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RRU Quotes 2: Reckoning

Alcom Isst

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[4:01:52 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: f****
[4:01:54 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Anyways
[4:01:59 PM] Hugh Wotmeigh: It's Australia Day.
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[4:02:20 PM] Ciprian: I get paid by the potato

[4:02:43 PM] Amauros: how much does the potato pay you?

[4:04:19 PM] Ciprian: such very

[4:10:53 PM] L Z: that is the best goddamn answer ever

ever such very answer best

[3:21:02 PM] Robobiter: *Fires off a cannonade*

[3:21:05 PM] Robobiter: And still no dragons.

[4:21:16 PM] Robobiter: We just need Musk to get us his space itnernet.

le717: Be prepared.

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[1/25/2015 11:43:32 PM] Triangle717: What's more dangerous:
[1/25/2015 11:43:46 PM] Triangle717: Java at 11:45 PM, or JavaScript at 11:45 PM?
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[4:45:55 PM] Brigs: so i had a kid over to play with my legos
[4:47:02 PM] Brigs: things quickly escalated into a deranged lego sonic fanfic
[5:26:42 PM] jamesster: 0.o
i am positive this is all somehow your fault
[6:04:31 PM] jamesster: .... wat
[6:04:36 PM] jamesster: oh goodness what
[6:05:07 PM] Brigs: yeah

[8:29:12 PM] Brigs: let me tell you a story
[8:29:21 PM] jamesster: ok
[8:29:27 PM | Edited 8:29:31 PM] Brigs: i call it 'legos and sanics adventure: ABBRIDED EDITION'
[8:32:10 PM] Brigs: once upon a time dr eggman made a base and disguised it as a lego factory (nobody would ever suspect it, because everyone LOVES legos!)
[8:33:43 PM] Brigs: he built a bunch of robot mooks, which had a peculiar predisposition for inanity and pizaz
[8:35:53 PM] Brigs: one day mr lego shows up and tells eggman that he had just acquired a license from sega to produce lego sonic merchandise
[8:36:13 PM] Brigs: furious, eggface promptly dispatches mr lego into a lifeless state of chronic deadness
[8:43:35 PM] Brigs: sanic runs in, seemingly ignoring the bloodied corpse aside
[8:43:49 PM] Brigs: dr eggman tells the robos to shoot sanic te hedgehog but hes too fast
[8:44:02 PM] Brigs: then blonny blunder shows up and asks if anybody has seen his bloomin hat
[8:44:21 PM] Brigs: both sanic and eggmoon tell him they havent seen his bloomin hat
[8:49:02 PM | Edited 8:49:10 PM] Brigs: blonny walks off the set, before spontaneously exclaiming, 'hey, my hat!'
[8:57:10 PM] Brigs: sanic then runs off, as the robos forgot they were sposed to be shoting at him
then kevin hinkle shows up, explaining that theres a lego convention and they need sanic sets produced. 'we need forty two... HUNDRED! by tomorrow!'
tee vee here wants to order a pizza but eggface doesnt let him but tee vee here goes ahead and does it anyway
when tee vee goes to answer the door, he is horrified to find it is not the pizzaman, but SANIC TE HEGEHOG on the other end! 
as sonic makes himself welcome, eggman tells sanic to press the conspicuous red button, but sanic was too genre savvy for him
eggman insists it doesnt do anything, and presses it himself but nothing seems to happens
a moment latter a divine net falls from the heavens above onto dr eggface and 1x1 trans-red studs smite him from the skies
and then he dieded
the robots chanted something about doorbells and dead witches before proclaiming sanic to be their new leader
then the reanimated corpse of mr. lego walks in and says he did some focus groups and found demand to be much higher than anyone had anticipated, reevaluating the number of sets to be a hundred... THOUSAND! BY 9:00 A.M.!!!
sanic goes to the scrappy yard (cuz there was no plastic to be found in the factory) and looked and brought back plastic junk they would transform into an even more ghastly plastic junks.
it was 1:00 A.M. in the morning, but somehow sanic manages to get all the sets made
then mr lego comes in AGAIN and says they did even MORE focus groups, and had to reevaluate the quanitity of sets produced AGAIN to a thousand... MILLION!
so he goes back to the scrappy yard and brings back more plastic junks to create even more ghastly plastic junks.
it was 8:00 A.M., and they finally had the sets packed into the delivery truck (which had a suspicious resemblance to a certain assembly blockader) and their job was finished
so they order a pizza and celebrate until tee vee points out that the delivery blockader was still on the driveway and it was fifteen minutes away from the deadline
so sanic gets in the delivery blockader and drives the sets to the tiny store with three seconds to spare.
everybody lived happily after, but mostly mr. lego, cuz he jacked up the price on the sets ran away with all of the money
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[04:54:13] Will Kirkby: Step 1: play as Tauriel
[04:54:13] Will Kirkby: Step 2: go into a particular building
[04:54:17] Will Kirkby: Step 3: jiggle
[04:54:19] Will Kirkby:

