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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Antillies

    A New Cavern Has Been Discovered

    I've always had an itch to capture the feeling of LRR with real LEGO. I finally had the opportunity to give it a shot and, though I don't think I satisfied my aesthetic wishes this time around, it produced some interesting stills. Wanted to share them in case they might prove interesting or enjoyable to others.
    25 points
  2. PapaBrickolini

    Ogel Island - Multiplayer RP/Sandbox/Minigame Game

    I've decided to turn development towards making a little "remaster" of Lego Racers 1. Racing around cartoony tracks shooting cannon balls at other brick built karts, pretty fun stuff. A bunch of work lately has been UI related and thinking of how the menus should look and feel. More work has also went into the kart/vehicle physics and feeling, there's still work to be done, but they're getting better. https://streamable.com/fmnp4 More work went into AI as well. They actually have a very small brain now! They're just smart enough to drive in reverse if stuck, and to follow a given course. Currently they are insanely good drivers, too good, they're very difficult to pass, let alone beat in a race. Gotta make em a bit dumber. https://streamable.com/q5r10 https://streamable.com/37ti3 Lots of other stuff has gotten work done, such as basic HUD elements, sounds, particles, a simple test-track "ripped from LR1" and more. I also quickly added a screenshot camera last night courtesy of Garry Newman, which allows you to take some super cool screenshots ingame. If ya wanna keep up to date further on this project, I've made a Discord server where I'll be posting development info and taking suggestions, feedback, etc. https://discord.gg/TT5FD5q
    21 points
  3. (2020-08-31) It's been a long while, but today the largest update so far drops for Manic Miners! The vehicles are here, together with an extensive miner customization system and many surprises and improvements. Dive in and re-live an almost-complete Rock Raiders remake today! The only thing missing are the monsters... so stay tuned! Thank you for following development! V0.3: The Miners and machines update trailer: Initial reveal trailer: Latest version: V0.3.5, released 2021-01-28) Download link: https://baraklava.itch.io/manic-miners Resource links: Trello (my development progress) Discord (active daily discussion AND usually weekly in-progress builds) Subreddit (active daily) Facebook page (not very active, but will announce major updates) Here's some more information on the project, taken from the Trello: If you have played the original Rock Raiders game and just want to jump right in without reading the project backstory and explanations, here are some quick notes: Original post: Full information dump can be found here
    20 points

    Stunt Rally DVD-ROM With HQ Videos

    I'm not sure if this is known but I spotted this DVD-ROM version of Stunt Rally on eBay recently and was curious as to why it was a DVD-ROM and not a CD-ROM so I bought it. It turns out it has a load of video content that features a behind the scenes look at the games development, the UK advert for the game, plus adverts for three different LEGOLAND theme parks as well as a Rock Raiders set/game advert. What I was really hoping to be on the disc turned out to indeed be present, there is a full PAL DVD quality version of the games 3D animated intro. It's 720 x 576 at 25fps which beats the hell out of the tiny 320 x 240 at 15fps version seen on start up. There are even snippets of Glacier's outro in the behind the scenes video in this same quality but sadly not all of the outro videos used throughout the game are present. The ones seen in game are however much better quality, they are 25fps and have much higher bit rate audio than the outros from a later re-release I have from Focus which came bundled with Island Xtreme Stunts, I have seen these higher quality outro videos in playthroughs so it's not surprising they are there, but this does tell us they for some reason skimped on the quality for the re-releases. Below are comparisons between the two, it seems they didn't render the final sequence with anti aliasing so there are some jaggies here and there but it's definitely not an upscale, there is way too much detail that can be seen. The pictures go AVI then DVD but then again it's rather obvious which is which, the DVD version does seem to have an overall different coloration to it and seems a bit green at times, I'm going to work on it to see if I can get the colors more consistent and match real element colors better.
    18 points
  5. So, while this site was down, for LEGO Island's 20th anniversary (Oct. 2) I tried to organize a Reddit AMA with people who worked on the game, as many as I could contact and would be interested. I got in touch with a number of people, ~12-16 iirc. Unfortunately, the AMA ultimately never materialized, mostly because an AMA requires verification, and I didn't know how that could happen for such an old game. (Then the r/games mods got peeved at me for being overenthusiastic, basically saying I'll never be able to try to do any AMA there again.) And during that time, Wes Jenkins passed away (about a week from LI's 20th anniversary original release date, iirc), which basically sealed the "not gonna happen" deal. However, as a result of my contact, one of the animators wrote up an interesting article on his time working on the game (he emailed it to me, and I saved it in this document just now) - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1chL_iGfo-h559vnR6ds_ZDnLWicZ48RYxFlf1wmV2aE/edit?usp=sharing EDIT: Talked to Kathleen "Brick-by-Brick" Salvia, very nice lady.
    18 points
  6. lol username

    Idleness Syndrome: What is the Root Cause?

    To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rock Raiders. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of overcaffeinated developer tendencies most of the jokes will go over a typical player's head. There’s also Chief's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from LEGO Mania Magazine, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LEGOS. As a consequence people who dislike Rock Raiders truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Chief’s existential catchphrase “A landslide has occurred,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Bricks 'n Pieces' epic Captain Indigo. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Stewart Green’s genius wit unfolds itself on their CRT monitors. What fools.. how I pity them. ? And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rock Raiders tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the guy’s eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid ? Edit: FFS fellas, this now has more likes than rrcoder's post...
    16 points
  7. Jappelsap

    Redesigned LEGO Racers cars

    Hello! A little while ago I finished redesigning most of the cars from LEGO Racers. I thought that people here might appreciate them as well. All cars: Rocket Racer: Captain Redbeard: King Kahuka: Basil the Batlord: Johnny Thunder: Baron von Barron: Gypsy Moth: Later addition: Veronica Voltage:
    15 points
  8. Cyrem

    Run LEGO Rock Raiders with dgVoodoo

    This guide is more or less a re-write of many posts of this method that are scattered around the forum with updated links and pictures to make it easier to follow. First and foremost there is sometimes confusion between dgVoodoo and Cafeteria. These are significantly different and perform entirely different things. dgVoodoo is an graphics API wrapper (or “converter”) for DirectDraw & Direct3D (Part of DirectX 6 - a graphics API developed by Microsoft). Most modern graphics cards are not compatible with games utilising old versions of DirectX, Rock Raiders is one of them. Cafeteria on the other hand is a Mod Launcher that allows easy installation of game resource modifications for LEGO Rock Raiders. It also has the ability to force LEGO Rock Raiders to run in resolutions higher than 640x480. You can use both of these together for optimal graphics improvements. in summary - dgVoodoo is what makes it possible to run LEGO Rock Raiders on modern graphics cards, not Cafeteria. Cafeteria is merely a toolkit to make an already working game even better. Secondly, Microsoft has updated Windows Vista through to Windows 10 with patches that remove SafeDisc and SecureRom support from those systems. This is a problem if you own a copy of LEGO Rock Raiders that is copy-protected. If you own the copy-protected version of LEGO Rock Raiders (some of the re-releases did not have copy protection) you'll probably find the game will not run at all. Following this guide will also correct this issue as well. Now that we know what dgVoodoo is and we know about the SafeDisc issue, lets begin. Guide While setting this up is really a piece of cake and requires barely any steps, people still can still get it wrong, so please follow the steps below. If you get stuck, try it again. If you're still stuck, reply to this topic. PREPARATION Before you begin, you will need to download some files. Please note that some Antivirus software may complain that dgVoodoo contains a virus. This is a false positive, it is a clean file. Download the files in the list below. LRR Masterpiece Editon Executable - Download D3DRM - Download dgVoodoo 2.55.4 - Download Note: dgVoodoo 2.53 is also compatible with LEGO Rock Raiders, download this version if you have issues with the latest version above. STEP 1 If you haven't already, install LEGO Rock Raiders. If the installer isn't working, try the Alternative Installer. Once this is done, navigate to the Rock Raider's installation directory (usually its: C:\Program Files (x86)\LEGO Media\Games\Rock Raiders ) and extract the contents of the "LRR Masterpiece Edition" zip file you downloaded just earlier into your installation folder, overwriting the original files. This folder then should look similar to this: STEP 3 Next, from the D3DRM archive you downloaded before extract the D3DRM DLL File into the install folder. After that, open the dgVoodoo archive you also downloaded. You will need to extract: dgVoodooCpl.exe and the contents of the MS folder into your installation directory. STEP 4 You're almost done. We'll now configure dgVoodoo, so double click dgVoodooCpl.exe to start the configuration program. Ensure that you are running the program in Administrator Mode (Right Click > Run as Administrator) or changes may not be saved. When it starts, look at the "Config Folder" path, if it is not the same path as your Rock Raiders install folder, click the ".\" button on the right. Next click the "DirectX" tab. You may want to play with some settings in here, however for this guide we'll just do the important ones. Change the "Resolution" to the same resolution that you are currently using (e.g 1920 x 1080 is common) and uncheck the "dgVoodoo Watermark". Finally click apply. STEP 5 Congratulations, you're set! There's one thing left to do and it's very important. You need to start the game from LegoRR.exe. Afterwards a window will appear, and if you've set it up correctly it will display the driver as "dgVoodoo DirectX Wrapper (display)". STEP 6 (OPTIONAL) While the game will now run, you will notice an absence of music. Typically, Rock Raiders plays music from the disc. However I have a fix to restore the game music into the game without the disc. If you would like to do this, follow this short guide. I hope this guide has helped you get your copy of LEGO Rock Raiders to work. Be sure to reply below if it worked for you or if you're having any troubles. Don't forget that if you do get it running, check out some of the great mods for the game around the community.
    14 points
  9. RacerRabbit

