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RRU Quotes 2008-2013


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I've had influenza both type A and B for a few days, and I laughed so hard that I coughed as if I was stuck in a room being filled with a neurotoxin.

thanks for damaging my lungs


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Consider this post effectively PINGAS'd

Edited by LordZakida
This is not the place for that kind of behaviour, even if it did bear the disguise of an on-topic post.
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Pascal: i cin hiz pingis , iri yii srs? rirw , pliying zirk is iwisimi

[5:35:17 PM] Lair of Rockwhales: Joe doesn't know who you work for when you lose your last ruby

[5:35:24 PM] Cirevam: : O

[5:35:41 PM] Cirevam: Harlequin shouldn't hear that.

[5:36:21 PM] Cirevam: His desire to be known amongst poopers knows no bounds.

[5:40:08 PM] Lair of Rockwhales: Well

[5:40:14 PM] Cirevam: Well

[5:40:16 PM] Cirevam: Well

[5:40:22 PM] Lair of Rockwhales: That's a deep subject

Smaveric: Sorry Link, I can't do that! The light's about to... MMMM, change!

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Thank you addict...it's nice to know people think about me while I'm out partying...

I still don't know if you're being sarcastic.

[4:25:06 PM PDT] Lair: [6:25:01 PM] Cirevam: You don't

<<< I do

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TMLC: "You don't know what a MOAB is, do you? Nor do you know what Asbergers (I think I misspelled that) either."

Thank you TMLC. That was the stupidest and most random response to a video about lasers ever.

[1/30/2011 6:48:51 PM] TheDoctor: thanks for the half a frame picture

[1/30/2011 6:49:16 PM] TheDoctor: now I don't feel like downloading it just to pick apart frames just to get flipped off

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TMLC: "You don't know what a MOAB is, do you? Nor do you know what Asbergers (I think I misspelled that) either."

Thank you TMLC. That was the stupidest and most random response to a video about lasers ever.

I'm sorry TMLC, but you're Retarded if you think we don't know what Asbergers is. I have it!

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[03:02:29] Doc: I WAS going to make a house out of tnt

[03:02:52] Doc: then whack it

[03:03:02] Doc: and laugh like a goddamn idiot

[03:03:05] Cirevam: I WAS going to make a mole out of tnt

[03:03:07] Cirevam: then whack it

[03:03:19] Cirevam: and laugh like a doctor

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I Think I screwed up in MOCing today: I just finished building some flying PM thing (I dubbed it the PMS Explorer), and then I realized something: IT LOOKS LIKE THE LRR TUNNEL TRANSPORT!!


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I Think I screwed up in MOCing today: I just finished building some flying PM thing (I dubbed it the PMS Explorer), and then I realized something: IT LOOKS LIKE THE LRR TUNNEL TRANSPORT!!


There are always things that just don't seem right when you look something over a few times. (look at the bold word.)
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Can we all stop being immature and realize that PMS is just a part of life?

(Albeit something that you guys will never get to experience as Personally as I have...but still)

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What James just said. *snicker snicker* bAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... heh.


I mean, I didn't literally laugh out loud about the whole thing until I read this post. xD

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Extreme110 Oi Cyrem, you're about to be (possibly) hit with a cyclone...you evacutating? Or are you invincible?

Yesterday, 09:21 PM · Delete · Unlock · Lock

Cyrem Yesterday, 10:40 PM · Delete

I've karate chopped car dash boards with my head, had my arm broken by doctors, lived through floods... I've been fighting ever since that umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck 4 times. This measly cyclone shall not effect me.

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LZ: Oh god, what the heck... who would do that?!

Sarge: What did I do?

LZ: No, go to the random chat.

Sarge: Okay.......... uh... OH WHAT THE F-


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LZ: Oh god, what the heck... who would do that?!

Sarge: What did I do?

LZ: No, go to the random chat.

Sarge: Okay.......... uh... OH WHAT THE F-


I realize I left this kind of bland, so I will clarify now.

The first snippet was over voicechat, so it isn't verbatim, as I was laughing too hard at Sarge's reaction to remember it exactly.

And what we happened to be reacting to was a certain picture of the infomaniac that SOMEONE made or found somewhere.

The second was said by Extremewithnumbers. Probably easy to figure out, but I say this annehwayz.

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[1:43:04 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "SALT SALT SALT SALT SALTASDFNSDGSDFMKNDFFFFFFFFSEM? <<<<<<<< PAT" ***

[1:43:35 PM] *** Vae Victus has changed the conversation topic to "Domination has an epic Breakdown" ***

[1:43:51 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation picture. ***

[1:44:49 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "SURPRISE BUTTSECKS" ***

[1:46:05 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "pies" ***

[1:46:45 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "piness" ***

[1:46:49 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation picture. ***

[1:46:57 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "" ***

[1:47:03 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "pingas" ***

[1:47:04 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "spee soup" ***

[1:47:23 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "115 seconds remaining" ***

[1:47:47 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "I HAVE TO EAT OR MY BUS WILL SHOVES ITS SAGNIP UP MY TOASTER OVEN!" ***

[1:48:13 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "I accidentally my favorite teacup." ***

[1:48:15 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "All toasters toast toast." ***

[1:49:08 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation picture. ***

[1:49:22 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "All toasters toast MAMA LUIGI" ***

[1:49:31 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "I WANT A NECK AS LONG AS THIS GUYS FOR WHEN I NEED TO EAT UP HIGH WHEN I GROW UP" ***

[1:49:46 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation picture. ***

[1:49:51 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "I LIKE CEREAL!" ***

[1:50:06 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "I LIKE Lamp oil" ***

[1:50:09 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "JUST AS PLANNED." ***

[1:51:21 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "WALL OF TEXT" ***

[1:51:28 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "JELLY BABY" ***

[1:51:46 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "WARGUY ATE A JELLY BABY" ***

[1:53:38 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "I'M SO HUNGRY, I COULD EAT AN OCTOROK!" ***

[1:54:00 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "I CHISLED IT" ***

[1:55:25 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "LUIGI, HUSH, THEY DON'T KNOW CHISELS DON'T EXIST IN THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM" ***

[1:55:55 PM] *** Lair has changed the conversation topic to "IT'S A STONE" ***

[1:56:12 PM] *** Storm has changed the conversation topic to "aeiou" ***

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Extreme110: Australia, meanwhile, has raised its security level from "No worries" to "She’ll be alright, Mate." Three more escalation levels remain: "Crikey!", "I think we'll need to cancel the Barbie this weekend", and "The Barbie is cancelled."

Extreme110: That guy is a bloody legend

Extreme110: lol

Cyrem: hahaha awesome

LordZakida: win

Extreme110: The barbie wasn't even canceled during the flood

Extreme110: they made a special raft for it

Cyrem: worst disaster that could ever happen would be to forget the sausages.

Extreme110: LOLOLOL

Cyrem: death row for that crime.

Extreme110: Steak.

Extreme110: They kill you 3 times for forgeting the steak.

LordZakida: PORK

Extreme110: lol

Cyrem: BLEH!

Extreme110: Pork is good...but it's not steak.

Cyrem: what is that?

Cyrem: some sort of vege?

Extreme110: lolol

LordZakida: pork is piggeh

Cyrem: we don't eat vege's

LordZakida: same animal that bacon comes from

Extreme110: Ba...c...on?

Cyrem: no zombiepigmen?

LordZakida: BACON

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