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[3:58:10 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: Telltale has always only made Point-and-Clicks

[3:58:25 AM] Will Kirkby: if they got the Lego license

[3:58:30 AM] Will Kirkby: surely then it'd be Point-and-Bricks

[3:58:38 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: jesus Christ :D

[4:06:32 AM] Seradima: Telltale Minecraft

[4:06:59 AM] Will Kirkby: no that's Point-and-Picks

[4:10:52 AM] Seradima: .......................

[4:10:54 AM] Seradima: god dammit will

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[11:59 PM] Will Kirkby has changed the chat topic to Rock Raiders United room. Valve are good at making games.

[12:00 AM] tauka_usanake has changed the chat topic to Rock Raiders United room. Valve are good at making games and sequels. Only.

[12:00 AM] Will Kirkby has changed the chat topic to Rock Raiders United room. How dare you change my topic.

[12:01 AM] tauka_usanake has changed the chat topic to Rock Raiders United room. Come at me bro

[12:01 AM] Will Kirkby has changed the chat topic to Rock Raiders United room. m8 u fkn startin'

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[11:21:06 AM] Ramius Antillies: Hey Cire, what's that thing in Milkshape to fuse almost together vertices together?

[11:22:18 AM] Ramius Antillies: Never mind, god it.

[11:22:20 AM] Ramius Antillies: Flatten.

[12:43:18 PM] Cirevam: Ctrl+N to put them on top of each other, then Ctrl+W to weld. Or you can use the Weld Nearest Vertices in the Vertex menu

[2:49:52 PM] Ramius Antillies: Omg, Cire.

[2:50:02 PM] Ramius Antillies: Welding is beautiful :`)

[2:51:51 PM] jamesster: be sure to arrange your triangles in a way that allows for maximum stripping ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

[2:52:37 PM] Cirevam: Or assign to groups and unhide as needed

[3:30:14 PM] Cyrem : [2:50 PM] Ramius Antillies: <<< Welding is beautiful :`)

did you wear protection? ; )

[3:32:36 PM] Cirevam: It's okay, the smoothing groups were on his side

[3:33:24 PM] Ramius Antillies: Silky smooth

we are mature adults, you can tell by how many kids games we mod and how many sex jokes we make

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[05:44:49] jamesster: or
[05:45:03] jamesster: we could get the devs back together and have them re-create their original game design
[05:45:18] jamesster: and thus kill two boards with one bone
[05:45:45] jamesster: I just kinda gave up on words
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[11:37:57 PM] Alcom Isst: Jamesster, you can't just go around asking people to put dickbutt on everything.

[12:38:08 AM] Will Kirkby: '>

[12:38:09 AM] Will Kirkby: f**** it

[12:38:11 AM] Will Kirkby: close enough


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[1:48:04 PM] Slightly Seradima: '>

[1:48:23 PM] Slightly Seradima: This image shows perfectly the amount of interconnectiveness and worldbuilding of Dark Souls.