    LEGO Racers 2019 Collection

    The following creations were built to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the 1999 Lego Racers computer game. Pieces new and old have come together to form these newly revised versions of the 8 boss cars. Please enjoy! 1) Captain Redbeard As you can see, Captain Redbeard's new ride uses the microbuild of his ship from set #40290 as a base fo this off-road beast of a racer. But it still retains the large exhausts and rear mounted pirate flag from his original car. The sails make this the tallest vehicle in the collection so far. . 2) King Kahuka King Kahuka's new ride is an improvement over the original. The wheels in the game's intro are yellow while in-game, they're white so the wheels on this new version is both yellow and white. The car retains such details as the spears on the front, the horns on the front and of course, the stone head motif on the back. With added exhaust pipes and a "Bone Bumper" on the front. 3) Basil The Batlord Basil's new ride is a much more powerful looking version of his old car with a larger than life engine. I even used some older Technic wheels on the back. They were looking kinda redundant in my collection and I thought they matched the front wheels nicely so I put them to use. I also really wanted to use these dragon wing pieces on this car and I thought the rear spoiler was the perfect use for them. The old black jet engine piece has been extended by 2 grooved 2x2 round cylinder bricks. 4) Johnny Thunder A major improvement over the original. Making good use of new mudguards and Speed Champions wheels. Includes the old Adventurers printed numberplate piece on both the front and rear. Those jet exhausts make this thing look mighty. And this isn't the only car in the collection to use them. Even the front makes the car look chunky and rugged. Also includes indicators. As if you need them on the racetrack.... 5) Baron Von Barron Now, this one is completely different from the large jeep he drives in the first game. Instead, Baron Von Barron's new racer takes inspiration from set #5920 Island Racer that the Baron drives in the 2nd game and an old fighter plane. The plane inspiration continues around the back. And look at those exhausts... The propeller is powered by the engine but luckily, the car doesn't take off. That'd result in instant disqualification! 6) Gypsy Moth The veteran pilot of the alien Insectoids gets a truly outrageous car inspired by the Insectoids theme itself. With 6 wheels, pincers at the front and a cybernetic abdomen, Gypsy Moth's new racer looks more like an ant than a car. And still has the exhaust at the back like the original car. 7) Rocket Racer Rocket Racer's revamped car is a brilliant new design that echoes the original. Speed Champions wheels and a slighlty forward leaning stance makes this supercar sleek and eye-catching. The windshield is on 4 jumper plates to make sure it doesn't look too far forward or back. Also notice that the Rocket Racer minifigure is custom printed by Minifigs.me. It may have cost a packet but boy, the fit and finish is superb! ? Veronica Voltage Veronica Voltage's new car is basically a big improvement over the original. Much smoother than the old car. Also, exhaust pipes. For aggression. The wide tyres complete the look of the rear. The front headlights on the original are made up of rare chrome silver pieces. This new one uses a much easier and cost efficient method. Like Rocket Racer, Veronica Voltage is a custom printed minifigure courtesy of Minifigs.me. So, what do you guys think of this lot?
    14 points
  10. ProfessorBrickkeeper

    LEGO Island Beta

    As some of you may know, I've recently been teasing over social media the acquisition of the new "crown jewel" of my classic LEGO game collection. I believe the time has now come to reveal just what it is that I've managed to acquire: nothing less than an original Beta version of LEGO Island. As background, the specific version I've recovered is LEGO Island Beta 9.0, dating to July 25th, 1997, just over two weeks before the earliest known copies of LEGO Island were manufactured (August 8th, 1997). (Subsequently, the game was patched up further, with an updated batch dating to September 8th, 1997.) Most likely, this would have been the build that was tested by a number of schools (listed in the credits) and previewed by certain press outlets, such as Pause Magazine. Despite such a short timespan between the final beta and earliest release builds, there are still a number of changes that were made. Some of the more notable changes included: Numerous decals being sampled at a lower resolution Model optimizations and changes to the organization of model LODs (Most notable with the shark, car, and window models) Removal of the helicopter landing pad texture by the Jail Changes to model UVs and associated textures (See windows of the Police Station) The addition of various sound effects accompanying animations and cutscenes In the final game, Bill Ding summarizes his building speech, rather than delivering it in its entirety when you click on static objects One of the most interesting inclusions with the beta copy of the game is a carefully maintained change log for the game going back to Version Beta 1.0 from June of 1997. As I'm sure this is something of interest, I have included a reformatted version below. Now, for reasons it's probably best I don't go into, it's looking unlikely that I will be be able to publicly share a copy of the Beta. I have, however, taken the liberty of recording a play-through of most of the game, to show off the state it was in, and some of the changes that were made. There's the possibility I may be able to share certain, non-critical files from the disc, but that remains to be seen.
    13 points
  11. Lorin

    High Quality LEGO Island Music - downloads!

    Lego Island 1 Music production memories: I was the guy they pulled in to overlook the music for the product, though Wes Jenkins, Kyle Bogertman and various Mindscape management people were way over my head. I picked some and supplied some, and resources were tapped that were beyond my choosing. At that time, I lived in Sausalito, CA on a houseboat that contained my studio, a nice deck and the usual necessary rooms. Wes and Kyle lived in San Francisco on Van Ness at the time, so the Golden Gate Bridge was between them and me. Most of the work that I did myself was done alone on my houseboat. Flying Rhino Studios was where we recorded musical additions, voice parts and did most of the audio mastering. We had regularly scheduled meetings at Wes and Kyle's place to discuss game details, musical submissions, etc. During those meetings, we usually listened to music submissions, played with large Lego sets while building the world. And drinking beer. When we needed to refine some of my submissions, Wes and Kyle and occasionally other players would visit my place where I'd edit the music to match lyrical content they'd come up with. And we drank beer. At the time, in the world of computer-based video games, we were doing stuff that was considered to be impossible. Hah. It was not a fast process. We couldn't share audio files online at all, everyone who played together or sang had to get together at "real life" locations. At one point, I had encouraged Wes and Kyle to join me to see "Polkacide" live, because they were insane. We went, we saw and heard, we got pummeled in the polka-crazed mosh pit (while chugging beer) and decided that they should definitely be included. They were included. While I did the majority of the synth/sampler-type music, I wasn't the only one who got on the project. A few other excellent composers and players got onto the project. I won't name any names because no matter how many I mention, some might be overlooked. Everyone involved did creative original musical work. There were times when some great and highly amusing musical pieces had to be dropped, having been deemed inappropriate for children of the age in the demographic the game was intended to serve. But some of it has gotten out anyway, and since the kids who grew up with the game are now adults, who cares? I will say that even though it didn't work out for any of us financially in the end, the creation process involved in that game was exceptionally detail-oriented along with being just lots of fun to have worked on. The whole group involved in that project (and others) later joined together to record bi-weekly comedy radio broadcasts as "Radio Shorts". That was aimed at an older demographic target audience, so it got considerably more "blue" at that time. It was an exceptional time with the merging of exceptional people who all just wanted to do their part and have fun. And that's what we did. Lorin
    13 points
  12. BBordewyk

