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RRU Minecraft Server


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Added! Enjoy the server. :) In other news...




New Forum!


The old forum was pretty nasty, to put it nicely, particularly on the admin side. So I've put together a new forum for RRUCraft! It's still no way near as neat as RRU, but it'll do the job a lot better.


Check it out here.


While it isn't compulsory, it would be nice for regular players on the server to sign up to that forum. This thread has hit 37 pages and is cloggy enough, so with a dedicated forum I'm able to create proper topics for the server, e.g. for games and such. Note however that you can still view the forum and its topics without registering as a user. :)


From now on, while I'll still organise games on this topic, information (e.g. hiscores, check out the UHC topic) will be kept over there.


Happy mining!

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...well, I should've said "Cool"...   ..."Nice!" is a bit of an over/underestimation. Also, do I have to create a new account? The one I have now doesn't seem to work.

Thanks. :) If you are referring to the account you had on the old website, yes you will need to make a new account. I probably should have mentioned that. And I also should have mentioned... Please can everyone who signs up use a name similar to their RRU/Minecraft username? It'd keep things simple.


Oi JJ, don't forget to add DM, Xiron, Fushi and I as mods on there when we sign up.

Of course!


Signed up, pending approval. :)

Gotcha, adding you now.

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I'm pleased to announce the first round of RRUCraft's new game mode: Team Deathmatch! Full details of this game mode can be found here.


If enough people are interested, I'd like to host the first round on Saturday 8th November, 18:00 UTC. I think a minimum of eight players (two teams) would be required, if not enough people are interested then that's fine. If you are able to make this time, please post here or in the linked topic; if you'd like to play but can't at the specified time, also post letting me know when you're free!


No user-created maps have been submitted yet (not that I was expecting them this soon), so the first round will be played on a small map I just finished, Obsidian Bridge.


Again, if you're interested, please post in this topic or the linked one!


P.S. Added, Ace, if you didn't know already. :)

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The interiors of the buildings remind me so much of TF2, I think it might be the use of a Blue team verses a Red team.

Other than that I'll get myself an account on the new forum whence I can.

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Obsidian Bridge

inb4 aidenbridgepons claims "obsidian" is somehow related to, an alternate form of, or pronounced "aiden".

Not unless aiden created volcanoes. :P


The interiors of the buildings remind me so much of TF2, I think it might be the use of a Blue team verses a Red team.

Other than that I'll get myself an account on the new forum whence I can.

I've never played Team Fortress, so I guess that's just coincidence. ;)


Great, although I'd just like to remind people that you don't actually need an account on that forum to take part in this round, it's just if you'd like to discuss the server a bit more.

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I have some good news. The RRU Minecraft Build Wars Championship #1 will be under way in a week or so. Right now, I am in the process of building the new Emerald Stadium, Which when completed will be larger and have more features. And No it isn't made out of emeralds, I just thought it sounded cool.


Now, I want to ask that members of the server please not mess with the stadium while I work on it, or when I'm not on. Please don't ask if you can help build it. I appreciate the offer, but this is a precision build which I do not take lightly. Plus my ideas change around a lot, so it's best that only I build it in case I change my mind half way through.


I will post here and on the server forum when I have completed the stadium and when you can sign up for the first RRU MBWC. Expect more in-depth rules as well. I'm making several changes to my previous layout.


(BTW, the stadium is probably going to be twice if not more times bigger than the arena :P )

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I can't wait to see your new stadium, DM, the old one was epic enough that I can't imagine how you'll top it. Well, except for the ol' "bigger is better".


That's right, Mael, as I said above I'm hoping to host it >this Saturday. If you'd like to sign up then let me know! I'll be organising games (not just this, but things like UHC as well) a little different from now on - rather than creating several pages of PM trying to work out the best time, I will just announce a time and see who can make it. Saves a lot of time and effort. ;)

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When I get back onto the server, is it all right if I build a mansion for the W.I.P Detective Gamemode? I may not be able to access Command Blocks but I could still make the building it takes place in.

As a bonus, it could be reused for other gamemodes if the Detective Gamemode doesn't work out.

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I'm also in the process of building a prototype CTF arena, though the full will likely be larger.

Wahey, I'd be interested to see how that turns out!


When I get back onto the server, is it all right if I build a mansion for the W.I.P Detective Gamemode? I may not be able to access Command Blocks but I could still make the building it takes place in.

As a bonus, it could be reused for other gamemodes if the Detective Gamemode doesn't work out.

Certainly, build away! You don't need to ask my permission for that. :) And if you do need command blocks, I'm sure I/another mod can help make them for you.

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I'm sure I/another mod can help make them for you.


Thank you, but before I begin using command blocks when I finish the mansion I need to figure out how to get command blocks to spot a TripWire Hook and then break it :P


Also, I made a few pictures of the prototype, showing what the rooms would probably look like (it doesn't really look like a mansion just yet, but I like it);




The hallway to the central "Hub" if you want to call it that;





So far the hub contains 3 doors to seperate parts of the house (not including the one that leads to the hallway). The chest is where the player will be introduced to the important tool; the "Magnifying Glass"





This is one of the first rooms (other than the hallway) that stems from the Hub.

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  • 2 weeks later...

With all the uncertainly and issues Bukkit is having, has a Bukkit alternative been considered and thought over?


I would love to get some of the good features we had on v1 of the server back on v2, and waiting an indefinite amount of time just for a possible Bukkit update is getting old.

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The Ace Railgun

I've seen spigot, but I didn't know when the update was coming out, thanks for that Le. I'll be sure to add it once it's released.

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I wasn't waiting for Bukkit, rather I believe it's been dissolved thanks to the legal problem - I think there's a similar piece of kit that's been taken down too. Mojang did say they'd be updating Bukkit themselves, but... By the time that happens they'll probably have their own modding API they've been promising for ages out anyway.

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Interested in joining soon hopefully.

Looks like you only need to make 2 more posts, and then you are eligible. What's your Minecraft IGN?

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Interested in joining soon hopefully.

Looks like you only need to make 2 more posts, and then you are eligible. What's your Minecraft IGN?




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Interested in joining soon hopefully.


I'm not going to be a hypocrite (this same thing happened to me) so i'm going to say it differently than xiron did to me.


You, as far as i know, have not been active on RRU for 4 months, so you sadly can't join. :(


Edit: Nevermind, i read your blog, you've been on for two years.

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