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[MOC] Technic B-25 Mitchell WIP


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And as usual a picture of the over progress, I'll probably work on the tail section a bit more and get the battery box mounted as well this next week.


Look at all that cool old stuff in one picture :cry:  :D 

This thing keeps getting bigger every time I look at it, how big does it measure now? I expect it's going to have some weight behind it once the wings and panels are on...


You know I've only just noticed the PS logo on my PS2 is the wrong way round lol.


It currently measures 76cm/30inches in length from the nose to the tail. The wingspan could get to 3 feet although I'm not 100% sure on that one. Yeah it already weighs a bit and thats without both of the XL motors and wings so yeah it's definitely going to weigh more than my Spitfire and that wasn't what you would call light.

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As I haven't posted pictures of the actual model for a while I thought I'd do just that and show you what it's looking like now. I've built a possible design for the tail turrets canopy but I'm not 100% sure on how it looks at the moment but it's a start at least.


And a picture of the overall progress I've made with it.


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