    Rock Raiders: A New Expedition

    Why wait for LEGO to reboot Rock Raiders, when I can do it myself! Presenting, "Rock Raiders: A New Expedition" A series of MOCs with buildable instructions that you can create yourself today! Click the picture for its instructions and parts lists. More to come!
    12 points
  13. PapaBrickolini

    Ogel Island - Multiplayer RP/Sandbox/Minigame Game

    I'm creating a multiplayer Island themed Lego RP/Sandbox/Minigame type game. I'll post new media here when I have it. New Media: https://gfycat.com/PortlyPrestigiousHagfish https://gfycat.com/SilverNaiveAmericanbobtail Old Media:
    12 points
  14. MattKC

    LEGO Island Rebuilder

    LEGO Island is one of my favorite childhood games and I thought it'd be a fun project to do some hacking/modding. I've consolidated all my patches so far into one tool: the LEGO Island Rebuilder. It's a LEGO Island launcher/mod tool that currently does the following things: * Set turn and movement speeds. If you're sick of turning too fast on modern PCs, use this to slow it down to a more sane speed (or turn up the movement speed to cheat in races). * Set windowed/full screen mode without editing the registry/administrator privileges (software rendering modes only) * Keep the game active even when defocused (windowed mode only) * Extract and insert music. No sound effects yet, but all music can be replaced with other music of any length or quality. * Doesn't require administrator privileges to run * Patches at runtime - doesn't permanently modify any files. * Can redirect LEGO Island's save files to %APPDATA% so the game doesn't require administrator privileges either (September build only) * Supports Windows 98+ (requires .NET Framework 2.0) Obviously this is a work-in-progress (and your mileage may vary depending on your setup), but check it out if you're interested in LEGO Island! http://itsmattkc.com/rebuilder
    12 points
  15. Brightfall

    Real LEGO Racers [Fan-Art]

    I'm made realistic Rocket Racer fan-art. I'm photoshoped Stig from "Top Gear" and now he looks like most famous LEGO racer
    12 points
  16. DRY1994

    Series 18 Race Car Guy (Rocket Racer?) Reference Photos

    That's cool. In anticipation for the first physical release of Rocket Racer, I built his car from the games but with the colors and details reflective of the car costume piece. I also created alternate hood designs that showcased his iconic RR logo like his car in the LEGO Racers games.
    12 points
  17. Cyrem

    LEGOLAND Resource Tool 1.0

    LEGOLAND Resource Tool (1.0) A tool to extract and rebuild LEGOLAND Resource Volumes. You can now extract and rebuild LEGOLAND resource volumes! Previously it was only possible to extract them, but not possible to rebuild them and thus make LEGOLAND mods or do other futher testing on the game. The tool is mostly self explainitory, to extract a RES file click Open RES Volume then Extract Files or to build a new RES file click Import Directory then Build RES Volume. Enjoy some new modding! Screenshot Download From the File Database
    11 points
  18. Jimbob

    LEGO Racers Diorama

    Full 4K PNG downloadable here. David Roysk is my artist name, kudos to anyone who can guess how I came up with it. This is my entry for the LR competition! Credits for the decals are in the link above. The aim was to make something that looked like a photo a kid might have taken with his toys, of course using photo-manipulation wizardry to get Rob-N-Hood floating haha. I'm not skilled enough to achieve photorealism yet but I think I did an okay job. I used procedural textures for some of the stuff which was a fun technique to experiment with. The ground was partly sculpted and I think I could have done much better with it, but I'd already spent many hours over a couple of weeks and at some point you have to call it a day! Rob-N-Hood was chosen as he was one of my favourite characters in the game, and that was totally not because green is my favourite colour or anything. Captain Redbeard in the Small Transport Truck is a reference to a mod I made which took a ridiculous amount of time to make. Rocket Racer is there because of course he has to be, the ultimate boss and an epic dude too! Racey Hazey is the racer my mum would use when I was a little, and has a (true) story to go with her: Thanks for taking the time to check out my entry! I had an awesome time making it.
    11 points
  19. IAmFozzieBear

    Realistic Illustration of Chief

    New to this group so thought this would be a cool introduction! I played the PC version of Rock Raiders when it released and fell in love with the music, characters, and overall aesthetic of the game. Around that time I had several of the Lego sets but later on all the pieces got lost or put in storage. It wasn't until a few years ago that I went ahead and bought all the sets again including some I never owned before. I also bought Pohatu (with his original canister/disc) and did a realistic drawing of him. This started a series of realistic interpretations of Lego mini figures including one from Ice Planet (2002) and a Zotaxian from the UFO 1997 sets. So being a huge fan of Rock Raiders I want to do realistic illustrations of all the characters from the Rock Raiders sets so thought I'd start with Chief.
    10 points
  20. Lair


    10 points
  21. BlenderIsac

    Slimey Smarts: A Rock Raiders Animation

    I've been working for a couple of weeks on a animation made in blender about Slimey Slugs. I present to you... Slimey Smarts. If you want to chat, comment or talk to me on the RRU or MM discord. My profile name @B1er0l14m.
    10 points
  22. Jimbob

    Merry Christmas MOC

    I made this in LEGO Digital Designer and rendered it in Blender for use on my cards this Christmas, thought I'd share it here Hope you all have a great holiday!
    10 points
  23. NinjaboySC

    Knightmare-athon ported to Mario Kart DS

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF6pL0tk7TQ This is a direct port of the original Knightmare-athon model extracted from the game, ported into Mario Kart DS. The vertex colors are the same as they are in the original, although I had to manually assign the materials to each vertex as the .ply exporter tool does not support materials. I finished this port a while ago, but I had forgotten to post it here. You might notice that the UV's on the mountain material are misaligned, and this is due to the vertex offset limit of the DS. Because of this, I had to remap it, but everything besides that material is completely original. For clarity, it is possible to modify the checkpoints in Mario Kart DS, but I did not do so here as the course would never work on a real DS (the original course model is about 6000 tris when the limit of displayable tris onscreen at once is 2048 for the DS). The music is edited over the video, but thanks to the N64 using real-time sequences for the music, it is theoretically possible to actually port the original song over by extracting the samples and sequence from the game. (BTW, if this is in the wrong subforum, please move it, mods.)
    10 points
  24. deaddius

    Series 18 Race Car Guy (Rocket Racer?) Reference Photos

    You called?
    10 points
  25. CaptainGolem

    Questions about the weight and balance of the car

    I didn't have time for any in-depth analysis, but I wanted to compare the two versions by building the same car and doing a time trial at Imperial Grand Prix. I think the difference is really obvious, you can see it in the video below:
    10 points
  26. lol username

