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Wot I Fink: Women in Gaming - In-Game

NOTE: For now, I just wanted to put out a couple ideas on my stance. I also only covered women in actual games. Another time I'll go more in-depth with more examples and talk about the women who surround gaming. I've rewritten this argument so many times I've lost count. Every time I attempted to write it, I always came off as hypocritical or plain mad, seemingly ignoring the problems. And I know that even in this version, that will still happen. I want to put it out there that people WILL



What Bugs Me Most About Mass Effect...

We have technology in the modern day called "Video Cameras". Most of our mobile and desktop technology now comes bundles with some form of "web camera", we have VR sensors like the Kinect and LeapMotion. Many vehicles, including trucks, buses and police cars have cameras installed to record incidents that might occur on the road. Many places in public we visit also use Video Cameras to record for security purposes. Most importantly, a significant number of people doing incredible physical activi



Electronic Arts: Moore like Embezzling Assets

http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-golden-age-for-gaming-upon-us-industry-needs-to-embrace-change/1100-6420874/ If I may, for a second; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6DAxC6wp70 I'm not even going to grace this with a description. Let's just get to ripping apart the quotes. Yeah, so long as you have the equivalent of a $1000 US to buy that shiny new PS4 in Brazil. What if you live in Afghanistan or Antarctica. Could I play games there too? As a company, you've succe



Video Game Proposal: LEGO Ultra Agents: Retake Astor

What separates you from your enemies? © Ben Steenson 2015 Note! This is a work in progress! Come back every day for new updates, gameplay features, story, images and more! Welcome to the design proposal for a new video game, LEGO Ultra Agents: Retake Astor! This proposal is being written as a hobby of mine and is not intended for real production, but with that said, I would like it serve as an example of the cool things you can do with LEGO in Video Games without the limi




Back To X - tutorial First Day - n00b Hell's Pit - lavapit Cache-less - crystalcave Mood Lighting - blanknwhite Engagement - aistart Only A Puppet - boss1 6 O’clock Heist - thebank Snipes Knowing You - rangetest Breathless - spacerepair Jail Bust - jailraid Pink Slips - escapea Ice-Spy - escapeb Power Surge - blackoutstart It's Not Your Luck - blackoutend 3, Out - cliffhangerstart Seal The Bank - capturetheflag Guardian - defendtheflag Goi



Rru Fake Steam Achievements (1): Locked

I present to you some achievements I did while I was waiting for people to get on Skype...no, there is no reward for completing these. NOTE: These are all locked, and thus are colourless. If you would like to see more, or you want to see unlocked ones, please comment away. These where made HERE. I'll add this site to my sig as well. BTW, I can patch these without having to remake them but editing the URL, so if I typo-ed or



Wot I Fink: Introductions

They always suck. But seriously, from now on, Wot I Fink is a new segment I'll be writing every once in a while with my opinion on an issue in the world, mostly covering gaming. Issues you can expect me to dump on: Sexism in gaming Casual Games/Gamers Nintendo/EA/Ubisoft Story vs Gameplay vs Graphics Indie Developers New Technologies (like the Oculus Rift) Consumers QC/QA Retro Gaming Player Interpretation and Meaning in Gaming DLC And so on, so forth.



Birthday Presents

Let's cut to the chase. This year I got an awesome haul: The Sea Cow (LEGO Set). It took me 9 hours to finish it. The LEGO Movie (Everything is Awesome Edition + Special Edition). Two different people bought me different editions, which means I get all the neat content LEGO Sort & Store President Business LED Light (Similar to my Bad Cop one) DK LEGO Minifigure Year By Year: A Visual History (Book) Klutz LEGO Crazy Action Contraptions The LEGO Movie Master Builder's Atta



The End of an Era

It feels. Empty. The closing of the old Quotes topic, is rather fitting, given another thing that happened today. Had the Quotes topic not closed, I probably wouldn't even have posted this update, due to the CoS that arrived to wreck havoc on the forums. But, in the weird way that the world works, it's best to talk about it. For those that don't know, today I gave away my Xbox. Not going to say where or to who, because that's irrelevant. The point is that, as fast as things happened, i



Wot I Fink: What Can I Learn From Zoe Quinn & Depression Quest?