[1:49:16 PM] Slightly Seradima: The small and faint building circled in red is the Duke's ARchives, one of the very last places you'll ever visit in the game.

[1:49:29 PM] Slightly Seradima: He's currently in Undead Burgh, the first area you'll likely go to.

[1:49:39 PM] Alcom Isst: Why's there a hat on their elbow?

[1:49:49 PM] Slightly Seradima: elbow armor

[1:50:07 PM] Alcom Isst: Why's they using a hat for elbow armor?

[1:50:13 PM] Slightly Seradima: idunno

[1:50:17 PM] Slightly Seradima: its japanese

[1:50:23 PM] Slightly Seradima: it was either this or scantily clad anime women

[1:51:23 PM] Noghiri: '> this image shows perfectly the amount of interconnectiveness and worldbuilding in a sock.

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[9:35:55 PM] Triangle717: Night
[9:35:59 PM] Noghiri: and now
[9:36:03 PM] The Ace Railgun: Bye le
[9:36:06 PM] Noghiri: if we observe carefully
[9:36:11 PM] Triangle717: NOPE
[9:36:21 PM] Noghiri: we can watch a Wild Le transform into a pumpkin.
[9:36:47 PM] Noghiri: Scientists do not yet know
[9:36:48 PM] Stan McStudz: "I'M VERY HUNGRY"
[9:37:02 PM] jamesster: I knew what studs was typing as soon as I saw his name appear
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[1:01:02 AM] Stan McStudz: Anyway, bes

[1:01:03 AM] Stan McStudz: Bed

[1:01:11 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: [1:01 AM] Stan McStudz:

<<< bes

[1:01:25 AM] Stan McStudz: Ben

[1:01:41 AM] jamesster: [1:01 AM] Stan McStudz:

<<< bes

[1:01:50 AM] jamesster: not the bes

[1:02:03 AM] Stan McStudz: wes

[1:02:10 AM] Stan McStudz: les

[1:02:12 AM] Stan McStudz: mess

[1:02:17 AM] jamesster: rhea

[1:02:25 AM] jamesster: ... I don't know.

[1:02:25 AM] Stan McStudz: ...WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW

[1:02:27 AM] jamesster: why that

[1:02:29 AM] jamesster: but I

[1:02:30 AM] jamesster: lol

[1:02:37 AM] Stan McStudz: bloody brilliant

[1:02:43 AM] jamesster: sorry not sorry

[1:02:54 AM] Will Kirkby: [1:02 AM] Stan McStudz:

<<< les

<<< mess


[1:02:58 AM] Stan McStudz: I'm not even mad. That's amasing.

[1:03:12 AM] jamesster: I love you all

[1:03:21 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: YOU'RE THE BES

[1:03:22 AM] Hugh Wotmeigh: AROUND



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[1:21:03 PM] Noghiri: i'm awake

[1:21:17 PM] Noghiri: woke up at zero dark 30, went to work, got back, slept for an hour

[1:22:15 PM] Noghiri: also, one of my bosses told a person from corporate who was stopping by that I was very good at my job despite only working there for 2-3 weeks.

[1:22:36 PM] Noghiri: I feel simulntaneously proud of myself and like I want to hide under a rock

[1:24:53 PM] bartvbl: please do. You'd rock at it

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[12:07:18 AM] Jamesster: http://lime-paradox.tumblr.com/


[12:15:46 AM] Ramius Antillies: James, which is better:

[12:15:49 AM] Ramius Antillies: lemon or lime?
[12:16:06 AM] Jamesster: when life gives you lemons you get a portal 2 reference
[12:16:12 AM] Jamesster: when life gives you limes you get bonkles
[12:16:30 AM] Ramius Antillies: Bonkles?  That sounds like an STI that a clown would get.
[12:18:47 AM] Jamesster: that's amazing
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[03:31:50] Jim Brickkeeper: Huh. You can cause a minifigure to keel over with a seizure by tapping on them in LEGO Fusion.
[03:32:14] Jim Brickkeeper: Oh wait,
[03:32:29] Jim Brickkeeper: I'm sorry, you can cause them to laugh.
[03:32:41] Jim Brickkeeper: Yes, laughing, that's it.
[03:33:01] Jim Brickkeeper: You can cause them to keel over laughing.
[03:33:11] Jim Brickkeeper: Laughing.