    LR2 Texture Templates/Guide

    Here's UV maps of LR2's minifig model, gotten by rigging up Will's LibLR2 DLL to some OBJ exporting code in Unity (lol) and then exporting UV maps with Unwrap3D. Those are at the same size as the in-game textures, aka tiny. Here's larger versions: As you can see, they're kinda messy and asymmetrical, but the worst is the front of the legs... they hardly even tried for symmetry, and each leg is also mirrored: Achu is the only character in the vanilla game with leg printing, so I guess they just never noticed his leg printing was mirrored and squished. Also, here's a transparent legs texture I made (it's just the white legs run through Gimp's color to transparency feature): Which makes it easier to make legs textures in any color (wow LICEcap really did a number on the color wheel here haha): Now, for torsos. It's important to note that the torso model/textures also contain the neck, which is part of the head on real minifigures - don't ask me why they did it that way. Also, while the UV map is intended to have both hands as the same color, if you have a large enough texture you can have them as unique colors, since the UVs for each hand aren't *exactly* in the same place. The smallest texture size you can do this with is 512x512, any lower and they'll blur together. (You might have also noticed that the legs have two tiny UV islands, that you'd hope would let you color the left and right legs independently... Sadly, nope. One is the tops of both legs, the other is the rest of both legs.) Here's a 512x512 torso template I made. The main torso decal area (red) is slightly wider than in vanilla textures - it's more accurate to the UV map, and avoids the side of the texture bleeding into the front of the torso, as happens with vanilla textures. The darker blue is unused space. And here's what it looks like in-game: Oh yeah... And the torso is mapped in such a way that it distorts textures. And here's the whole model with a checkerboard pattern: Good luck making your textures look perfect, haha.
    10 points
  27. Lair

    Some LEGOLAND Characters in the style of LR2

    10 points
  28. Cyrem

    Air Filter (New Building)

    Air Filter Building Cirevam and I have put together an additional building for LRR, it does not replace any previous building and you can build it from the menu. However its function isn’t exactly new, as it produces breathable oxygen. This building is designed to take the oxygen function away from the Support Station and make it its own dedicated building. The advantage of this is not just to have a new building, but it creates additional game challenge. Support Station becomes a dedicated training and sandwich making building. Whereas this handles the oxygen production alone. Its oxygen output will be less than what the support station was, so you will have to build more. Modeling/Animation: @Cirevam Design/CFG/UI: Myself Preview Download: [Soon]
    9 points
  29. lol username

    How The Legend of Mata Nui Was Found

    A few months ago, there was some discussion in the comments of this video about who found Bionicle: The Legend of Mata Nui. The thing is, Bennet/mcdude451 isn't technically wrong, but the full story of how it all played out is long, messy, and kind of hilariously dumb. I definitely don't blame Liam Robertson for not knowing it. Since I'm pretty much the only person who both saw the actual start to all this, and has also been significantly involved in it to the current day, I feel like I'm probably in the best position to tell this story. Buckle up. 2001 - 2017: ROADS TO NOWHERE People had been curious about LoMN pretty much ever since it was canceled. This would eventually turn into people outright trying to hunt it down. In May 2004, an anonymous person only known as "Deep Brick" sent screenshots and other information about the game to Mask of Destiny. Deep Brick's copy of the game was the from the very end of development, and would be the closest look at the game we would have for years. In 2010, Deep Brick recorded footage of the game (as far into it as they could get, before running into a softlock), and again passed it to the Mask of Destiny admin Mark/RedQuark for posting on YouTube. They also sent some small sample files from the game, but were afraid of sharing the entire game, should LEGO object to it. This was a wealth of new information, and the first time we'd seen the game in motion. People had wanted the game before, but now they really wanted it. There were a lot of persistent rumors about the game. Common myths included there being 8 beta discs, sometimes said to be packaged in with sets, etc - none of which were true. Occasionally someone would claim to have the game, or otherwise fabricate some information about it, to get attention or just for the sake of trolling. People tried contacting developers or other people who potentially had the game, but this usually led nowhere. Fans all-too-eager to get their hands on the game turned away people who actually may have had it. MID-LATE 2017: LOL TROLLS AMIRITE For a good chunk of 2017, this forum was offline for maintenance, but had a shoutbox on the main page so people could keep in touch in the meantime. This shoutbox wasn't backed up or archived as far as I'm aware, but I have some screenshots. July 17, 2017: July 20, 2017: Darvell had also previously replied to someone on BZPower (though his name wasn't given), among many other people who'd approached him privately. However, his own copy - from October 10th, 2001 (the date the cancellation officially happened and many people were laid off) - remains lost to this day. We'll get to that later. Months later, on September 22, 2017, Bennett again entered the shoutbox, this time claiming he had the game. Unfortunately I can't find full logs/screenshots of this, but I do have some reactions to it from a Discord server: The gist of it was Bennett was claiming to have the game, but when asked for any shred of proof (I recall asking at some point if he could even just screenshot the disc contents and/or installation directory), he refused to give it. That, plus how many times this sort of thing had happened before, led everybody to dismiss it as just another person lying to get attention. On October 5th, 2017, Bennett entered the shoutbox again, but it went the same way as last time - people asked for any kind of proof, he refused to give it, and so he was dismissed as a troll. Again, I can't find any direct logs of this, but there was discussion of it in a Discord server: At this point, someone who was in Bennett's own Discord server posted some logs from it, before getting kicked. I'll post some snippets from them, since they give some more insight on the timing of things: However, I don't think most people actually bothered even reading those logs at the time - I know I didn't. Maybe if they had, they would've given it second thought, but then again, everybody was so turned off by how Bennett/mcdude451 was acting in the shoutbox that they dismissed it and moved on with their day. And for a long while, that was the end of Bennett's involvement, as far as everyone knew. 2018: OH BOY HERE WE GO In late January 2018, a completely separate chain of events was kicked off. It's a story in and of itself, but not one I imagine some people would like me telling, so I'll cut to one of the things it resulted in: in early February, the BioMediaProject was anonymously emailed a link to a build of LoMN, Alpha 0.006, from July 24, 2001. It's unknown who it was that actually provided this build of the game, but at long last, it'd happened. It was a much earlier build of the game than the final build Deep Brick had shown, but this turned out to be a positive - much content had been cut or redesigned between the two builds, and if it were not for us getting this alpha build, we likely never would have known it existed. Interest then turned to fixing bugs and crashes in this build, to make it as playable as possible. While I initially wasn't involved in this, I eventually started poking at it around late Febuary-ish, and started making fixes myself. A team organically formed, and we kept hammering out dents in the game. At some point, we got into talks with Liam Robertson, who decided to make a video about the game - the one linked at the top of this post. As part of his research on it, he started talking to some of its developers, including Darvell... Who, in April 2018, sent him the final build, from October 23d, 2001. Liam R then sent this final build to us. Talking with Liam R, the decision was made to release this final build at the same time as Liam's video - it wouldn't take long, we could make some patches to make it more playable in the meantime, and it'd be a cool surprise. As it turns out, life happened, and Liam's video ended up taking about a month to create - which meant a month of us working on patching the final build in secret. It was all hands on deck, and a lot of fun, though we were all itching to release it to the world. (An aside - during the wait, some folks on the team took it upon themselves to create a weird meme-y ARG teasing it - which I thought was a mostly bad idea, and it did indeed almost blow up in our faces once or twice, but it also gave me a chance to do this, so whatever lol) Then on April 28th, 2018, 2 weeks before Liam R's video would end up being posted, Bennett/mcdude451 showed up in the public Discord channel. Remember, nobody outside the team knew we had the final/October 23rd build at this point. All of these screenshots are from now-public channels in a large Discord server, so I'll leave usernames intact this time. Now, here's what was happening in the (then-private) team channel... TL;DR Bennett/mcdude451 got a physical disc of the final October 23rd build in the mail from an anonymous developer, in October 2017. He bragged about it on RRU, refused to show any proof, and got dismissed as a troll. He did, however, send a cue/bin disc image of the game to Darvell - one of its programmers, who'd lost his own copy. The alpha build from July 2001 made its way to the internet in February 2018 through an entirely unrelated series of events. If Bennett had posted his October 23rd build online right when he got it, this wouldn't have happened, since people would've stopped looking for the game. Liam Robertson later talked to Darvell in April 2018, and was sent the cue/bin of the final October 23rd build that he'd gotten from Bennett. Bennett showed up again shortly before the final build was about to be released, finally showed proof of him having it, and we all died laughing as we realized what'd happened. So, the chain is: Anonymous developer -> Bennett -> Darvell -> Liam R -> Us/the BioMediaProject -> The open internet. Bennett still owns the original, physical disc. Most websites and articles, like the IGN article, simply say Darvell gave Liam R the build. Liam probably didn't know the full history of what had happened - even Darvell probably didn't. Darvell said he doesn't know much about all the players in this saga to get the game; that he'd been contacted by many people in various ways, and always tried to help them and tell them what he knew. Darvell's own copy from October 10th - the day the project was officially canceled, and he left - remains lost. This is, strangely, another stroke of luck - if he had it, he likely would have posted it online far sooner than any of this. Not only would we have missed the alpha from July, we also would have missed the true final build from October 23rd - which had some extra work done "on the side" past the official cancelation, was burned to discs, and passed around to its developers (supposedly without clearance from Saffire management), so they would have something to remember it by. As far as I know, Deep Brick hasn't ever responded to the game finally making it out to the internet. As far as we can tell, their copy is identical to what we have - one of the final October 23rd builds handed out to the devs. I don't think Bennett is a bad dude or anything, he's just some LEGO fan who was excited to get the holy grail of Bionicle, and didn't really know what to do from there. I guess if Darvell ever happens to find that October 10th build in his garage, we'll have 3, lol.
    9 points
  30. Hi everybody, I've just finished creating a documentary about the musical direction of Lego Island. Video version being edited. Audio version available from: Video now live:
    9 points

