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RRU Minecraft Server


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Interested in joining soon hopefully.

Looks like you only need to make 2 more posts, and then you are eligible. What's your Minecraft IGN?





:P Well I'll whitelist you and send you a PM for the IP. Just reply to this and you'll be eligible!

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The Ace Railgun

Interested in joining soon hopefully.

Looks like you only need to make 2 more posts, and then you are eligible. What's your Minecraft IGN?



:P Well I'll whitelist you and send you a PM for the IP. Just reply to this and you'll be eligible!

You know, the IP is in the topic's OP :P

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The Ace Railgun

I don't think so, I mean really, you can't connect to the server without being on the whitelist, so there's really no need for all this "security". It just seems really silly to want to keep the IP "private" and frankly, it seems like overkill. Plus, when we get Spigot w/Spongepowered API I'm going to install some extra server security plugins.

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Whoo! I'm allowed to enter in 7 days! Am I allowed to make videos on the server for youtube?

Yay! I don't see why you can't make videos, unless it causes an influx of members joining RRU just to join the server. I doubt that'd happen though. :)

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The Ace Railgun

Server updated to version 1.8.1 please update your client before you log onto the server.

Update: I'm currently testing something on the server (Installing WorldEdit), so if it's down, don't freak out and come running to JJ, I have a back up of the server's .jar and can restore it whenever. Also, if I do successfully install Worldedit DO NOT use any of the commands until JJ, along with the other mods, and I can get Permissions set up. If you do use WE you will be automatically banned (Length will depend on the amount of damage you did). Even though I think it's an op only command, I'm just putting this warning up to be cautious.

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Thanks, Ace. :thumbsup:


I almost forgot about this, it's time for... UHC: Round 2!

Rather than see who wishes to play and then work out the best time, I'll be setting a time and seeing who can make it. This way we can avoid pages of organising in a PM.


The proposed time for UHC: Round 2 is Sunday 30th November, 6pm UTC.


So, if you are free and would like to play UHC, please let me know! Post here, on the linked thread, PM me or contact me in the shoutbox. You could try Skype too but I rarely use it. I look forward to hearing from you!

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I believe at that time I am 1 day eligible to join the server :D

I need to discuss with my parents though. It's 7pm for me and it might take a couple hours.

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My dad is away from home atm, so I sadly can't discuss yet. Looks amazing. This will be my first game coop with rru!

P.s. Can I record it and upload it on youtube?

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Hmm wait. Am I in or not? My parents aren't out of it yet.

I don't mind if I can't join anymore though.

Argh, and I thought about joining this UHC round (but I am not entirely sure (but this was also the case last time ^^ )). Maybe next time.

If you both reply by tonight I'll still be able to add you in. :) It's just that tomorrow things need to be sorted out in the PM before the match, hence I closed entries.

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I'm allowed! If it takes longer than 1 our though, I need to sacrifice some gaming time for the next week, but it's worth it! (My parents are very strict and I'm only allowed to game for one hour a day, as in like I game only 30 minutes on monday so I can game 30 minutes longer on sunday)

Another thing, I believe I'm able to join the server tomorrow! (Parteeey!)

IGN: PCFreak7

Just in case :D

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That's great news! Are you sure though? UHC lasts 3 hours. It may be that you die before then, but if not that's a fair bit of time you'd be losing...


Also, I should probably mention, using new 1.8 commands I'll be adding a proper ending to the matches now. After 3 hours have passed, remaining players have 5 minutes during which the world border continuously shrinks until it reaches the middle. Hence you'll be forced to fight each other.  >:P I physically am not able to manage rounds of UHC for longer than 3 hours (well, I shouldn't be doing it for more than 1-2 really), so this is a great boon for me anyway.

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