And just for reference in 10 months' time:

[03:33:20] Will Kirkby: guys I want this on record:
[03:33:26] Will Kirkby: LegoOrange is going to be the Star Wars 7 game
[03:33:49] Will Kirkby: either a standalone or a 7-9 compilation game but I'd wager a standalone
[03:34:06] Will Kirkby: in august 2013 Disney did this:
--- snip ---
[03:34:26] Will Kirkby: in oct/nov 2013, Lego Marvel arrived with the first known occurance of "LegoOrange" in the game executable
[03:34:28] Noghiri: I'd wager a 7-9 compilation, that's how LSW1 went, so did LSW2 and LSW3
--- snip ---
[03:34:42] Will Kirkby: it's appeared in every TT game binary since with seemingly no finalized game
[03:35:15] Will Kirkby: every other notable franchise has had its codename accounted for by me, so it seems logical that Star Wars 7 is going to be LegoOrange.
[03:35:37] Will Kirkby: I'm now going to post this in the quotes thread so we can look at how right I was in 10 months' time.
[03:35:53] Will Kirkby: note: this is pure speculation on my part
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[11:27:31 PM] Alcom Isst: OH!
[11:27:33 PM] Alcom Isst: AH HA!
[11:28:39 PM] Alcom Isst: So I have to
1. Select the input box.
2. Press the button.
3. Select the port box, which is a... I dunno what that is.
4. Unpress the button.
[11:28:43 PM] Alcom Isst: That seems to work.
[11:28:49 PM] Alcom Isst: I SOLVED THE PUZZLE! :D
[11:28:51 PM] Alcom Isst: ...
[11:28:57 PM] Alcom Isst: WHY WAS THIS A PUZZLE?!  >:( 
[11:30:27 PM] Alcom Isst: Do I need to add a product testing baton on top of my scope baton? DO I NEED TO DUAL WIELD THESE THINGS?!
[11:32:13 PM] Alcom Isst: Err... where did everyone go?
[11:32:30 PM] Jamesster: badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom

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[05:23:03] Will Kirkby: well I mean it's obvious
[05:23:18] Will Kirkby: it's clearly a homage to the famous internet song by mrweebl
[05:23:30] jamesster: mushroom mushroom
[05:23:32] jamesster: snaaaaaaaake
[05:23:40] Neal: good, glad we all can agree on this
[05:23:41] /)¢(  Krysto: aeiou
[05:23:44] Will Kirkby: 999
[05:23:45] Will Kirkby: 999
[05:23:48] jamesster: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[05:23:54] jamesster: here comes another chinese earthquake
[05:23:55] Will Kirkby: here comes another chinese earthquake
[05:23:57] jamesster: ...
[05:24:00] Neal: brbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrbrb
[05:24:00] Will Kirkby: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
[05:24:08] jamesster: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbrrbrbrbrbr
[05:24:11] Neal: john madden
[05:24:13] Will Kirkby: needs the 'e' at the start or it doesn't work, Neal :)
[05:24:13] jamesster: football

[05:24:59] /)¢(  Krysto: holla holla get $
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JimbobJeffers: (21 February 2015 - 10:40 AM) Sugarpop doolally, in a daisy chain.
JimbobJeffers: (21 February 2015 - 10:40 AM) I've got a squishy, messy big brain.
JimbobJeffers: (21 February 2015 - 10:41 AM) Time to go home, watch some Michael Caine.
JimbobJeffers: (21 February 2015 - 10:41 AM) He's that dudish butler whose master's insane.
JimbobJeffers: (21 February 2015 - 10:41 AM) "But you're already home, JJ"
JimbobJeffers: (21 February 2015 - 10:42 AM) Oh, go shove a brick down the banana you egg.

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