    Q&A With LEGO 3D Animator Stuart Green

    In 2016 I emailed the company that was in charge of the 3D animated intros and cutscenes for the LEGO games of the late 90's and early 00's. The one who answered was Stuart Green and he told me about the LEGO Racers intro which I was interested in knowing about how it was made as I plan to remake the intro in HD myself one day. Our back and fourth was quite brief but he definitely had some interesting things to say about their work back then. Q1: Do you still have the original files for the animation? could the intro be simply re-rendered on a modern 3D animation program at a higher resolution? A1: Unfortunately we don't have the final sequence saved. it was rendered in Lightwave from our 3D models so it could have easily be rendered in HD quality. We made the models usable for the Lego Adventurers comic, we also did Lego comic strips for three years, so they were high enough detail and hi-res textures for print. Q2: Do you know anything about the 25fps higher quality yet shortened version of the intro used for the LEGOLAND Windsor Rocket Racers attraction? I understand the ride is now closed but did you also provide the higher quality clips for this? A2: I cant remember a specific version for the park, but if one was done it would have been us, we were their preferred developer, they shut down their own CGI studio and used us exclusively for this work, we did TV adverts, motion simulation rides, ingame animations, books, comic novels - everything! Q3: What program did you use to make the cars originally? did you make the cars out of real bricks and then model them from scratch? A3: All the models were made from real Lego bricks, then modeled and animated in Lightwave, and the textures made in photoshop. We had all the computers linked together as a render farm, we designed and composed during the day and sequences were rendered over the night and weekends, to either pleasure or frustration when we came to viewing. Q4: Interesting you mention a render farm, the animations are very good quality so I suppose a render farm was best for such projects? A4: Yes the render farm was needed, I think our machines were only about 300MHz at this time and everything was single processor, although we did have 4 machines that held 2 processors on the motherboard, (very unusual) we had 40 machines, the majority used by programmers so not usable by day, but left in render farm mode, at night. Q5: What types of computers were used at the time? A5: Our machines were constantly being upgraded to new hardware, so there was no uniform specification, they were around 309MHz at this time, I think the dual processors were 266MHz, so a 4GHz machine is about 32 times faster, and as quad core that's like 128 times faster, more than our whole render farm on one modern PC! Q6: Three Beta designs for the cars are seen in the intro in a few scenes which then switch back to the final models, was this because the intro was being made at the same time as the game was being developed? A6: Yes, we had to start and finish the animation sequences before the game was complete.
    9 points
  32. rrcoder

    Idleness Syndrome: What is the Root Cause?

    Yo! I just had a Call To Arms about this thread from Cyrem, so figured I'd have a think about this to see if anything comes to mind... Firstly, a brief explanation of how (I can best remember) the RR tasks work... Each RR/unit has a task list which will be added to based upon the priority list. IIRC the tasks are as granular as "walk here", "pick up ore", "get in this vehicle", "fight this RockMonster", etc... Hitting Call To Arms will always pause the task list, and set it aside. This you may all know already, but I'm also using this as an opportunity to remind myself. I would say this this is almost certainly true: Now, as for the cause of the Idleness Syndrome, I would speculate that you have probably already touched on likely causes in this thread... Task list buffer max-size/filling up: This is certainly possible, however I don't recall such a limit being in place (and I believe this is something we would have spotted as being the case during development). I'm pretty sure this is a dynamic linked-list, so should be able to grow pretty much unfettered. Task duplication: Again, I wouldn't rule it out, however I would probably err against this as being the cause, since there were always "is this possible" checks performed both when adding tasks to the list, and when performing them. Actually... I just had one thought in a similar line of thinking that could still be feasible... Path-finding: I'm actually leaning towards this being behind this problem, at least in part. When a unit is told where to go, their path to get there is determined ahead of time, and "refined" as they move (i.e. if something gets in the way, or the map changes in some way). It is entirely possible that as the walkable-area of a map grows (i.e. from mining) and the need for walking large distances increases (i.e. fetching ore) that a situation is occurring where their tasks are coming into conflict. I don't think it would be as simple as trying to fetch ore that has already been deposited, however if <insert magic cause> here occurs, meaning they can no longer evaluate a path to their current task *but* the task still seems "possible" (and therefore active) then they could possibly enter the fugue state that you're seeing. This last item would explain why it occurs mainly for the minifigures, since they perform many more repetitive tasks that exist only for that unit-type, so if the conflict relates somehow to one of those specific tasks *and* pathfinding, then we're far more likely to see it than a vehicle that performs fewer repetitive tasks. Ultimately, I think this will likely be caused by 2 or 3 factors combining in a particular way (e.g. "something to do with pathfinding" + "something to do with ore collection" + "maybe something to do with priorities"), which then causes a backlog of tasks waiting to be assigned, meaning once units become idle they try to do the same thing and get stuck themselves. I know this doesn't necessarily provide you with an answer, but hopefully it may give you a nudge towards tracking it down. And if, at some point 17 years ago, this bug was somehow my fault... um... I'm sorry!! ?
    9 points

    Footage of Anakin's Flight in LSW1

    Apparently, this video have gone unnoticed. which is funny, considering the amount of fans looking for this "legendary" thing called Anakin's Flight. We know that the level was cut from the final game of all things, but in actuality, actual footage of this level is very difficult to find. I can't say that much about it (blame my browser for that), but this could be a good sign to come. I'll try my hardest to find footage of Bounty Hunter Pursuit and the other levels too. have a nice day
    9 points
  34. emily

    Water Pressure (Bionicle Short Film)

    Welcome back, forums! Here's a cartoon a made while you were gone. It's about Gali and some pals. As ever, your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
    9 points
  35. lol username

    RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

    9 points
  36. Cyrem

    LEGO Racers 20th Anniversary Competition!

