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Whee... I'm typing this on my iPod in my math 120 class in college. We are going over quadratic equations which are way too simple. I got a 30% on my project because I didn't use unit analysis. Oh well :af:. I was marked down on the binary computation section because I didn't show any work. As I said already, IN BASE TWO I'M FINE!!! I can do those things lightning fast in my head. No need for pencil and paper for me!

I have a moc challenge for TMLC but I cannot find him. I can't PM him because his inbox is full. Omg, did the professor just divide by zero? Lol... Anyways, the moc challenge is to build a giant gun out of legos that can launch a legoman several meters ( because English units are a failure). It can use any means of propelling him except for human force. You can crank something up but you are not allowd to manually throw him.

A cheese grater attacked my finger in robotics (yes robotics!) class yesterday. My finger is all slashed up and gnarly looking now... It hurts!

Can't wait for portal 2. I'm going to buy it when I get home. Yay!

My past negativity seems to have effected some people. I hope they forgive me.




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Because in Austra, aliens get whatever they want...(hello, plasma rifles)

In Australia, some titles are released slightly different, like in Europe or Japan.

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In the world of Maths, you must look dumb to look smart (well at least to your teacher). Otherwise: no working looks like you cheated and as a result you're not smart according to the teachers.

But seriously, who does working on paper in real life? When you pull up for petrol, you don't whip out your pen an paper and calculate what the minimum amount of fuel you need to reach your destination. You just fill the darn thing.

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Hey, I'm the one who should be doing it...it is offensive to me and Cyrem after all...


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Yeah we're super intelligent intergalactic beings that are gonna wipe earth out!

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I don't know how I ended up fail typing that so badly. Spell check doesn't work on ipod for very long words. It's apple's plan for wiping out the english language.

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