Let's just get down to this in dot-point form. I'm barely in the mood for writing, but I want to get my thoughts out now. Depression Quest showcases the entirely wrong way to make a game that is supposed to bring awareness to a significant health issue. Depression is very serious, and it's important people seek treatment options where possible. Normally, just like you would have seen with Coming Out Simulator, the developer makes a nice, small, personal game that is very engaging and relies on



Letter to the Director of RRU's Events & Planning Committee

To the Director whom this concerns; I remained silent when you unfortunately modified the rules and regulations, allowing for members with no pants to join. I remained silent when you permanently terminated the "Cow Car Fund", which would have raised funds for our very own security tour bus which we would use to visit offending members in real life, so that we could ban them permanently. I even remained silent when you destroyed the need to be an active member of RRU society (mainly because



7 Extreme Powers Studios Blog Episode 3: The Monster In Your Closet

I recommend listening to "Lose Yourself" by "Eminem" while reading this... This Update has been approved of by Zephyr (In my head at least) as being about non-halo content. This Update may make Halo fans cry. This Update contains content about Extreme110's personal life. Stalkers, go away now. It has been a while, my dear fiends friends. I have been locked out of the internet at home, and at school Cyrem for some random and annoying reason added this site to the "Weap



Some Skn Stuff (Overhaul-Ists Might Be Interested)

After having a talk with Tauka Usanake on Skype, I made this list of general stuff for SKN. It's not really that important to anyone waiting on the alpha release, but it's all the stuff I've worked on during the design phase which has changed since the Christmas update: Coward Raider-Type have been dropped. If a unit is injured and loses all health, medics with a stretcher will beam down to collect the raider. Now you need a "Safe Landing Zone" (replaces the Teleport Pad) or it's



[Draft] Notes On Ratchet & Clank Audio File Extraction

This is a draft version. The full edition, with more FAQs, pre-extracted files you can download and more research is still being developed. Hold on to your butts. IMPORTANT: This tutorial was made with PAL versions of the game, apart from #1, who performed this tutorial under my instruction on an NTSC copy. It looks like I'm the first to do it, so for the internet public at large, I'm just going to go over the basics to extracting sound files from the original 4 Ratchet & Cl



Hacking Games You Should Try With Friends

When you've got some free time, some free computers and server machines, create a network with a server attached to each computer and then each computer attached to a switch, and then try playing one of the following games: Uplink: Time trial type hack, and only works when using a line, tree or star network). Choose one server to be the hack target, and another to be the log target (must be in the middle of the network when using a line network). Lock the target server down with a proxy and a



Christmas 2010 Update: �ет Подарки Зде�ь!

WARNING: This is very short because I accidently deleted it and I forgot what was in the original...LOL WARNING 2: CYREM AND I AM ARE IN THE FUTURE, SO THIS IS A LITTLE EARLY...JUST PRETEND IT'S CHRISTMAS MORNING WHEN YOU READ IT. So...my first Christmas with RRU...how interesting...Anyways, first off, MAY YOU HAVE A VERY MERRY NORMAL DAY! Hopefully when you wake up Santa's arrived and stuffed a [Please Talk Properly] load of presents under your tree so you can use them



Extreme110 Day 2010 Update: "natalis Confuto"

Well, this is it. I'm gonna be shot. Someone is gonna say, "Damn this is way too short! Weren't you gonna do something SUPA-EPIC-AWESOMENESS for your birthday as a gift to us?" Whelp. I hope this satisfies you, in the same way getting money satisfies me (BTW Could you wire me some cash? Please?). From The Beginning... In case you didn't see them, I have the other Blog Entries here: 7 Extreme Powers Studios Blog - RRU This is the portal page to all the Blog entries I ha