    To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the release of the LEGO Racers (1) video game we’re holding an open tribute competition! LEGO Racers has been a favourite among thousands of LEGO fans from it’s beginning. We all have different stories to tell of our favourite moments and some of the most frustrating warp bugs. Theme: "What’s LEGO Racers mean to you?" Express yourself through you own tribute piece whether it be art, music, animation, LEGO build, a game mod, showcase, mini-game… it’s up to you! Let your ideas run wild, just be sure to enter it by the time the competition closes! Entries Competition entries should be posted in this forum. Open: Thursday 25th July - 2PM (GMT+10) Close: Thursday 22nd August - 2PM (GMT+10) Community Judging: 22nd August - 29th August. Winner Entries will be judged by the RRU Community via a poll. The top 3 community chosen favorite entries will then then be passed on to our Mods/Admins to vote on our favourite from the 3. The winner will receive $50USD via PayPal*. Rules Disregarding the following rules may result in your entry being disqualified from the competition, so please read them! You must post your entry in this forum for this competition. Entry must be accessible to members & guests browsing. You may enter multiple entries. Entry must be suitable for General Audience (Nothing Adult Rated) You must enter between the Entry dates and time. (Obviously) Must be related to the LEGO Racers video game. Global Community Rules apply to the competition. Mods/Admins cannot enter. Be a good sport. Looking Forward to your Entries! Extra Details This competition is not sponsored/endorsed by LEGO/The LEGO Group. Winner will be contacted within 7 days. By submitting an entry you agree to follow the "Rules" of the competition.*If PayPal is not available, gift-able products up to the value of the prize are a viable option.
    8 points
  37. Lair

    LEGO Stunt Rally version differences

    Here we go again folks. After making this post when I discovered my copy of LEGO Stunt Rally did not contain all the command-line parameters mentioned by @TykeDean, I went tracking down this elusive other copy of LEGO Stunt Rally that contained more parameters. I managed to find it, and I've tried to write out all the file differences I found as best as I could. I think the gameplay is the same otherwise. Executables _msr.exe: The version is dated Monday, August 21, 2000, 8:40:10 AM, is 1,785,913 bytes, and is signed as version, "Copyright © 2000 Intelligent Games Ltd". The versionis dated Friday, October 06, 2000, 9:12:32 AM, is 1,785,913 bytes, and is signed as version, "Copyright © 2000 Intelligent Games Ltd". The Russian version is dated Monday, June 04, 2001, and is 1,658,880 bytes. It uses all the same parameters. Though I'm not entirely sure what they all do yet, all of the following command-line parameters should work with the version of _msr: /ALLAI /CDIN /DEBUGINFO /FILES /FREEFORM /FROMLAUNCHER /IGTEST /LOAD_TEXT /NORES /NOINTROVIDEO /RES_FILES /WINDOWED /XAFTOXBF The version of _msr can only use these parameters: /FILES /FREEFORM /FROMLAUNCHER /IGTEST /NOINTROVIDEO /XAFTOXBF StuntRally.exe/Setup.exe: The version is from Thursday, August 17, 2000, 8:00:22 AM, is 409,600 bytes, and is signed as version, "Copyright (C) 1999". The version is from Wednesday, September 13, 2000, 5:56:34 AM, is 421,888 bytes, and is signed as version, "Copyright (C) 1999". Installed files But wait! That's far from all that's different between these games. A good deal of files were removed or altered between the two versions of the game: For starters, is the version of the game that has the credits sequence tacked onto the end of the outro video. That version of the outro was created August 17, 2000, while the FMV without the credits was created August 30. The elusiveness of the credits sequence leads me to believe is probably the rarer version of the game. In version, the MIDI files of George Stone's "Trip Through the Grand Canyon" and Yello's "Oh Yeah" that can be found with the direct music files in ART0001.RFD are sitting uncompressed in the folder called art\music. They're still also in the archive file though. The folders for the direct music files are also in art\music here, but are all empty. A bunch of empty folders are also in art\frontend. These aren't here in the CAB data, so it must be something left over in the installer that was removed in ART0001.RF: The version of ART0001.RFD is from Wednesday, August 16, 2000, 10:55:08 PM, and is 78,815,447 bytes. The version of ART0001.RFH is from Wednesday, August 16, 2000, 10:55:08 PM, is 298,924 bytes, and links to 2793 files. The version of ART0001.RFD is from Monday, September 11, 2000, 10:50:50 AM, and is 63,618,752 bytes. The version of ART0001.RFH is from Monday, September 11, 2000, 10:50:50 AM, is 151,112 bytes, and links to 2793 files. Why the big size difference but no file difference? Well, for some reason, with version, if I extract the game data directly from the CAB files, the ART files are dated 4:55 PM instead of 10:55, and even though the content of all files is completely identical, extracting the CAB-extracted RFD file will dump out 5303 files. I have no idea why the RF Tool treats these two archives totally different just because one was extracted while the other was installed, and the RF files from the version don't act like this. A number of strange things extract from the cab-extracted ART RF file. Most of the extra files seem to be .txt versions of already-existing files, and redundant audio files. In aidata, there are txt files for the car AI alongside bin files that are used in the final game. Bluemon.txt (presumably Glacia's car?) contains this: While Bluemon.bin is not human-readable: Maybe this is another situation like the unused NRM/NRN files in Rock Raiders that were used to create the final NPL files that the game uses. Oddly, according to these files, Mr. X isn't actually faster than the other bosses, he just has faster "reflex", more rubber-banding, and higher "intelligence" whatever that means, so I don't know. Again though, why I can only access these files if I rip the RF file directly from the CAB instead of installing it, I have absolutely no idea. If they are related though, maybe they could help us figure out how to edit the AI files. There's a new folder "Sounds", which seems to just contain a lot of the same stuff from the SPEECH RF file. In this extraction, it's all in Dutch for some reason. Same thing happens when I extract SPEECH directly from the CAB of either version - now that I think about it, I'm not exactly sure how installers handle language files, but I guess that has to do with a lot of this stuff acting differently. There's also a new folder called "text", which mostly seems to contain short .txt files that each have a single bit of interface text in them. Not sure what it was replaced with, but nothing really interesting here, aside from some planned bio texts for the racers. Most of them just contain "placeholder" with a driver's name below that, but two of them actually have more stuff written in them (The first one is the file for Baron Flambo): Finally, there's a worlds folder that seems to contain textures for all the roads and scenery, as well as their sprites for the construction zone. I don't see how this would be unused though, where else would this stuff be stored? I don't know where the used textures are located, so if anyone else is familiar with the file structure of Stunt Rally please help out - if they aren't anywhere normally then somethings up and the RF Tool isn't perfected, if they are then maybe I'm just unobservant lmao. SPEECH0001.RF: The version of SPEECH0001.RFD is from Wednesday, August 16, 2000, 4:48:06 PM, and is 9,698,913 bytes. The version of SPEECH0001.RFH is from Wednesday, August 16, 2000, 4:48:06 PM, is 8,508 bytes, and links to 156 files. The version of SPEECH0001.RFD is from Friday, September 8, 2000, 1:43:32 PM, and is 9,698,317 bytes. The version of SPEECH0001.RFH is from Friday, September 8, 2000, 1:43:32 PM, is 8,508 bytes, and links to 156 files. The only difference I can find is with the the "congratulations, world champion" line that plays over the outro. In 3.5.1, the audio clip starts at the same time as the video does, and contains silence for the time until he starts speaking. In 3.8.1, the audio clip only contains his line with no silence at the beginning. Presumably they changed the audio syncing code to be a little fancier, so they could save a full half-kilobyte of storage space. Demo executables Finally, I checked the Eidos Interactive Japanese demo of the game, as well as one of the English demos - I'm not sure if there's only one version of that though. The Japanese demo version renames _msr.exe to LegoSRally.exe. This version is dated Friday, January 12, 2001, 5:49:18 PM, is a larger 2,039,808 bytes, and is signed as version, "Copyright © 2000 Intelligent Games Ltd" (and strangely still claims its language is UK English). The following parameters work with this version of the game: /FILES /FREEFORM /FROMLAUNCHER /IGTEST /NOINTROVIDEO /NORES /RES_FILES Unlike the English, it's missing /XAFTOXBF and now has /RES_FILES and /NORES included from the former version. Unfortunately, I don't know if the main Japanese version is like this, nor do I know what the Russian and Hebrew versions of this game are like. If anyone has or finds those please let me know. The English demo that I have seems to rename "moto.exe" to StuntRally.exe. This version is dated [I forgot lol], is 1,785,918 bytes, and is signed as version Only the following parameters work with it: /FREEFORM /FROMLAUNCHER I don't know what release versions of the game corresponds to what version of the game files. My copy seems to be an original release version by LEGO Media International, IB2G-STUFRS 2298851, might've come in a big box but it was just the case when I got it. I don't know what region it's from, the back of the case has the LMI copyright in French first, then English below it, and both full versions have a bunch of European languages available in the installer but default to English. I'm not sure how to check the exact region formatting - maybe it's from Canada? I guess if any of you have Stunt Rally, try to find which version of the files you have, the one with credits and parameters or the one without credits and few parameters (or any other ones that might be out there like the that the en-demo uses), and what release of the game yours is if you can tell.
    8 points
  38. Ben24x7

