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Fluffy Cupcake

(which is the reason some people joined the heard, so I've heard)

I see what you did there.

But you're right. That's one of the reasons why I became a brony, was all of the fanwork. And Discord. Can't go wrong with a little chocolate rain.

The first heard was actually typo. :P

But.. Discord isn't even a mane character and is only in 2 episodes, so why become a brony because of him?

(saying main as mane was intentional, as it always is in this topic)

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(which is the reason some people joined the heard, so I've heard)

I see what you did there.

But you're right. That's one of the reasons why I became a brony, was all of the fanwork. And Discord. Can't go wrong with a little chocolate rain.

The first heard was actually typo. :P

But.. Discord isn't even a mane character and is only in 2 episodes, so why become a brony because of him?

(saying main as mane was intentional, as it always is in this topic)

Discord was a GREAT villain. He's why I'm still writing my fanfic. He's just one of those characters that people have grown to REALLY like.

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(which is the reason some people joined the heard, so I've heard)

I see what you did there.

But you're right. That's one of the reasons why I became a brony, was all of the fanwork. And Discord. Can't go wrong with a little chocolate rain.

The first heard was actually typo. :P

But.. Discord isn't even a mane character and is only in 2 episodes, so why become a brony because of him?

(saying main as mane was intentional, as it always is in this topic)

Discord was a GREAT villain. He's why I'm still writing my fanfic. He's just one of those characters that people have grown to REALLY like.

Even though he has only showed up one time.
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True... But that's why I have my fanfic. And a bunch of people have made fanfics for Discord.

Anyways, on another topic... Which character in FiM is your favourite? Mine would have to be either Twilight Sparkle or Discord.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Loved today's episode, it was faaaabulous.


Oh and (read after watching)


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The episode was great and it had a great lesson in the end. I loved the part with Derpy because it was so funny and I liked Pinkie's angry voice.

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Sadie Meowsalot

This episode was of exceptionally better quality than some of the ones they've produced as of late. Although, it seemed a tad short.

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Well..its been a long time since I was last posting on RRU. I left originally because of all the bronies but I have noticed the "disease of the internet" has slowly infected me and I felt like I had to start watching this. I now love My Little Pony lol I am only a few episodes in but so far its amazing. I would not have posted in this topic if Sadie had not told me to soo hello fellow bronies.

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Well..its been a long time since I was last posting on RRU. I left originally because of all the bronies but I have noticed the "disease of the internet" has slowly infected me and I felt like I had to start watching this. I now love My Little Pony lol I am only a few episodes in but so far its amazing. I would not have posted in this topic if Sadie had not told me to soo hello fellow bronies.

Welcome friend, welcome

Enjoy the magic and friendship.

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Fluffy Cupcake

Saw this on EqD, thought I would post it here to see what you guys get.


I got banished to magic kidnergarten with Applejack.

You know.. I don't even know how that is possible.

Since Extreme was on at the time, and that he is the top hater poster in this thread (and I have nothing better to do atm), I will reward him with a unfavour by doing his scenario for him.


Violated Fluttershy.


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I Am Not Here

Saw this on EqD, thought I would post it here to see what you guys get.


I got banished to magic kidnergarten with Applejack.

You know.. I don't even know how that is possible.

Since Extreme was on at the time, and that he is the top hater poster in this thread (and I have nothing better to do atm), I will reward him with a unfavour by doing his scenario for him.


Violated Fluttershy.


I violated Mayor Mare D:

BTW anyone here ship RocketDash?

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Since Extreme was on at the time, and that he is the top hater poster in this thread (and I have nothing better to do atm), I will reward him with a unfavour by doing his scenario for him.


Violated Fluttershy.


Hold the f***ing phone. If I "violated" said Pony, it would be with a chainsaw and a grenade.

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