thunder, except totally unironically radical as opposed to Johnny's sometimes unironic and sometimes extremely ironic radical-ness.

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I just took a good look at these for the first time. Interesting, I guess. I still prefer the original sets, but that's probably because they were such a significant part of my childhood.

I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't give Pohatu and upside-down torso. I might have to buy his set and "correct" this "mistake" myself.

And of course I'll probably want Kopaka, just because it's Kopaka.

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I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't give Pohatu and upside-down torso. I might have to buy his set and "correct" this "mistake" myself.

People have actually already tried this, but it really isn't feasible using the new system, unfortunately.

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Onua, Tahu, and Pohatu sound just as I imagined them to (Although I prefer Tahu and Pohatu as voiced in the Mask of Light, but as this is a reboot, I can make do). I'm a bit disappointed with Lewa's lack of the iconic chutespeak dialect and accent. Kopaka also doesn't sound right to me, I don't think his cold personality and tone can be properly matched to the first generation, personally. And then there is Gali.

And yes, the animation and cinematography is indeed gorgeous, especially in the character videos.

EDIT: Also, right now, I'm calling an Ekimu in the summer wave, given that the golden mask of creation appeared back at the store launch party, and subtle use of language in the animations, noting that Ekimu fell into "an endless sleep" and was "laid to rest". They never said anything about him dying. Also, temple of time, calling that as yet another plot point. Or, then again, my speculation could be a bunch of, well, speculation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry if this has been asked already, but as someone who was only really into Bionicle for the first two years and really doesn't want to shift through eleven pages of posts, is this Bionicle a sequel, a prequel, a reboot, or a reboot-sequel ala Star Trek and Terminator: Genisys? (I noticed the Mask of Time was involved somehow...)



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Sorry if this has been asked already, but as someone who was only really into Bionicle for the first two years and really doesn't want to shift through eleven pages of posts, is this Bionicle a sequel, a prequel, a reboot, or a reboot-sequel ala Star Trek and Terminator: Genisys? (I noticed the Mask of Time was involved somehow...)



Hello, fellow person who is only into BIONICLE's first two years! I can happily confirm that the new line is a reboot - there are some folks that are still holding on to some hope that it may be vaguely tied to the old story via the Mask of Time, but there isn't any solid evidence to substantiate the notion - it was a theory born from some misinformation from New York Comic Con. Even better, the people who developed the reboot drew especially from the original BIONICLE's first three years, which they felt represented the core of what the theme was. A special influence was the Mata Nui online game, which they are drawing certain elements from for the new online cartoons.

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Quisoves Potoo

- there are some folks that are still holding on to some hope that it may be vaguely tied to the old story via the Mask of Time, but there isn't any solid evidence to substantiate the notion - it was a theory born from some misinformation from New York Comic Con.

As of yet, it hasn't been confirmed as misinformation, it simply hasn't been clarified. And while there certainly isn't enough evidence to confirm, beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt, the existence of a connection between the stories, there is most definitely something afoot involving the Vahi, as evidenced by the repeated, obvious, visual easter-eggs in the animations.


Mind you, I'm not arguing that there is a connection, nor am I eager for one (though I wouldn't necessarily mind it,) but I don't think that the notion of one can be dismissed outright, as things stand.

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Mind you, I'm not arguing that there is a connection, nor am I eager for one (though I wouldn't necessarily mind it,) but I don't think that the notion of one can be dismissed outright, as things stand.

Fair enough. I'm staking my word on Darth Vader's, as he generally only asserts his opinion in discussions like this when he is absolutely certain of its accuracy. Considering how he is at least a little 'in the know,' I think it's quite possible he knows more than he can say on the Mask of Time matter.

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there are some folks that are still holding on to some hope that it may be vaguely tied to the old story via the Mask of Time


Nope, all hope is lost. Bionicle 2015 sucks. No doubt about it. The sets are great, but the story is awful. They should just give up, because its pretty obvious LEGO isn't going to bring the old story back.


I think the reason greg farshtey said "BIONICLE isn't coming back" was because he meant it wasn't really BIONICLE: Its just some crappy reboot that wants to be it.


I'm staking my word on Darth Vader's


And the hype train destroyed the death star, not luke: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

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I think the reason greg farshtey said "BIONICLE isn't coming back" was because he meant it wasn't really BIONICLE: Its just some crappy reboot that wants to be it.

Or maybe because Greg is not involved in the core product decisions made by the LEGO company and wasn't aware.
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Quisoves Potoo

Fair enough. I'm staking my word on Darth Vader's, as he generally only asserts his opinion in discussions like this when he is absolutely certain of its accuracy. Considering how he is at least a little 'in the know,' I think it's quite possible he knows more than he can say on the Mask of Time matter.

Quite possibly so. He was, after all informed of the reboot, and given 2015 parts, during the Summer.


For my part, I'm not sure what to make of his statements on the matter. If he simply said "the Vahi is involved, but that's it," (or some such thing) I would be inclined to believe him. But the suggestion that the fellow at Comic Con was simply saying "We'll have a Mask of Time that doesn't look like half a mask" is rather stretching credibility, in my opinion. Which leads me to think that if he does know anything special, it's contrary to what he's saying.


Nope, all hope is lost. Bionicle 2015 sucks. No doubt about it. The sets are great, but the story is awful. They should just give up, because its pretty obvious LEGO isn't going to bring the old story back.

Surely you're being rather hasty in judging the new story? The year has just begun, and we've only seen a smidgin of 2015's events. So far, it doesn't seem all that different from the original story, at the outset. We've got a legend depicting two brothers and the evil wrought by one of them, six elemental heroes sent to defend the villagers from menacing beasts and to collect masks, etc. I doubt we'll get the depth we had in 2001, but I think it is important to note that said depth was, in the grand scheme of things, accidental. MNOG was the source of most of it, and that was originally meant to be an inconsequential, non-canon means of promoting BIONICLE.

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Surely you're being rather hasty in judging the new story? The year has just begun, and we've only seen a smidgin of 2015's events. So far, it doesn't seem all that different from the original story, at the outset. We've got a legend depicting two brothers and the evil wrought by one of them, six elemental heroes sent to defend the villagers from menacing beasts and to collect masks, etc. I doubt we'll get the depth we had in 2001, but I think it is important to note that said depth was, in the grand scheme of things, accidental. MNOG was the source of most of it, and that was originally meant to be an inconsequential, non-canon means of promoting BIONICLE.


Now that i think of it you're right.

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So I picked up a Pohatu. My shelf is now 17% more fortified against the Makuta Skull Spiders, I guess.


Honestly I kinda still like the old one better.

They didn't have Kopaka where I looked, else I'd have picked him up too.

And yes, I did try flipping the torso, it was in fact very easy to do. But it looked bad, so I put it back.

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Well wadda you know?



And yes, I did try flipping the torso, it was in fact very easy to do.



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