    LEGO Print Creator

    Hullo everyone, Several years ago, I got a copy of LEGO Island from a childhood friend (yes, this is relevant, keep reading), and included on the disk was a program called "LEGO Print Creator", it was even mentioned on the back of the box as a selling point. I tried out LEGO Print Creator as a kid, and honestly I thought it was boring, so I've never bothered using it since. Anyway, skip forward to today, where I rediscovered LPC (LEGO Print Creator), and asked on the RRU Discord if anyone knew about it. Some people were aware it existed, but nothing else. So I decided to boot it up, record some footage of it, and see if there was anything interesting I could dig up from it. According to the "credits", LPC was produced by a company called "The Bending Spoon". Upon Googling their company name (and digging through the various search results for "bending spoon magic trick"), I found a website for a company called "Bending spoons". While they do produce tech products, I can't confirm if their company is related to the one that made this program. The credits also list "The Lost Highway" for assisting with the game's "artwork". Considering half of the application's pictures/images are directly from LEGO Media/Software's previous titles, I'm guessing The Lost Highway was responsible for creating the UI, or the 3D renders used for LPC's icons/buttons (its not unusual for Classic LEGO game developers to outsource stuff to other companies, such as how DDI outsourced "LEGO Rock Raiders" cutscenes to Artworld UK). I should probably mention that my copy of LEGO Island was published by GSP (Global Software Publishing) sometime between 1997-2002 (according to the back of the box. When starting up LPC, and the obligatory LEGO Software logo appears, it states that the game is "copyright 2001", but I cannot confirm if that's the year my copy of LI was released). I've heard that LPC was also included in other classic LEGO game bundles, and I'm curious if those bundles were also published by GSP, or if they were also released between 1997-2002. Initially I was going to explain how the game works using words, but instead I recorded some footage of LPC in action, which you can watch here (I sincerely apologise for how long and boring it is, but I'm only trying to show it in action); Sadly there's not much to it. For a program based on a series of games based on a construction toy that promotes creativity, this software feels extremely... limited. Like, you can rotate and scale characters/objects, but only to pre-set angles and sizes. You can't change the position of a single element, and you have to use the "Select layout" wand to move everything to pre-set locations. There is some indication that the developers wanted the user to have more control, as you can import your own images/pictures (as long as it's a .jpg or .bmp image), and you have full control over the font/size/colour of text, but its not a lot. Probably the best thing about LEGO Print Creator, are the character/object renders, mainly because they are high quality renders of previous LEGO Media: So because LEGO Print Creator has a great collection of high quality renders, I have bundled all the "high resolution" images together into one giant pack for y'all to download and enjoy. Admittedly, some images didn't come with a "high resolution" version, so the quality overall isn't consistent, but its a pretty sweet collection of official high-quality LEGO Media/Software renders. Enjoy: http://www.rockraidersunited.com/files/dl-r197/ -- Ben24x7 -- (I'm sorry if this is all incomprehensible gibberish. Its getting extremely late, and I'm having trouble thinking straight)
    8 points
  39. Cyrem

    Rock Raiders Music without CD Fix

    Rock Raiders without music has long been an issue, but following this small guide will restore the music back into the game and you won’t even need the game CD or any other audio disc. How Does it Work? LEGO Rock Raiders uses Media Control Interface (MCI) calls to play tracks from the CD-ROM. This is done through the Windows Multimedia API (winmm) which comes standard with all Windows installations. Since we want to play music without the disc we essentially need to re-route those calls from LRR to our own version of "winmm" which plays OGG files from the Music folder. This fix is based on Toni Spets' OGG winmm wrapper which I have modified to suite LRR. Applying the Fix To begin, download the Music Fix which contains all the necessary files you’ll need for this guide. The download also includes the 3 songs from the PC game in case your copy was one of those missing the audio track on your CD-ROM. Inside the ZIP file you downloaded, there will be 4 DLL files and a ‘Music’ folder containing 3 songs. Extract all these files and folders into your Rock Raiders installation directory (alongside LegoRR.exe). Your LRR should look something like this afterward. Thats all there is to it! If you run the game music should now begin playing after dismissing the “Mission Brief” on all game levels. If you wish to have all the music from the LEGO Rock Raiders games, download the music collection. All the music files are located in the "Music" folder, these files must be OGG files and must be named "Trackxx.ogg" (replace xx with any number from 00 - 98). If you would like to play your own music, there are OGG convertors online, or programs such as Audacity which will convert other audio formats to OGG. Enjoy
    8 points
  40. pivke

    LI2ME - Lego Island 2 Mesh Exporter 0.1.0

    LI2ME - Lego Island 2 Mesh Exporter Plugin LI2ME is just another modding tool for Lego Island 2. This is a plugin written for Milkshape 3D to save you custom models and meshes in Lego Island 2's *.MSH-format. I decided to develop this plugin for Milkshape 3D, because it gives you huge ability in interacting with many other formats. My first choice was to develop a plugin for Blender, but as it's not supporting that many formats it would have been not as flexible as with Milkshape 3D. Features This plugin cares for everything itself. That means that even your meshgrouping and texture coordinates are overtaken into the *.MSH-format. Furthermore it will calculate normals in realtime. You can chose between smooth and straight normals, which will lets you control wether to let your model appear more edgy or more softly ingame. Since the version 0.1.0 it supports collision files. That means, you can tick a checkbox on the plugin which will create a *.col-file besides the *.msh-file with the same name. For now, it will simply generate a single axis-aligned bounding box around your model. Screenshots Download You can download the plugin on the Sourceforge page (This plugin is, just like LI2GE and LI2TA, opensource and under GNU-GPL license) Installation To use this plugin you need to download Milkshape 3D. You need to activate Milkshape 3D by probably buying it. Please mention that we won't discuss here on how to crack that software or where to get serials. The whole export plugin is combined in one single DLL-file. From the downloaded archive, just copy the "msMSHExporter.dll" and paste it into your Milkshape 3D installation folder "../Program Files/MilkShape 3D 1.8.4/*paste here*". Be sure to not change the name of the plugin ("msMSHExporter.dll"). Milkshape 3D is registrating new plugins by it's first letters "msXXX.dll". Bugs & Improvements LI2ME isn't outgoing tested. When you have improvements, problems or you are encountering bugs, please feel free to create a ticket on the SourceForge project page. Remember that you are helping other people too with your commitment. Have fun! :-)
    8 points
  41. Xboxnang

    Questions about LEGO Rock Raiders game development

    Hi all, just a quick message to say I found some development CD's for the PC, NTSC and PAL versions. Have added a pic here https://photos.app.goo.gl/xJRJ72KUCqCvUkLv5 Will try and answer some more questions soon, really busy right now.
    8 points
  42. Xevengar