Ipt: The Video Game: Episode 3 - The Day The Data Died

IT'S THE ULTIMATE INTRODUCTION! Seeing as you guys won't get the jokes, I think I might as well share with you a new project I'm undertaking for my HSC. A point-and-click adventure game, "IPT: The Video Game: Episode III - The Day the Data Died" is my 'major' work for IPT: The Subject (Information Processing and Technology). Basically, the project is simply about us listing everything we know about IPT. Most of my classmates are doing simple websites, but I decided to think outside the...



My Steam Library Update.

So, the Winter Sale was pretty big, and I spent a further $100. So, this is where my Steam Library is at now. Games Age of Chivalry Alice: Madness Returns Alien Swarm America's Army 3 Amnesia: The Dark Descent Assassin's Creed (Director's Cut) Assassin's Creed II (Digital Deluxe) Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (Digital Deluxe) Assassin's Creed: Revelations (Gold) Audiosurf BioShock BioShock 2 The Cat and The Coup Codename Gordon Coil Counter-Str



RRURadio: Testing A New Service *Now*

So, as you may have seen, I made a topic about radio improvements, and the radio has now disappeared with no changes made. What's been going on is I've been investigating operating my own internet servers, including a few gamer servers and the RRU radio. I've got the software set up and the playlists set, and a mic is ready for recording, but I now need to get a new job so I can afford the last few pars for the server machine and for my own private ISP connection so I can host everything without



Mindless Rambling Thoughts About LEGO Lord of the Rings

This isn't a proper review or anything special; just a summation of thoughts about 35 hours of gameplay. I 100%'d LEGO Lord of the Rings today. I plan on doing similar for all of the Traveler's Tales games in a kind of morbid, painful adventure. As much as I hate the repetitive nature, there's things about the formula that appeal to me, such as the stories/licenses, the colours and the kind of mix-and-match gameplay that sporadically appears. I like Lord of the Rings, which is why I decided to



Ratchet & Clank 3: 1108 Beta Notes & Research

EDITS TO MAKE:   Segments define the state of a level (specifically Enemy and Crate placement), based on player data when they first load in. For example; Major Segment = First time you go through a level Minor Segment = Less crates, less bolts to prevent bolt farming 3 Invisible Difficulty Levels that you can be on (Easy, Medium (Normal, Default), Hard), likely tied into segments (Note: Difficulties were only switched for future levels), with Challe



7 Extreme Powers Blog Episode 2: In Soviet Russia, Halo Screws You!

Yeah, yeah, I know what you want. You want me to write up saying "YEAH WE DID IT WE FINALLY FINISHED!!!". Well, ain't gonna happen anytime soon fool, so get to reading! When Halo Attacks... Honestly, I've never seen this many errors from a Halo Map when it gets compiled. SERIOUSLY! Just take a look when I tried to compile the map 'n64': And I thought it said "No More Errors For Tools"...Oh well, I'll fix it eventually... I found the deer! Well, our spec



A Complete Mess.

Human life is obsessed with patterns We strive to learn patterns so we never have to relearn them again Games are about patterns Good games teach how to solve patterns, not just give answers to patterns Games therefore are teaching devices [can be described as art] Games therefore should be about things important to humanity We need to get over conflict, fighting etc, as it costs us resources including lives, money, food, etc Therefore, shooters are a waste Humans unfortu



The "Gift" of Public Speaking

I'm not here to break apart whether "gifts" really are, or if they're a state of mind. What I'm here to do is provide some kind of assistance to those who are put off by public speaking. Here's a quick list of top tips from an actual PR representative and hobbyist-lecturer. Always go first for presentations and speeches. I know that sounds terrifying and silly, but trust me. The longer you leave it, the more tension that rises. This will lead to more mistakes, and even if you have really good



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