    Lego Racers Christmas Edition

    Release Date: Available Now Download Link - Lego Racers Xmas Edition How to install: Swap the Lego.jam file in your lego racers folder with the one in the download link Description: Hello everyone, how is everybody doing? I know this may seem a bit early and weird, but here is the deal, I'm currently making a project for fun and I plan to share it with you guys, so I'm putting this up here now so a larger audience knows about it. So, what is this Christmas Edition? Every year since I was younger, I play me some Lego Racers in the x-mas holidays, as well as "Christmas Nights Into Dreams". For those that are not familiar "Nights into dreams" is one of the most popular games for the Sega Saturn, and they released for free a demo called "Christmas Nights" which basicly is the original game but with christmas themed levels, bonus etc etc. I decided to work on something similar for Lego Racers, and I have been working on it for some time now, so I'm close to being finished. The mod will include: -All original tracks will be "christmasfied" (snow, decorations, new skies etc) -Some tracks will be more "complete" (More trees, ships etc) -New Christmas inspired minifigs -New skins for bosses -New paintjob for boss's and minifig's cars -New color for warp powerup (it will be red instead of blue) -Green colored brick in build menu instead of blue - and possibly more stuff since there is still time for the time being I leave you with a couple of pictures. I Hope you enjoy what you see here so far! Take care and have fun! Download Link - Lego Racers Xmas Edition
    8 points
  43. Mr. Skeltal

    Better Quality Intro Video

    I had this crazy idea during school to try and clean up the FMV from the PlayStation version of the game, and put it into the PC version, for a better quality video. So, I got home, got my tools out, and made a video file that I feel looks and sounds better than the original intro video, included in the PC version. You can download the higher res intro here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1iSoWI3_-9gvsHROOxdOxaq16dlxh_Fi4 To use, simply go to your Rock Raiders install directory, go to the DATA folder, then into the AVI folder. Rename the downloaded file as intro.avi, and drag it into the folder. There ya go! Your Rock Raiders intro video should now be better quality! EDIT: Incase anyone wants it for some reason, here is the full resolution upscale: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_jey_UEhddfdePhv5jEsQ6q4W3P1HkHM
    8 points
  44. Packer

    Cave Raiders (LRR Remake)

    A remake of Lego Rock Raiders, updated, enhanced and improved from the original game. About: Cave Raiders is a recreation of Lego Rock Raiders, originally being developed in Torque 3D as a Multiplayer first person experience, now being redone in Unity with a much closer match to the original single player experience with all the modern improvements. This game is being developed from the ground up using Unity, no code from the original game is being used and its a time consuming process. Development has been ongoing since Q1 of 2018 with public discord server going up around May. The title Cave Raiders was chosen to avoid confusion with the original game that could easily be recognized as it's own game. There will be a lot of content reused from LRR (Sound, Music, Icons) however the visuals will generally be recreated or enhanced. Discord: Link News and updates posted regularly as they're developed. Downloads: Test versions on the Discord server, when a stable release is completed; it will be placed here. Screenshots: Main Menu Test Animation: Link Features: Ideally recreating all of the original games content is the goal, there will also be improvements, fixes and changes. Below are a few planned and already added features. Modern Visuals - Every stud on every brick included (With a toggle tick box to turn them off for extra performance) plus accurate to the brick vehicles and structures. Built in Map Editor - Why use external tools when you can do it all within the same game (Loading maps from LRR will not be added). Rock Raider Avatars - Raiders now have customization and will have visual presets depending on the raiders training. Extra Structures, Vehicles and functionality - The Tunnel Transport wasn't a usable vehicle in the original (Without mods), it and a few other pieces will be included with new functionality to the original play sets such as picking up vehicles and transporting them over water/lava etc. Also potential new "Helipad" structure for air vehicles separating them for special levels/tech. Re-balanced Wall Tier System - There are now 5 types of destructible wall tiers (Diet, Loose Rock, Rock, Hard Rock, Condensed Rock). The purpose being for more diverse use of each vehicle giving them more reason to be used and additionally adding Condense Rock for an end game style mining. Re-purposing laser vehicles and structures - When implemented, they will include two modes. Mining and Weapons, allowing for better combat use and basic mining functionality for more vehicle tech versatility instead of just Raiders using weapons. Future Features: Also known as Feature Creep Custom Walls, Resources, Structures, Vehicles (aka Mod Support) - While the game is being developed with this in mind, getting it working and safe for everyone to use is extremely time consuming. HD Textures - A likely patch or toggle option in the future. A complete rework of all the textures in the game to make them pop and look much more modern
    8 points
  45. Ben24x7

    RRU Comic Collab: Towerfall

    I know I'm bumping a topic that has been in-active for a whole year, but I do have something relevant to post. This summer, I decided to try and get into the swing of making comics (which at least gives me something to do, rather than lounging around doing nothing), and since I wanted to just jump straight into making something without the hassle of coming up with a plot, characters, environment, etc from scratch, I thought it would be a great idea to dig up RRU Towerfall and actually do something with it: (Apologies for the not-so-stellar writing, it's the reason I prefer drawing rather than writing stories) I had three other strips planned out in advance (all to be released at the same time as this one), but since this was a small one-off I didn't want to invest too much time into it (plus this strip fits well with the six-panel limit) Besides, if someone decides to continue this, you'll likely come up with something more interesting than what I had in mind). (I should probably explain that, although we've only got three characters, I was implying there were four because I misunderstood part of McJobless' topic OP - I thought he stated he was going to work on his own character bio, but I just realised he's only mentioning it as an example)
    8 points
  46. lu9

    Google Translated LEGO Island 2 (GBC)

    Hello! I am back again for the 9999th time... this time I bring you something that might be quite interesting. (I don't know if this is the right forum for this though...) This is obviously inspired by a rather recent hack called Google Translated Pokémon - in which the entire game's text is put in Google Translate, "translated" to a bunch of languages and then back to english, which more often than not results in complete nonsense... I decided to do that idea but in GBC LEGO Island 2 as the text is (kinda) easy to edit... it turned out quite interesting. This is the very first version so there might be issues (or not, idk) but another version is planned, but very unlikely, in which the cards in-game are also translated. (they are stored as individual images in the game and they're all over the place) You can download it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mlwotgymc79fluq/Google Translated LEGO Island 2.ips?dl=1 As a patch, of course... I Don't think ROMs are allowed here :v So you can use Floating IPS, Lunar IPS or any other patcher program you use on the European LI2 GBC ROM. So have fun talking to everyone! (or not)
    8 points
  47. lol username

    Series 18 Race Car Guy (Rocket Racer?) Reference Photos

    Series 18 of the collectible minifigures includes a "Race Car Guy"... The official bios for this series aren't out yet, so we don't know if he's truly supposed to be a Rocket Racer redesign, or something else (since the theme of this series is a costume party). Still, I thought maybe people would want to mod this guy into the Racers games, and I just got him at LEGOLAND California a few days ago... So I got some photos for anyone to use. They're not the absolute best, but they're good enough for reference when making textures.
    8 points
  48. aidenpons

    LEGO Awesomeness

    While reading up on some old MOCs I bumped across Phantom Terror's Makuta entry for a Lego's "Build your Makuta" competition. A short bit of googling later, the winner of the competition was thus: It took me several minutes to grasp the size of that thing. (For your convenience, the competition entries are all conveniently archived here.) Bonus: I thought this was rather amusing: Makuta, Master of Spaghetti: (oh, and is it standard practice in this topic to put images in spoilers, or not?)
    8 points
  49. Ayliffe

    Project Island - a LEGO Island fan-made sequel

    Could write a lengthy post here about how I'm intrigued but sceptical due to the lack of any actual proof of game other than character renders in the OP, but there's a really good tweet thread out there that already covers the subject really well so I'll just plonk that here: So, uh, yeah - I would've personally worked on getting some headway with the actual game/a rough demo of what ya wanna achieve before going all-out with renders and teasers an' the like, but still - best of luck with the project innit.
    8 points
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